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The blind nostalgia of Mario Kart 64.


I thought MK64 was about the most disliked entry on the internet :p

I have good memories of it, but every new console entry since only expanded it and made it better. Well, except for the soundtrack part. DD and Wii sound like shit, MK8 had the first good OST since MK64 imo

No way I'm going back to play MK64's rubberbanding nonsense when I can play MK8 online tho. I'll relive the nostalgia by playing on the selected few retro tracks that pop up with every new entry


It has some nice points but I find it mostly messy game following the near flawless smk.

Still a ton of great memories but it's really not that good. Pales next to crash team racing on ps1.


I preferred Diddy Kong Racing as a game, but I always played MK64 with my friends. MK64 was better able to keep things interesting between players of different skill levels, imo.

Let me guess, you were the one who owned DKR and you were just so much better than your friends because adventure mode built your skill, no?
Both ctr and diddy kong racing shit on it pretty bad. But for my friends who only had n64's, i have fond memories of playing it with them
I like revisiting MK64 once in a while. Undeniable that the series has since evolved far beyond what it does, though. I'd say I have a little more fun revisiting Super Mario Kart because of the complex driving mechanics that the series shifted away from.
The whole nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses argument irks me to no end, and I'll never admit that applies to any game, but I will admit that MK64 has many flaws especially compared to other games in the series. In my mind, games that fade in reception do not "age," they were simply overrated at launch and were never that great to begin with. There's a reason MK64 had lukewarm critical reception in its time despite the sales and fanfare. That contrast is usually a good indicator of future opinion, so it's not like the criticisms of the game have come out of nowhere in only the past decade.


Mario Kart 64 isn't just the best Mario Kart. It might be the best multiplayer game. I last played it a year ago and it still gave us a whole day of fun. Until a MK gets battle mode right again, a new one won't ever come close.

And anyone who uses the words rose tinted glasses or nostalgia to put down someone's opinion is someone now worth hearing or reading.


It rocked because 4 player couch gaming had reached its peak before the internet and online ruined the social aspect of playing games physically in the same room.


Sucks at poetry
Who cares if it's the best Mario Kart or not? I'm a fucking BEAST at Mario Kart 64. After a few beers I will fuck anybody up son. I'll play your kid and wreck his shit too.
Mario Kart 64's controls take a while to get used to, they're no where near as accessible as modern Mario Kart installments. I feel the track design is still top notch even if there are 1 or 2 duds. I don't agree people are "blinded by nostalgia" because it's still a great game, whether it's the best just comes down to personal preference.


always chasing the next thrill
I think we can all agree with that this game was vastly superior anyway:


I still hate how the original version is now lost forever due to the Microsoft buyout.
This game ia better then mario kart 8

Fight me 😎
I don't have any problem if people think that SMK was better. Maybe it was. But at the time having a group of friends that gathered almost every day to play meant choosing between playing "the older game" (which sounds silly now, but not necessarily so amongst kids) two at a time while other 2-3 people sat there watching, or enjoying MK64 all together at the same time. It was a no brainer.

Interesting anecdote. Hopefully you're intelligent enough to recognize it as such and dial back the ridiculous generalizations.

Here's mine: my group of friens were adults when MK64 released and didn't have any issues playing "older" games. Granted, by then we weren't playing any kind of Mario Kart, this was years after MK1.

I don't think anyone who ever gathered friends to play MK64 (which is what i was talking about) was annoyed throughout the whole play session.

Well, then perhaps you have a slight deficit in your imagination, generalization or extrapolation capabilities.

Speaking about hyperboles, right?

Quite right, indeed.

And saying "borderline impossible" should mean that it's "almost impossible",

Reword it as you want, it's still ridiculous hyperbole when used to describe the possibility of anyone not being engaged 100% of the time when playing MK64.

and that isn't exactly as hyperbolic as calling it a trash tier game.

1) Debatable, 2) I never said that and don't see why I should care if others did, and 3) it still wouldn't excuse you from using hyperbole yourself.

Especially when most of the people saying that likely didn't even experience the game when it came out.

You might want to drop the ageist snobbery, especially when it can be turned against you so easily.

Oh yeah? You could play in 4 players mode in the original? Lol

I think you critically failed your reading roll, I did quite clearly say "the original or other racers".

Can't speak about other games, as i'm not arrogant to the point of thinking that i know of every single racing game that let you do that back then,

Yet you are plenty arrogant to categorically assert MK64 did something those racers never did, and also to criticise other people for not being born in the same year you did.

but i'm really curious to know what other and how many of them allowed people to play in 4 players before MK64 came out in 1996.

Curious but not curious enough to do a simple Google search, as it would seem. But of course, why would you want to actively prove yourself wrong? Anyway, here you go, first result: Top Gear 3000, SNES, 1995:
You don't seem like the type to take the L when proven wrong, though, so I can already picture you coming up with something else that MK64 did before anyone else, or a reason disqualifying any other 4 player split screen racers, or both ("Yeah, but these 4 player racers don't allow you to throw homing shells at your opponents, so MK64 was the first! See?").


Eh, there's something to be said for simplicity.

