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Teen blasts NWA's "Fuck tha Police" during slain officers funeral

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It's fascinating comparing what NY Post did with this kid and what CNN didn't do with the uber racist that was retweeted by Trump

And the narratives that emerged from those incidents.


Comments like this are just ridiculous. The kid is a dumbass. There are constructive ways to have your voice heard. Playing "Fuck tha Police" at a memorial for a cop murdered because of the uniform she was wearing is not one of them. What do you know about Miosotis Familia? Was she a racist oppressor? Maybe she became a cop because she wanted to work in and help her community.

Why not spend as much time advocating for constructive, positive solutions that build relationships between communities and the Police, instead of needless antagonism? You guys continue the cycle, and whether you like it or not the Police aren't going away any time soon. That doesn't mean calling out the Police when they're wrong and holding them to account, but that isn't what this is.
Bullshit how do you get change when the ones in power refuse to change and the vast majority of people don't care?
I keep getting labeled as having right wing agendas on here when even exploring other cause and affects of social issues. I voted to remain in the EU, against the Conservative party with a Labor vote and firmly believe people like Trump are terrible for politics and look forward to him being taken down. I'll calmly leave this thread and apologize to anyone I've agitated with my post.
Yeah yeah, "Black on Black crime" and "Black culture". We don't care about your apology. Go inform yourself before you speak. Black culture, child please.


I just find the absolute total disdain towards the police, men and women who put their lives at risk to serve the public to be wrong. I've seen total blame being put on them multiple times in this thread.
So, apparently you're completely serious and by extension all right with institutional racism so long as it doesn't affect the police institutions image in your mind. Because all events that have happened in the past years are just outliers, done by bad eggs who went AWOL.





Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.

Now post the numbers on Latino, white, and Asian homicides

is "I am going to leave the thread after my fucked up post is corrected" the new goto move?


Not Wario
Seems like a pretty crap situation all around.

The kid's background and age make his reaction perfectly understandable. The lack of an outlet to protest is a good point too. I don't think a funeral, specifically, is the right place for it, out of consideration for the family less so the police. (and, in this instance, given the nature of the officer's death- it's even worse, as the feeling of hatred toward your loved one already has to seem pretty toxic even before the music) The officers barging in without right is pretty disgusting too, though, whatever I think of the NYPD aside, I can at least get getting angry at the sound of protest music at a coworker's death, especially if they were friends or close in anyway. Still, I don't think the teen deserved any punishment, much less eviction. At least this news will give a previously voiceless kid a voice for just a moment, so there's some silver lining to all of this.
Comments like this are just ridiculous. The kid is a dumbass. There are constructive ways to have your voice heard. Playing "Fuck tha Police" at a memorial for a cop murdered because of the uniform she was wearing is not one of them. What do you know about Miosotis Familia? Was she a racist oppressor? Maybe she became a cop because she wanted to work in and help her community.

Why not spend as much time advocating for constructive, positive solutions that build relationships between communities and the Police, instead of needless antagonism? You guys continue the cycle, and whether you like it or not the Police aren't going away any time soon. That doesn't mean calling out the Police when they're wrong and holding them to account, but that isn't what this is.

It's not the job of the oppressed to effectuate change in their oppressors. In fact it's downright impossible.
Yeah so literally reading the Post article in full there is zero mention that the family heard it, the people that got mad were you guessed it the police marching by.


I respect that. But, because you think it's not OK, do you think it's OK for the police, in force, to approach the kid and the landlord to get the residents kicked out unless there was an apology?

I don't. What happened afterwards wasn't justified either. He was just a kid that made a mistake.

If he had done that he likely would have been beaten and/or killed, and on top of that people would still say he was out of line. Your very specific ideas of what is good protest and bad protest are irrelevant. Focus on the fact that, in whatever way he could, this kid decided to protest the funeral of a police officer. Focus on why that is. Is it just because he's an asshole, or is it because to some people the "police" are a very different thing than they are to you.

