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Tabata Talks Final Fantasy XV Story Imbalances and the Teams Unconventional Decision

Pretty much them saying, "missing scenes? What are you taking about? It was our intention for the story to be told like that. It's supposed to feel like stuff is missing and handled off screen because you are experiencing it through Nocts point of view..."

I'd rather him admit that stuff was cut because of time instead of this bold lie he is trying to sell to everyone. Then again, type 0 was pretty garbage when it came to telling its story.
This is where I'm at


When the prequel movie to a video game has a better, more coherent and just as incomplete story as the game it is based on and introducing, you know you have fucked up seriously.

Unconventional or not.
I still haven't started my copy of FFXV. Is the story at least better than XIII's nonsense?

I at least hope the characters are better motivated and less whiny.


So basically, he got lucky that what little story made it in was actually pretty good. Please, keep this man away from future FF stories.


I still haven't started my copy of FFXV. Is the story at least better than XIII's nonsense?

I at least hope the characters are better motivated and less whiny.
The main characters are better than Lightning.

But the story is still turd. Well the bits of it they actually tell you anyway.


Pretty sure he just read that on NeoGAF and said to himself "yeah, that's the ticket! It was. . . Uh, a deliberate artistic choice!"

I mean, yeah, people have tried to spin FFXV as this flawed masterpiece that's great because "WOWEE it's so unconventional!!" so yeah it's funny to see Tabata edge closer and closer to that line.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
"We didn't want to create a perfectly balanced story in this game"


You can't seriously expect anyone to belive 'well we werent trying to make a good story anyway!' to be a not BS answer especially considering your trying to correct course right now


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I still haven't started my copy of FFXV. Is the story at least better than XIII's nonsense?

I at least hope the characters are better motivated and less whiny.

Though XV's story is "missing" or behind the scenes, it's much more understandable than XIII's because it doesn't suddenly toss jargon at you.
Next time i want to experience Uncharted's story by the eyes of someone stuck in an airport's bathroom, in another country, hearing about the events of the game by occasional News Radio.
It's a great approach.
That's basically what you get
at the end of Uncharted 4,


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
At least Tabata and Toriyama know how to release games. The series wouldn't release another game if Nomura had to hold up the mantle.

Tabata is going a long way in all of these interviews to essentially say "Nomura fucked things up so badly we didn't have the budget or time to make things more fleshed out"

You guys are trying too hard right now. Firstly to demonize another director not even mentioned, but apparently to deflect blame away from Tabata? He's the one making these excuses now, if he just said it didn't come out how they wanted for 'various reasons' and they were taking steps to fix it, it would not even be a thread criticizing him

XV is at least not as bad as Type 0 so there's something for Tabata.
I am still perplexed by people saying that Nomura wouldn't finish the game as if that's something he has always done.
Also don't think Tabata finished the game himself despite the delay.
I'm sure Tabata is a nice guy but I'm not sure evangelizing him due to being in charge of the latest mainline FF seems warranted. He made a bunch of mediocre PsP games before trying to stitch together a game that has been in dev hell for a decade while casualizing the combat and deciding that casuals dont like pressing buttons which seems to be spreading to other SE games like DQ Heroes 2

To be fair, Crisis core was very good, so Tabata has that under his belt. Even Genesis is but a single bad element that i actually feel is more mixed reception wise than universally reviled.
What a garbage excuse. Tabata has said this before though.

If anyone wants to understand why FFXV is a very badly told story , plus see when he mentioned the whole Noctis' POV bs earlier, and why that doesn't work, please see(Spoilers for all of FFXV) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bp-uNdefJo

Also from the same interview:

He also said this about side characters:

“It’s not that we decreased the roll of the side characters,” he explained. “Focusing on many characters in the game means that the allocation given to the main characters will decrease. Instead of creating a comprehensive and perfectly balanced story, we placed greater importance on the four main characters and strived to depict a world seen from their perspective.”

Again more bs. Why say you want to add updates to flesh out
if this was your intent?Why sacrifice the importance of the side characters for main characters that aren't really all that developed nor have any arcs or many cutscenes dedicated to them (Except Noctis), which might be seen only in the paid DLC?

Why make a "Universe" for FFXV and use Noctis' point of view excuse not let us know the cast of said Universe, at least within the game proper.


Obvious parry is obvious. But it's alright, this is the most epic head-canon game of all time, mostly because it has to be.

