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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Durarara!!x2 20
Hey, a bunch of new characters, exactly what this series needed!

I was laughing harder than I should have.

Durarara!!x2 - 20

Izaya is such a troll. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I missed Mikado this episode :(

Charlotte 8

I quite liked the episode. A cooldown from last week, though I still not really comfortable with Yuus quick character changes. Aside from that, the new character (
ZHIENDs vocalist
) was pretty interesting and seems to be quite important to the main plot, whatever that's going to be.
The engrish though, lol.
Shimoneta 08


Full yandere

Basically - Everything is lewd if you try hard enough. New girl is even worse then Anna, RIP Okuma.
Charlotte 8

You know what I'll say it, your engrish wasn' even particularly good-bad. I am disappoint.

As Basileuss mentioned the change from one episode to the other was bad. They should have had at least one episode where the MC is like trying to start his daily routine and shit keeps going bad, but at least he's taking baby steps. They somewhat attempted to do that in this episode with the near-triggers, but he was way too calm. Didn't even shed a single tear remembering or talking about his sister. Which he might simply not do as some people can stop crying fairly quick, but after his outburst last episode it's hard to imagin.e
Ushio & Tora 8

Disappointed that we didn't get to see Ushio running along the body of this youkai that has been teased in the OP, but the fight was still pretty great regardless. Ushio & Tora have such great chemistry and their interactions both comedic and serious really make this show work.
Working!!! 8

So the Yamada plot-line is closed now, anything left is simply a gag at this point. Satou-san and katanashi-kun romantic plot-line seem to once again be at the top of the show, though little advancement was made today on the one I care for the most. Next episode seems like they'll be continuing the topic though, so I have little doubt they'll close these plot lines by the end of the show. And I'll be satisfied.


Mushishi 06
.I think this is the closest Mushishi ever got to slasher horror. lol
So he was grafting her head onto new bodies
? yikes. The last few scenes were just mesmerizing, whether through the sheer beauty of the last bloom of the tree or through the creepiness of
Saho's departure.

Mushishi 07
More bitter than sweet ending but at least hope remains.

3 really strong eps in a row. Keep it up Ginko.
Charlotte 8

I really liked this episode a lot. Yuu is trying very hard to get back to normalcy since
the incident
and several times was either
reminded of his sister or had to stop himself from doing something he would normally do if his sister was still around.
It's sad in its own way and how he's trying to cope with it in a mature and normal way. Trying to find salvation for someone and give to someone else what he lost. Yuu may have lost it last episode starting with sadness then resorting to loneliness and then finally resorting to violence. After the conclusion of last weeks episode this is the natural next step in what a person would do to cope with the loss. And while Yuu was constantly reminded of
his sister,
he was able to find some normalcy for his life.

Charlotte 8

You know what I'll say it, your engrish wasn' even particularly good-bad. I am disappoint.

As Basileuss mentioned the change from one episode to the other was bad. They should have had at least one episode where the MC is like trying to start his daily routine and shit keeps going bad, but at least he's taking baby steps. They somewhat attempted to do that in this episode with the near-triggers, but he was way too calm. Didn't even shed a single tear remembering or talking about his sister. Which he might simply not do as some people can stop crying fairly quick, but after his outburst last episode it's hard to imagin.e

We already had him do that last week. Having him break down again would overstay it's welcome. That's not to say he didn't cry. Particularly there was the one scene where
he was about to call his sister to tell her he was going to be late and had to stop himself because he can't do that anymore.
His eyes welled up when it happened. If he cried people would've labeled it as being "melodramatic".
Rin-ne 20

At first I enjoyed the love triangle shenanigans, but now they've just gotten really old. At this point I'll finish the series but Rin-ne just isn't very good.
Charlotte 8

I really liked this episode a lot. Yuu is trying very hard to get back to normalcy since
the incident
and several times was either
reminded of his sister or had to stop himself from doing something he would normally do if his sister was still around.
It's sad in its own way and how he's trying to cope with it in a mature and normal way. Trying to find salvation for someone and give to someone else what he lost. Yuu may have lost it last episode starting with sadness then resorting to loneliness and then finally resorting to violence. After the conclusion of last weeks episode this is the natural next step in what a person would do to cope with the loss. And while Yuu was constantly reminded of
his sister,
he was able to find some normalcy for his life.

We already had him do that last week. Having him break down again would overstay it's welcome. That's not to say he didn't cry. Particularly there was the one scene where
he was about to call his sister to tell her he was going to be late and had to stop himself because he can't do that anymore.
His eyes welled up when it happened. If he cried people would've labeled it as being "melodramatic".

Shedding some tears after the outburst is healthy, some people don't ever fully get over it quickly. Having tears escape is completely different from breaking down.


The bigger problem is that they went right back to the stupid comedy bit and just generally acted like nothing happened.
The bigger problem is that they went right back to the stupid comedy bit and just generally acted like nothing happened.

That's not true. Like I posted, there was several times where Yuu talked about what happened and was addressing things that he can no longer do now that
his sister is gone
. This episode was his attempt at normalcy and trying to get past his destructiveness. They directly addressed what was happening while trying to move the plot forward for another pair of siblings while helping Yuu overcome and deal with what has happened.


