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Super Mario Run 10M+ downloads Day 1, over $4M revenue, biggest Appstore launch ever.

Bought this. Paid $15 AUD and it's well worth the money. That's all. It's fun as

They mix up the game play mechanics and ghost world is fun. Also rally mode is the bomb


The game is ok but still got nothing on rayman adventures, that game is simply awesome

I prefer Rayman too. Bought both premium apps when they came out. Bummer they switched to F2P but I can still play the premium games so all is good as far as I'm concerned.


That's double what F2P makes. It's a huge success. Deal with it.
No it's not.

Average spender on F2P games spend $87. Even if it's only 2.2%, that's way, way higher than 4% at $10. Even if Nintendo didn't make it as predatory and the average spent is $30, there's no way they would make less money.

"Deal with it."


I love Nintendo but there's no arguing that their chances when it comes to home consoles is mostly down to luck.

I'd love for the Switch to be a success but it absolutely wouldn't surprise me if it's another Wii U.

If Switch fails as hard as Wii U I can see Nintendo seriously consider going mobile only, for a while at least.

What the hell am I reading...

Anyway, congrats Nintendo. Its a fun game with well designed levels. Grinding those green coins has been a blast.
So i just finishen The free tracks. What's people's opinions.

Worth it ?

I'm sure it's great for the rest actually, its Nintendo, but what do people think.

People think its too expensive and should be free or $1 tops.

Welcome to mobile phone gaming.


I prefer Rayman too. Bought both premium apps when they came out. Bummer they switched to F2P but I can still play the premium games so all is good as far as I'm concerned.
I'm in the exact same boat right now. I love the original Rayman Jungle Run, haven't tried any of the others yet (Fiesta Run or Adventures) but I'm finding myself underwhelmed by Super Mario Run. The focus on repeating the same courses with different coin layouts - and the general slower speed of the game - isn't really doing anything for me.

I see a lot of people crowing that SMR is the greatest mobile game they've ever played but I'm feeling like it's an "Emperor has no clothes" kind of thing.


If Switch turns out to be a huge failure then I don't see where Nintendo could go hardware-wise. Sure they've got the money to throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks, but that's not a realistic option. They're a publicly traded company after all. But Super Mario Run and its reviews show that the mobile market is not suited at all for current Nintendo. Unless you want browser and F2P games from Nitnendo, be careful what you wish for.


How many of those are "this shit is not free", though?

A lot of them. It's really infuriating to see, actually. I just had a quick look at some of the latest 3 star reviews, and almost every one of them was marked down because they could not play the entire thing for free.

That's the really funny thing. These people aren't angry at being asked to pay £7.99 for the whole game. These people are angry because they've been asked to pay. Period.

Some choice quotes below;

I was really excited when this game came out but then i started playing and i realized that ia have to pay money - 7,99 - to open the other levels, first of all no no no no. I am not paying 7,99 to open new levels it is just stupid really and like i would understand if they make you pay for it for like the leveles that was close to yhe end but like right off the bat you are only able to play only 3 levels!!!...~
~... I would pay if i was had to buy the last 2 worlds but no of course not.

I'm not going to lie, the game is great. It controls brilliantly, the online features are great, and the levels a thought out and designed really well.... ~
~...It was going great until my first castle. When I clicked on it to play the level, it told me i had to pay to unlock the rest of the game.. I was furious. Finally a Mario game for your mobile that was short, fun and easy to play. But no. I had to pay eight pound if I wanted to continue. Personally, I don't agree with paying real money in exchange for 24 virtual levels, and I know other people will agree with me.

Nintendo were spot on when they said years ago that this rush of low priced, and free to play mobile games were devaluing the market. They have a real uphill battle ahead of them here. I personally feel that the amount they've made off Mario Run so far is a huge success, because this market is toxic.
Part of the number. Lol. Game is good. My thought is that people will try the demo then end up purchasing once they get Christmas gift cards. It's definitely worth the $10.whatever entry fee for me.


Nintendo were spot on when they said years ago that this rush of low priced, and free to play mobile games were devaluing the market. They have a real uphill battle ahead of them here. I personally feel that the amount they've made off Mario Run so far is a huge success, because this market is toxic.

The mobile games market is a nightmare.
People think its too expensive and should be free or $1 tops.

Welcome to mobile phone gaming.


Well I'd like to think that people would prefer paying a one time fee to get access to a full fledged game with no more payments than pay a small price repeatedly.


No it's not.

