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Tabata Comments On FFXV Demo Frame Rate/Resolution, Game Will Be Optimized For PS4/XB

Wut. Are people touched the last demo or just trolling?

Bro the thing is jaggy, blurry mess and have you seen some of the textures?

I never played Episode Duscae but from the footage, that looked impressive. Platinum demo? Extremely underwhelming imo.


Considering they want this as a flagship* for their luminous engine I reckon they really should double down on that.

I don't think they care much about the engine anyway. With both Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVIIR using Unreal it became pretty clear that not even Square wants to work with Luminous.

Regardless of platform differences, I have zero confidence this game will run smoothly when it releases.

I think they will improve it a bit but I'm pretty sure the final game will have very uneven framerate and will often run at sub 30fps.

It's a game in development, yeah, but can we please stop acting as if every game demo ever runs with really poor framerate? Because they don't.
They couldn't get decent framerate in small, empty and rather ugly locations in a demo made to be release for free worldwide. What confidence does that give me that the crowded big scale scenes from the trailer will run decently?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The operative phrase.

Ambition-wise, Naughty Dog aim higher and achieve better, I just hope that these issues are SE of the past and that FF7:R will be back to form.

Well at the very least, we know Nomura and company are working with a completed engine and renderer.


The operative phrase.

Most other major developers are achieving smoother fps with far better visuals than this, it's obviously a poorly optimised engine. Maybe not Gamebryo bad but I just hope nobody is blaming the hardware for these issues when it's definitely software. FF15 does not look impressive at all bar a few nice effects here and there.

Ambition-wise, Naughty Dog aim higher and achieve better, I just hope that these issues are SE of the past and that FF7:R will be back to form.

I know it's early, but the frame rate in that trailer we saw of FF7 was real bad.
This looks far better than any game from Beth and honestly? The graphic complaints don't exist outside the Internet and won't. It's a great looking game. I hope they optimize, but the game could ship like this and the vast majority of reviews would let them "get away" Scot free.

Even NX Gamer was repeatedly saying its looks great during his analysis. Most people, reviewers included, just aren't going to get caught up in dithering and motion blur and dynamic resolution and bla bla bla.

I'm talking strictly about the framerate, but it seems to look worse than Duscae as well.


Point stands. At a consistent 28-30 this isn't something that'd be coming up in reviews. I mean, pick any random open world game and skim the reviews for it.

Wouldn't be so sure about that. A friend of mine played the demo, she's a total casual, and even she complained to me how choppy it felt


The engine they are using sucks, layered so many effects on top when the foundation is shaky. I just watched the DF comparison and it explains why the game feels terrible to play. The frame pacing on PS4 is unacceptable. I doubt it will be fixed for release.


I don't think they care much about the engine anyway. With both Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVIIR using Unreal it became pretty clear that not even Square wants to work with Luminous.

I see it as they aren't ready and sharing the engine, even internally, is a step to early. And being optimistic, I often ain't, FFVIIR and KH3 is closer to release than we assumed. Yes, really damn optimistic now.

I don't think you need so much work for disable gl, do you?

Changing the lightning to anything else can dramatically change the look of the game. Haven't you noticed how it turns black people white?

The engine they are using sucks, layered so many effects on top when the foundation is shaky. I just watched the DF comparison and it explains why the game feels terrible to play. The frame pacing on PS4 is unacceptable. I doubt it will be fixed for release.

The engine is fine. It's the implementation of said engine that sucks. As Harada-san said.

A developer doesn't need power. They need money.

Paraphrasing a bit. Probably.


Why demo stuff that won't even be in the final game and has poor graphics? How could either of those things help the final game?
The operative phrase.

Most other major developers are achieving smoother fps with far better visuals than this, it's obviously a poorly optimised engine. Maybe not Gamebryo bad but I just hope nobody is blaming the hardware for these issues when it's definitely software. FF15 does not look impressive at all bar a few nice effects here and there.

Ambition-wise, Naughty Dog aim higher and achieve better, I just hope that these issues are SE of the past and that FF7:R will be back to form.

