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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming Thread 3

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Coming soon (next month?) for iPad. Rad.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Talking about FF3 and FFT makes me wonder if FF4 is ever coming. The DS version would be nice, so would the psp collection, whatever they want!


After first being confused as hell about how to play, I'm catching on to Shadow Cities and, coincidentally, it's becoming kind of addictive. The only (big) draw for me is that it drains battery very fast due to the GPS being constantly on.

If you want, you can add me: Flunkie

Edit: Machinarium is awesome news!


Garcia Hotspur said:
So apparently Grasshopper Manufacture is working on an iphone version of No More Heroes?...


"If you could form your own super group of game developers, who would you enlist? Mobage, popular Japanese mobile app site tackled that delicious problem by gathering a who's who of Japanese developers, dubbing them the "Super Creators".

The "Super Creators" are:

Suda 51 (Shadows of the Damned)
Keiji Inafune (Megaman)
Yuji Naka (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Yoshifumi Hashimoto (Harvest Moon series)
Noritaka Funamizu (Street Fighter series)

This group of esteemed developers will each be contributing new mobile games for smart phones. Suda 51 and Grasshopper's contribution to the team will be a mobile version of the fan favorite, No More Heroes!"

Holy shit! Dem names! I am excite.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
platypotamus said:
Gameplay wise, the Advance games are far superior to the original FFT.

I've always felt the FFT games were kinda overrated, but I know some will have my head for saying that.
I may be alone in thinking this but all FFT had was sporadically brutal difficulty paired with a boring story that's a rip-off of war of the roses, and it was incredibly easy to break the game making it pathetically easy. I think WOTL may have balanced things but I could only play it for 5 minutes before the spell/skill lag drove me insane.

That said I still like FFT. lol
Must be nostalgia. I like the core story I guess, but it gets drowned out by garbage.
I'll probably buy it for iPad all the same.

I think FFTA is the better game. Heartwarming story, likeable characters, more fleshed out and interesting world not plagued by a yawn-inducing war diatribe after every battle.
It's not hard but in my book it certainly is more fun.


Gold Member
commish said:
I've always felt the FFT games were kinda overrated, but I know some will have my head for saying that.

There's no game that's safe from that fate. Every game is overrated to someone, I guess if you want to justify your statement a little more, you could give a few examples of sRPGs you felt are more deserving of the fame FFT gets. FFT does have a great story for a game, incredible music (play this game with headphones!!!), and a fun battle system. Sure some things could be better, that's always the case with these games. Just about every sRPG's AI can be manipulated, abused, and so forth, the spin-offs are no exception, going by a bit of googling. However, as far as iOS game selection goes for the genre, if nothing else, it will help dig the bar out from 20' underground, to a somewhat respectable level, so long as it's a good port of course.

It also seems since it was just submitted today, people think it will take quite a few days to get approved, so we're most likely looking at a release next week, not this week. Though there's a small chance Apple will prioritize its approval in time for this week.


Back from vacation, where I had been using my iPad 2 for everything. Came back to (pretty decent) laptop and can't believe how much more crisp the iPad's screen seems since I've got used to it. Gosh, either this thing is amazing or it's time for a new laptop.


Mechanized said:
I may be alone in thinking this but all FFT had was sporadically brutal difficulty paired with a boring story that's a rip-off of war of the roses, and it was incredibly easy to break the game making it pathetically easy. I think WOTL may have balanced things but I could only play it for 5 minutes before the spell/skill lag drove me insane.

That said I still like FFT. lol
Must be nostalgia. I like the core story I guess, but it gets drowned out by garbage.
I'll probably buy it for iPad all the same.

I think FFTA is the better game. Heartwarming story, likeable characters, more fleshed out and interesting world not plagued by a yawn-inducing war diatribe after every battle.
It's not hard but in my book it certainly is more fun.

I thought FFTA was yawn inducing, dumbed down gameplay from FFT. I hated the kids and wanted them to die.

FFTA2 is amazing, though. I would be so down for an iOS port of that. I wouldn't touch FFTA again. Game is srpg for dummies. Fuck rules.
Technosteve said:
Sweet, next month FFT will be out for ipad and i can pay 30 dollars for it =/.
I want more sims for my ipad would pay mad money for a dwarf fortress on the ipad

That would be great. Totally agreed. Speaking of DF, why isn't there a DF community on GAF? It is kind of surprising really. Although I don't leave the communities I participate in much, so maybe there isn't enough interest in GAF.

soldat7 said:

I just bought this during Steam Sale, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm excited for it though!
mattiewheels said:
I just bought it (FF3) after waiting months for a sale, $16 sounded crazy....but it really us a great package. The retina up-rezing looks beautiful, the controls are well done too to the point that you can play one-handed because of the screen-dynamic dpad that shows up wherever you tap. Runs full speed too. The only real thing is whether you thought FF3DS is worth it, because this is a pretty awesome port of it.
I'm tempted to grab FF3 as well, but I keep reminding myself that I played it on the DS to death.

But those updated graphics look great. I'd love to see some DQ or FFIV put on the store.

