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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 14: Snake... had a hard life

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It doesn't make sense even then. Duck is the adjective and Hunt is the noun, which implies that you're playing as a hunt. A hunt is an activity... You can't play AS an activity. Even if you're playing as three different characters, you're still playing as those characters and not something abstract like a hunt. Taking that into account it makes even more sense to call the characters Duck Hunt Dog, because even though the noun in that name singles out the Dog as the character (which the select screen does as well), it still acknowledges the duck and the hunter. Unless "Duck Hunt" is the Dog's name, it makes no sense to use it. I can think of plenty of better alternatives. Duck Hunt Dog, Duck Hunter, Hunting Dog, Dog & Duck(s), Duck Hound, etc.

I figure their moveset embodies what Duck Hunt really is.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they included stuff like Hogan's Alley cans or other lightgun game references much like how Pacman references Namco arcade


As in "Heathcliff"
It doesn't make sense even then. Duck is the adjective and Hunt is the noun, which implies that you're playing as a hunt. A hunt is an activity... You can't play AS an activity. Even if you're playing as three different characters, you're still playing as those characters and not something abstract like a hunt. Taking that into account it makes even more sense to call the characters Duck Hunt Dog, because even though the noun in that name singles out the Dog as the character (which the select screen does as well), it still acknowledges the duck and the hunter. Unless "Duck Hunt" is the Dog's name, it makes no sense to use it. I can think of plenty of better alternatives. Duck Hunt Dog, Duck Hunter, Hunting Dog, Dog & Duck(s), Duck Hound, etc.

Duck Hunt is a name of the game, so I don't think it's a big deal.

Edited: like someone said those three characters really represented the game itself.


It doesn't make sense even then. Duck is the adjective and Hunt is the noun, which implies that you're playing as a hunt. A hunt is an activity... You can't play AS an activity. Even if you're playing as three different characters, you're still playing as those characters and not something abstract like a hunt. Taking that into account it makes even more sense to call the characters Duck Hunt Dog, because even though the noun in that name singles out the Dog as the character (which the select screen does as well), it still acknowledges the duck and the hunter. Unless "Duck Hunt" is the Dog's name, it makes no sense to use it. I can think of plenty of better alternatives. Duck Hunt Dog, Duck Hunter, Hunting Dog, Dog & Duck(s), Duck Hound, etc.
Duck Hunt Duo.

I agree with you, btw.

Yeah, I don't see the problem with Duck Hunt. It's not any weirder than Ice Climber.
You are playing as the Ice Climbers. You won't be playing as a duck hunt. A "duck hunt" isn't a thing.
Duck Hunt Duo.
I agree with you, btw.
You are playing as the Ice Climbers. You won't be playing as a duck hunt. A "duck hunt" isn't a thing.
A duck hunt is totally a thing, it's when you hunt ducks. And they're called Ice Climber even though there's two of them, it makes no sense!
I figure their moveset embodies what Duck Hunt really is.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they included stuff like Hogan's Alley cans or other lightgun game references much like how Pacman references Namco arcade
You don't play as a moveset though, you play as a character (or multiple characters). Hearing the announcer say "The Winner is... Duck Hunt" is the equivalent of hearing him say "The Winner is... Monado Arts" or "The Winner is... Yoga Poses." If they keep it as Duck Hunt, I'll get used to it, but it will never make sense.
You don't play as a moveset though, you play as a character (or multiple characters). Hearing the announcer say "The Winner is... Duck Hunt" is the equivalent of hearing him say "The Winner is... Monado Arts" or "The Winner is... Yoga Poses." If they keep it as Duck Hunt, I'll get used to it, but it will never make sense.
I'm sort of in the same boat. Doesn't make sense, but I'll adjust.


Hey, guys! Kinda late to the party, huh? I've been a lurker for months, you people made me register. :) I just wanted to say hello! thank you for the awesome madness


I'd rather take Chibi-Robo if we get a Skip rep (of course lol) but I'd still love to see Capt. Rainbow! Did the fantranslation for that ever get completed if anyone knows? I know there is one in the works but I don't think there have been any updates on it in a while :/


Aaaaaaand that thread perfectly encapsulates why I hate competitive Smash and the horrible community devoted to it.

I know not EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the community is an asshole like the ones in that thread and there are always exceptions, but I'll be damned if the "pro" Smash community doesn't do a damn good job of making it appear that 90% of them are total dicks. Hell, 95%.

I'm sure it's just a case of a vocal few ruining it for the rest of an otherwise sensible, friendly enough community, but ruin it they have.

well I guess it's reasonable to disregard an entire "horrible" community because of two trolls in a neogaf thread
Hey, guys! Kinda late to the party, huh? I've been a lurker for months, you people made me register. :) I just wanted to say hello! thank you for the awesome madness
Welcome! Please come join the madness and...

But which Smashgaf member would you want to hook up with if you appeared in the fanfic?
...please answer this question!

Who seriously suggested Hanafuda cards?
RMS Gigantic. He's banned, though,
No one!

Wouldn't we all


RMS is banned? That stinks.
Yeah, but I'm sure it's not permanent. Hopefully he'll be back by the 3DS launch.


In an alternate universe, Captain Rainbow is already in with Mike Jones and people are complaining about too many yo-yo users.


As in "Heathcliff"
I just cleared my credit card. It was such a happy week. -_-

I know how you felt about credit card being cleared. It was brutal feeling to have a bill there to nagging me that I need to get it finished before I started to feeling comfortable with budget.

Hey, guys! Kinda late to the party, huh? I've been a lurker for months, you people made me register. :) I just wanted to say hello! thank you for the awesome madness

Welcome to SmashGAF :D It's never too late!

