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Switzerland considers repealing incest laws

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Seth C

zoku88 said:
I would be opposed to reproduction when it's likely to produce disorders, so yes, I would be opposed to having incestuous couple reproduce if what you said were the case.

But it isn't "likely" to. There is a slightly increased risk of. For example, if the risk in the general public is 4%, the risk among first cousins may be 6%. Those aren't exact numbers, but they are rough estimate based on studies I've looked at.

Speevy said:
Because unlike gays doing anything, this really is a slippery slope.

If it's legal for a sister and brother to have sex, then it's legal for a father and daughter. And why stop at a 56 year old father and his 23 year old daughter.

A 6 year old daughter wouldn't have any choice in the matter, and would grow up thinking it was perfectly fine, whether child abuse/molestation was still illegal or not.

Wait, wait, let me follow this logic.

Having sex with a younger (adult) female who is your daughter will make you want to molest your prepubescent daughter.

Why? What about her being related to you will suddenly make you sexual desire children?

By that rationale, having sex with any woman is going to turn you in to a pedophile.
Shurs said:
So consenting adults having sex together will somehow turn one or both into pedophiles?


More like if it is legal for a brother and sister to have sex, it's legal for a father and daughter to have sex. Even if the girl is, let's say 17, she is probably consenting because of his authority over her. This presents some seriously negative ramifications.


Shurs said:
So consenting adults having sex together will somehow turn one or both into pedophiles?


"My little girl, you are so beautiful, and are the love of my life. One day we're going to live together in a beautiful house and I'll buy you everything you ever wanted."

*little girl goes out into the world and finds out this is a perfectly legal practice, lets father have his way with her*


Seth C said:
But it isn't "likely" to. There is a slightly increased risk of. For example, if the risk in the general public is 4%, the risk among first cousins may be 6%. Those aren't exact numbers, but they are rough estimate based on studies I've looked at.
He was just answering a hypothetical for me.

Seth C

samus i am said:
More like if it is legal for a brother and sister to have sex, it's legal for a father and daughter to have sex. Even if the girl is, let's say 17, she is probably consenting because of his authority over her. This presents some seriously negative ramifications.

Eliminating incest laws doesn't mean you have to eliminate statutory rape (or similar) laws. Why would you? The age of consent in my state is 16, but it would still be a crime if a teacher had sex with his 17 year-old student, because there are laws against sexual contact between a minor and someone who is in a position of authority over him or her. The same would still apply to a father.

Never mind the fact that most people have no sexual desire for their offspring, and those that do are already in a position to act on their desires, law or not. And doing so is illegal, with or without an incest law.

The point is, we already have many laws protecting children from predators. No need to have a law that criminalizes two adult cousins, if they are both willing partners.


Speevy said:
"My little girl, you are so beautiful, and are the love of my life. One day we're going to live together in a beautiful house and I'll buy you everything you ever wanted."

*little girl goes out into the world and finds out this is a perfectly legal practice, lets father have his way with her*

Quite the little yarn you've spun there.


Seth C said:
Wait, wait, let me follow this logic.

Having sex with a younger (adult) female who is your daughter will make you want to molest your prepubescent daughter.

Why? What about her being related to you will suddenly make you sexual desire children?

By that rationale, having sex with any woman is going to turn you in to a pedophile.

I didn't say that. I said there are pedophiles, and such a law would allow them to justify their actions.

Seth C

Speevy said:
I didn't say that. I said there are pedophiles, and such a law would allow them to justify their actions.

Because repealing one of the myriad laws they would be violating is all they were waiting for?

"Sweety, beautiful daughter, I'd love to make sweet passionate love to you. I know you're only 5 and that's illegal, but I don't think we should worry about that. If only they would abolish the incest law, then we could be together forever."


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Hitokage said:
As far as science is concerned:

Cousins? Sure.

Immediate Family? Nah.


I learned this from my anthropology class and it doesn't seem to be common knowledge.
And hemophilia makes its glorious return!

Switzerland: The future hillbillies of Europe.

No to royalty, yes to their dating strategies!

And so on, and so forth.


why is it that every time support incest, everyone assumes they're banging their sister?

i support drugs. i don't do drugs. i support gay marriage. i'm not gay. I support two consenting adults doing whatever they want in their bedrooms. It's a free country (well not really)

yeah siblings and parents having sex with their children is gross, but i personally think two men sodomizing each other is gross too. Maybe we should make sodomy illegal. Oh wait, it is, because of non-thinking, ignorant assholes that say they're proud to be american and all that "this is a free country" bullshit.

also, using the "having a retarded baby" argument is completely asinine sine you're incorrectly assuming these incestual couples are popping out babies as if banging your sister makes you 1,000% more fertile.

if you're going to use the "i don't want my tax dollars to pay for retarded babies", go write a letter to your congress person asking them to force genetic testing on any couple planning to conceive a child. otherwise please shut the fuck up and stop spouting your ignorance.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hitokage said:
As far as science is concerned:

Cousins? Sure.

Immediate Family? Nah.
Wasn't a study posted on GAF a few months back that said having a child with your cousin carries about as much as risk as having a child in your 40s?


Trucker Sexologist
Shurs said:
So consenting adults having sex together will somehow turn one or both into pedophiles?

Maybe not. But kids could be primed for that behavior before they reach adulthood by people who have a lot of control over their upbringing. Repealing incest laws allows for situations where positions of trust and authority created by familial traditions and cultural norms could potentially be abused.


I don't find any reason to be against incest between a sterile/infertile couple or a same-sex couple except on religious grounds.


It should be outlawed because it is known that having kids in such a context is likely to lead them to have health problems, etc.

And you know now their school textbooks will explicitly say "It's ok to have sex with your sister". Like we don't have enough problems already in families.

But then the far-left idiots who defend this will say "well if you tell them it's ok, it won't be an issue for them since we don't tell them it's wrong, they won't be mentally scarred!".


Ether_Snake said:
It should be outlawed because it is known that having kids in such a context is likely to lead them to have health problems, etc.
That's a dangerous road to take. Should those with known genetic diseases be similarly be outlawed from sexual activity? It is also known in that case that having kinds is likely to lead to health problems.
Ether_Snake said:
It should be outlawed because it is known that having kids in such a context is likely to lead them to have health problems, etc.

And you know now their school textbooks will explicitly say "It's ok to have sex with your sister". Like we don't have enough problems already in families.

But then the far-left idiots who defend this will say "well if you tell them it's ok, it won't be an issue for them since we don't tell them it's wrong, they won't be mentally scarred!".

The far left is terrified of saying that anything involving sex is wrong. It's gonna lead to some problems down the road.
Hitokage said:
As far as science is concerned:

Cousins? Sure.

Immediate Family? Nah.

Don't some animals mate with siblings and parents? Like cats maybe? I'm not advocating it for humans (I find the thought repulsive), just wondering if it's specifically bad for some species (e.g. humans) and not others.

Hitokage said:
I remember reading an article saying that the risk with first cousins is equal to that of waiting ten years.

I'm not sure what "waiting ten years" means... but my parents are first cousins, and I'm the youngest of five children, and there's a 9 year gap between me and my sister who's the 2nd youngest.

Gaborn said:
Hito - so what happens if you're first cousins AND you wait 10 years?

Apparently, I happen? :lol
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