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The Evil Within's latest update removes letterboxing from consoles


On the PC version, the framerate difference between default letterboxing and full screen was about 25%. Interested to see what happens on PS4/XB1. Maybe the console option disables some effects to stay consistent on performance.
I'm glad they actually did this but without fixing performance I still won't touch it. Hopefully they do it, would be nice to play without being hindered by the fps =/


yeah but does it sitll have the insane fov, only now you've got more stuff lopped off the sides so it fits into 16x9?

i mean, thats cool if you hate black bars, but if you're not gaining any vertical viewable area, all this does is make the camera even more claustrophobic

edit: well shit, you DO get the extra vertical space? wow im really surprised haha. i still havent played the dlc. so now i can try that out with the new camera


Bought this and still haven't played it. Maybe now I'll play it after I finish AK, the black bars were kinda of a turn off for me personally.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Somethings seem to change such as shadows and anisotropic filter but barely noticeable. Each time I changed the option slight pieces would change back.

But but the composition!?!?
But but the FOV!?!?
Good comparison shots ;)


My copy is sitting here, unopened. I've been slowly working on my Black Friday purchases, and I think Evil Within will be next. So this is pretty exciting news for me.
Haha I've been messing around to see what performance hit the game takes on ps4 (just by eyeing it) but it seems so random, running around the same house, same route through it, no bad guys, the frame rate sometimes feels better without the bars and sometimes worse. I think it hit its lowest fps that I noticed with the bars off but regardless of what you pick it'll still run pretty poorly so it's hard to tell if a framerate difference is from the bars or just the game running poorly. I guess I'll see if digital foundry does something.


The lantern's lens flare will be very annoying in full screen, it was annoying as it was with bars when every now and then the lantern would pop into the screen from the bottom while running.


I might have to pick this back up if Casual is easier now, I didnt get to far with it and ended up trading it in. I am a pretty good gamer but not survival horror although I am in the mood for a game like this


Neo Member
I will NEVER understand why people don't like the black bars. Enough to make the dev allow them to change the resolution the game renders at to get rid of them. I love the game's aesthetic.

Demanding they change the artistic vision of the game...

Well enjoy the inevitable fps drop or visual hit, weird people.
I will NEVER understand why people don't like the black bars. Enough to make the dev allow them to change the resolution the game renders at to get rid of them. I love the game's aesthetic.

Demanding they change the artistic vision of the game...

Well enjoy the inevitable fps drop or visual hit, weird people.

black bars are fine, it's more that with such a poor fov and camera the black bars make a bad situation even worse.
i'd be fine with black bars if the fov/camera and janky character weren't and issue, sadly for this title black bars should have been removed before release, even if it meant lower resolution.


I will NEVER understand why people don't like the black bars. Enough to make the dev allow them to change the resolution the game renders at to get rid of them. I love the game's aesthetic.

Demanding they change the artistic vision of the game...

Well enjoy the inevitable fps drop or visual hit, weird people.

Because they ruined the game's FOV. The way they did the letterboxing in TEW is really awful. If they had done a FOV that was appropriate to the game's letterboxing it would be okay, but instead they basically just put black bar overlays on the top and bottom of the screen instead of actually rendering the game at the whole "cinematic aspect ratio" thing they were faking going for. If they had done it like The Order did and actually had extra horizontal information it would be one thing, but the way they did it was total bullshit and did not enhance the game at all.


Neo Member
Because they ruined the game's FOV. The way they did the letterboxing in TEW is really awful. If they had done a FOV that was appropriate to the game's letterboxing it would be okay, but instead they basically just put black bar overlays on the top and bottom of the screen instead of actually rendering the game at the whole "cinematic aspect ratio" thing they were faking going for. If they had done it like The Order did and actually had extra horizontal information it would be one thing, but the way they did it was total bullshit and did not enhance the game at all.

I'm pretty sure limiting vision is the whole point. It's a way of bringing back Resi 1 style player limitation/vulnerability in third-person game. It's supposed to make your life difficult, that's how horror works.


I'm pretty sure limiting vision is the whole point. It's a way of bringing back Resi 1 style player limitation/vulnerability in third-person game. It's supposed to make your life difficult, that's how horror works.

No, it's not the point at all. The point of those aspect ratios is to show you a wider FOV and frame the shot in a certain way like movies do. This game did not do that at all. They faked it in a really awful way and it's just bad. Defend it all you want, most people probably don't like how they ruined the FoV.
Damn, makes me want to play it again. Well I never did get around to buying the Kidman dlc...with this patch I'll get on that...after Arkham.

Edit: typo


Look up flawless widescreen. Besides FOV fixes (separate from the aspect ratio and letterbox fix), there's also apparently a 21:9 fix.
I saw Flawless Widescreen mentioned when I was googling, but there was also talk about the unofficial fix ceasing to work after the game got some official patches. Wasn't quite clear if it's working right now and if it fully fixes the situation for 21:9 displays (no zooming or scaling, just rendering the original aspect ratio to the full display). Would be good to hear from someone who actually has the fix working with a freshly patched version of the game.