That's fair. This didn't happen in a vacuum, the kid's life was made difficult by police for a long time probably. I live in a neighborhood that doesn't see a lot of police presence so I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what this kid's been through. I dunno, I just got triggered by the thought of that women's family's reaction to this might have been. This just feels like a shitty situation all around.


If my father and brother were kill by a group of people and as they walked past my house in a funeral procession, I would have probably done the same thing. That said, if my daughter was killed in cold blood and I was having a funeral procession for her and someone did that to me, I would go up to their house and beat the shit out of them.

People are emotional and can act out based on life experiences. It can be hypocritical but being human, especially a very emotionally distraught human being often leads to erratic behavior that cannot be controlled easily. Who wouldn't feel the same as this kid? Who wouldn't feel the same as the partner of this cop? Honest question.

Good points, shits a mess. The police are antagonized because of their shitty brethren giving them a bad name, good cops get dragged through the mud, and killed. Funeral is desecrated. High emotions. Being a civilian and seeing them honor their dead friend while getting away scott free for murdering your brother and best friend. High emotions.

I feel like this country is at the brink of polarization hitting critical mass, its permeating in every facet of social and political life. Time to move to Drakeland


Gold Member
I keep getting labeled as having right wing agendas on here when even exploring other cause and affects of social issues.

Seems pretty simple, to me.
Cause: Minority citizens of the United States are killed more frequently - and lately with significantly increasing frequency - by the police who are supposed to protect them, and those very police, even when confronted with evidence of poor decision making and sometimes outright racism, aren't held accountable for their actions.

Effect: Minorities increasingly distrust police and people who support police. Also, the justice system. If the justice system continually fails to hold police accountable for these actions, what other option do they have but protest.

The action taken here was immature and disrespectful, yes, but it was how this person chose to protest. And he was within his own home. He didn't drive up to the funeral with the express intent of disrupting it. The funeral procession passed by and were annoyed. So they sent 20 cops up to the kid's apartment. You don't see anything wrong with that use of force? That is a prime example of why he felt the need to protest in the first place.

I voted to remain in the EU, against the Conservative party with a Labor vote and firmly believe people like Trump are terrible for politics and look forward to him being taken down. I'll calmly leave this thread and apologize to anyone I've agitated with my post.

Lordy this is an awful lot like hearing people say "I'm not racist, I have black friends!"
I don't. What happened afterwards wasn't justified either. He was just a kid that made a mistake.

That's fair. This didn't happen in a vacuum, the kid's life was made difficult by police for a long time probably. I live in a neighborhood that doesn't see a lot of police presence so I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what this kid's been through. I dunno, I just got triggered by the thought of that women's family's reaction to this might have been. This just feels like a shitty situation all around.

Think about how so few give a single fuck for the families who have their lives destroyed and shattered every day by the current institutionalize racism that these police forces pledge to uphold.

I just wish more people would have the perspective to just sit and think "gee why is there such an adversarial and tense (at best) relationship between the police and the citizens in certain areas of the country. I mean, I love the police. They are always there when I need them. They are so helpful. Is it that these people are just ungrateful and needlessly disrespectful, or is there something deeper going on?"

I agree with you, that blaring this song during a police funeral seems Fucking crazy on the surface, but instead of just writing this kid off as some "thug", I would rather try and figure out what would push someone to do something like that?
Seems like a pretty crap situation all around.

The kid's background and age make his reaction perfectly understandable. The lack of an outlet to protest is a good point too. I don't think a funeral, specifically, is the right place for it, out of consideration for the family less so the police. (and, in this instance, given the nature of the officer's death- it's even worse, as the feeling of hatred toward your loved one already has to seem pretty toxic even before the music) The officers barging in without right is pretty disgusting too, though, whatever I think of the NYPD aside, I can at least get getting angry at the sound of protest music at a coworker's death, especially if they were friends or close in anyway. Still, I don't think the teen deserved any punishment, much less eviction. At least this news will give a previously voiceless kid a voice for just a moment, so there's some silver lining to all of this.

what's a good time and place to protest?

should he book in advance?

i know it's tough to work around their busy schedule of incarcerating, maiming and killing minorities.


