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The Hobbit trilogy - News, rumours and discussion

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Most of these, IMO, look a lot better than the final design which to me felt fairly generic.

I liked his final design well enough (his animation and voicework are really what sold the character to me anyway), but I've always been a fan of the more elongated, serpentine designs for Smaug over the years. It was cool seeing that Weta did initially play around with that kind of look for him.


I'm really glad they went with SIZE for Smaug's design.

Really made him feel dangerous.

Indeed, it was definitely one of the largest depictions of him that I've ever seen. I particularly enjoyed the "And do you now?" shot:

I just wish they'd gone for the version with separate forearms and wings. The whole 'evolutionary' argument about reptiles not having six limbs doesn't count here, given that dragons were explicitly created by Morgoth anyway. not only that, but the land ones came firs,t the winged ones after, so it would make sense to have a four legged dragon as the standard model, then stick wings on afterwards like an Airfix model.

I miss four legged dragons. It really seems like we don't see them anymore in games or films.


I just wish they'd gone for the version with separate forearms and wings. The whole 'evolutionary' argument about reptiles not having six limbs doesn't count here, given that dragons were explicitly created by Morgoth anyway. not only that, but the land ones came firs,t the winged ones after, so it would make sense to have a four legged dragon as the standard model, then stick wings on afterwards like an Airfix model.

I miss four legged dragons. It really seems like we don't see them anymore in games or films.

At least we'll always have Saphira from the awful Eragon movie :)


Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
As for the professor, he clearly had a preference for serpentine dragons.




And I've always found John Howe's Glaurung depiction interesting, and the painting itself is one of his finest.



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Of course, Boromir's death alone gives it that weight. The other two are exercises in CGI and watching Legolas surf on stairs and elephant trunks.
this is such a mind numbingly over simplification of the second two movies. Thats literally two scenes your describing that comprise mere seconds in what amounts to 6+ hours of movies.

I dont understand all the "too much cg" in the second and third movies. I would love for someone to explain how you do gigantic fucking trees that walk and talk without cg, or any of the ring wraiths, or the huge battle scenes with trolls and other monsters.

Also, fellowship had plenty of CG in it as well, from the gigantic unnecessary octopus that attempts to eat the fellowship as they go into Moria to the opening scene which was mostly cg, to when Gandalf rides to Gondor and Lothlorien. Oh and the really really bad scene when Galadriel talks about what she would do if she had the ring. I dont even know if its CG or real effects, its just terrible.

I don't think any of them feels like a self-contained film, only the trilogy as whole.
This is exactly how I feel. I dont know what people are doing, do they just sit down and say, you know what I'll watch return of the king today, without having watched the other two recently? Or just watch Fellowship?

I recently got the EEs on blu-ray, had never seen any of them in hidef, i owned them all on DVD, and the wife and I watched fellowship, and we'll be watching the other two soon. For me its all one movie, just like I'll watch all three original star wars, ill watch all three LOTR.

Also welcome back Edmond!
I'm still annoyed about the lack of Roac. Apparently scrotum-faced goblins and elf-dwarf romances are fine, but a talking raven? Oh, now we're getting too silly...


I envy those of you who can get through The Silmarillion.

No offence but I find it such a chore and a slog to read. The story itself sounds fascinating, I just wish it were more reader friendly.


I envy those of you who can get through The Silmarillion.

No offence but I find it such a chore and a slog to read. The story itself sounds fascinating, I just wish it were more reader friendly.

It's more interesting to discuss than it is to read.


I envy those of you who can get through The Silmarillion.

No offence but I find it such a chore and a slog to read. The story itself sounds fascinating, I just wish it were more reader friendly.
I've only read it once, last year or the year before, and it honestly seemed as though the first section is there as a test. If you get through that, the rest is a breeze (albeit one with a lot to remember).

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I envy those of you who can get through The Silmarillion.

No offence but I find it such a chore and a slog to read. The story itself sounds fascinating, I just wish it were more reader friendly.

