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The Dark Knight Saga has the best villains.

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is Two-Face a legitimate villain in Nolan-verse? He was also interesting. Bane could've been ok if it wasn't for the stupid twist where he ended up being just a henchman.

way more

It's funny how Bane going from el Numero uno to number 2 makes people so upset. Apparently unless you are the greatest badass the universe can shit out who takes orders from nobody you are just a giant pussy.

Never in comic book history has a non-boss been the better villain, apparently.
Please God just don't do Joker as the big bad again,

only way I want Joker again is for them to do Under the Red Hood and have him as a secondary/minor villain.

I don't think WB has the balls to try to do Joker again as the main guy for at least 10 years. When you think about the pace they've moved, that's relatively short. But at least TDK has some time to not feel tarnished by a bad imitation. I think they can do the Joker well again, but I don't want them trying to imitate Ledger.





No one remember batman begins

and people are already forgetting bane and his dumb voice ( Why in the hell didn't they make him hispamic )

So no

They have the joker though, and that one is really good. So have fun with it

way more

No Mr. Freeze, though.

ah yes. That was a villain even more conflicted to be "good" than Two-Face. He was a sad little man who only wished to have the resources to research how he could save his wife.

A sad, little, professor they cast as a hulking, Austrian, strongman. I really hope there can be a proper movie portrayal of that suffering old man.
ah yes. That was a villain even more conflicted to be "good" than Two-Face. He was a sad little man who only wished to have the resources to research how he could save his wife.

A sad, little, professor they cast as a hulking, Austrian, strongman. I really hope there can be a proper movie portrayal of that suffering old man.

I actually liked Batman & Robin, although I also recognize how bad it is. Clooney is still a better Batman than Bale, though.


I actually liked Batman & Robin, although I also recognize how bad it is. Clooney is still a better Batman than Bale, though.

Clooney absolutely is better.

And Batman and Robin is far more entertaining and re-watchable than the "Dark knight saga".

No I'm not trolling either.


Top 10 CBM villains

10. Ra's al Ghul (Batman Begins)

9. Zod (Superman II)

8. Ma-Ma (Dredd)

7. Zod (Man of Steel)

6. Top Dollar (The Crow)

5. Xerxes (300)

4. Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

3. Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)

2. Joker (Batman)

1. Joker (The Dark Knight)

Don't get mad.
I can't take Bane seriously.


Here's a question...the inflection/delivery of some of the lines on the plane, in the beginning of TDKR has me confused:

When the agent (actor who plays Littlefinger on GoT) asks Bane "What happens when I take off the mask?"

Bane responds with "It would be extremely painful."

And the guy says "You're a big guy."

Bane answers "For you."

What the hell is that exchange getting at? Is Bane saying it would be extremely painful for the agent if he were to take off the mask? Why does Bane say "It would be extremely painful" and the guy follows that up with "You're a big guy".

What is he implying? That Bane is such a huge dude that he could take the pain of having the mask removed?

Fuck, I feel stupid because I don't feel like the proper delivery was there for me to make sense of it.

Here's a question...the inflection/delivery of some of the lines on the plane, in the beginning of TDKR has me confused:

When the agent (actor who plays Littlefinger on GoT) asks Bane "What happens when I take off the mask?"

Bane responds with "It would be extremely painful."

And the guy says "You're a big guy."

Bane answers "For you."

What the hell is that exchange getting at? Is Bane saying it would be extremely painful for the agent if he were to take off the mask? Why does Bane say "It would be extremely painful" and the guy follows that up with "You're a big guy".

What is he implying? That Bane is such a huge dude that he could take the pain of having the mask removed?

Fuck, I feel stupid because I don't feel like the proper delivery was there for me to make sense of it.

Bane means that if the guy tried to take Bane's mask off, Bane would beat the shit out of him.



Here's a question...the inflection/delivery of some of the lines on the plane, in the beginning of TDKR has me confused:

When the agent (actor who plays Littlefinger on GoT) asks Bane "What happens when I take off the mask?"

Bane responds with "It would be extremely painful."

And the guy says "You're a big guy."

Bane answers "For you."

What the hell is that exchange getting at? Is Bane saying it would be extremely painful for the agent if he were to take off the mask? Why does Bane say "It would be extremely painful" and the guy follows that up with "You're a big guy".

What is he implying? That Bane is such a huge dude that he could take the pain of having the mask removed?

Fuck, I feel stupid because I don't feel like the proper delivery was there for me to make sense of it.

The implication of the "you're a big guy" line is that bane is large and strong so the pain of removing the mask should not hurt him. Yup. But bane flips it by saying for you.

Here's a question...the inflection/delivery of some of the lines on the plane, in the beginning of TDKR has me confused:

When the agent (actor who plays Littlefinger on GoT) asks Bane "What happens when I take off the mask?"

Bane responds with "It would be extremely painful."

And the guy says "You're a big guy."

Bane answers "For you."

What the hell is that exchange getting at? Is Bane saying it would be extremely painful for the agent if he were to take off the mask? Why does Bane say "It would be extremely painful" and the guy follows that up with "You're a big guy".

What is he implying? That Bane is such a huge dude that he could take the pain of having the mask removed?

Fuck, I feel stupid because I don't feel like the proper delivery was there for me to make sense of it.

First of all, the agent's name is CIA (he says "Dr.Pavel, I'm CIA").

Here's my interpretation of this scene, bear with me it's a little abstract/art house:

So a plane is symmetrical. However a main theme of the movie is the wealth inequality between rich and poor.

When CIA removes Bane's hood and asks if removing it will be painful, Bane responds that it would be extremely painful.

