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Ten great games that deserved more success - Jim Sterling


I'm pretty sure Titanfall2 is still active. I was playing it daily until Apex Legends released earlier this year (nd at the time, they said the success of Apex made the player count of TF2 increase)
Even Titanfall 1 increased by a few dozen players when Apex hit. The point is though, if Titanfall 2 would be this glorious game that everyone makes it out to be, with the best multiplayer ever, wouldn't there be far more people playing it? Look at Counter Strike, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty, Battlefield. Those are played by millions of people while Ttanfall 2 has a few hundred at best.

How is it possible to be so wrong?
Titanfall 2 single player was incredible.

Everyone says it, despite that nobody says why or how they already played it dozens of times and it is still good. You want a good FPS campaign? Look at Half Life, Halo, Call of Duty. I went through each of those campaigns dozens of times and they still feel fresh. I must have completed Half Life over 30 times same as Halo 3. Those are campaigns which are just fun to play no matter how many times you blew through them. I would never expose myself to Titanfall 2's campaign ever again, the only good moment in the entire campaign is when I finally got my hands on smart pistol. The 1st game's campaign is inifinitely more fun.
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Bought Enslaved a while back in a Steam sale. It is a good game for sure, but nothing amazing. Certainly worth a few bucks though.
Amalur i didn't really like that much. It was the first Single-Player RPG that i played, that felt more like a MMO. Not a huge fan.

Other than Titanfall 2 i haven't palyed any other games on that list. Titanfall 2 was great though. Just a shame it is on Origin.
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Even Titanfall 1 increased by a few dozen players when Apex hit. The point is though, if Titanfall 2 would be this glorious game that everyone makes it out to be, with the best multiplayer ever, wouldn't there be far more people playing it? Look at Counter Strike, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty, Battlefield. Those are played by millions of people while Ttanfall 2 has a few hundred at best.

Isn't that the point of the video in OP ? Games that are good but not successful ?
Anyway everybody knows quality doesn't always translate into sales/player count, you also have to match the current trend of the market. Case in point : Apex Legends. Take Titanfall's gunplay and make a Battle Royale instead of a flashy deathmatch shooter, and bam ! , millions of players.
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As for kingdom of Amalur. I feel like there's a reason why the game is underrated. It's kind of boring as hell.


Isn't that the point of the video in OP ? Games that are good but not successful ?
Anyway everybody knows quality doesn't always translate into sales/player count, you also have to match the current trend of the market. Case in point : Apex Legends. Take Titanfall's gunplay and make a Battle Royale instead of a flashy deathmatch shooter, and bam ! , millions of players.
Games can be good for SOME people but the general public might not be interested. That is why Freespace 2 wasn't a big success when it launched, people just weren't into that kind of game back in the days. Now it is still one of the top selling games on GOG, people change so maybe there will be time when people will play Titanfall 2 by the millions but I wouldn't hold your breath. Successful games are those that can draw the largest crowd, and in that regard Titanfall 2 failed misserably. It failed for a number of reasons: 1) it was meh at best; 2) it launched in at an awkward time. If the campaign was as good as everybody says then people would still buy it, but it didn't sell well, it still doesn't sell well even after everyone said that it is the greatest game ever. It isn't and it never will be a good game.
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Deleted member 738976

Unconfirmed Member
Battleborn? Are you kidding me? How much of a self fart sniffer do you have to be to say that was any good?

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I mean, I agree with some of the games on that list, but I bought Majin and found it to be a clunky, B-tier game completely deserving of middling scores and weak sales.

Enslaved is cinegaming at its worst, IMO, but throw Andy Serkis into anything and someone's going to lose their mind over the performance. *shrug*

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
Glitch in the System! Yay! I would have Re-volt on my list. Still play it on PC, don't know how console versions turned out though.
Other than Guitaroo Man and Titanfall 2, i'm not really that bothered about the rest of the list.

I would like to see some titles from members here though. Hopefully we can come up with some titles that were made before the dawn of the PS2...


Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom was a very interesting,unique and pretty game and to be perfectly honest i feel a bit ashamed i didn't gave it a chance when i should. I remember i had played the demo before the game came out and i was very disappointed by the VA (and a bit of the combat) which was the main reason i didn't get the game early on. Now many years later i regret that decision but sadly Game Republic don't exist anymore to give them another chance.Same goes for Folklore which i bought much later after it came out and it was also another very unique and very pretty game.

