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The Evil Within's latest update removes letterboxing from consoles

I still haven't played this, but this is a super exciting update for when I finally do. I wonder if it adversely affects performance.


I really enjoyed the game on ps3, but the bars make me sick (for really) if i play more than 1/2 hours...

Will wait for the GotY edition on PS4, to play the DLCs.
No P.N. 03 is the worst Mikami game by a landslide.

Jesus. This game shits all over Dinocrisis and PN03. I also like it better than God Hand because it's not ugly as sin. 3rd best Mikami game after RE4 and REmake.

PN03 was mediocre. Evil Within is downright offensive in some spots. Sure Chapter 3 and Chapter...10 I think it was were decent, but when Evil Within is bad, it's bad.

You are all wrong. God Hand is the worst game Mikami has ever made. That game was an offensive piece of shit. Ugh


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Maybe I give this another shot if the performance doesn't get even worse.


Think I'm ready to jump in. Reading some of the comments, do we think there is going to be a definitive edition that includes all DLC or is that speculation?


[Edit: The Evil Within is a great romp but not a great game. The story would have been a masterpiece if they explained it a bit better. It out-Inceptions Inception. I'm still a big fan but I sold it not long after buying it. If it's cheap, less than £25-30, then holy hell it's worth it.]

Magic of shitty optimization

... Or the game being optimised to have black bars. Like, y'know, it was.
[Edit: The Evil Within is a great romp but not a great game. The story would have been a masterpiece if they explained it a bit better. It out-Inceptions Inception. I'm still a big fan but I sold it not long after buying it. If it's cheap, less than £25-30, then holy hell it's worth it.]

... Or the game being optimised to have black bars. Like, y'know, it was.



jeez it wasn't close between PS4 and XB1 either



Lol, pointing out the game's generally mediocre optimisation? Totally fair - I was only highlighting the fallacy of saying the optimisation was broken when it ran worse with black bars off. Obviously it would. That, specifically is not an aspect of bad optimisation.
Nice seeing support for the game still. I might buy it down the line, love Mikami =3

You guys saying PN 03, God Hand are bad... What is wrong with you..
The black boxing was the most annoying aspect of the game for me. It did not feel cinematic, it felt like I was looking through a window. I was very annoyed with it. Sure, it was fine during the cut scenes, but for gameplay, it was a terrible idea.
It's too bad this wasn't fixed months ago otherwise I probably would have played through the whole game instead of returning it.


i stopped playing this around chapter 5, so it'll be nice to go back to with the new changes. the black bars where super distracting just becasue they were handled so badly. half your character could litterally fall behind them in some cases, it was shit. i mean, the order had black bars too and i was fine with them, they didnt get in the way, in this game though they just annoyed me.


To repeat my question from last page - any idea if the PC version remains broken as shown below? Because this is, in my mind, completely unacceptable. I'm totally fine with some games being designed for a specific aspect ratio, and presented with bars on displays not matching that ratio (even if this increasingly seems to be used as a cover story to squeeze some more performance out of a console rather than actual design vision). But then the game damn well better show up fullscreen when someone has a display in the ratio the designer purportedly wanted to display the game with.


Source: http://www.giantbomb.com/images/1300-2694713

I hope consoles gain the ability to output ultrawidescreen picture as well since there are also TVs in that aspect ratio. (PS4/Xbone don't yet do that, right...?)
Obviously I mean that games should have the opportunity to support it, rather than have mandatory support.
Unnecessarily poor output has been a problem of consoles for a long time - last major instance I remember is the Wii, which I would probably have bought but it not having HDMI was an absolute dealbreaker. Unwieldier connectors and inferior quality aside, no way I was going to route component cables to my ceiling video projector for one silly device.


Gold Member
Well maybe now I can give this game another shot. I only tried it once previously and hated the black bars.
Definitely not without the performance (or the IQ) taking a hit. I'm not sure what's going on with TWE (but considering that the performance has been reported to be unchanged pre-/post-toggle, I'm going to assume that they actually render in full 1080p and merely add the black bars in post) but The Order is definitely being rendered in 1920x800 pixels so to make it 16:9 1080p you'd have to up the vertical resolution which would have an effect on the game's performance. They could, of course, do that thing where the image is rendered squished and then gets stretched out (what is that called again... anamorphic?) to get a non-letterboxed image witthout upping the rendering resolution but that would, obviously, have a negative effect on image quality.
Depends how much overhead they have. It runs at locked 30 fps most of the time, so maybe they could afford it. Especially if they are CPU and not GPU constrained. If you disabled the black bars in Beyond the performance barely took a hit, presumably because the game is mostly CPU constrained and the GPU had some overhead left.


They've ruined Mikami's vision. This is not how the game was designed to be played. They should put a pink ribbon on the character whenever you play on easy or change to the wrong aspect ratio.


I just finished chapter 13 yesterday on NG+. Being playing this game again for the last few weeks, twice, back to back.. i've kept deleting the 4gb update every time it popped up in my download list, not knowing about the black bar toggle. Dammit..
To repeat my question from last page - any idea if the PC version remains broken as shown below? Because this is, in my mind, completely unacceptable. I'm totally fine with some games being designed for a specific aspect ratio, and presented with bars on displays not matching that ratio (even if this increasingly seems to be used as a cover story to squeeze some more performance out of a console rather than actual design vision). But then the game damn well better show up fullscreen when someone has a display in the ratio the designer purportedly wanted to display the game with.


Source: http://www.giantbomb.com/images/1300-2694713

I hope consoles gain the ability to output ultrawidescreen picture as well since there are also TVs in that aspect ratio. (PS4/Xbone don't yet do that, right...?)
Obviously I mean that games should have the opportunity to support it, rather than have mandatory support.
Unnecessarily poor output has been a problem of consoles for a long time - last major instance I remember is the Wii, which I would probably have bought but it not having HDMI was an absolute dealbreaker. Unwieldier connectors and inferior quality aside, no way I was going to route component cables to my ceiling video projector for one silly device.
Look up flawless widescreen. Besides FOV fixes (separate from the aspect ratio and letterbox fix), there's also apparently a 21:9 fix.
They've ruined Mikami's vision. This is not how the game was designed to be played. They should put a pink ribbon on the character whenever you play on easy or change to the wrong aspect ratio.
No one cares since it's a toggle anyway.


This is awesome news. I bought the game day one but only played the first two chapters, mainly because I hated the oppressive and immersion-sapping black bars.


What about Mikami's artistic vision? /s

Dollars... anyway it's a toggle and option's aren't a bad thing. I love widescreen cinema ratio but plenty don't and most clearly expect option to "fill the screen". Give it to 'em I say.

For example I'd be perfectly happy if say The Order allowed you to play with or without borders and, if necessary for performance, altered the AA, FOV, etc. accordingly.

Might be more effort for devs but it allows both crowds to be satisfied.
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