What he means by this is the act of moving bane to one side of the plane to more easily remove the mask would unbalance the plane and cause it to crash, hence, painful.

Now CIA realizes what bane means and so audibly agrees with Bane's assessment: Your a big guy (admitting he is right and that it would be dangerous to put him to one side).

Bane, also agreeing with CIA who agreed with Bane, finishes with "For you".

The twist being that Bane is willing to die in the resulting plane crash.

Finally, this ties back in with the wealth equality message. That Bane is willing to destabilize the status quo to achieve his goals.

Bravo Nolan, you magnificent son of a bitch.


+1 for Dafoe's Goblin. So underrated, scenery-chewing at its best. I even kind of dig the much-maligned power rangers mask. Doc Ock is great as well. Both are up there with Ledgers joker I think (though it's hard to compare as Raimi's tone is so different).

Also underrated: Hathaway's Catwoman. She's pretty much the only one in TDKR who actually looks like she's having fun. The early scene between her Bruce the Recluse has a great romantic caper-esque energy to it that makes for a nice contrast to Nolan's general dreariness. I think I'd prefer the movie in which that scene belongs to the one TDKR became.


Nah. The James Bond film series has the best villains. Seriously. Some examples:

Ernst Stravros Blofeld

Auric Goldfinger

Emilio Largo


Francisco Scaramanga

Max Zorin (fucking christopher walken, best thing about the film)

Franz Sanchez

Alec Trevelyan

Le Chiffre

you can't argue with that line up, and that league of actors (christopher lee, christopher walken, donald pleasance, sean bean, mads mikkleson etc)


Can't argue with the OP here. Most comic book films still struggle to make even one memorable villain, let alone an entire roster.


Wish we could have had a bit more of Two Face. Honestly enjoyed Aaron Eckharts performance there more than Jokers.

Yeah. Eckharts take on the twisted Harvey Dent is really menacing. The hospital scene with Gordon is a "shit just got real" moment. I still love Ledger's take on the Joker too. I have never been surprised by a performance.


What? Shannon's Zod is a cartoon character. He's a raving lunatic in the Krypton scenes and he's a genocidal maniac upon arriving at Earth. Even after Superman lays out his side of things, Zod doesn't care and sees wiping out an entire sentient species for the sake of his own as mere collateral damage. I guess he's not technically "evil" since his morality is completely different from Superman's, so he doesn't technically see himself as doing anything wrong, but cinematically he's a raging one-dimensional villain who would be at home on the old Super Friends show if he wasn't so homicidal in his methods.
On Krypton, your life is laid out for you. You're born already set out to do something, your role in society, pre-determined. His role was to preserve Krypton's people, their way of life.

Kal-El was so important because he was a natural birth, he wasn't genetically engineered, he could set his own path.

One-dimensional? That's the point of his character in the overarching narrative, he is bound to his duty, not because he's crazy or evil, but because that is quite literally what he was born and bred to do.


-The terrible love triangle
-Uncle Ben retcon
-Harry Osborne amnesia arc
-Gwen Stacy is in this movie for like no reason
-Spider-Man kisses Gwen and undoes 2 movies worth of character development
-Sandman was written pretty terribly

Stop making excuses lol. This is what I can think of off that bat without including the blacksuit or Venom. The blacksuit Parker is actually what made the movie entertaining towards the middle lol. Venom was terrible, but so was the rest of the film. Yes, we would've got a different film without Venom, but there are a lot of things wrong with the movie that have nothing to do with Venom.
Yeah but you can rattle off problems with all the movies. They are all rotten acton plots. Without venom there would have been far less of it thus not having the "too much plot" issue.


The Dark Knight Trilogy fairs pretty well compared to a lot of comic book movies, but I still think it has way too many poorly acted parts to stand head to head with the best of movies in general. Even if we are restricting ourselves to action and crime movies.

Ledger's Joker was a classic performance, and Neeson, Hardy, and Hathaway do a good job. However, Two Face was OK at best, Talia's character was ruined, and Scarecrow's overacting is almost as bad as Count Vertigo's on CW's Arrow. The minor mob characters were almost uniformly terrible as well. It's like half the cast thought they were in a regular film, while the other half thought they were in the 1960's Batman show.
I feel like the writer's were trying too hard with Bane when it came to his dialogue. Practically everything he said just HAD to sound like a "memorable" or "badass boast" quote.

While some were good, it was quite nauseating in hindsight.


Agreed. I mean, Joker was out smarting and out manoeuvring Batman every step of the way, in TDK rises Batman was the underdog through the entire movie... I dont think ive seen any comic book movie where the toll of being a superhero was portrayed better then Nolan's Batman. He deteriorated near the end.

He's not invincible, which is what i liked, theres elements of OTT action but still grounded somewhat, i mean it wasn't a cosmic force or alien material that stopped the Batman, it was age.
Bane is a shitty villain, and he should not have been in TDKR. I would have preferred the Riddler/Freeze/Penguin/Poison Ivy to Bane.

FYI Slade Wilson is the best villain.


I thought Bane was amazing, and the best choice to test Batman's strength. Any other villain wouldn't have been as interesting because the challenge they'd pose would feel too similar to Scarecrow/Ra's/Joker. Maybe it's because I saw it in the theater but he seemed menacing throughout to me.

The only villain in the Dark Knight trilogy that felt lacking was Talia, but even then I wouldn't call her bad.


is Two-Face a legitimate villain in Nolan-verse? He was also interesting. Bane could've been ok if it wasn't for the stupid twist where he ended up being just a henchman.

A henchmen and a loser.

His role in the third act was so underwhelming.
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