If only Okamoto was interested (and was able) to somehow re-unite Game Republic again. :(


Gold Member
I actually enjoyed battleborn more than overwatch, something was up with the balancing though, like I would be dominating and doing all the objectives and somehow always losing it made no sense to me.

Add Too Human to this list


A masterpiece that nobody plays anymore. Why would people completely abandon a masterpiece? DOOM, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Counter Strike, StarCraft, those are master pieces played by millions of people. Titanfall 2 is a game that people love to talk about but not play. Perhaps because Titanfall 2 is just trash?

Really, I have no problem with the games in this video not selling well. They're all either mediocre, had good aesthetics but crappy gameplay (BG&E), were released at stupid times, or just did nothing to stand out in the crowd.

The market made the right decision on basically every game in this list.


Really, I have no problem with the games in this video not selling well. They're all either mediocre, had good aesthetics but crappy gameplay (BG&E), were released at stupid times, or just did nothing to stand out in the crowd.

The market made the right decision on basically every game in this list.
Market always makes the right decision in capitalism, that is the beauty of it. That said, I did enjoy the gameplay in Beyond Good and Evil. There are many games which people dislike that I enjoyed, even commercial failures, but I would never call them good games, just games that appealed to my very specific tastes.


Gold Member
How is it possible to be so wrong?
Titanfall 2 single player was incredible.

Because that person is judging Titanfall 2's based on their own tastes and feelings instead of comparing it against everything else in offer at that time or before. Basically, they're only considering how they feel about something before talking about it.


Unconfirmed Member
Really, I have no problem with the games in this video not selling well. They're all either mediocre, had good aesthetics but crappy gameplay (BG&E), were released at stupid times, or just did nothing to stand out in the crowd.
add poor marketing and perhaps being too out of the realm for their own good. I mean, how do you expect a game like Killer 7 to be a multi million seller if the game is nothing like anything that was popular during that time, both visually and gameplay wise. It was released as a gamecube exclusive first too and the marketing just wasnt there, so there are plenty reasons why it bombed. It's just not a mainstream game. However, we shouldnt rate games like that.
The market made the right decision on basically every game in this list.
There are many games which people dislike that I enjoyed, even commercial failures, but I would never call them good games, just games that appealed to my very specific tastes.
Why though? Games can still have compelling gameplay or other qualities despite poor sales. It only indicates that the market didn't know about the game (poor marketing, released at the wrong time) or that its just not mainstream and therfore doesn't appeal to a lot of people. Doesn't mean the game is bad though.


Why though? Games can still have compelling gameplay or other qualities despite poor sales. It only indicates that the market didn't know about the game (poor marketing, released at the wrong time) or that its just not mainstream and therfore doesn't appeal to a lot of people. Doesn't mean the game is bad though.
Yeah, you're right.


Elite Beat Agents for DS.

I was heartbroken when I started seeing this ending up in bargain bins. Such an exquisitely fun game.

He missed Spec Ops: The Line. The game that everyone loves but, for some reason, it is always underrated.

Yep, great game.

I'm not sure about sales figures but

1) Life Is Strange
2) Legend Of Heroes Trails In The Sky 1,2 and 3.

deserve a lot more success. Esp Trails in the Sky 2. What a wonderful game. Deserves at least 10 million sales. At full price!

Trails in the Sky is amazing. I think people pass on it because of the old school look. I am hoping the Cold Steel re-releases bring some more sales in.


I find Titanfall 2 campaign fun and entertaining but lighthearted EDIT: kinda soft. Loved the movement though, it was very hard to enjoy borderlands after that, feeled very slow and limited.
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Elite Beat Agents for DS.

I was heartbroken when I started seeing this ending up in bargain bins. Such an exquisitely fun game.

Yep, great game.

Trails in the Sky is amazing. I think people pass on it because of the old school look. I am hoping the Cold Steel re-releases bring some more sales in.
Trails in the sky 2's ending made me choke and I had to hold back tears. It was so simple and beautiful! So happy to see a fan here!


I guess I am one of the few who enjoyed Battleborn more than Overwatch :p and Killer 7 definitely deserves more recognition.


Very unusual list. I'm happy to see metal arms but I'm not shocked it didn't sell very well In fairness. It looked very ugly then and looks extremely bad now.

