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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Mushibugyo 14
The studio must be rich or something to fund so many episodes. Animation also seems to have gotten better. Also liked how the new enemies are far more powerful and harder to take down although some of the CG transitions were jarring.

Jinbei also seems slightly more perverted. Maybe he's becoming a man now. Ha.


Gundam F91 pt. 2

While I agree that the Earth Federation has been lead by a whole bunch of arrogant douchebags since at least Zeta Gundam, I don't think I agree with Cosmo Babilonia's response that reinstating aristocracy is the answer, and I simply must laugh at Mr. Ronah's "Noblemen and Commoners will have equal rights." You cannot have an aristocracy and have equal rights bro. Not the kind you've shown you have, anyway.

Seabook and his little sister remind me a bit of Judau and Leina, although their relationship isn't as noisy. Judau and Leina were boisterous, and while Seabook is definitely a Gundam Protagonist, yelling at adults and stuff, his relationship with his sister seems a lot more calm.

You just spent forever trying to figure out how to activate an experimental and powerful Gundam class Mobile Suit. Your ship is besieged, and it has been made very clear that the government doesn't give a flip and will not be sending aide, and in fact may shoot you down if it suits their needs. This Gundam is your ONE chance of making it out of here alive. What do you do?

Flippantly thrust piloting responsibilities onto an untested, untrained youth you barely know, of course! If this hadn't worked four times before and wasn't written in Bright Noa's "How to be a good father figure to everyone's kids but your own" handbook as well has his bestseller "How to be a war hero in 50 easy episodes" I would seriously question this man's priorities.

Oh my gosh this song is the opening to the Imperial March. Like almost note for note. Has it really been so long since a Gundam was involved in anything that people have forgotten about them? I guess it's been 30 years since Char's Counter Attack, which would have been the last time a Gundam was known to be in publicly visible combat, assuming that the events of Unicorn are not as well known as the events of CCA to the general populace.

So yeah, I guess 30 years is time enough for a Gundam to be something of a mechanical curiosity. It'd be like seeing a tank or fighter from the 70s today. The F91 isn't a half bad looking suit. Kinda resembles the Wing, with less yellow and red.

Whoa odd scene transition from Seabook facing the fact he just killed some dudes to him walkin' round askin' bout Cecily. That transition could've been better. This whole scene could've been better. It feels really out of place.

BEAM FLAGS? BEAM FLAGS. That's some G Gundam stuff there, man. Oh dude this guy has the most douchebag smug expression ever for talking to a kid who
just lost his dad. I mean really the crew of this ship is basically all douchebags to Seabook. You gave a teenager a Gundam, he used it for a stupid teenage reason, and his dad died because of his teenage idiocy. Rub it in, why don't you.

AHAHAHAHAHA. Seabook literally turns from one scene into another. AHAHAHA. I know this was supposed to be a full series, but man is it glaring in this movie. The movie isn't bad, though, it just obviously isn't what it wants to be.


Little Witch Academia


That was the best thing I've seen in quite a while. I now fully understand the hype surrounding Trigger, and I'm so glad there is a sequel in the works for LWA. I'm am now officially super hyped for Kill la Kill!


great character design

amazing art direction

god-tier animation
Just finished The Last of US. Game of the generation. One of the best stories told in gaming imo and I have realised that the stories I enjoy the most are the ones that are a rollercoaster of emotions, ones where you don't know whats going to happen next or how the journey will end. Can someone recommend me some animes like this?
Just finished The Last of US. Game of the generation. One of the best stories told in gaming imo and I have realised that the stories I enjoy the most are the ones that are a rollercoaster of emotions, ones where you don't know whats going to happen next or how the journey will end. Can someone recommend me some animes like this?

