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The first game you can remember absolutely hating


If you're being sarcastic, yes. High quality assets with a horrible direction. Unless you're a fan of HD monsters like 'generic alien thing like every other XIII monster'

Cocoon is a high-tech Noah's Ark, so they have robotic versions of all the lifeforms on Pulse. I don't remember any other FF games having robotic wolves ...

I thought XIII had some excellent monster designs.













I could keep going, but those are just some of my personal favorite monster designs.

Speaking of high quality assets, don't even get me started on the environments. Wow.

Hmm... there are surely some shareware or freeware PC games I played before this and that I hated even more than this game, but as far as games that actually cost money to buy, I think that there is only one answer for me...

Toy Story for the Game Boy. Now, Lion King for the Game Boy wasn't that great. Overall I disliked the game, because of really frustrating controls more than anything. But it had some redeeming value at least, such as the good graphics and sound, so I got this one... but man, was it awful! The framerate is absolutely ridiculously low, there's a long delay before you do anything after you press the button, the missions are sometimes confusing (and the bad controls make them worse, like when walls don't fall unless you hit them JUST right), etc etc. Just awful game, and it was the title which told me for sure that yes, licensed games can be awful. Even Mega Man 3 for the PC and the first PC Ninja Turtles game (a port of the first NES TMNT sidescroller title), a couple of games I have mixed memories of for sure, aren't anywhere near as bad as this disaster.

Later on, Toy Story was one of only the only two games that I ever actually sold; in the late '90s I sold off Toy Story and my second least favorite Game Boy game, Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (I love baseball, but compared to my '90s favorite Hardball III, this game couldn't even begin to compare...).

While I'm sure it isn't a bad game, my brother always wanted to play this:


I couldn't get past this screen without being bored out of my mind

To date I think there is only one baseball game I have ever liked and it was Batter Up on the game gear.

Lol, I had this as a kid. It's pretty bad as NES baseball games go. I found it very bland, plus me owning RBI Baseball and Baseball Stars didn't help its chances with me. The thing that turned me off of it most was on multiple occasions having clearly fair balls ruled foul. Liner over the shortstop.. foul ball! "What!" Base-hit up the middle... foul ball! "What, what!"

I particularly like the game's lack of a players association license yet its cover featuring paintings of guys who are clearly meant to be Kirby Puckett and Ozzie Smith.
Thankfully Brave Fencer Musashi came out and satisfied my thirst.

Oh, what a coincidence. I was just about to post this:


Brave Fencer Musashi is probably my favorite PS1 game, so what I first heard about this game, I was ecstatic.

And then I played it. I never felt so betrayed as a fan before.
One Christmas my parents got my brother and I each Gameboy Color games: they gave my brother Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, and they gave me this:
Needless to say I pretty much only played my brother's game instead of my own.


I was a kid who tolerated a lot of shitty games (some examples included Rocky and Bullwinkle on NES, Widget on NES, Wally Bear and the No Gang on NES, etc) and I actually liked the Mario Is Missing games.

That being said, this fucking game


This fucking game...

I was just too young and hadn't learned much about history in school yet, so I was stuck on the surfing levels for the entire time I played it. At some point I distinctly remember thinking "I am not enjoying this whatsoever" and just turned it off.

It was a two-day rental and I don't think I even played it anymore on the second day.


my posts are "MEH"
Definitely this Ghostbusters game.

Couple of friends of mine in high school took the bus and drove many miles to go by another classmate, in the city, who had Ninja Turtles 3 for the NES. We were hyped! But when we arrived there was a blackout, no electricity. This sucked.

However it turns out that somehow a friend of his who lived a few hundred meters away had electricity and a NES, so we said "we travelled all this way to the city to play games, w're not gonna go home till we played some games". So we walked over to this guy's house.

When we arrived and told him we came to video games he said that was ok but the game he had was really crap and we wouldn't enjoy it. We said "that's fine. It doesn't matter". But he kept on going on about how bad the game is. But we said that we didn't give a shit, we weren't leaving until we played some video games. He said "ok then".

Well it turns out the game he had was Ghostbusters. yeh. After about half an hour we left and took the bus back home.
What an great story!!!