Average spender on F2P games spend $87. Even if it's only 2.2%, that's way, way higher than 4% at $10.
Depends on the user base. Right now Nintendo seems to be making more money than any of the other mobile games. And how long does it take to reach the $87?
Thank god it isn't IAP.

Stick to your guns Nintendo and show that creative software has a value bigger than 0.

The cesspool that is the majority of the mobile market will ignore you, but thank god someone is trying to raise the perceived value of software.
I don't thinking making money is Nintendos priority here.

But I think they will rethink their strategy, they want people playing their games and positive reception to go along with.


I love Nintendo but there's no arguing that their chances when it comes to home consoles is mostly down to luck.

I'd love for the Switch to be a success but it absolutely wouldn't surprise me if it's another Wii U.

If Switch fails as hard as Wii U I can see Nintendo seriously consider going mobile only, for a while at least.
Not saying it's going to be super successful or anything, but it would shock me if it will be another Wii U. So far they been doing a million times better job on marketing and messaging, and the system itself looks much more appealing.
I love Nintendo but there's no arguing that their chances when it comes to home consoles is mostly down to luck.

I'd love for the Switch to be a success but it absolutely wouldn't surprise me if it's another Wii U.

If Switch fails as hard as Wii U I can see Nintendo seriously consider going mobile only, for a while at least.

Are you high?

You think luck, rather than having a well put together combination of product, product message and features and price point will be the primary reason that a Nintendo console will succeed or fail?

You also think that a hybrid device with all of Nintendo's console AND handheld franchises (so we're talking Mon Hun, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Mario, Zelda etc) will be another Wii U?

I bet you it sells more than Wii U simply off the back of having a Pokémon game.
Do you think that if the game was say, $4.99 right off the bat like many other mobile titles, the negative reaction would be less? It seems like many people didn't know you would have to pay to continue after a few levels.


Holy shit, so much trolling in this thread. Excuses, concern trolling etc. etc. It has it all. Some people just can't cope with Nintendo having success. I'm surprised the mods aren't eagle watching Nintendo threads more, especially those that deal with something Nintendo and success.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Thats very low revenue. Perhaps they should of gone a more conventional route with F2P.

I do. It think so, they are trying to expand their user base, but also to drive more people to their ecosystems. Mobile users trained to value games less than a coffee are not their target. I hope that more and more people start accepting more than F2P micro transactions riddled software... mobile users will not have the variety and high quality software they need if they keep expecting everything free.

F2P influences the game design... period.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Collected all coins in the 3 free levels. Yes it's fun but the price is too high for me.

£7 is not too high for me for a game with this level of polish and replay-ability. The contract between Nintendo and me is clear in non F2P games: once I have made the purchase they do not need to extract any more money out of me and the game is designed just to maximise the fun I have with it and not to frustrate me in a way to push me towards micro transactions.


Making more money is better than making less money. It's not rocket science.

The pricing model Nintendo chose won't win any popularity contests, that was clear from the start. They knew that. People who aren't willing to spend 10€ for Mario on their iPhone won't buy a Switch and a real Mario game for 300€ anyway. That's not some shocking revelation. This is Nitnendo drawing a line in the sand. You want Mario? The most popular IP in video games on your phone? Pay for it. You don't want to buy a Nitnendo machine? Ok, pay 10€ for it. You don't want to pay even 10€ for Mario? Ok, don't. You're not our customer. These are basically Apple tactics. Nintendo wants to see how far this can go and how much money they can make with this model. Sure it will drive people away, but where are they going? To the F2P game they want to play for 10 minutes a day and be done with it. They can play Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem once those come out. Mario is supposed to be Premium.

How did they advertise is differently? People just assume that everything is free. They could have made the IAP more clear, that I'd agree on.

This post is exactly right. The universe of people with smartphones measures in the billions. The universe of people Nintendo needs for the Switch to be the most profitable console in history measures in the millions.

They don't need everybody. The viral nature of social media has tended to encourage us to equate popularity with success, but at the end of the day profit is what makes for sustainable businesses, not eyeballs.

Apple is a good analogy here. Biggest company on the planet and they don't lose sleep over the majority of humans who think Macs are too expensive. If you whine on twitter that Apple won't release a $300 Mac for you, Apple doesn't care. They're content capturing 90% of the profit in that market by going after the people who do value the qualities they choose to imbue in their products.


Nonsense! A company like Nintendo never decided the price overnight. Months of discussion probably took place.

I mean, they had months to produce NES Classics and look how that turned out.