High School of the Dead

don't listen to me


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 5

Did Elena and her helmet just make a Madoka reference? Huh. What kind of last name is Peoples anyway.
So Ao can see more colors than normal folks? I wonder if that's something he's inherited from Eureka.
How does a SLOTH escape before you can catch it? It's a SLOTH. This is like saying a snail or a turtle ran away before you could take his picture.

Team Goldilocks is suddenly a new favorite team. That old guy looks super jolly. I'd be on his team. We'd die if we ever saw combat, but the rest of the time would be pretty great. Also I definitely see why Cajun liked Elena so much.

Team Goldilocks is the veteran team? But that little girl is like, six! I mean, her dad and big sister there could defs be vets I guess, assuming big sis joined the team when she was little girl's age, but STILL.

Bruno gives the best hugs. Also, no lie, when I was a kid, we had a stuffed bear, and his name was Bruno, and he gave the best hugs. When I lived in Brazil, I had a friend, and his name was Brunno, and he gave the best hugs. It's an innate power of people named Bruno, even if they don't always tap into it.


Wait, these things have been showing up since
at least the fifties? How long have Scubs been on Earth, then? This is a little confusing and somewhat contradictory to the entire timeline of E7. In fact, this entire plot seems contradictory to E7, since E7 took place in the far future after the Scub Coral had conquered the world.

This had better not be some bullshit time travel plot.

Fleur's kind of a bitch.


This season is falling me, so far I haven't found anything too interesting except Free!. :/ Even Tomoko/Genshiken bore me since I already read the manga and I don't usually watch adaptations of things i already read. Though i'll try giving Genshiken another shot, i guess.

I hope Gatchaman is good since it's anime original + Nakamura.


Glass Fleet 5

Is Ralph Vetty's girlfriend? Is Ralph a girl? Is Michelle? Is Cleo? Is ANYONE?

This show is so . . . I don't . . . I can't . . . man, why am I watching this? Such a bad show. Its one benefit is that there are some goofy character designs. Oh, and Luci Christian.


Utena 14

Holy crap that got really dark, really quickly. I honestly though it'd take way longer to escalate like this.

Overall, an utterly fantastic way to begin an arc. So much going on here. We got introduced to a new set of villains for one, who've got some terrifying powers. The whole
mass grave, black rose, black duelist ring
scene was terrifying. We got introduced to
Anthy's brother (WHAT!?!?!)
who turns out to be the man in black from last episode. Something seems off with him, in multiple ways. I still think he'll turn out to be
the dark half of Utena's prince
. He also has to be related to the new villains in some form, right? The story of his
bride to be
was damn near heartbreaking this episode. Really well done.

God Anthy was creepy as hell this episode. I did not like the implications of that last scene. Seems we may have a
Nanami situation
going on here. Do not want. Cannot wait to see where that goes.

Most interesting to me is how the new villains re-frame the student council. No way those guys don't have a part to play here, but they also don't seem evil enough to be a part of this new group. I could totally see Juri and Mickey cast in more heroic roles this arc. Especially
Juri, given her scene where she gives Utena the sword at the end of the last arc.
Sadly, that will probably lead to tragedy. Touga will probably continue to be a dastardly bastard, but I don't see him joining the new group. I don't see him forsaking control under any circumstance.

Anyway, I was on board with this show before. Now I'm extra on board. No clue what to expect, but man will it be a fun ride.


Yeah, that's probably what you should be more concerned about.

I dunno. The show's only appeal to me so far is in the goofy appearance of side characters and the hilariously bad script. If CG mechs are bad, CG spaceships are somehow much, much worse.

Bunny Drop 5

Daikichi may not be some super special person who influences the lives of many, but he's proving himself a really upstanding guy, taking in and caring for Rin, and doing everything he can for her, putting her needs before his in everything. He's being very impressive for a man who, until recently, was a 30 year old with no real direction in his life.

Rin rejecting his offer to become her dad kinda stung, though.


Danganronpa 01:


Best girl

It's so true. I fell for Asahina when I played the game even though I can't stand :chet. She's just so bubbly and adorable.