From your reply I gather, though, that the actual developers have still not figured out that PCs have displays in other aspect ratios than 16:9, and have left their game permanently broken.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'll continue to play with black bars. I prefer the director's intent, rather than insisting it fill my TV.

I'm happy the option is there for others, though.


I bought the PC version recently so I could play without the bars. I didn't mind them for the most part besides a few areas where it was difficult to see.

Personally I prefer full screen for everything. I even stretch 4:3 images so there are no side bars. I hate letter boxing.


Heard Dino Crisis but I don't see how it relates to this thread. EW and DC are very far apart.

Because they're both Mikami games.

In related news, everyone saying P.N.03 is a bad game should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

The timing of this patch is funny. I bought Evil Within a few months ago when it was on sale, but only started playing it this weekend. Holy fuck it poor. The letterboxing didn't bother me too much, but I didn't think it was beneficial in any way.

I was so appalled with how shoddy the game was, I deleted it a couple of days ago. Then last night decided to give it one more shot, so reinstalled it and downloaded the patch. Will try it out again tonight. I'm not expecting miracles. As many have said, the aspect ratio is the least of the games woes.


The game runs pretty much the same with the letterbox removed, give or take a few areas (PS4 version).

I enjoyed completing it originally with the borders, but it's a decent option to take them off and it looks great.

I don't think the frame rate of the game will ever improve beyond what they have already done, but it's playable unless you are really sensitive to frame drops.


I have to say this: the letterbox removal is a godsend for me. I had only played to Chapter 3 previously because I felt so darn claustrophobic and trapped--I couldn't see things as easily. But with the letterbox removal I restarted and already surpassed where I was in one sitting. It feels like a different game to me, and I love it.

I have been praying for this update since launch for cryin' out loud. Halleluiah!


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Damn how did I miss this, just learned about it from 8-4 play podcast. Will probably replay the game soon since the next two months look boring in terms of new releases.


I will NEVER understand why people don't like the black bars. Enough to make the dev allow them to change the resolution the game renders at to get rid of them. I love the game's aesthetic.

Demanding they change the artistic vision of the game...

Well enjoy the inevitable fps drop or visual hit, weird people.

?? Is like playing on a smaller TV, of course many dont like it.


This has been on my “I need to play this at some point when there is a lull in game releases” which may be this summer for me. I played first few chapters then something else dropped and I shelved it. The letterbox wasn’t a deal breaker for me, but I wasn’t very fond of it either so this gives me some incentive to pick it up again.


I don't know why I bought the game on PS4 shoud've gone PC. I'm not usually sensitive to frame rate, but holy shit this runs bad and the controls feel janky.

Currently in Chapter 3. Does it get better or worse performance wise?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't know why I bought the game on PS4 shoud've gone PC. I'm not usually sensitive to frame rate, but holy shit this runs bad and the controls feel janky.

Currently in Chapter 3. Does it get better or worse performance wise?
It gets better in a lot of places, actually. Chapter 3 is one of the worst.

The frame-rate doesn't even drop that low - it's just handled really poorly
I have to say this: the letterbox removal is a godsend for me. I had only played to Chapter 3 previously because I felt so darn claustrophobic and trapped--I couldn't see things as easily. But with the letterbox removal I restarted and already surpassed where I was in one sitting. It feels like a different game to me, and I love it.

I have been praying for this update since launch for cryin' out loud. Halleluiah!

Usually I'm all for preserving the developer's vision (for example, I think it's annoying when people say that the Wii port of RE4 is the best version, or that people should play it first). But the letterboxing was just not done well in Evil Within. I had to manipulate the camera way to often to see things at my feet or just above me, and not in a claustrophobic, done-intentionally-to-create-tension way but in a just plain annoying way. In contrast The Order does a way better job of framing scenes so that you can still see enough vertically. Hopefully this wasn't the case but the Evil Within really feels like all of the level design was made by people playing in fullscreen, and then the bars were slapped on at the end to look more cinematic.


Have they fixed the awful and unfair instant deaths? Or what about the entire last chunk of the game being godawful in all aspects. Mikami, when you move like a tank you shouldn't give your enemies guns, please take note.

On a more serious note, this is pretty neat, might give it another play through now. Just hope if we get a sequel that it doesn't turn into a Korn music video in its last couple of hours, and actually remembers to be fun, too. Never been more conflicted on a game but hey at least the letterboxing is gone now!!!!!


Well shit. I rebought this on PC just to avoid letterboxing.
You got to play it with better performance then, most likely. Nothing to regret.

I actually kept just a slight letterbox. Enough to where I didn't feel my vision was limited, but also kept a bit of the widescreen feel.

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