This isn't a specific slam on Nintendo. Companies can get things wrong.

Well I'd like to think that people would prefer paying a one time fee to get access to a full fledged game with no more payments than pay a small price repeatedly.
I was watching the twitch tv weekly show yesterday and even the dude who runs twitch said he would prefer an energy bar and payment to refill it over paying to unlock levels...what???

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
OH my goodness the reviews on the App Store are LOL.

"YOURE JUST TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF MARIO! Y didn't you tell us it was $10?!?!"


I was watching the twitch tv weekly show yesterday and even the dude who runs twitch said he would prefer an energy bar and payment to refill it over paying to unlock levels...what???
That's a well-known fact at this point. The mobile audience doesn't mind that stuff. They just don't want to pay a single penny. That's their top priority. That's why F2P is whale baiting garbage.
What he said seems logical, what you said seems not. Care to explain what you had in mind?

In a constantly stagnating, even decreasing, market, where traditional dedicated hardware, is slowly but surely becoming a niche, in which a dedicate audience will keep said market afloat, and that in the best case scenario.

Mobile and tablet devices fills all the needs of the people that Nintendo want back in their consoles, they aren't gonna trade those devices for gaming devices, when they just want little timewasters for when they are on the bus or in the coffe break. They want Mario on the go, but they also want clash of clones and the dozen of many other games they play. I see people playing Mario for the next second use whatapp or spotify, or look at facebook or a large selection of app that people use in their daily lives that won't be avaliable on the switch, for example.

And that just counting everyday social app, there's also a lot of app people use on their jobs. Outlook, Gmail...

The convenince and usuabilty of these devices makes the switch, or any other hardware Nintendo can create, unable to provide that funcionality. There's a reason why MP3 players are basically obsolete by now.

Is a sign of things to come, and yeah, maybe Nintendo may sell hardware to a small subset of these people, but is not enough and it won't change the trend that for many years we've been watching on NPD threads and many other data.

So yeah, what he says may be logic, but it goes against the evolution of the gaming market that we've seen for years now and that people still negates.


OH my goodness the reviews on the App Store are LOL.

"YOURE JUST TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF MARIO! Y didn't you tell us it was $10?!?!"

This review has 2 layers of stupid for extra flavor.
Not only did they say initially that you'll pay once for the whole game, but duh, Nintendo is trying to make money off of Mario? You don't say!


In a constantly stagnating, even decreasing, market, where traditional dedicated hardware, is slowly but surely becoming a niche, in which a dedicate audience will keep said market afloat, and that in the best case scenario.

Mobile and tablet devices fills all the needs of the people that Nintendo want back in their consoles, they aren't gonna trade those devices for gaming devices, when they just want little timewasters for when they are on the bus or in the coffe break. They want Mario on the go, but they also want clash of clones and the dozen of many other games they play. I see people playing Mario for the next second use whatapp or spotify, or look at facebook or a large selection of app that people use in their daily lives that won't be avaliable on the switch, for example.

And that just counting everyday social app, there's also a lot of app people use on their jobs. Outlook, Gmail...

The convenince and usuabilty of these devices makes the switch, or any other hardware Nintendo can create, unable to provide that funcionality. There's a reason why MP3 players are basically obsolete by now.

Is a sign of things to come, and yeah, maybe Nintendo may sell hardware to a small subset of these people, but is not enough and it won't change the trend that for many years we've been watching on NPD threads and many other data.

So yeah, what he says may be logic, but it goes against the evolution of the gaming market that we've seen for years now and that people still negates.
You act as if Nintendo is desperately trying but failing to make money off their dedicated hardware business. Yes, the Wii U was an utter failure but the 3DS wasn't.

Or let me ask it this way. Do you feel like Sony will be making mobile games only in the future? Because that's where the market is going, right?
That's a well-known fact at this point. The mobile audience doesn't mind that stuff. They just don't want to pay a single penny. That's their top priority. That's why F2P is whale baiting garbage.
Basically. There were two reports from 2014 and 2015. Only about 2% of people who download actually spend money, and only about a tenth of that provide the bulk of profits. Not sure if those stats have changed by now

The "outrage" and flood of low reviews has nothing to do with the price. The Monument Valley devs had the same thing happen to them when they released a $2 expansion


Nintendo doesn't end up releasing a shitty game with microtransactions and all that sort of junk and people complain it's not free LOL. No wonder they waited so long to enter the mobile market, it's so toxic and off putting that I have no words.
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