FFVII Remake is a UE4 game. I don't expect them to have anywhere near as many teething problems with it. Luminous Engine is the issue here. The fact that every other big SE RPG on the horizon is either UE4 or some other proprietary engine speaks volumes.


The engine is fine. It's the implementation of said engine that sucks. As Harada-san said.

A developer doesn't need power. They need money.

Paraphrasing a bit. Probably.

You implaying SE didn't spend enough money on this game and engine? Both are one of the biggest money pits in the history of Japanese video game development.


Hopefully all the kinks will be worked out by the time it release or at least they should happen way less often.

It doesn't ruins the gameplay but it impede my enjoyment of it.
Changing the lightning to anything else can dramatically change the look of the game. Haven't you noticed how it turns black people white?

Well CD Projekt RED didn't use real time global illumination because of consoles and there was no problem about your sample. SE have time for downgraded game graphics especially global illumination.


You implaying SE didn't spend enough money on this game and engine? Both are one of the biggest money pits in the history of Japanese video game development.

Saying that the engine developers didn't. So yes.
And please do not respond with that ten year bs.

Well CD Projekt RED didn't use real time global illumination because of consoles and there was no problem about your sample. SE have time for downgraded game graphics especially global illumination.

They have time yes but it still doesn't negate the fact that the game would look different.


Saying that the engine developers didn't. So yes.
And please do not respond with that ten year bs.

The engine was showcased back in 2012. SE have been working on it for longer than that and to this day absolutely nothing came of of it. The entire Luminous team was folded into FFXV development team just to get that game done with the said engine so at least part of the investment would come back. Even KH3 which was previously using Luminous was moved to entirely different engine and FF VII R arguably SE biggest project yet is using UE4. SE did because the whole investment into Luminous was a waste of time, money and did nothing to do what engine was set out to bring (sped up the development process) just like Crystal Tools before which in the end wasn't as bad as this.

About the cost of XV. That game will easily be one of the most expenisve Japanese games to date not only because of long development cycles but with rising game development costs, the whole cross production with a full length CG movie and already mentioned Luminus engine. Not to mention 10 million sales to be a success even if Tabata said it's the "just" the team ambition there's another obviously another side to that.


They still have 6 months, they'll play around with it for sure.

They should have the option to turn off/lower magic and particle effects (FFXIV has that too), I feel that's what dips framerate and no way they're going to get that stable with 5 party members. This must run on PC right?


I hope they'll do that, cause performance in that demo was pretty poor, it's a shame there won't be a PC version at lauch, i hope they'll do a great job on Xbox One, the hype for this game is reaching the same level of the one i had for MGSV last year, which released in September too
Well at the very least, we know Nomura and company are working with a completed engine and renderer.

What we've seen of KH/DQ/FF7R looks much better than what we've seen from FF15 at least IMO.

I'm glad they moved to UE4 for all of those games.

I just hope they aren't bullshotting any of those games.


Personally I didn't notice much wrong with the demo in terms of performance. Maybe a slight hiccup here and there but nothing that screamed unplayable to me. I quite like the demo and the combat. That's said they have plenty of time to keep optimizing and improving.

Seriously I can enjoy gta5 on PS3 and fallout 4 on ps4 I'm not worried about this. Especially with the game being so far out.


Why demo stuff that won't even be in the final game and has poor graphics? How could either of those things help the final game?

Because why not? And by the time septemeber rolls around and the marketing is in full effect no one will even be thinking about that demo.


I'd be fine if they switched back to 900p on PS4 with fxaa. It actually looked not bad at all and Duscae was huge. Then they could use the next 6 months to optimize IQ better. Holy grail would 1080p on PS4 with non shit IQ. *crosses fingers*


I'd be in the dick
They focused on resolution but the IQ still being a mess doesn't bode well either. I just find it pretty crazy that even with a dynamic res the framerate is still all over the place.


I know it's early, but the frame rate in that trailer we saw of FF7 was real bad.

A game 2 years away had bad frame rate? You don't say!