Otherwise: "what...?"
What blows is spending $80 or so on the game, and as i wait for the patches the game has already been on sale twice

Why would I play it now with the story content and 60fps patch still being worked on?
Someone like Jason Schrier or some other journalist who isn't afraid of pulling punches in an interview needs to sit down with Tabata and call him out on this obvious BS.


There's a lesson to be learnt from FFXV when it comes to FFXVI.

Don't make it open world. Just don't do it.

Wait I thought we didn't like 13 because it was too linear...now we want to go back?

I know but given how some people greatly dislike XIII's story (I enjoyed the whole ride), I hope it provides context to people about Type-0's story.

Full disclosure but I enjoyed Type -0 a lot aside from the disjointed narrative.

Shhh. Don't let them hear you say that. But I agree.

I really think what is going on is that the staff developers are amazing at SE. What they pulled off in 15 is impressive. The problem is the creative talent for writing, characters, worlds, art direction and music are lost. The cinematic thing is just not working. Their vision/leadership is confused and weak. Possibly they are scared because of the past success of the franchise. Too much pressure. Don't know. To me, they need to get their chops back. I would recommend building something from the WoFF, Setsuna and Bravely Default teams, let them take a crack at the next one. It's time to go back to the roots.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I know but given how some people greatly dislike XIII's story (I enjoyed the whole ride), I hope it provides context to people about Type-0's story.

Full disclosure but I enjoyed Type -0 a lot aside from the disjointed narrative.

The problem with Type-0 is that you had to replay the game to get a better understanding on the story and Type-0 uses much more jargon than XIII.

Really, in terms of story XIII beats Type-0.
You guys are trying too hard right now. Firstly to demonize another director not even mentioned, but apparently to deflect blame away from Tabata? He's the one making these excuses now, if he just said it didn't come out how they wanted for 'various reasons' and they were taking steps to fix it, it would not even be a thread criticizing him

No, I'm blaming both of them. The resultant FF15 was definitely the result of Nomura completely botching Versus 13 and Tabata picking it up and making bizarre concessions and changes for the worse
The problem with Type-0 is that you had to replay the game to get a better understanding on the story and Type-0 uses much more jargon than XIII.

Really, in terms of story XIII beats Type-0.
It does not help that it uses the same jargon as XIII, but the words mean completely different things.

Also, I didn't like the gameplay at all.
Sounds like they're planning to make a franchise off this entry with other games to fill in the gaps. Depending on personal interests of the audience this might be great, or terrible.

Question is, will you buy FFXV-2 to find out?


Sounds like they're planning to make a franchise off this entry with other games to fill in the gaps. Depending on personal interests of the audience this might be great, or terrible.

Question is, will you buy FFXV-2 to find out?
There isnt supposed to be a XV-2. Im pretty sure they've said that there won't be one.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Looking forward to when in 10 years he can say freely "The project was proper fucked m8. They'd barely developed an intro let alone a whole games worth of plot. I got in there, shipped some half open world, half linear shit, and lied me arse off about artist intention and budgets and whatnot." rather than the excuse circus he has to peddle currently during the games main sales window.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
No, I'm blaming both of them. The resultant FF15 was definitely the result of Nomura completely botching Versus 13 and Tabata picking it up and making bizarre concessions and changes for the worse

Citation needed.

Fact of the matter is, its Tabata making these weird excuses right now instead of just being straight that they had issues making the game.

Nomura hasn't spoken on Versus 13 or 15 since he left the project and likely won't ever speak on it, so he technically has no place in the convo and hasn't for more than 3 years now


Nah, this dog won't hunt, Tabata. Go back and try this one again, and put some fucking motivation in your answer next time.


If he's willing to lay claim to the results of that, Tabata is a bad director.

I can't give him credit for the concept or idea, since those were more or less the product of Nomura and Kojima. He says himself it was intentional to tell the story that way. I think FFXV's storytelling was absolutely terrible.

Why does Square Enix struggle to tell a solid and thematically consistent story now. Ever since they introduced voice acting into the series the mellow drama got turned up to 11. Like contract a fucking seasoned drama or adventure writer maybe, something, anything!
Why does Square Enix struggle to tell a solid and thematically consistent story now. Ever since they introduced voice acting into the series the mellow drama got turned up to 11. Like contract a fucking seasoned drama or adventure writer maybe, something, anything!

Because they no longer have Sakaguchi
What they're saying essentially seems to be "we were trying to do something specific and strange even if it came at the cost of a coherent, robust narrative". Then the evidence doesn't even support that. They have plenty of scenes that don't feature Noctis and they even supplemented in Kingsglaive stuff to try to reach a greater understanding. It seems clear to me that they didn't have enough time to finish the game, though looking at Tabata's prior project in Type-0 it could also be a general lack of writing and presenting ability on he and his team's part.


