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Tales of Graces f English Trailer | Dated for March 13, 2012 in North America

Not a fan of the trailer, but it proves that the game is in fact being put into English, at least.

More important news is the date. Actually spacing it away from Final Fantasy! Good job, Namco. (Bookmark this post, I may never have cause to say that again.)


At what level is ToGf's story good/bad/boring? I dealt and "enjoyed" Star Ocean 4's story mind you. :p
It's average. It's not really bad or anything (it's definitely better than SO4 on the cringe scale) but its story and cast were definitely the worst out of all the Tales games I've played. If you had no problem with SO4 you'll have no problem here though. Just be prepared to hear the word protect five hundred times by the time the credits roll. The game does deserve credit for the PS3 extra chapter though, the idea of an extended epilogue-extra story hybrid is one I'd quite like to see more RPGs try.

No idea how they picked half the stuff in that trailer but Sophie's dub was a pretty pleasant surprise. Sounds pretty like her Japanese voice except, well, talking English. One line's probably too early to judge, but at the very least it doesn't sound like she got one of those irritating overly American accents that tend to ruin dubs for me.


Do we know if the skits are voiced? I'm playing my 1st tales game now ( vesperia) and I love those. But I would hate reading them.
Finally some news on this ..not a fan of the voices but i'll take it .

They better have NOT done a shitty localisation like the one they did with legendia ( with half the voices set gone ) or i'll be seriously angry ..

This will be my first tales of in a while in english After doing world 2,3,vesperia , and xillia in japanese , this will be seriously weird for me.


Do we know if the skits are voiced? I'm playing my 1st tales game now ( vesperia) and I love those. But I would hate reading them.

They are voiced in the Japanese version, so I assume they will be in the English version as well. I mean it would be strange to take them out after making them voiced in Vesperia.
8-4 did it, so localization will be solid.

How does the plot rank compare to abyss symphonia and vesperia?

Is this the tales that has no world map, and does it a bit like ffx?


They are voiced in the Japanese version, so I assume they will be in the English version as well. I mean it would be strange to take them out after making them voiced in Vesperia.

Not at all a safe assumption. Vesperia and Symphonia 2 had voiced skits (Legendia had... halfway voiced skits), but both of those games are apparently disappointments for Namco Bandai in the west. Abyss 3DS didn't get its skits voiced, although the circumstances with that game are understandable. I think Graces F might have voiced skits, but I don't think it's a sure bet and I don't think we can look at Vesperia (a game that Microsoft paid for) as a reason why they will be.

john tv

Pretty sure the dude said the skits are voiced in that GT video, didn't he?

EDIT: Also, MS didn't pay for Vesperia, hah.


Tragic victim of fan death
8-4 did it, so localization will be solid.

How does the plot rank compare to abyss symphonia and vesperia?

Is this the tales that has no world map, and does it a bit like ffx?

Plot is not better than Vesperia but it has its own quirks. Um... I have a bit of a nostalgia blindness from Symphonia so I'm not sure if it's better. Personally I think Graces f has a better story... I think... Umm... Yes to the last question.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
This will be my first tales of in a while in english After doing world 2,3,vesperia , and xillia in japanese , this will be seriously weird for me.
Me too! I haven't played Tales games in English in what feels like forever. I didn't play Vesperia in English even though I have a copy (no 360 yet), so it's probably... er, I haven't played a Tales game in English since... Radiant Mythology, I think? I don't even remember. :lol

8-4 did it, so localization will be solid.

How does the plot rank compare to abyss symphonia and vesperia?
Agreed. I really like 8-4's work in general. So great.

Team Destiny scenarios are generally weaker than Team Symphonia games', so don't expect much. But the game's battle system and ability system more than make up for some of the shortcomings of the scenario (especially some of the Japanese dialogue, though this might be remedied with a good localization). The theme of friendship and protection is very well-presented, though. That's why I like to split the games according to liking the battle systems and then liking the narratives.

So to answer your question, the narrative is below those three games to me, kind of middling. But I liked all of the playable characters (Cheria, Hubert and even Asbel (but I think it's moreso that I like his design outside of the disco pants, and the fact that he's voiced by Takahiro Sakurai)) and didn't really find anyone annoying like Anise in Abyss or something...

Is this the tales that has no world map, and does it a bit like ffx?


Tragic victim of fan death
A week after Mass Effect 3. Goddammit. Will still be purchasing Day 1 of course.

Honestly, I feel like the audience it caters towards is so different it doesn't even matter. As long as they got it away from XIII-2, NB did something right.