I just find the absolute total disdain towards the police, men and women who put their lives at risk to serve the public to be wrong. I've seen total blame being put on them multiple times in this thread.

I would suggest you read up on the history and current dynamics of American policing and their relationship with minority communities before you come into this thread with the assumption that our cops are as honorable as yours.... although your cops have a little bit of work to do anyway.

Schattenjäger;243222250 said:
On top of that.. she was assasinated while sitting in her car by a cop hater
All signs point to her being a well liked member of the community
I think that point alone makes what this kid did super shitty

What do you think of the officers protesting de Blasio at the funeral?
Let's look at what a cop (who's name didn't get plastered in the article btw) had to say:

"This is the shit we face everyday"

But sure it's minorities who are making it us vs them

Tommy DJ

Schattenjäger;243223108 said:

If you're asking why the Daily Mail is banned, its because its literally the worst newspaper in the world.

I'll just put it this way. For a while they ran a lot of stories under "All Grown Up". A section dedicated to let men perv over girls who are barely past the age of consent, hence you can't sue them for pedophilia.

That's all you need to know about the ethical quality of the Daily Mail.


Not sure why we're holding a 16 year old to higher standards than one of the most prominent police departments in the nation in terms of protesting.

I just hope the kid stays safe.


If you're asking why the Daily Mail is banned, its because its literally the worst newspaper in the world.

I'll just put it this way. For a while they ran a lot of stories under "All Grown Up". A section dedicated to let men perv over girls who are barely past the age of consent, hence you can't sue them for pedophilia.

That's all you need to know about the ethical quality of the Daily Mail.
I'm almost 100% sure he wasn't asking in good faith.
That cop in the article really says it all. "This is the shit we face ever day" was not in reference to violence or murder but "disrespect". They feel owed respect but yet give none.


Think about how so few give a single fuck for the families who have their lives destroyed and shattered every day by the current institutionalize racism that these police forces pledge to uphold.

And what's worse is that cops are gonna use her death to say "see, we're the real victims here? How dare they protest us." It's already begun with the "Why isn't anyone protesting THIS?" talk from the police leadership.

I'll agree to disagree with y'all. I don't think what the kid did was right, but I understand it, and I get it isn't even a fraction as bad as what these cops do to black America every day. The defense for it seems to be coming more for frustration at the system rather than actually cheering the death of this officer.

you don't care.

Ben Carson is Black too fam.

I know you're being sincere, but you seriously come off like a glib troll. Don't worry, this isn't the start of an internet argument, I won't be replying to you after this.


Screw the cops and screw the kid. This was a persons funeral that was wrecked because of this nonsense. Literally their last interaction with their family/friends.
Politicizing it in any way is beyond screwed up.


That cop in the article really says it all. "This is the shit we face ever day" was not in reference to violence or murder but "disrespect". They feel owed respect but yet give none.

They couldn't even hold it together and at least appear to be apolitical for one of their comrade's funerals, a cop who by all accounts wasn't hated by her community...probably because she actually interacting with people like a normal person instead of a sensitive asshole.
And what's worse is that cops are gonna use her death to say "see, we're the real victims here? How dare they protest us." It's already begun with the "Why isn't anyone protesting THIS?" talk from the police leadership.


And? Let them. That the people you are protesting for being shit heads are going to continue to be shit heads is a terrible reason to not protest something.


I can only acknowledge that what the kid did was super fucked up and disrespectful to the family of the victim.

...while also acknowledging that I would've done the exact same thing were I in his shoes. Especially at 16.
And what's worse is that cops are gonna use her death to say "see, we're the real victims here? How dare they protest us." It's already begun with the "Why isn't anyone protesting THIS?" talk from the police leadership.

I'll agree to disagree with y'all. I don't think what the kid did was right, but I understand it, and I get it isn't even a fraction as bad as what these cops do to black America every day. The defense for it seems to be coming more for frustration at the system rather than actually cheering the death of this officer.

This kid's protesting didn't cause that mindset, that's been there since forever. Every NYPD funeral is basically this, last time they turned their back on the Mayor they said he, and Obama, calls for police reform and folks like BLM are to blame.