Though XV's story is "missing" or behind the scenes, it's much more understandable than XIII's because it doesn't suddenly toss jargon at you.

XIII's jargon is vastly overstated. Using English as my second language I never once had to look into the datalog to understand what was going on in XIII. In fact they do tell you what fal'cie, l'cie and cieth are pretty much directly. Cieth is explained in the first hour of the game and the other terms follow soon after.

Where FFXIII shat the bed (except for the Call of Duty gamedesign) is the ending where stuff happens because reasons. So much so that FFXIII-2 had to retcon it.


Not buying it for a second. There's scenes early on for instance where the story shifts to other characters, who themselves are often referring to vague bullshit the audience doesn't have the background for.

Or like some fights against characters that seem like the game is treating as bigger deals than they are. Like that mech you fight as an early boss. The character is introduced, seems like he might have been important, but nope, not really. Why even bother with the unique model and name and not just make it a mech? Reminds me of the way FFXIII had supporting characters that seemed like they were going to be prominent but then just disappear or get killed.


It's entirely possible that the story telling in the game is intentional and also that they will patch in changes that are at odds with that decision but in line with player feedback, without any lies being told.

People always jumps to malice when devs make statement when the far more likely reality is that they simply made decisions you don't like.

Edit - If anything I think the way Kingsglaive stuff was added in the day 1 patch lends weight to the idea that their original plan was to tell the game from Noctis's POV as much as possible, and accept the consequences that came with that. I'm not saying any of this is good or bad, just that it sort of checks out.

And of course there was also cut content on top, every game has that, but given the way the game turned out it's highly likely that cut content was also going to be told in the same way as the rest of the story.
No, I'm blaming both of them. The resultant FF15 was definitely the result of Nomura completely botching Versus 13 and Tabata picking it up and making bizarre concessions and changes for the worse

You have literally no evidence that Nomura botched Versus. And even if he did, that's no excuse for Tabata's decision-making for this game.

Tabata was the director for FFXV. Period. As a director, he focused on the wrong things. He wanted so badly for his "boys' night road trip" that he focused way too much of his time and resources on the open world, which in the end amounted to little more than MMO-style fetch quests. The story suffered as a result, and all of his characters got neutered into little more than stylistic accessories for Noctis.

There are enough elements in the extended world of FFXV that have promise, and nothing that indicates that it was beyond saving in development. There's a good story in there that's just told poorly. There's no reason why Tabata couldn't have cleaned it up and released a more complete product, if only his focus had been more story-driven. He did a bad job as director. You can't blame Nomura for this.

I feel like people that complain about the terms in FF13 have never read an actual fantasy novel.

SO MUCH THIS. This is honestly what I really, really loved about FF13's storytelling. It told like a fantasy novel. I never understood, and will likely never understand, people who say that the story was too confusing. (Barring the end of the game where things kind of fell apart.)


If Noctis and co were actually doing something substantial while these other major plot points were going on, then yeah this would have totally worked.

Instead it's "full scale war in a massive city vs. pushing a car".

Ideally they would see a unique perspective on a massive story, but in FFXV it's more like Noct is a clear cut non-participant in the story.

Say what you will about ME3's ending, but the overall story arc of ME3 tackled this EXACT concept quite well. "Earth is invaded, Shepherd leaves Earth and travels the galaxy to the front lines of many battles to forge alliances(all massive missions with big stakes), and then returning home with the support for the final battle."

The key difference was the middle portion of the game. Shepherd wasn't on his home turf either, but he was fighting the war in his own way on the outside. Noct was just blindly following Ardyn, without any agency at all.


I still find it rather incredible that despite the story issues, we still got a damn fine main FF protagonist, a memorable crew of paty members (especially Prompto) and one of the best FF villains in decades. I understand the issues people have with Luna but I thought she was given adequate time to showcase her pivotal role in the story (though I will happily take more cutscenes with her if possible, SE!)
I still find it rather incredible that despite the story issues, we still got a damn fine main FF protagonist, a memorable crew of paty members (especially Prompto) and one of the best FF villains in decades. I understand the issues people have with Luna but I thought she was given adequate time to showcase her pivotal role in the story (though I will happily take more cutscenes with her if possible, SE!)

What pivotal role? If you took Luna out of the story and scrubbed the lore clean of any mention of an Oracle at all, nothing would've changed.
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