Fucking subtitle ass people. Yuri is far more important especially in this day and age.
I really dont understand how that choice is so far behind the others :(

I mean its losing to Inferno Cop. REALLY?

Well, some people could be paying attention to Trigger's explicit request to just vote for the proper poll options instead of adding their own silly ones. (Though since I presume the Inferno Cop option is fan-added too, that's no excuse for it beating out the yuri option. FOR SHAME.)

Karila totally looks like Dekomori from Chuunibyou.

Old news!

Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu 1

Hatsuse Karira comes across as the leader of the group. I'm tempted to ignore the fact that she has an actual name and just call her DekoRitsu, since she looks and acts like a cross between Dekomori from Chuuni and Ritsu from K-ON. In other words, high best girl potential.


Maturity, bitches.
The Hompride Fred thing has a pretty explicit source leading to their appearance, though, so isn't quite as totally random.
Oh that was interesting to see. Still pretty nice he made it in. Since they changed his eyes I wonder if they did do enough research to realise it was a corporate icon.

We once got a letter from a production company about perhaps using our house for a production but since it would become a film set rather than just photos for reference we decided against it/it may have become forgotten about. Shame, I could have tried to sneak Akari into the background of one of the scenes.



Episode the Fifth

At this point, it must be painfully clear to all members of the audience that Kyube is NOT a good guy. Maybe the Witches really are evil, but Kyube isn't any better. Oh, sure, the Angels posed a significant threat to mankind in Evangelion, but was Gendo really better than them?

Kyube's groping a young girl's spirit. THE DEVIL HIMSELF, I tell ya.

Green is being hella chill about having woken up in a seedy as hell warehouse with a bunch of strangers. This is why Satan doesn't want her soul. She prolly sold it to a meth-head back in the fifth grade for a Snickers.

All this youthful hubris will lead Blue to one of the following ends: 1)losing her head to a clip art demon. 2)getting elected class president while her demon-riddled not-boyfriend valvrapes the class idol.

Drinking game: take a shot every time Madoka smiles that isn't part of the OP. You will consume less liquor than a Prohibitionist. JEEZ BLUE, you got ONE WISH in exchange for your soul, ONE WISH, and what do you waste it on? Some other guy's hands.

I mean really. How could this go wrong?

This fucking kid didn't even apologize to her. I hate you, violin boy. I really do. Kyube, meanwhile, is being evasive as fuck about Black. Poor Red is gonna get her ass handed to her by Blue, and you can tell that Kyube's trying to warn her, except not really. Kyube don't care.

Also, way to like, not warn Blue at all, Kyube. And now you're back to invading Madoka's mind. DEMON. "It can't be stopped"? BULLSHIT. YOU DIRTY RAT CABBIT. This is only happening because you didn't warn Blue it would happen. You could've stopped this, but instead you're using it to try and ensnare Madoka in your scary demon game.

I'm on to you, you creep.


Subete no aware
Dokidoki? Precure 23


You know, I thought that they were done with the hyper-feminine-heteronormative transformations once they went to the cellphones, but I guess not. Although that lipstick is fucking ridiculous. :p
(Also, I guess eye shadow doesn't count as part of the :madpierrot fetish?)

The weird thing is that in Cure Ace form, Kugiloli actually sounds like a grown woman (inasmuch as you can only hear hints of kugiloli trying to come out) but they make her go full kugiloli when she's in her civilian form. Why bother?

And I suppose Cure Ace is the haxxor character similar to that one character in Heartcatch?


Dokidoki? Precure 23

The weird thing is that in Cure Ace form, Kugiloli actually sounds like a grown woman (inasmuch as you can only hear hints of kugiloli trying to come out)

Now I'm getting mental images of a tsundere loli trapped inside a :chet-shaped prison, beating powerlessly against the walls with her little arms and screaming for somebody to help, but nobody can hear her.