Same thing with this one. Cops are being unfairly demonized by xyz and that's why we're being targeted. That's their argument, they turn their back again, they politicize the shit out of this funeral to push back against calls for reform, against calls accountability of police brutality but the only one being held accountable is some kid.

Tommy DJ

Jesus Christ

Re-reading articles about this period, its actually worse than I remember because it reported child actors/singers all the way down to the age of like 13. And they never wrote articles of this sort about young men, its always young women in skimpy dresses, heels, bikinis so you know 100% what demographic the Daily Mail was targeting.

The fact that Schattenjäger even thinks the Daily Mail can be used as a source in this day and age is hilarious yet explains his opinions so well.


Not Wario
what's a good time and place to protest?

should he book in advance?

i know it's tough to work around their busy schedule of incarcerating, maiming and killing minorities.

An upcoming protest, either externally or self organized? Any other moment when the police pass en masse such as a parade, march, or literally any other group activity than a funeral? A town hall meeting, open city council meeting, on the corner in front of the police station, standing outside the local news agency of his choice, etc. I dunno. It seems like any number of other moments would be perfectly fine. This was a funeral for a cop- seemingly not even hated, maybe even liked?- who was killed by someone for being a cop- I don't think you could pick a worse moment.

Like, I get it- there's a bunch of risk to protesting outside your home, (and apparently in your home as well, for that matter) and the kid is dealing with something I'll never know, so I can't imagine how he feels. That's why I think his actions are fine and he doesn't deserve any punishment for this, only sympathy. I'd just personally have liked to see some empathy for the family as well.


Gabriel Knight
I would suggest you read up on the history and current dynamics of American policing and their relationship with minority communities before you come into this thread with the assumption that our cops are as honorable as yours.... although your cops have a little bit of work to do anyway.

What do you think of the officers protesting de Blasio at the funeral?
I think De Blasio is one of the worst mayors in NYC history and I agree with their resentment but don't agree with them doing it at the funeral
Many Ny'ers think he's a douch for skipping town to Germany and the nypd hurt their cause by politicizing the funeral


Screw the cops and screw the kid. This was a persons funeral that was wrecked because of this nonsense. Literally their last interaction with their family/friends.
Politicizing it in any way is beyond screwed up.
It was already politicized when it became a public event, but that's neither here nor there.


I just find the absolute total disdain towards the police, men and women who put their lives at risk to serve the public to be wrong. I've seen total blame being put on them multiple times in this thread.

Tends to happen when when 20 officers confront a teen over a noise complaint. Glad they showed him the error of his ways in what i must assume is a professional manner due to the NYPD's sterling reputation.


Schattenjäger;243223750 said:
I think De Blasio is one of the worst mayors in NYC history and I agree with their resentment but don't agree with them doing it at the funeral
Many Ny'ers think he's a douch for skipping town to Germany and the nypd hurt their cause by politicizing the funeral

At least you responded to me and are somewhat consistent.


And? Let them. That the people you are protesting for being shit heads are going to continue to be shit heads is a terrible reason to not protest something.

This kid's protesting didn't cause that mindset, that's been there since forever. Every NYPD funeral is basically this, last time they turned their back on the Mayor they said he, and Obama, calls for police reform and folks like BLM are to blame.

Same thing with this one. Cops are being unfairly demonized by xyz and that's why we're being targeted. That's their argument, they turn their back again, they politicize the shit out of this funeral to push back against calls for reform, against calls accountability of police brutality but the only one being held accountable is some kid.

Guys, I'm not saying the kid actually caused that mindset. These cops were gonna use her death to earn political points no matter what, I'm not that naive.



Around 93% of black homicides are committed by black people. Racist cops definitely exist and need to be stamped out like the maggots they are, but to think or suggest that all police suppress the black community, or that they are responsible for most black deaths would be misguided. I think to mend black communities we need to look internally (socio- economics and culture) as well as externally (institutionalized racism). Blaming all of the problems on a certain race or type of person is a dangerous path to tread on.
How many of the people that committed those murders were arrested compared to police that did the same?
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