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The first game you can remember absolutely hating

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So GAF, I'm curious. I'm sure we all have that first game that made us realize that not all video games were, in fact, universally good. For me, it was this shit:


This fucking game...up until this game, I had loved every NES game I had gotten. I wasn't yet aware that it was possible for a game to be "bad". But then this game came along and shattered my fragile perception that all video games were fun. =/

Everything about this game was terrible. The controls were awful, the objectives were unclear, it was hard as hell to hit anything due to the sloppy controls, and just...argggggh. Just thinking about it frustrates me to this very day. And when the hell did Milton Bradley get into video game publishing anyway?

(As a side note, I've wondered lately if my Dad bought this for me because he was a fan of the Tom Baker Doctor Who serials that aired on PBS here in the US and thought that it was somehow related, since it was called Time Lord.)

So yeah, GAF. What's the first game you can clearly remember absolutely hating?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ninja Gaiden because of those respawning hawks.

Over time, though, I stuck with it and I loved the game.
X-Men for NES.

I could put up with games like Back to the Future, Ninja Kid, Chubby Cherub, and Friday the 13th.

But X-Men was utterly and complete shit.



I could not for the life of me figure out how to get the controls to work, half the time I sent the little guy off to his death by leaping from the platforms.

The cover says it all.

Couldn't understand shit, I remember being at the sword after so many try's and then cuoldn't figure out how to pick it up. Played it on my grandma's laptop and most part of the game for me was searching wich key did what... i was too young


Hate is a strong, if I had to use it I guess it would be for Postal 2, that thing was atrocious.

I thought the arcade version was so much fun so I asked for this for my birthday when I was 13 or so. The sinking realization that I had completely blown a birthday gift on this and was stuck with this game for at least the next six months was pretty rough.


I enjoyed damn near all the megadrive games I played, and wasn't offended by any PS1 games.

And then came along Sonic Heroes for PS2...



Ouch. That one was pretty bad.

Especially since at the time I was still in my "I just played Chrono Trigger and now I love RPGs, so I'm gonna play a bunch more and enjoy them just as much!" phase.

This game was a sucker punch to the gut.


SMB2 (It is not a Mario game) man thank goodness for SMB3. Character art was it's only redeeming feature, just like DMC2.
The Amazing Spiderman 2 for the original gameboy.

That game played horribly as far as I remember.


Or whatever it was called, I think GB had several spiderman games.

The one I disliked had you run out of web. Really didn't like playing it as a kid.
I only really started hating games this generation. Interestingly enough.

I think it was one of the Call of Duty games, after suffering lag online.


This one felt odd. It had no soul, no identity, I didn't gave a shit about the character, etc.

Why the fuck did I buy it and didn't get Tetris Attack instead, ended up buying it a few years later but fuck.


I hated Conduit 2 for like the first hour, but then after giving it another try, it wasn't that bad. I mean, it wasn't very good, but I stopped hating it.



You know what's fun? A game that has nothing to do with skateboarding in which you have to contend with bad skateboard controls.



This might actually be a good game, I wouldn't know since I'm pretty sure six-year-old me threw the cartridge against a wall. Infuriating

There was also the NES Captain Planet game, but I think I was still too young to fully comprehend how awful it was
While I certainly had played my fair share of disliked games beforehand I don't think I was ever truly consumed by pure hatred for a game until I played Jak 2, I hate everything it represents, it may not be the worst of games but screw Jak 2.


For me, no question, it was Athena for the NES.
It was unfairly difficult, and not at all fun to play.
Being young, I did my best to try and beat it, but eventually I grew so angry at this game I literally smashed it to pieces with a hammer.
I do not regret that at all.


This might actually be a good game, I wouldn't know since I'm pretty sure six-year-old me threw the cartridge against a wall. Infuriating

Your six-year old self was right. It's pretty bad.

But it does have the same quirky humor that the show and comics have, so it's not entirely worthless.


The original Bubsy game for SNES.

I remember freaking out as a kid realizing I had just squandered my hard saved dollar bills. Thank god Costco let me return the opened game.


The only game I truly hated (that I can remember) is assassins creed 1. Years of hype destroyed, a worthless special edition.

The first and last special edition I bought.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This thread is good for seeing who has true perspective on truly awful games and who thinks anything mediocre is 'terrible dog shit'

My contribution
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