Oreimo - EPs 9-12
Oh well, so much for Kirino not having pretty stong feelings towards her own brother... I would've enjoyed the last couple episodes more if only things hadn't focused so much on her. The finale felt like a crazy ass-pull with that timely mouse click that triggered a game scene that said exactly what Kirino wanted her brother to say right then and there.

Like Kirino herself said, it's almost impossible to actually like a tsundere that's always in tsun-tsun mode. Out of the supporting cast, Kuroneko was the best character because her constant sarcasm often put the cast in interesting situations, but the remaining characters were fairly one-note in what they did, failing to generate any good chemistry among them. Also, and while it was kind of surprising to learn that Sayori was a rich girl and behaved in a totally different way at home, it looks like that ended up being a throwaway scene in the end, which was a bit disappointing since it was nice to see how Kuroneko behaved while out-of-character.


Charlotte episode 8

Tomori loves post rock? Nice. I wonder if she likes Russian Circles or Godspeed You! Black Emperor?


I just like it when they have the audacity to put something other than the characters on the front, because apparently that's a crazy thing to do. It's probably just a slipcover anyways.
I typically like nontraditional art and animation, but I really don't like how the characters look in God Eater.

Granted, I've never played the game it's based on, so I'm not the target demographic here.

But they look like plastic figures that are moving around, not actual people. Like they're never given enough animation to give the impression of a human moving.

It's weird, because I know loads of money and talent went into its production.


That's not true. Like I posted, there was several times where Yuu talked about what happened and was addressing things that he can no longer do now that
his sister is gone
. This episode was his attempt at normalcy and trying to get past his destructiveness. They directly addressed what was happening while trying to move the plot forward for another pair of siblings while helping Yuu overcome and deal with what has happened.

I mean in tone, they have that alongside goofy comedy spots and the episode felt a lot like something before Episode 6. It may note have been melancholy but I don't think doing comedy spots with Yusarin was the right answer either.


I'm not a fan of Ufotable either, I think everything they do looks ugly but they obviously work their fingers to the bone.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Episode 9

Flipping the table is fun but finally the tag duel is upon us and more Manjoume. He hasnt been around in many episodes. I think after the tag duel is the last of what I remember of the anime, so it will all be new material. Maybe a random moment here or there.
I just like it when they have the audacity to put something other than the characters on the front, because apparently that's a crazy thing to do. It's probably just a slipcover anyways.

It works when the show has a recognizable image or symbol. Personally I prefer minimalist covers/posters if done correctly/cleverly.

I'll take


anyday, but I'm sure there's a marketability to really busy posters/covers over simplistic ones.
Interesting cover. God Eater Blu-ray vol.1. Out 29/10/2015

Looks really good.

I'd rather have a picture of Lenka though, maybe he would've looked cool in that minimalistic artstyle.


Oh wow, no Rokka today, apparently it's going to air tommorow :(
Is Gatchaman also delayed?

I'm actually kinda upset that there's no Rokka, I think I've grown more fond of the show than I'd like to admit.
I'm not a fan of Ufotable either, I think everything they do looks ugly but they obviously work their fingers to the bone.

Have you seen Minori Scramble or Yoyo and Nene? Those works have a different look from the Nasu-verse or game adaptation styles people associate ufotable with.

Is Gatchaman also delayed?

NTV is running some special 24-hour marathon, so all their regular programming, including Gatchaman Crowds Insight, is postponed.


Have you seen Minori Scramble or Yoyo and Nene? Those works have a different look from the Nasu-verse or game adaptation styles people associate ufotable with.

Yoyo and Nene is fantastic, I got to a screening of it up in Scotland a few years ago now. I love just how fun it is! And yeah, all the pre Nasu shows from Ufoatable look completely different but still have some great animation. There are some amazing Itano circus cuts in Futakoi Alternative.


It works when the show has a recognizable image or symbol. Personally I prefer minimalist covers/posters if done correctly/cleverly.
I'm sure there's a marketability to really busy posters/covers over simplistic ones.

Pretty much, as you say, I understand why covers and box art end up the way that they do, graphics design and box-art isn't priority these days so they just slap any old assets on and ship the thing. To add to that, the Japanese committees are strict on what western publishers can use in terms of assets so sometimes they don't have a choice, having said that I do like a nice minimalist cover. Hell I don't even mind busy artwork that include characters, as long as its bespoke and unique. As it is, anime is a cutthroat industry so nobody wants to be adventurous.

Have you seen Minori Scramble or Yoyo and Nene? Those works have a different look from the Nasu-verse or game adaptation styles people associate ufotable with.

I haven't, I'll have a look.


Mine is pretty and pink
Durarara!!x2 - 20

I've completly lost track of all these characters, can't even remember the "MC"'s name, think I need to rewatch this serie soon just to memorize all the characters. (Also Izaya episode which means I will sit here watching it angry while he's fucking up the current situation in Ikeburo even more
I love to hate him, Shizuo best guy.

Shokugeki no Soma 20

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one ends as everyone seems capable to get to the next stage, also sleeping Souma after the credits :D


Also we're way past middle of the season so which animes is worth picking up now after most of the initial hype has blown over?