"Now this is what I'm talking about." - Couldn't have said it better myself, Lucchini.
Lucchini is the chet self-insert character confirmed.

Yes I know, but Ultimabro likes the bad one so I figured it'd be a nice compromise. :)

The ending of HeartCatch would have made this so fitting. Tsubomi is all grown upo but her sister and her friends are the new PreCure with advice from the old cast. Fuck you Toei.

Pom Poko is the next Ghibli movie to get the Blu-ray treatment, arriving in Japan in early November. For catalog films, this leaves just Ocean Waves, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away.
I need to get this to add to Porco Rosso I have inbound.

Also coming soon to Blu-ray, everyone's favorite crazy over-the-top Gainax OVA, Re: Cutie Honey.

Oh yes. I need this soon. The DVDs were atrocious.

What was he banned for now?
Being racist by calling murderous mobs barbarians.

I'd rather LWA not be smut.
But that is the will of the people. I'm sorry.

Then make it an extra! We need someone to create more doujins!

Look how corrupted you have become.
Will me saying that this is taking up my Lodoss timeslot be any sort of consolation?
Or something else not sure been thinking about a number of things.

But Needless has such an offensively overt the top yuri ED!
But the Specials delivered on that in spades as well.

Was this take on the Swimming Anime's ED ever posted? If so, someone link me the post so I can delete it and pretend it never happened.
This is a massive improvement.


Need yuri.

Faux yuri is usually acceptable.

I'd rather LWA not be smut.

Same. Its adorable as is. Leave it pure.

Man I am having a hard time finding something I like on CR :(

On the other hand I bought the first collection of Fairy Tail on bluray and am really enjoying that. Is there a reason that a lot of people seem to think it's awful?

Not enough Juvia in it.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 101: An Invitation to War

~ It's sort of like a giant elephant stepping on thin ice. ~

I don't understand what the Terraists are trying to do now. First they helped build up the Neue Reich, and now they want to disintegrate it again? How can they gain control of the Empire if their desired puppet, Kaiser Reinhard, doesn't have control of it?
Looks like Julian will finally have to show his worth in fleet combat. I'm sure Reinhard will want to face him himself at some point, in order to measure Yang's successor. So short after the honeymoon too. Guess that's part of being a Kaiser.


School Days - 03-04
There's no going back after episode 4's ending, is there? Just...holy shit, Makoto. On a different note, things seem to be getting a little bit darker, especially with the hinting about with Katsura in episode 3 and Saionji's growing creepiness. Also, this show is slowly getting more lewd and annoying with it's fanservice, but it's still fun to riff on it all...for the most part. Let's see how this goes. >.>


What if Sucy made a sleeping potion for Diana as a cruel joke and the only way to wake her up is by a kiss? Hohoooooo~ *nudge nudge*

Hmm. Well that could be alright after all :D

jgminto, I hope you don't mind me jumping in on the Watamote avatar.

More Tomoko is a very good thing!

I've heard, by the way which of these two shows would serve as a better anti-suicide measure post-Texhnolyze, Haibane Renmei or Niea_7?

Haibane Renmei is excellent. My favorite series.
Kill-la-Kill stuff!

Some basic info for the four heavenly kings.

Uzu Sanageyama is in charge of athletic clubs like Tennis and Boxing.

Houka Inumuta is in charge of the budget and likes analyzing shit hardcore. He's in charge of tactical information and the like.

Ira Gamagoori is in charge of the morals committee. He swears absolute loyalty to Satsuki.

Nonon Jakuzure in charge of the culture clubs.


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi # - 25

The OP was updated but the eyecatch was left with old product placement.
New eyecatch is a total downgrade. Still uses the same super classy tune, but with an animation that doesn't match it at all.

Speaking of the OP, I'm not usually one to watch the OP with every episode even for those I like, but I haven't yet felt the desire to skip a Doremi OP.
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