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The first game you can remember absolutely hating


Ninja Turles NES defense force here.

That game was a good game. Required a lot more strategy than the sequels which were just drop-kicking enemies, drop-kicking enemies, drop-kicking enemies all throughout the game.

I haven't played that game in more than a decade and could pass that swimming level in one go. Don't repetitively tap A. Instead tap A, then control the glide. Tap A then control the glide. You want to tap A as less as possible.

If it's still problematic just use the turtle with the greatest life left and let him take a few blows for the team. You can always refill your life meter in the next level.

Also if you failed on the dam you're missing out on one of the most awesome cutscenes and music in NES era, which comes up immediately after.


Hated? Probably

I bought 2 360 games when I got my first 360. Gears of war and sonic 06. I almost got gears on a whim and sonic was going to be the start of the next gen for me. I was soooo excited and had never touched or seen a next gen game before. The difference in quality made me a bitter man.

I even played a lot of it in front of my cousin in an attempt to show him how awesome my 360 purchase was.

I have to admit I didn't like Sonic Adventure but my little sister did and had SA1, 2 and Heroes on my Gamecube. I remember the big deal Sega made about this going back to Sonic's roots, how it was going to tap into the Mega Drive gameplay and bring it to the HD generation... I didn't pay much attention because I didn't own any of this gen's machines at the time but the backlash was amazing. Then all the Youtube videos of the borderline furry stuff hit and there was just so much hate for it.

And then one of my friends still managed to buy it on 360 and I got to see first hand just how terrible it all was. It was unreal. I'd never heard him so upset while enjoying a hobby. Asked him why he bothered with it and he just looked up at me and said "to teach myself a lesson".


Bomberman 64


That was some awful shit. Ever since Bomberman 64 i did my research before buying a game.

Wow really? I <3 this game so much. I think is one the games I spent more time in multiplayer.
Ninja Turles NES defense force here.

That game was a good game. Required a lot more strategy than the sequels which were just drop-kicking enemies, drop-kicking enemies, drop-kicking enemies all throughout the game.

I haven't played that game in more than a decade and could pass that swimming level in one go. Don't repetitively tap A. Instead tap A, then control the glide. Tap A then control the glide. You want to tap A as less as possible.

If it's still problematic just use the turtle with the greatest life left and let him take a few blows for the team. You can always refill your life meter in the next level.

Also if you failed on the dam you're missing out on one of the most awesome cutscenes and music in NES era, which comes up immediately after.

Yeah, I enjoy the first TMNT NES game a lot more today than I did then. Because I can actually beat it.

I think it's a more enjoyable game than the repetitive beat-em-ups, honestly. I enjoyed those games immensely as a kid, but the novelty has worn off a lot. The first game, however, is still pretty interesting. At least I think so.
Metroid prime and star fox on the GC.
I saved money for 3 months , bought the GC with these 2 games and didn't like them at all :(
I bought sunshine later and plyed 100h+ made me feel better :)


You know I honestly still like this game overall even though it went eight kinds of stupid after the first few hours.

Heavy Rain is another story entirely though.

It has some decent art direction, that's the nicest thing I can say about it.

I only played the demo of Heavy Rain but I was so apathetic towards it I turned it off after the first few minutes.

Glad to see the Altered Beast hate is still alive and well. If you're a young kid playing video games for the first time I could understand how this one could turn you against them forever. Bland, repetitive dreck.
Can anyone explain this?

I only played Saga Frontier 2 and i thought it was a great game. Was 1 really bad? in what ways?

It felt incredibly shoddily put together. Like the producers had a million ideas and scotch-taped them into a frankenstein monster of a game. Visually it's all over the place and the story progression lacks cohesion.I recall it being almost universally panned when it was released. The soundtrack is absolutely incredible though. I only beat two of the scenarios (the robot and the super hero dude) and had very little fun with it.


Bayou Billy on the NES. My brother and I spent four months pocket money on that piece of shit. Terrible, terrible game.

More recently, Final Fantasy XIII is the only game I have bought and despised. Barely a game at all. Just a corridor run with some emo idiots organised by a director in love with a tedious main character that just murders every scene she is in. It's like FFX but without any redeeming features whatsoever. The pacing is monotonous, the cut scenes too long, the gameplay repetitive- I just don't see how the series ended up with that shitheap after the open-world glory of FFXII on PS2, a game with issues, granted, but full of potential for the series future. And then they made 2 more games. It single-handedly killed any love I had for FF, all it's bonkers storylines, plotholes, weapons, summons, the whole shebang I once thought synonymous with computer games.

/am slowly rehabilitating myself with a bit of light Theatrhythm. The white mage says I should play a track or two a week until my negativity subsides.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I think I played and beat a ton of RPGs and couldn't get enough until Paladin's Quest.

Didn't help I played it a lot when I was sick, but blah...
Another vote for Bart Vs. The Space Mutants. I remember my friend had it, and we played it at his house after school one day. Like many others, I don't think we passed the first level.


I tend not to absolutely hate video games, but I've come to hate the Uncharted series, Killzone 2, Max Payne 3, and Dragon Age 2 this gen.

Why? Because I like to control my experience, thank you very much.
So this thread is basically:

1. Licensed games that were typically designed as cash-ins, and it's not at all surprising that they are bad and people don't like them.

2. Exceptionally good games that are well-liked among GAF and the general public alike that are just posted to try to get a rise out of people.

Anyway, I hate Ys III as much as I can hate a video game, which it turns out is not much.



Pitfighter SNES (my dad confused street fighter 2 with pit fighter... i almost cried when i booted it up and saw how terrible it was)

THQ has always held a special place in my heart as a company to avoid thanks to this game.


Play Action Football


Mario is Missing (NES)


Mortal Kombat (don't remember which one, i know it was a black cartridge) for Game Boy (i played on game boy color)

I actually kind of liked play action football when i was a kid, but i played it a few years later and it was kind of lousy.

Mario is missing is another one I remember liking as a kid though I had never had a clue as to what I was doing. Another game I eventually came to realize was crap but honestly in some ways it's quite impressive. It's probably one of nicest looking games visually on the NES (well at least the castle and intro look very similar visually to super mario world on super nintendo)

Mortal Kombat I remember being really slow and clunky. It's probably the 1st one i legitimately disliked as a kid.



I remember playing it when I was four and thinking that it was a scary game and I just sucked at it....nope, it's just a crappy movie tie in

Boss Man

Socom III.

I loved Socom, then I loved Socom II even more. Socom III was a huge disappointment for me.

The next would have to have been the transition from Resistance:FoM to Resistance 2.

Big let downs from franchises that I love are the worst, apparently.
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