Who seriously suggested Hanafuda cards?

two/three leaks in the past. Late 2013/Early 2014

Also RMS_Gigantic is one that suggested Hanafuda to the poll.


You don't play as a moveset though, you play as a character (or multiple characters). Hearing the announcer say "The Winner is... Duck Hunt" is the equivalent of hearing him say "The Winner is... Monado Arts" or "The Winner is... Yoga Poses." If they keep it as Duck Hunt, I'll get used to it, but it will never make sense.
Shulk is the only component of the Shulk character, and Wii Fit Trainer consists only of Wii Fit Trainer. You're in full control of those characters.

We don't know anything about Duck Hunt's play style yet. For all we know, it's possible that you control a reticle, with a dog following along and a duck flying overhead. Duck Hunt is the only FPS in Smash Bros., and since Sakurai is big on personifying game mechanics, it's plausible we'll see something like that. In such a case, the "Duck Hunt Dog" name wouldn't accurately reflect the character as it omits the other two entities. A hunt is comprised of the hunter and the hunted, which is exactly what this hypothetical character would be representing.

Again, it is a weird name at first glance, but I think it's too early to complain about it.


Fuck yeah Captain Rainbow! I wanna play that game so bad!
Are you me? :p that's totally how I'm measuring time these days too, haha.

And I bet we'll get an actual game cart leak sometime next week.
Yeah, I just watched it tonight so that was my measure lol

We'll definitely get full on leaks before hand. I personally wouldn't say this week though.


To be fair, the Japanese language doesn't use plurals the same way we do. "Ice Climber" and "Ice Climbers" are written/said the same way in Japanese.


I thought that was fake
Quite likely fake, and someone else said the person who made the PAX note list admitted it was fake, which may be true.

The point is, I can't seem to come up with any reasonable explanations for why Nintendo had the NDA'd press event. Neither can anyone else apparently -- no one even replied to my post about it. :p

Since nothing appears to have been leaked from the press yet [cut to avoid derail], I have some thoughts about it. This is NOT directed at Ash since I know they can't comment. I just wanted to theorize.

The question is, WHY would Nintendo have a private, NDA'd, press event? The purpose of any normal press event is presumably so that the press will then relay the information they have received. Making a NDA'd press event prevents this very thing, so there must be some alternative explanation. Possible explanations that occur to me:

  1. Maybe Nintendo wants the North American press to feel happy that they were invited to a special private preview, so that they subconsciously start writing more positive articles about Nintendo. This seems like a stretch to me, unless combined with other explanations.
  2. Maybe Nintendo wants the North American press to write magazine and internet articles about the preview build / information / whatever they saw, but not reveal them until after the Japanese launch. This seems weird to me. For one thing, if everyone did not write their articles immediately, they might have forgotten important details by the time an embargo expired a couple of weeks later. For another thing, why have a press article barrage in North America at the same time as the Japanese release? Yes fans might be happy for the information, but they get the information anyway when the Japanese game releases and people start posting details. If information is of the "these characters did not make it" nature, that might just make fans unhappy. If it is of the "hinty DLC nature", why not wait until nearer the North American release, when there's a better idea of whether Ice Climbers DLC is possible, and then hint or announce DLC?
  3. Even if the press event had amazing, exciitng information about Smash 4, no one can DO anything about it without importing in North America. Why not wait until nearer the North American release, and then time a press event to coincide with pushing release date sales? Maybe one possible reason could be that PAX was seen as the best time to have a bunch of different press members available, and there would not be an easy way to have a NDA press event closer to the North American release.
  4. Maybe there is a surprise early announcement Nintendo plans to do before the Japanese release, and that could be part of the reason that journalists cannot even say when the embargo expires. The Japanese release would be an obvious explanation and I do not see how it would hurt Nintendo to let people mention an embargo date.
  5. Maybe the embargo is all the way to the North American release, and Nintendo just wanted the press to write articles early. This seems like a bit of a stretch, since the press could just do reviews at that point, but who knows.

Does anyone have a better explanation? Am I missing something obvious?
A lot of the gems just seem irrelevant and it feels like they tried to make sure this game had EVERYTHING, but the gen system goes a little too far imo.
They're not all winners but a selection of them are incredibly useful. Ultimately it's the skills that, when used correctly, utterly break the combat, but the gems help if you know what you're building with them :3

To be honest, while I like that they tried something different with the whole break->topple->daze thing and whatnot, I've always found it odd that people praise the combat in Xenoblade as its always struck me as rather clunky and a bit predictable (aura monsters aside... oh how I hate the aura monsters)
Then again I've been rather spoiled by the like of very smooth-feeling Star Ocean games and more spacially based Rakion/PSO and whatnot I guess :p

Quite likely fake, and someone else said the person who made the PAX note list admitted it was fake, which may be true.

The point is, I can't seem to come up with any reasonable explanations for why Nintendo had the NDA'd press event. Neither can anyone else apparently -- no one even replied to my post about it. :p

Does anyone have a better explanation? Am I missing something obvious?
The usual purpose of an embargo is to give the various press outlets time to mull over what they've seen and write their reviews to a decent standard before the embargo ends, rather than just having them all rush out a story ASAP to be the first to get the news out. Admittedly, 2 weeks of embargo seems a bit much though... but then again I've never worked a press job so I might be underestimating how long a nicely polished piece takes to write and edit to a perfect lustre


Maturity, bitches.
I fight with Melia. Summon and release. Summon and release. Summon and release.

Yeah, I'm really turning up the heat!
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