Durarara!!x2 - 20

I've completly lost track of all these characters, can't even remember the "MC"'s name, think I need to rewatch this serie soon just to memorize all the characters.

Shokugeki no Soma 20

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one ends as everyone seems capable to get to the next stage, also sleeping Souma after the credits :D

Drop by the wiki and read ep synopsis
that's what I had to do to remember who the fuck Kida's GF was
So that Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (manga) ending makes me ponder quite a bit.

Overall SZS is quite amazing and has got to be among the better written comedies/satires. There were so many idiosyncrasies of life covered in a humorous but also thought-provoking manner, it's quite impressive even if it was rather formulaic at times.

What are the chances we'll ever get another season or OVAs covering the ending? I suppose somewhat low since Bangaichi came out 5 years ago :/ Would really love to see this animated.


Why the Rokka delay?!

I heard due to baseball, but it's airing on a different channel tomorrow, so we're getting it tomorrow instead.

Charlotte 08

What an odd episode to have right after last week. The payoff for the episode was just as random. I'm going to assume this episode is some sort of setup for something big to happen next week.

Working!!! 08

The amount of "JUST FUCK ALREADY" in this season is strong. Hopefully one of the ships finally happens next episode.


I swear to god, if i hear another squid based pun, i'm gonna die...
The OP is some of the most annoying shit i've heard.
The ED is good.
Mostly, outside of a few skits, its a pretty boring show. Not gonna bother with the second season for quite some time if at all.



A Good Citizen
So that Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (manga) ending makes me ponder quite a bit.

Overall SZS is quite amazing and has got to be among the better written comedies/satires. There were so many idiosyncrasies of life covered in a humorous but also thought-provoking manner, it's quite impressive even if it was rather formulaic at times.

What are the chances we'll ever get another season or OVAs covering the ending? I suppose somewhat low since Bangaichi came out 5 years ago :/ Would really love to see this animated.
would you really want a new SZS with shaft's current talent pool? I guess it could be decent if Tatsuwa was heavily involved

John Blade

About 3/4 done of Wolf Rain TV show and man...still liking it so far. I like how almost every main and secondary characters in the show (wolf and non wolf) have a decent background story of they life. Even the bad guy who keep on hunting the wolf have a very sad background story to the point you kinda feel a bit for the guy. Love the music that is been used in this show that I am now put it in my mp3 player to listen. I do hope to finish the show soon in few days so I can go to the OVA of the last 4 episodes.
Working !!! episode 8

Both yamada's goofy antics made me laugh so hard this episode especially the one with Satou. Looks like Satou made some progress with their ship but the other one is dead in the water for now.
World Trigger Episode 43

Tacichi is good design and funny. I loved this scene of his blunder after blunder, and Ko laughed. Nice.

I wish they had covered more ground as we didnt get the OP until 13 minutes into the episode and then a nearly 2 minute info thing at the end so that only left like 6 minutes of content, which 1 minute was spent on watching everyone Trigger on, and thus we barely got to introducing the commentary for Rank Wars round.
would you really want a new SZS with shaft's current talent pool? I guess it could be decent if Tatsuwa was heavily involved

I honestly know little about the inner workings and changes of Shaft. What I'd want would be the ending to SZS on the quality level from the previous seasons.
Charlotte 08

Everyone seems to not have liked this episode, but I did. He clearly still mourns his sister, and thinks about her. It was nice seeing that these events seem to have made him a better person that cares about others too. Looking forward to his concert date with Nao.
Back from vacation. Got about a months worth of anime to catch up on!

Guess I'll start with Charlotte? I forgot which shows I was following :O


Charlotte - EP 8
I was expecting the pace to pick up after last week's episode, so it was kind of disappointing to get little else than even more set-up for the obvious Yuu x Nao shipping.

One of the things I don't like at all about the show is how it keeps getting "show, don't tell" wrong. Yuu's transition from a bad boy to a gentle kid that cares about others wasn't shown to us, but rather it just happened from one episode to the next (and it actually happened twice). This episode Yuu told us that he became a better person thanks to Nao, but both times it happened out of the blue and was completely unbelievable, since his transformation from being Light's disciple to a generic goody-two-shoes was done too quickly to actually make me invested in him.

Now I'm wondering what they can manage to do with only four episodes left this season, since the group still has to face any real issue other than Yuu's loss. No scientists, no rival power users, nothing... They'd probably need a second season, since presenting some kind of conflict and wrapping everything up in just four episodes might feel overly rushed unless they manage to get it just right.

It's because of the above reasons that I'm actually hoping they skip the concert altogether, or that they make it take up just a small portion of next week's episode at most.
Working!!! 08

Yamada is still around even though she went back home, so all is well. The Takanashi and Inami ship keeps sailing, as well as Satou's and Yachiou's. This show is always fun to watch.

Shimoneta 08

Damn. Dickhead is dangerous. Here I thought she was going to be a helpful hand for SOX but her methods don't seem to align with the organization's. Also Anna is still as crazy as ever.

What happened to Rokka? No episode this week?
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