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Super Mario 64 Time Attack (16min)


Senretsu said:
holy fuck! This is not tool-assisted right?

He makes it with exactly 01 health left, it doesn't get much closer than that. Must have taken a lot of tries if it is true.

(this game still looks pretty cool)

That's pure, untinkered with Gamecube gameplay. No emus (they don't exist yet), no savestates, no slowing time and no hacks just luck and lots and lots and lots of tries.



(more a nerd than a geek)
Normal speedruns are nifty because of the whole skill aspect.

These speedruns are nifty because of what is shown -- and that it's all possible, even if it can't be pulled off yet.


DavidDayton said:
Normal speedruns are nifty because of the whole skill aspect.

These speedruns are nifty because of what is shown -- and that it's all possible, even if it can't be pulled off yet.

Normal speedruns are like fucking a very hot woman.

Emu speedruns are like fucking a very hot sex doll.

Not quite the same.
that was beautiful. it's an art.

was the ending of this game different if you beat it faster? i don't remember seeing the end that way..


Just watching that almost single handedly have some kind of faith in Nintendo again for the Rev.

That video is fucking awesome. Brought back so many memories of how fun that game was to play. And the first time I got to play it at Toys R US and all that good stuff.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I'm getting the distinct impression that GAF has a large number of people with very polarized viewpoints.
I remember first trying SM64 at a Blockbuster of all places. They had it on a display cabinet and I thought it was the most amazing game I had ever seen.

Unlike nowadays when anything that strays from the norm is labelled a "gimmick" I remember being in awe of the N64 controller and the possibilities it encompassed. Ah, to be young and full of that sense of wonder.

I cherish that memory dearly. Splashing and swimming around in Jolly Roger Bay. And then there was the music... I doubt anything will ever top that in my lifetime again. SM64 to me, is simply the best game ever made.
Emu assisted speedruns are fucking pointless. Playing at 1 frame a second?

Hey I have an idea. I'll record myself beating one of the mini platforming levels in Super Mario Sunshine, but after I've recorded the video, I'll bump up the play speed to 3x and host the video as such and my skills will look AMAZING


Red Scarlet

DavidDayton said:
I'm getting the distinct impression that GAF has a large number of people with very polarized viewpoints.

Well you do say that everything they do is possible, which isn't for a human. Not that many posts have been polar one way or the other for the most part. I am trying hard myself not to be. :)

In general, yeah GAF has many polarized viewpoints.


Mike Works said:
Emu assisted speedruns are fucking pointless. Playing at 1 frame a second?

Hey I have an idea. I'll record myself beating one of the mini platforming levels in Super Mario Sunshine, but after I've recorded the video, I'll bump up the play speed to 3x and host the video as such and my skills will look AMAZING


Yet people in this thread are clueless and accuse us, seeing the utter lack of sense in hacked speedruns of just hating the game.

That's like eating plastic cockroaches in Fear Factor. Or drinking cola instead of rum.

Mind boggles.

Just for DavidDayton: yes I finished SM64, two times to be exact. Yes the game still rules.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching the video, and I thought it was really cool seeing some of the glitches and how fast someone can beat certain levels and eventually the game.

But anyone impressed with the video- and thus the "skills" of the person behind it... he (or she?) fucking played certain parts of the game at LITERALLY ONE FRAME PER SECOND and then spliced together a dozen(s of?) different shots to make it look like he did something amazing.

How anyone can file that under impressive is beyond me.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Red Scarlet said:
Well you do say that everything they do is possible, which isn't for a human. Not that many posts have been polar one way or the other for the most part. I am trying hard myself not to be. :)
In general, yeah GAF has many polarized viewpoints.

Oh, I'm just referring to the fact that a good many threads seem to result in "I'M RIGHT AND ANYONE WHO OPPOSES ME IS WRONG WRONG WRONG", ignoring the fact that people have different tastes. (...and it is possible, it's just not very easy to do. One could, theoretically, do everything they did in that video.)

Borys and Mike... all I'm saying is that the video is neat, and that it took dedication and skill (at the very LEAST, the ability to plan out a "perfect run" and film it) to create those. It's not the same as seeing someone DO it, mind you, but it's still interesting.