"we came to video games" lol


Gunvalkyrie seems to be hugely divisive. Even the reviewers varied quite a bit back in the day (IGN: 9.0; Game Informer: 5.3).

I never got to play it, but heard the controls are nuts!

That was really the biggest issue with reviewers. The controls took some getting used to but once you did and started racking up boost combos and hitting invincibility, game was pretty badass.



I love Snoopy and this game is a horrible stain on that love. Basically it's a set of "silly" competitions (sack race, pole vault, etc) that ends in 5 minutes, and that's it. That's the all game, on top of that the vault competition is broken so you never know who's going to win.

Oh man I remember this. Liked it as a kid, played it again several years back and it's not so good.

I remember in the early years of Youtube there was sort of a mini-challenge of people trying to figure out how the hell to beat the pole challenge. People figured it out eventually but it required some stupid input at some precise timing.

Got this for free from Ninendo Power. "First RPG for the NES!" I was way into Dungeons & Dragons so I thought this would be awesome.


What a piece of shit.

wtf is this shit. I loved that game. At some point, however, I stopped playing it because the amount of gold lost on death became so high, I was afraid to play any longer. I was at a point where I had to walk across some long area to get to a port to be ferried to an island. I'd never get more than 1/4 of the way there before my life being in jeopardy and having to turn back. Dying would have meant 50% of the money earned (and it took a looong time to amass money in that game) would have just disappeared. At some point, I just gave up.



what a piece of shit.


Neo Member
Pokemon Snap on N64 was pretty terrible, I mean it wasn't a completely horrible game, it was just so short. I completed it in like a couple of hours, went back the next day and got my money back. Luckily I also had Majora's Mask to play that Christmas.


I actually don't get Ecco the Dolphin love for Genesis. When I was 8 or so, I rented this game and instantly I hated it. I remember the pause screen only dimmed the game screen, but the music kept playing. I showed my mother and convinced her the game was frozen and I asked if I could rent a new one.


Pokemon Snap on N64 was pretty terrible, I mean it wasn't a completely horrible game, it was just so short. I completed it in like a couple of hours, went back the next day and got my money back. Luckily I also had Majora's Mask to play that Christmas.

Yeah but it's all about the replay value, going for high scores. Or the -tons- of secrets it had. I think I recall needing to knock a Magikarp at the beginning of the level into the water, then when you come across the waterfall at the end pump apples into it and a garyados pops out? I spent countless hours on that game. They even had a promotion with Blockbuster where you could take a memory card with your favorite pictures and print them out onto stickers, and score contests.

I recommend not playing any Shmups/bullet hells..
This thread is shitting on several games I loved but I was a mid to late teen when I played them.

Dragon Warrior
Rolling Thunder
Ikari Warriors

These are the reasons I'm a gamer today!


Although i disliked many many games before, i never really "hated" a game, until Oblivion came along and crushed my unhealthy level of hype into the ground.

I'm trying to think about a game i "hated" before that, and although there were many games i thought were kind of shitty and even some that frustrated me to tears, i was much more inclined to just play all sorts of shit and find something interesting in each game.

Ultimately, i'll blame it on the Internet.


Metal gear solid

Now read this before you start litting the torches, when I was a kid, I only had an SNES an a 64, so the existence of mature games wasn't something that I was aware at all (I knew MK, but honestly, the game is so stupid that I will hardly call it mature)

Anyway, one day I went to the house of my best friend, who had a psx (I wasn't even aware than sony had a console) so watching this was something new to me. He had 2 games, gran turismo 1 and mgs

When I went to his house, he was starting with MGS and was only 30 minutes from the beginning, in that part where you rescue the DARPA chief

Now when he arrived to that part, I suddenly saw how darpa started to feel bad and died, shocking me in a bad way, since I wasn't aware that you could die that suddenly (I thought that somebody could kill you or than you die in an advanced age and went to heaven) and no speaking english at that time didn't helped either (Did he died for the lack of oxygen? heart problems?) so I was scared to death, and didn't want to know anything about mgs and the psx because thanks to them I became a paranoid who thought that at any moment could die for any reason

Oddly enough, when I grow up, I played MGS and loved the series becoming one of my favorites, so I'm glad that I could give those games a chance


This was the genesis of me hating games. I generally have a pretty good tolerance for games but I can't take ones that are deliberately obtuse with their systems and design. I hate this game with the heat and rage of a thousand suns.