My feelings exactly. Lots of brilliant ideas, not a brilliant book. Tolkein seemed to become more obsessed with mythology over narrative as his writing developed. Naturally, the Hobbit is my favourite of his.
My feelings exactly. Lots of brilliant ideas, not a brilliant book. Tolkein seemed to become more obsessed with mythology over narrative as his writing developed. Naturally, the Hobbit is my favourite of his.

I think Tolkien was always more concerned with mythology, to be quite honest. The bulk of the Silmarillion was at least conceptualized prior to the publication of the Hobbit, and then was re-worked in various phases after that point and the end of his life. The book we call "The Silmarillion" is heavily editorialized by his son, to varying degrees of success and at times basically becomes a cliff notes version of some of the stories Tolkien wrote for the Silmarillion.

I recommend checking out HoME, particularly the volumes that deal with the Silmarillion stories. There are quiet a few more elaborated versions of stories found in the Silmarillion, but with more of a narrative style to them


I envy those of you who can get through The Silmarillion.

No offence but I find it such a chore and a slog to read. The story itself sounds fascinating, I just wish it were more reader friendly.

The first time I got through it, I picked and chose where to read. "Oh the fall of Numenor", "what happens after Children of Hurin was over", etc. Eventually wanted to put pieces together so I'd read other chapters and finally finished.


My feelings exactly. Lots of brilliant ideas, not a brilliant book. Tolkein seemed to become more obsessed with mythology over narrative as his writing developed. Naturally, the Hobbit is my favourite of his.

The problem is more that The Silmarillion was not anywhere close to being finished, and as such what we got was stitched together from various notes, often very bare bones ones. The published Silmarillion is simply an outline of the entire mythology. You have to read through Tolkien's other posthumously published works to see the bits and pieces of more polished writing. Unfortunately, only The Children of Hurin was close enough to be published on its own, and even that required substantial editorial intervention by Christopher Tolkien. If the elder Tolkien had lived another 20 years ... it's doubtful he would have finished The Silmarillion even then, but if he had, it would have been very different (and much, much longer) from what we have now.


Seeing as we're sorely lacking anything new to discuss with regards to BOFA, I figured we could do some speculation. Fair warning, a lot of this goes into spoiler territory for the final section of the book (I'll of course mark it as such).

Things to speculate on:

1. What will become of Legolas chasing after Bolg? Is Bolg retreating to Dol Guldur? If so, will Bolg
participate in defending Dol Guldur against The White Council's attack instead of taking part in the Battle of Five Armies? Will Legolas participate as well?

2. Or will Legolas, in the act of chasing Bolg
see the oncoming army of orcs, turn around and head back to Laketown?

3. Assuming Bolg
isn't at the Five Armies, will Azog take his place and ultimately kill Thorin?

4. How will
The White Council's attack on Dol Guldur be depicted? Will Galadriel, Radaghast, and Saruman show up and simply clean house? Will an army of elves assist? Will Elrond also participate?

Sub-speculation -
Will Jackson compress the Legendarium timeline and combine the White Council's attack on Dol Guldur (T.A. 2941) and Galadirel's ultimate destruction of it years later (T.A. 3019) into a single event?

5. Will
the Witch-King/Nazgûl make an appearance (specifically at Dol Guldur)? If so, will it be a quick cameo of sorts or some form of extended involvement?

6. Will the
attack on Dol Guldur take place simultaneously with Five Armies, or will Dol Guldur happen before, as in the Legendarium?

7. Tauriel
will almost certainly be killed, specifically at the Battle of Five Armies, that much we can assume. The question is, under what circumstances? Will she be killed by Azog or Bolg? Will she and Kili die a tragic Shakespearean death in each others arms, as the forbidden love that was never meant to be (barf)?

8. Will that stupid rumor from a year ago suggesting that Smaug
would be resurrected by Sauron to take part in Five Armies actually come true?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Seeing as we're sorely lacking anything new to discuss with regards to BOFA, I figured we could do some speculation. Fair warning, a lot of this goes into spoiler territory for the final section of the book (I'll of course mark it as such).