DavidDayton said:
Oh, I'm just referring to the fact that a good many threads seem to result in "I'M RIGHT AND ANYONE WHO OPPOSES ME IS WRONG WRONG WRONG", ignoring the fact that people have different tastes. (...and it is possible, it's just not very easy to do. One could, theoretically, do everything they did in that video.)

I don't know... I have a feeling that backwards butt stomp is a product of super rapid button pushing impossible for human hands.


DavidDayton said:
(...and it is possible, it's just not very easy to do. One could, theoretically, do everything they did in that video.)
It's not the same as seeing someone DO it, mind you, but it's still interesting.

Oh, of course. Total agreement here.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Spencerr said:
I don't know... I have a feeling that backwards butt stomp is a product of super rapid button pushing impossible for human hands.

I believe I've seen that pulled off... not consistently, mind you...


After watching this, I found some other sites with speed demos, nothing as impressive (but these are true speed demos, un assisted):

Next, I was looking for a speed demo of Mike Tyson's Punch Out!

That would be interesting, I'm sure someone out there could do it pretty fast - without getting hit, without slow motion cheating.
Spencerr said:
Uh... Is there anyway to do that backwards thing in the video with just a good ol' 64 controller?

I'm not going to watch the video, but I assume it uses the rabbit trick as well? Yeah, all of these are completely possible. I did it several times myself after seeing the original 16 star video, though most of the things (especially the rabbit trick) take me a lot of tries to do. I did it about 4 times or so and my best time was around half an hour, so a far cry from this one.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Fake though it may essentially be, the 16-minute run was very fun to watch. Now the Varia-less Magmoor run - that was nuts. I've watched quite a few very entertaining Metroid Prime speedruns.
tedtropy said:
Fake though it may essentially be, the 16-minute run was very fun to watch. Now the Varia-less Magmoor run - that was nuts. I've watched quite a few very entertaining Metroid Prime speedruns.
It's a true testament to how solid the Metroid Prime games are that they maintain gameplay integrity even after gamers do things which clearly are not mean to be able to do until later without crashing the game because of it.

A totally different scenario from my POP:WW experience just recently in which basically I skipped about 50% of the game by taken a different route than the intended one by the developers resulting in the prince first showing up with a missing body. Imagine just the head and the sword showing up on screen for about 10 mins (pretty disorienting to say the least) only to be replaced by a full bodied sandwraith in the next load screen even though I never did retrieve the mask.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
huzkee said:
It's a true testament to how solid the Metroid Prime games are that they maintain gameplay integrity even after gamers do things which clearly are not mean to be able to do until later without crashing the game because of it.

A totally different scenario from my POP:WW experience just recently in which basically I skipped about 50% of the game by taken a different route than the intended one by the developers resulting in the prince first showing up with a missing body. Imagine just the head and the sword showing up on screen for about 10 mins (pretty disorienting to say the least) only to be replaced by a full bodied sandwraith in the next load screen even though I never did retrieve the mask.

Well, there are a fair share of glitches in Metroid Prime and early revisions of the game would sometimes crash during the elevator loading sequences, but generally you really had to push the game to find said glitches. They're more neat, speed-demo friendly exploits than anything, similar to the glitches found in Super Metroid.


huzkee said:
It's a true testament to how solid the Metroid Prime games are that they maintain gameplay integrity even after gamers do things which clearly are not mean to be able to do until later without crashing the game because of it.
Games? That I disagree with. When they made Metroid Prime 2, Retro developers actually said they were trying to make sure you couldn't do any trickery and couldn't break item-gathering. It didn't work, but when I played Echoes I could really feel the "closed" nature of the levels and really didn't like it. Prime though, it has that "one connected world" charm I enjoy so much.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
LakeEarth said:
Games? That I disagree with. When they made Metroid Prime 2, Retro developers actually said they were trying to make sure you couldn't do any trickery and couldn't break item-gathering. It didn't work, but when I played Echoes I could really feel the "closed" nature of the levels and really didn't like it. Prime though, it has that "one connected world" charm I enjoy so much.

Which was a foolish decision. They should've just focused on making an enjoyable, immersive world. Hell, I think discovering the kind of exploits Prime 1 had is part of the charm of loving a game so much you're able to find such things in an incredibly polished title.
There has to be a balance in making a game have a semblance of progression. Otherwise, what's the point of the game if the goal is to beat it in the fastest time?