Honestly, I feel like the audience it caters towards is so different it doesn't even matter. As long as they got it away from XIII-2, NB did something right.
Well, I guess it depends on the person. 0 interest in XIII-2, super hyped for ME3 and ToG:F. I have a good amount of friends who'll be picking up all 3. Even though I'm getting ToG:F on Day 1, something tells me I'll be playing it after completing Mass Effect just because I'll have already started it and be talking to people about it.
It's not bad, it's just boring. I think I played like 10 hours of it and I haven't been motivated to play more for almost a year now. Maybe I'll get back to it when everyone is playing the English version.

Bah, boring is the worst thing a story can be for me. Hopefully I won't feel the same way.


Well I guess I didn't really find it boring. I have my issues with it as stated by I would say that it does at least move fast enough to let me get to more fighting. I actually liked some story parts in the second half of the game, too.
Well I guess I didn't really find it boring. I have my issues with it as stated by I would say that it does at least move fast enough to let me get to more fighting. I actually liked some story parts in the second half of the game, too.
As long as Malik has some good story scenes, I'll be cool.

For some reason, whatever characters I tend to like in Tales games usually get the least amount of screen time/development. :/
Well I've never enjoyed a Tales story before. So as long as the characters are likeable and gameplay good I'll be fine. Pretty much why I liked Abyss.


What? Everyone likes Guy. How could you hate him?


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I dunno if other people do this, but I usually play Tales games primarily for the battle/ability systems and the visual style employed. Story is usually secondary to me. *shrug* I have to say that a few of the character interactions in Abyss bothered me quite a bit, though. It was frustrating to watch.

I didn't mind JYB as Guy, though... >.> *runs*


Huh? Abyss has no likeable characters, what are you talking about?

Aside from Anise (annoying) and Natalia (total bore) I liked pretty much everyone. I had a few issues of course, but I liked that everyone remained relevant and most of them were pretty interesting to follow all the way to the end, two things I feel most Tales game struggle with.


What? Everyone likes Guy. How could you hate him?

His Gynophobia is just stupid. Not only is it nonsensical and simply not funny, they're completely inconsistent about it too. You'll see him comfortably standing within a foot of one of the female party members in one cutscene and cowering in fear as the same party member closes in from 2 meters in the next cutscene.

Tear, Guy, and Jade were extremely enjoyable. Van was also a solid villain. Luke also so wasn't bad after he stopped being a jerk. Kind of like Cloud.

Tear has no personality and is just boring. Already covered Guy. Jade is smug but he's not witty or clever in slightest so he just comes off as a prick rather then cool or experienced. Luke actually gets worse after the change. His only redeeming point gets taken away from him (Mieu).

Haven't really seen enough of Van yet to make much of a comment on him. I admit he hasn't offended me yet the same way the main party and the six god generals have.


Maybe this has already been asked, but how is Graces pacing and length compared to Vesperia and Abyss?

Graces can be finished between 30 and 40 hours - took me about 35 IIRC. The F chapter adds about 10 hours, supposedly, but I haven't played it yet.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
@ Luigiv: Perhaps Abyss isn't for you... Did you play Vesperia? You might like it more. I liked Jade, though; his snark was refreshing (but I generally like the snarkier characters in Tales games like Tenebrae). And Liam O'Brien as Dist? Flawless victory.

As for the pacing in Graces... errr... someone else can field that. I didn't play Graces on a normal playthrough. I recall investing about 35-40+ hours into the battle system and ability system before I got to Fendel (the winter area), which definitely isn't a normal playthrough by any means. I paid more attention to getting more abilities, going through Inn Requests and unlocking more difficulties really early on, though. I played most of the game on Chaos difficulty, so the game took me a while to get through. I spent quite a while in the f chapter, but I heard it takes about 10-15 extra hours of normal playtime.

A standard playthrough should be about 40-50 hours (incl. the f arc). Pacing is fine.


Terrible song, cheesy "friendship is love and power and WE CAN DO THIS GUYS" message...do they not want this to succeed?

Will day one this regardless. But they might want to tone down the "jRPG"-ness of this game if they want to appeal to a wider audience. The core fans will buy this no matter if it has some awful song in the beginning or not, so why include it?


@ Luigiv: Perhaps Abyss isn't for you... Did you play Vesperia? You might like it more.

Well it's not that I'm disliking the game itself, battles are fun and dungeons are well designed, which is enough for me. I just can't ignore the fact that the cast and writing is purely abysmal. Though admitted I'm more amused by how terrible it is than put off by it. Like a train wreck in slow motion if you will.

Mind you I'm still only about 17 hours in so I do have a bit to go. Maybe my opinion will change.