I'm amazed we got any footage at all and that's telling how much better UE4's toolset is. I mean the game wasn't even close at all to completion and they had that much running already in probably prealpha phase. I have faith that both FFVII and KH3 using UE4 will benefit greatly in there vision moreso than FFXV will.


There was nothing about the demo that I felt couldn't be addressed by launch. The game is already content complete -- everything they're doing from now until going gold is optimization. Commenting on it this quickly and candidly bodes well, I think. I seem to recall FF13 having some performance issues in early demos and the game came out running flawlessly.


No they are not, if they are stupid they will say it straight forward that Xbox One will be inferior to PS4 and get rid of potential Xbox fanbase.

There's not much to get rid of. This will be the second last JRPG by Square on Xbox this gen by the looks of things, so them not putting in extra hours for the Xbox version wouldn't be surprising.


Why demo stuff that won't even be in the final game and has poor graphics? How could either of those things help the final game?

They wanted people to bond with kid noctis so they created a demo that takes place sometime during the start of the game, i like the idea but the content itself is boring.
it is a parity comment?

if they decide on whether the two versions will be the same when one console is definitely more powerful then they are enforcing parity
man am i glad i bailed out of consoles when this is (still) the state of discussion

this parity whining is never going to die is it


I really hope they just shoot for a solid 900p/30fps on PS4 and for the love of all things holy add some AA.
The last demo does look like a PS3 game remastered with some nice particle effects added.

I can completely see this opinion honestly (talking only about the demo here). The room (or the town hallway) had moments, especially with the right lighting, that showed a substantial next gen feel. However, the forest or parts of Altissa (the look from the balcony in particular) were rather meh. Could be due to AA, IQ or what have you.

Despite what you may think of XIII, it was an incredibly pretty game for 2010. Just for the sake of a visual comparison between the demo (not a complete fair comparison since full XV is "open world") and XIII (which is linear 90% of the time). I'm just gonna post a gameplay portion from Sunleth Waterscape:


Not that far off visually from each other.


I wonder why they go such length to release a demo that is underwhelming and have to explain how they plan on improving things later on. It seems to me like one of those games that management eventually forces to ship when it's clearly not ready. It has terrible IQ and look bad in more than one place and the battle system is still uninteresting to me. I doubt 6 months will get them to fix much.


Same specs means the same quality/level of assets, shadows, etc.

But Xbone runs at lower resolution.

BTW this level of graphics needs to be 1080p on PS4 and 900p in Xbone... there is nothing really great on the demo in terms of IQ.


The choice of using the word "decide" could be something lost in translation, I think.

Tabata might have said "決めなかった", which can mean decide but it could also be "determined". As in "We haven't determined (based on logistics of time/budget/hardware constraints) whether both versions will be same"


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Since there a lot of threads regarding FFXV demo IQ/Performance, here is something straight from Tabata regarding its performance and resolution.


For the uninformed, PS4 version runs at a dynamic resolution that adjusts between 900p to 1080p. Xbox One adjusts to 1344x756 and something close to 1690x950.

As for the frame rate, both version of the game are plagued with frame pacing issues but with frame rate generally closer to 28-29 fps as seen in NX Gamer analysis. As Tabata said, they will do optimization for each platform now so hopefully the frame pacing can be fixed.

They have no plans to update the demo either, but they want the fans to get hands-on experience with the game starting with E3.

I'm pretty sure DF said PS4 adjusts from 1568x882p - 1600x900p - 1920x1080P and the Xbox One highest resolution was 1568x882p with it sitting at 1408x792p on average with low drop to 1360x768p
Now this good news that the dynamic resolution was experimental and the game will be optimize for launch, but worse comes to worse PS4 may end up 900p while X1 is 792p, best case would be 1080p on PS4 and 882p on Xbox One unless they squeeze 900p out of X1?

Same specs means the same quality/level of assets, shadows, etc.

But Xbone runs at lower resolution.

BTW this level of graphics needs to be 1080p on PS4 and 900p in Xbone... there is nothing really great on the demo in terms of IQ.
Well that the problem, X1 was only reached PS4's lowest resolution in the demo.
Does anyone have any shots of the X1 version, must be really soft IQ wise.
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