Things to speculate on:

1. What will become of Legolas chasing after Bolg? Is Bolg retreating to Dol Guldur? If so, will Bolg
participate in defending Dol Guldur against The White Council's attack instead of taking part in the Battle of Five Armies? Will Legolas participate as well?

2. Or will Legolas, in the act of chasing Bolg
see the oncoming army of orcs, turn around and head back to Laketown?

3. Assuming Bolg
isn't at the Five Armies, will Azog take his place and ultimately kill Thorin?

4. How will
The White Council's attack on Dol Guldur be depicted? Will Galadriel, Radaghast, and Saruman show up and simply clean house? Will an army of elves assist? Will Elrond also participate?

Sub-speculation -
Will Jackson compress the Legendarium timeline and combine the White Council's attack on Dol Guldur (T.A. 2941) and Galadirel's ultimate destruction of it years later (T.A. 3019) into a single event?

5. Will
the Witch-King/Nazgûl make an appearance (specifically at Dol Guldur)? If so, will it be a quick cameo of sorts or some form of extended involvement?

6. Will the
attack on Dol Guldur take place simultaneously with Five Armies, or will Dol Guldur happen before, as in the Legendarium?

7. Tauriel
will almost certainly be killed, specifically at the Battle of Five Armies, that much we can assume. The question is, under what circumstances? Will she be killed by Azog or Bolg? Will she and Kili die a tragic Shakespearean death in each others arms, as the forbidden love that was never meant to be (barf)?

8. Will that stupid rumor from a year ago suggesting that Smaug
would be resurrected by Sauron to take part in Five Armies actually come true?
1. Possibly leading Legolas in to a trap with reinforcements waiting elsewhere.

2. That ties in with the above, something akin to Aragon's first sight of the Uruk-hai in TTT.

3. That's one part that really intrigues me. Azog played second fiddle somewhat to his son in TDOS, maybe he'll be dealt with in the
attack on Dol Guldur by the White Council.

4. I assume it'll play of something like Gandalf and Eomer's return to Helm's Deep, but with a more magical element. Peter has already rejigged the timeline, so it makes sense to combine two events in to one.

5.I think he'll feature, but not in outright battle.

6. Having the
two battles
run concurrently would make sense, rather than consecutively.

Tricky one to judge, maybe Tauriel's death will give some explanation as to why Legolas' personality changed between the events of The Hobbit and the War of the Ring.

I think it's more likely that Smaug's death will be drawn out in the first third of the film. But, imagine the reaction if Smuag is dealt with in something akin to an extended prologue a la TTT, the Gandalf/Balrog duel.


Edmond Dantès;113149693 said:
1. Possibly leading Legolas in to a trap with reinforcements waiting elsewhere.

2. That ties in with the above, something akin to Aragon's first sight of the Uruk-hai in TTT.

3. That's one part that really intrigues me. Azog played second fiddle somewhat to his son in TDOS, maybe he'll be dealt with in the
attack on Dol Guldur by the White Council.

4. I assume it'll play of something like Gandalf and Eomer's return to Helm's Deep, but with a more magical element. Peter has already rejigged the timeline, so it makes sense to combine two events in to one.

5.I think he'll feature, but not in outright battle.

6. Having the
two battles
run concurrently would make sense, rather than consecutively.

Tricky one to judge, maybe Tauriel's death will give some explanation as to why Legolas' personality changed between the events of The Hobbit and the War of the Ring.

I think it's more likely that Smaug's death will be drawn out in the first third of the film. But, imagine the reaction if Smuag is dealt with in something akin to an extended prologue a la TTT, the Gandalf/Balrog duel.

I agree on pretty much all fronts, there certainly are a lot of unknowns going into BOFA. That actually makes the lead-up to the film more exciting to me. As much as I lament Jackson's more severe deviations from the book - he has been able to keep me interested enough to the point where I'm very intrigued to find out where all of this is going.

It will certainly be good to finally have all three films to look at.
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