I haven't played (much of) Vesperia because I don't have a 360. My PS3 is also not hacked so the translation patch is out of the question. I would get it if I could.
His Gynophobia is just stupid. Not only is it nonsensical and simply not funny, they're completely inconsistent about it too. You'll see him comfortably standing within a foot of one of the female party members in one cutscene and cowering in fear as the same party member closes in from 2 meters in the next cutscene.

It's been a while since I last played Abyss, so I can't remember off hand, but those sound like two different cases. Considering the cause of his gynophobia, standing next to a girl and one coming up to him would most definitely cause a different reaction out of him.



All I need a confirmation of is fully voiced skits and I'll be impressed. Too bad Namco took their damn time unlike Vesperia!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Terrible song, cheesy "friendship is love and power and WE CAN DO THIS GUYS" message...do they not want this to succeed?
That's what the game's theme is partially about. Mind you, they made the promise to be friends forever when they were kids. The genre is 守る強さを知るRPG (The RPG to Know the Strength to Protect).

Will day one this regardless. But they might want to tone down the "jRPG"-ness of this game if they want to appeal to a wider audience. The core fans will buy this no matter if it has some awful song in the beginning or not, so why include it?
It's the game's theme song. It's actually arranged in-game in two tracks. Why not include it? It's interesting that the game seems to be getting the English version of White Wishes, though. It isn't my favourite Tales OP theme either. Karma (TotA), Flyaway (RM2), Progress (Xillia) and Like a Dream (ToD) are my favourites.

I just can't ignore the fact that the cast and writing is purely abysmal. Though admitted I'm more amused by how terrible it is more so then turned off by it. Like a train wreck in slow motion if you will.

Mind you I'm still only about 17 hours in so I do have a bit to go. Maybe my opinion will change.
I felt the same way sometimes. Some of the character interactions were just ludicrous and silly and it drove me nuts sometimes. The plot bits do get a little better, though. But as long as you're enjoying the gameplay parts of it, then that isn't too bad--that's what I come to Tales for. I liked playing around with the FOF Change stuff quite a bit.


I don't think Graces story is boring. Duckroll just hates Tales games and finds excuses to stop playing them even when he's having fun! :mad:

Graces story is good because it doesn't try to be anything beyond generic and simple. It doesn't think it's smart and doesn't shove it in your face. It's not like most Tales games where you groan and smack your forehead.

Otoh, there simply isn't much to it. The world is tiny (3 cities), and the plot is one note (go do ___ from city to city). There's a little more to it, but there are hardly any twists in the game and it's not particular long or epic in scope. It's a simple rpg about a bunch of characters going around the world saving it, the end. But it's accompanied by the most fun and best battle system in the series, good dungeons, and fun gameplay sub-systems. The game is fun to play and the story is enough to simply give you a reason to keep moving forward in your world travel until the ending.

The story isn't memorable, but it's not obnoxious. It's fine. The cast is entertaining enough to make it a pleasant journey.


Story is serviceable, with a decent cast of characters. Nothing more could be said. Although story/character wise I prefer Xillia over it. Game rankings though . . . Abyss > Graces F > Xillia IMO


Honestly, I feel like the audience it caters towards is so different it doesn't even matter. As long as they got it away from XIII-2, NB did something right.
There's probably ENOUGH overlap, not to mention both are going to be more significant time investments than, say, the campaign of games like Call of Duty, which when it overlaps may be counteracted by the fact CoD gives a quick action/multiplayer fix, whereas an RPG would be a dedicated singleplayer experience to chew through over time. Still, I imagine most of that overlap is among people who'd end up buying both sooner than later anyway, if I had to wait on one or the other it'd probably end up being ME3 just because Tales could use that support whereas I don't know if I even will want Bioware games post-ME3.

john tv

Story is fine IMO, the big thing with this game is gameplay. The battle system is amazing, and the title system is just really, really addictive. Does a really good job of giving that constant drip-feed of progress and making you want to continue playing/growing your charas throughout the 40 or 50 hours it takes to finish.


Is there really any point in calling the game Tales of Graces F in NA? It's not like we got the original game and nobody even knows what the hell that F stands for.


Is there really any point in calling the game Tales of Graces F in NA? It's not like we got the original game and nobody even knows what the hell that F stands for.
I've been baffled myself. I guess it's because a solid chunk of the people who were going to buy it got used to it under that name, and rather than axe the f decided to just leave it there. Kind of like the inverse of Xenoblade, gaining a lot of momentum under the original name everyone's going to use anyway, yet had Chronicles tacked on.
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