It's way easier to just pick up and play Mario Kart 64 than, say, Mario Kart 8. No having to worry about what glider, wheels, cart, etc. you want to use. You had characters who accelerated faster and ones who had a higher top speed, with the rest somewhere in between. I think the comparatively modest selection of characters works in the game's favor as they're more easily differentiated.

The graphics haven't aged well, but the gameplay's still solid.


I honestly never liked it. But that goes with pretty much all of the 64 library. Could never get over the muddy graphics on that system.

Double Dash though, that redeemed Mario Kart.
It was my favorite Mario Kart game until MK8 came out. It has a lot of great tracks and in my opinion the best battle mode (haven't played 8D's yet).

Pretty much my opinion. I fire up the Wii U virtual console version once a week. Still plays great.


Worst of the series?

Okay it's true that the game hasn't aged as gracefully as most other and it's nobody's champion, but i think some people are getting a bit carried away with it, i feel the Snes and GBA games had aged worse.
Agreed. I spent a huge amount of time with Super Circuit but going back to play it now is torture.

Frankly, the better handling of 7 and 8 makes even my favorite older Mario Kart games (i.e. Double Dash) hard to return to.

Still, I've felt for a long time like I was the only person I knew who realized that 64 wasn't actually very good. Happy to see like-minded people who have cane to the same conclusions.


Mechanically it is extremely tight. The battle mode has yet to be matched. I really love the item and Kart physics, firing a green shell at a sideways angle and hitting someone halfway across the map is so damn satisfying. Also the impact and punch from items feels really great. Lots of classic courses in the GP mode too.


No blind nostalgia on my end. SNES version was my first, and came at a really wonderful point in my childhood (lots of splitscreen fun was had.) MK64 is however my pick of the franchise, as I find it to have the most engaging handling.

Yes, Mario Kart 8 is super pretty, but it's wide courses and overly safe handling fail to keep me coming back for another go. I don't even have my digital copy installed on the Wii U presently, as I find myself opting for MK64 on VC.


I enjoyed MK64, but it wasn't nearly as fun as Diddy Kong Racing, Crash Team Racing and Snowboard Kids 1/2. The amount of content was also quite pathetic in comparison. Only the DS and Wii U/Switch entries felt like I REALLY got my money's worth.
It was amazing at the time. So what if successive iterations have improved on it? That's sort of the idea, right?

To me there's no point in reviewing the game 20 years later. That said, it's been a while since I played it, but I bet I'd still have fun. Hell, the N64 tracks on subsequent games are still a blast.


"New thing made 20 years after old thing that created the entire basis of new thing is better than old thing."

Yeah? Of course MK8 is the better game. But Mario Kart 64 wasn't built for today. It was built for the N64, and at the time, it was phenomenal. And I played it 100x more than I play MK8 today.


MK64 has my favorite battle mode. In terms of racing though, I could never get used to the drifting, It felt impossible to get boosts. Better than SMK and the GBA one in terms of overall handling, but still not the greatest.

MK8 is definitely the best in terms of actual racing. Curious to see if MK8DX dethrones MK64's battle mode for me.


Just change the op to <insert any n64 game here> instead of Mario Kart?

like.. the best game on the system is Paper Mario because its a 2d diorama game on 3d steroids and completely bypasses so many of the harsh limitations of the system

Although dat mario 64 movement system


It was the best local multiplayer game available at the time of release. So it had a huge impact, culturally and emotionally.

While later entries have been clearly superior (except battle mode), the series will never again be the clear 'best' game around. So feelings will not be as strong.

That said, I think nostalgia for MK Wii will be HUGE in 10 years when the 32 million kids who played it are now 25 with paychecks starting their retro game journey.
Mario Kart 64 was a blast. I have not liked a mario kart as much until 8 came out. Double Dash irked me because of the two character setup. The fact that some characters abilities were super OP - looking at you baby bowser - and only one player could select him/her at a time was bs. And don't get me started on Mario Kart Wii. That was an all out abomination. Hated it to the core. Does Mario Kart 64 hold up to this day? Of course not but that doesn't mean it wasn't better than some of its successors.

The Goat

What I love about MK64 to this day, is that it's still fun as hell to play. Sure the frame rate sucks, but it didn't bother me then, and it doesn't bother me now. I love MK8 and Deluxe is amazing, but 64 will always be THE game. It got the formula just right. Then they changed it with DD (which is the single biggest abomination in gaming, sorry) and Kart dropped off the map. It wasn't until MK DS that Kart made a comeback for me. It's 2nd on my list, right after MK64.

So, with MK64, it's not nostalgia, at least for me. My friends and I still play it, when we see each other. MK8D will get its fair shake, as we all have Switch's, but I bet we'll still go back to 64 for our real deal throw downs.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I remember when it came out. I didn't like it and neither did most of my friends. Nostalgia never changed that. Super Circuit was the real sequel we deserved.
Its by far the worst Mario Kart. Its one of those games that was not even good by the standards of the time when it was released. Let alone when compared to pretty much every other entry in the series. Everything about it sucks. I could not and still dont believe that people place it as their favorite entry.



It was a huge disappointment for me when it first came out, I still think it's terrible.
I remember that my brother came home with the game early in the morning. We played all day and tried really hard to like it but it was just bad. He actually got a refund in the evening because of that.
Yep, at that time we could get a refund for shitty games. o_0
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