I'm sure I hated a game before this came along, but this is the first one I remember going to my mom and telling her I wanted to get rid of.

I believe it was released in NA as Rush'N'Attack or something, but I think the NES version is probably better than the MSX one anyway. It's so bad.
Fun fact if you didn't already know it: Rush'N'Attack = Russian Attack

I've played a lot of bad games, even horrible games, yet FFXIII was the only game that I hated absolutely every aspect of with -0- redeemable qualities whatsoever.
I hated the running animation for Vanille. I don't know what animator did that bit of work but he apparently had never seen a woman run in his whole life outside of Disney's Snow White.

Screw this game. I traded other games in for this. Last time I ever did that.

It was incredibly difficult, so much so that I don't think I ever got past the third level.


Life's too short to hate games. Obviously some games are not as good as others, but there is no game that I've ever felt strongly enough to be muster up an emotion like hate.



I know... I know... but at the time I was young and just couldn't figure the shit out. Now I love it and do a yearly play-through.


I have to agree with folks who said Hydlide. The system was just arcane and terrible, especially for 1989 in the US, and for 9-year-old kids like me.

Dishonorable mentions include Captain Planet and Dragon's Lair (NES).


Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest). I expected Zelda. Anytime I heard a game was an RPG I would avoid it like the plague. I was an idiot kid back then and missed years of great RPG's (anything on SNES, Genesis, PS1) which I later revisited via emulation. It was Chrono Trigger which introduced me to the genre.

EDIT: I tried out Dragon Quest IX and loooooooooved that game. I have revisited the franchise and am currently on Dragon Quest IV


I was a kid who tolerated a lot of shitty games (some examples included Rocky and Bullwinkle on NES, Widget on NES, Wally Bear and the No Gang on NES, etc) and I actually liked the Mario Is Missing games.

That being said, this fucking game


This fucking game...

I was just too young and hadn't learned much about history in school yet, so I was stuck on the surfing levels for the entire time I played it. At some point I distinctly remember thinking "I am not enjoying this whatsoever" and just turned it off.

It was a two-day rental and I don't think I even played it anymore on the second day.
That game was bad, but the thought of the game sucking was incomprehensible to my young mind. Mario+time travel = good
I learned so much.... It was terrible.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Just awful in every way. That Nintendo seal of quality lost all meaning for me here.


Oh, what a coincidence. I was just about to post this:


Brave Fencer Musashi is probably my favorite PS1 game, so what I first heard about this game, I was ecstatic.

And then I played it. I never felt so betrayed as a fan before.[/QUOTE]

That would be the second game I have ever hated.
[quote="heyf00L, post: 50513871"]Lots of people making the ignore list in here. If you HATE the best games ever made, you don't have anything to say that I want to hear.[/QUOTE]
"Waaaa people don't like what I think is the best so they suck and are stupid heads."

GTA4 is one of the best games ever made too right? How about them Call of Duty games?

I hate OoT because it literally took a giant shit on the zelda franchise and warped everything about it and honestly it's just not fun it's tedious as fuck and the battle system is ass.
I dunno, I even enjoyed Solitaire as a kid.

Didn't have that many games as a kid (were all Mac games anyway) and I liked all of them to some degree, as far as I remember.



Hated this game.. As a kid i just couldn't understand why this was called Street Fighter? Also the main character was Ken.. So it had to be cool right?!

No. This game is ballz HARD for no reason.
Killer 7.

Absolutely horrible load times for relatively shitty graphics, story made no sense, and I don't remember how it played but it definitely wasn't fun.

I had no idea why everyone was so enamoured with Grasshopper.

Played a bit of NMH, and apart from its style and quirkiness, again, it's nothing special.
Ok, I can't believe I'm going to post this game here but yep, here we go:


My first Game Boy game, when I was 6.
I found it really boring.

EDIT: Sorry for the image mess, I'm trying to post from my mobile.


Beyond Good an Evil

Started-out charming and full of promises, ended up as the biggest turd ever.
Game ended up in the bin in a 'flip the table' moment when I reached the final boss.
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