$16 is a lot. I can't even get a $15 iTunes card, I need to get the $25 one!
jon bones said:
so you haven't played the games, that actually explains it

I've beaten FFT on the Playstation, redownloaded it on the PS3 (no noticeable changes).

I put 200ish hours into both FFT Advance games too. They are a lot more fun. The first Tactics Advance game pretty much got me through my crunch on Vampire.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Heads up iOS GAF - I'm about to drop ~12 codes for top-tier iOS games on http://twitter.com/#!/ignwireless. Trying to get the Wireless-dedicated Twitter feed rolling... figured nothing does that better than free shit.


Finally! Been waiting for FFT for over a year now I think... when was it first announced? Feels like forever. I hope they surprise us with a lower price but I'll drop $15 on it if that is what they're asking, assuming reviews are good. After playing Final Fantasy (1) on iOS and seeing how they handled the menus I am slightly wary, but they've delayed FFT so many times I'd like to think they've got a smart control setup.
Angelus Errare said:
I just call all iPad versions of iPhone apps HD. Habit, sorry.
I think I read that the iPad version has a exclusive storyline aside from updated graphics.

I don't know how much content it is since it's only a $1 more.

It also has re-designed monster cards.

But I think the exclusive story quest is for both iPhone/iPad.

My apologies on my previous answer. I was thinking about something else.


GDJustin said:
I'm hooked on it too, as I mentioned last page. I have a bunch of Zombie Gunship articles planned for IGN this week.

I just picked this up and like it a lot too. Having a little trouble as the movement feels backwards to me (maybe bc I use inverted controls on the consoles? idk)

It is fun, just did a couple of upgrades, highscore is only 168 zombies so far :(


Who's playing first touch soccer ... Let's hear some stories. Is anyone building a dream team?
Who finds it hard? I'm about 5-7 games in and find it kinda tough on medium with my basic dream team,,,any tips? How many coins should I save before scouting players,,stuff like that.. Gamecocks I know you have some tips :)


squall23 said:
Yeah, I don't get the FFTA hate either. Marche is awesome for a FF lead. He don't take shit from nobody, especially girls.
If you mean that literally, then something is very wrong.
dantehemi said:
Who's playing first touch soccer ... Let's hear some stories. Is anyone building a dream team?
Who finds it hard? I'm about 5-7 games in and find it kinda tough on medium with my basic dream team,,,any tips? How many coins should I save before scouting players,,stuff like that.. Gamecocks I know you have some tips :)
First Touch is really great, but I hate where they've positioned the virtual stick on the iPad version.


Murderer's Gut Feeling™
JPickford said:
Magnetic Billiards in-app Purchases have just come online. If you already have the game you'll need to shut it down properly and restart it.

Alright.... I tried this game and it is fucking awesome. I thought dude was just spamming some garbage, but I was wrong. Really fun , polished game. Free version gives you a really good taste of what's up. Can't go wrong trying it. Some may not like it, but I love it. IAPs just unlock modes and whatnot.


8sanders said:
Alright.... I tried this game and it is fucking awesome. I thought dude was just spamming some garbage, but I was wrong. Really fun , polished game. Free version gives you a really good taste of what's up. Can't go wrong trying it. Some may not like it, but I love it. IAPs just unlock modes and whatnot.
Not really sure how to play. Either I'm not fully grasping it or it's kinda pointless.


Rlan said:
Wallach said:
He's using a white MacBook? No wonder this took so long.
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. It's not even the last one, that one is at least two years old! Now I imagine their iOS department is centered around someone's old MacBook they brought from home along with some chairs and a spare cubicle.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
I would imagine the Cave shooters will slow to a crawl with retina support.

It'd be sweet though.
I'd just be happy with an option for scaling without smoothing on the small screen size since it'd be a straight 2x scale from the original bitmaps. The games are blurry on the iPhone/iPod retina displays because of the smoothing too.


Jumped on the Zombie Gunship bandwagon. Gotta say I'm loving it, even if I'm not entirely sure why. It's definitely got that 'one more go' factor.
dantehemi said:
Who's playing first touch soccer ... Let's hear some stories. Is anyone building a dream team?
Who finds it hard? I'm about 5-7 games in and find it kinda tough on medium with my basic dream team,,,any tips? How many coins should I save before scouting players,,stuff like that.. Gamecocks I know you have some tips :)

Enter tournaments. You win more coins if you can win the tournament. Also, save up to about 10 bronze coins, and you can get a decent player. I got Rodellega with ten bronze coins last time I scouted a player. Unfortunately my dream team has reset twice, so I have lost any small amount of progress I have gained, lol. I wonder if they'll update rosters for the new season?
Oh crap so my ipod touch isn't supported by FFT?

Time to buy a new ipod touch! I don't suppose they are refreshing the touch line at some point? Ehh its probably dead :/

And this news comes out the day after I picked it up on my Go for $10 since it came out last Tuesday


HamPster PamPster said:
Oh crap so my ipod touch isn't supported by FFT?

Time to buy a new ipod touch! I don't suppose they are refreshing the touch line at some point? Ehh its probably dead :/

And this news comes out the day after I picked it up on my Go for $10 since it came out last Tuesday

As usual, new iPod Touch every September.
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