Either way, gamers will always find ways to abuse glitches and game mechanics to their advantage. It makes finding said loopholes all the more challenging and rewarding for would be game hackers. So I think Retro has the right idea in mind. Gamers, however, will always find a way.


huzkee said:
There has to be a balance in making a game have a semblance of progression. Otherwise, what's the point of the game if the goal is to beat it in the fastest time?

Either way, gamers will always find ways to abuse glitches and game mechanics to their advantage. It makes finding said loopholes all the more challenging and rewarding for would be game hackers. So I think Retro has the right idea in mind. Gamers, however, will always find a way.
I think its a terrible idea. It makes the levels feel closed and completely not fun at all. And for what, taking the players a few extra hours to beat the game? If Prime 3's level design is similar to Echoes, I will join Dragona in her "bomb Retro" campain.

Besides, "beating Metroid in the fastest time" IS a staple of the series and should've be tinkered with. That's why the timer is right there everytime you load up your game.
LakeEarth said:
I think its a terrible idea. It makes the levels feel closed and completely not fun at all. And for what, taking the players a few extra hours to beat the game? If Prime 3's level design is similar to Echoes, I will join Dragona in her "bomb Retro" campain.

Besides, "beating Metroid in the fastest time" IS a staple of the series and should've be tinkered with. That's why the timer is right there everytime you load up your game.

Are you refering to the lack of open levels in Echoes? I did feel a lot of it took place in a bubble of sorts so if that's what you mean I do share your sentiments to a point. I beliee part of that feeling has to do with the dark world. It has a way of creeping up on you making you feel as if you're enclosed.


Yeah pretty much. The levels did interconnect, but usually in weak ways that weren't accessible till you were done with that level anyways. I just don't think Retro should put an effort into avoiding sequence breaking, at least not that hard. Echoes pissed me off too many times, especially the "okay, now you need this item thats on the other side of the fucking world, but if you don't have the hint system on you'll have NO FUCKING CLUE" sequence.


I love that video. Tool assisted or not, that vid showed exactly how Mario should behave in his games. Constant precise platforming. Gaining access to high areas with no difficulty whatsoever. Mario has never looked more like Mario than in that vid. It also shows the kind of shit I think everyone wants to do in a Mario game...hopefully in Mario128 they focus on him doing shit like this throughout

I wonder how easy that is with tool assistance anyway. Seems like you are still apt to fuck up tons of times before getting something like this right. I'm not impressed with the "skills" of the player here, but I'm still impressed with the creation of the video. It's not like they hacked the physics or anything and made Mario run faster, jump higher, etc. Everything here is possible to a degree, even though no one probably has the dexterity to do it. Spliced perfectly too..can't even tell where the restarts are. Cool stuff.
Seeing how you can beat the game faster is a way of boosting the replay value. You know where all the stuff is and now its a challenge to see how fast you can go.

The way I see it is that all games have these game breaking glitches, its just games that are so popular will get exploited most often, theres only a few times where an unpopular game would have all of these glitches shown off and more people see it. Watching the Half Life speedrun is amazing, I like to watch games played by someone else, especially if they do things that I've never seen before or do it at an amazing clear time. They arent impossible for others to do.

Red Scarlet

The neat thing in MP2 is that all of the (major) items in each area have been gotten in the first time there. It's been figured out how to get Supers, then Gravity Boost, then Boost Ball without leaving Torvus and getting Seekers after Supers, as well as getting Screw Attack, then Power Bomb expansions, then Spider Ball in Sanctuary Fortress instead of the intended Spider Ball -> Power Bomb in Torvus -> Screw Attack order. Same with skipping the Dark Suit outright. Even the Space Jump has been completely skipped (last I read), something that is still stumping players in the first Metroid Prime (Geothermal Core). But MP2 does feel a little enclosed compared still.


I'm selling metroid Prime, real FPS are played on the PC with a keyboard/mouse.
Also bumping this thread for the video for those who haven't seen it.


(more a nerd than a geek)
elmalloc said:
I'm selling metroid Prime, real FPS are played on the PC with a keyboard/mouse.
Also bumping this thread for the video for those who haven't seen it.

Hmm... just shy of two months between the last post and your own.
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