It felt kinda like an N64 game at times. I had good times with it.

Besides Titanfall and beyond good and evil none of the rest of the games are "wtf how did THIS not sell?"
Alien Isolation is an absolute master piece. One of the best horror games ever made and a bloody fantastic Alien game. More people really need to play it.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is solid too.
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
01. Beyond Good and Evil
02. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
03. Majin and the forsaken kingdom
04. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
05. Gitaroo Man
06. Titanfall 2
07. Battleborn
08. Killer 7
09. Singularity
10. Metal Arms: Glitch in the system

Few obvious ones in there, notably KoA and Enslaved

Where is my Gravity rush Jim or what your name...

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The TitanFall 2 single player campaign is probably the best single player campaign I've played since Half Life 2.

If you haven't experienced it, you simply have to! The game goes on sale regularly for dirt cheap, if you don't own it,
buy it stat!


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
i love this kind of games, that actually are cult games

in my opinion i think that at least this generation the games that are special are:

1.- Gravity rush
2.- Gravity rush 2
3.- Remothered
4.- Valkyria Chronicles 4
5.- Darkwood
6.- Root Letter
7.- Sleeping Dogs
8.-Zero time Dilemma
9.- Yomawari
10.- Jotun
11.- Hellblade
12.-Mad max
13.- the house in fata morgana

Special mention: The guided fate paradox
Yeah it's a shame. Both of the games in the series hinted at some astronomical highs while also featuring some bad decisions that held back the experience from true greatness. No shame in being really good and Mirror's Edge was definitely really good.

Mirror's edge also aged very well. I replayed it recently, after a very long break from games, and the aesthetics hold up really well. I should've done it sooner. Its a good example of future proof graphic design and skillful gameplay.

Mastering the controls is very satisfying and rewarding. I almost forgot what good, challenging gaming felt like. I didn't give it a fair shake back in the day because, for some reason, I found the controls scheme to be somewhat intimidating. So, I never learned to play it properly.
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Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I started the Titanfall 2 single player campaign a few weeks back after hearing all the great things about that part of the game (including excellent reviews). The good news? It's a lovely 60 fps shooter on the ps4. The bad? It's a bland, uninspired wannabe Killzone (without being anywhere near as good as the KZ trilogy) with a mech which does nothing more than serve in glorified turret sections.

Technically it was lovely, but the rest? (including the absence of actual worldbuilding & interesting level design/encounter design)? Meh. I haven't really tried multiplayer yet so I can comment on that part, but I can say the single player is nowhere near as good as the Halo 3, the Killzones, & other Resistance 3 esque first person shooter single player campaigns from last gen.
How far did you play, out of curiosity? The first level or two could arguably be considered this but the game goes to crazy places, I thought. Obviously the time travel section was really creative, I felt, but the stage where you're basically jumping from ship to ship taking them out along the way, the huge mech battle, the finale with the auto-target pistol, the village in the sky and the section where you're platforming around inside a giant assembly line as weird future houses are pieced together before facing off in a fabricated neighborhood that you eventually blow up the false sky to escape from. I dunno, a lot of those ideas and situations felt really fresh and not overly scripted to me. I love Killzone as well but they never went THAT crazy - the levels are all rather consistent in terms of design.
Mirror's edge also aged very well. I replayed it recently, after a very long break from games, and the aesthetics hold up really well. I should've done it sooner. Its a good example of future proof graphic design and skillful gameplay.

Mastering the controls is very satisfying and rewarding. I almost forgot what good, challenging gaming felt like. I didn't give it a fair shake back in the day because, for some reason, I found the controls scheme to be somewhat intimidating. So, I never learned to play it properly.

Absolutely, the game hasn't aged at all. I think that games that focus on traversal gameplay that don't run like shit and games that don't shoot for photo realistic or top shelf graphics, but rather go for a distinct artstyle usually age perfectly. Mirror's Edge combine both of these things. The gameplay is deep and rewarding, the game looks gorgeous with all those hard colors and the controls are spot on. The only issue with it is the relative lack of content, which was fixed in the sequel that unfortunately also added some other perhaps bigger problems (although Catalyst is much better than people give it credit for).


He forgot the most underrated game of the generation, Titanfall 1, a masterpiece ruined by false publicity due to exclusivity.
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