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The Last of Us is still freaking incredible


Easily my all-time favorite, it's pretty much perfect in my eyes. Also the modern game that I have replayed the most, for a couple of months after it released I couldn't play anything else, all other games just felt bad in comparison.
It's alright, it gets too much credit for what is essentially an Uncharted reskin.



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I respectfully disagree. Story aside, the core mechanics are very disappointing to me. Especially the AI is very dumb. This Breaks the Immersion to me.

Just watch this for example:

This is the spiritual successor to this:
I got flamed for my "Lasut of us " thread,
many people told me to stay away from this game.
Honestly, This is the very first 3 minutes of me playing the game ( I promise this is not staged)


Also, I played the whole demo and decided not purchase the collection.
I think I'll wait to play uncharted 4 (wondering if that game will have a story video for those of us who have never played uncharted 4)


5 pages deep: TLDR

What phase of the typical TLOU GAF response are we in? Has everyone inevitably started arguing over the ending yet?

I've noticed people criticising the gameplay already so we're well into phase 3


Gold Member
I agree, its really overhyped here. The fact that there are so few enemy types and so little variety in combat should have mattered more to those that care about gameplay over all else. Bur i guess a lot of people were ok with looking past shallow mechanics because it offered a strong narrative.

Clefargle from a closed switch thread :
And if you think BOTW is overhyped, then you must not have played it much or read any reviews. The game deserves all the hype it's gotten and it's a fantastic launch title.

I guess "overhyped" depends on the which flag you are waving then....


Unconfirmed Member
The Last of Us will always be incredible. It's an absolute classic. One of those ones that I'll happily go back to again and again over the years.


One of the best games ever made

and Critics all agree. Sorry, forum opinions.

These posts are just a ridiculous as the ones claiming the game is bad...
It's a good game and most importantly a crowd pleaser.

Not bad by any measure but certainly not anywhere near being the end all be all it's fans make it out to be. No one element stands out as particularly extraordinary (the story can't realistically begin to be praised without "for a videogame" being in the mix and there are certainly plenty of examples of games which had much better stories) and no one element stands out as particularly reprehensible.

It certainly seems to evoke very passionate reactions!


Unconfirmed Member
No one element stands out as particularly extraordinary (the story can't realistically begin to be praised without "for a videogame" being in the mix and there are certainly plenty of examples of games which had much better stories)...

The story certainly can realistically be praised. It's an emotionally engaging story, wonderfully told with care and attention paid at all times to how it's characters are evolving as it progresses, which continues to resonate with a large audience to this day. It can most definitely be described as an extraordinary achievement.

Would you care to list the plenty of games with much better stories, out of curiosity?
Easily one of my favourite games ever made and one of the best story driven games too. The characters and story are just so well done, with top quality voice acting that adds real emotional weight to the whole thing, that opening sequence with Joel's daughter is still hard to watch (for all the right reasons)


Still easily in my top 5 of all-time. From this gen only Bloodborne (with Old Hunters) has topped it. Feel a 7th playthrough coming, but might just force myself to wait until The Last of Us 2 is right around the corner, as I ain't watching anything for that and it'll be a great hype builder for me.


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
Loved the game, probably in my top 5 of all time. I mean yeah the gameplay was a drag sometimes but the incredible story and characters more than made up for it. I don't think I ever felt as emotionally involved with fictional characters as I did in this game. Like regardless of the medium.

But still there was one thing that I really disliked about the story and that was how they handled the Daniel character.

I loved how they introduced him. I loved how he made me think for a secon if we truly are the bad guys in this story. I was having a little I am Legend moment there and that's not something you often have in video games as usually you are the good guys and all your enemies are clear cut evil.
I thought it made a good point that there is no black and white in this story and that even though we might not be bad people we have to do bad things sometimes. But just as I thinking that one second later he turns out to be this pedophile, rapist psychopath and I was like ok nevermind.
That felt like such a cheap copout like they had to paint him as a clear cut villain so that the player wouldn't feel bad about killing him.
I would have loved if he doesn't turn evil all of a sudden but you still end up killing him so that the feeling of "are we really the good guys in this story, did we really have to kill David" would follow the player and also Ellie throughout the game. Would have made for a good dynamic between Ellie and Joel I think.

Btw, I wonder how the Naughty Dog guys feel when people say "I loved the game but hated the gameplay parts" or "the gameplay sucked but I don't care because I play ND games for their story and not their gameplay"

For example Lin Manuel Miranda hates it when people say "I loved Hamilton even though I hate rap music"
I wonder if Neil Druckmann and co. Feel the same way


I got stuck at some point, meeting monster that was throwing things in a building, very annoying, it's been more than 6 month already, but I still don't feel like loading the game again.

Atmosphere feels "real", graphics is unbelievable for PS3, can't say much about story, but gameplay sucks for me, and that is not only fights, but also occasionally "you can't jump/climb over this thing, but not over that thing".


Personally I never understood the hype level this movie reached. I liked it and it's a pretty solid 8 / 10 for me, but I never looked at it as one of the best game of last generation. The character interactions were fine, but how anyone could regard the story of the game as something special is just beyond me! It is enough to have seen only a handful of zombie flicks to already know all the tropes that the game uses throughout. Also, the gameplay itself was fun, but for the time it tries to entertein not complex enough and you basically deal with enemies the same way after 15 hours as in the tutorial.


It is a fantastic game but the design of it makes it hard to go back for subsequent playthroughs for me. There was too much cutscene skipping and linear cinematic sections before the good stuff.


The story certainly can realistically be praised. It's an emotionally engaging story, wonderfully told with care and attention paid at all times to how it's characters are evolving as it progresses, which continues to resonate with a large audience to this day. It can most definitely be described as an extraordinary achievement.

Would you care to list the plenty of games with much better stories, out of curiosity?

It's all the things you said and yet it is also completely hollow to the point of being meaningless. It is completely entertainment driven and every bit the studio bastardization of Cormac McCarthy it wants to be. Good solid entertaining story that keeps you invested? You bet. So is every Dan Brown novel and their popularity and legions of fans don't elevate them in the slightest. It's only an extraordinary achievement for the spoiler generation, who care for nothing but the plot.

Hmmm, on the spot I can think of IHNMAIMS, Planescape Torment, Silent Hill 2, Her Story, To The Moon, Steins;Gate, Nier, 999/VLR, MGS3, Broken Sword, Riven, Undertale, Mother 3, Riven or Policenauts. All of these completely eclipse TLoU and some are just as shallow! There's bound to be plenty more I can't put my finger on right now and if narrative is a factor that'd make the list even longer (with some overlap)

TLoU has universal appeal and is easy to like. So, much like Shawshank Redemption on IMDB, it gets propelled to the stratosphere of gaming's pantheon mostly due to ignorance. Not that it's bad or great in any way, but merely becaus it is so hard to dislike. Really good, solid game, really solid good film. Not anywhere close to Super Metroid or Stalker levels of greatness (respectively... as in I mean Stalker the film) but not as narrow in their appeal and as such more celebrated.


I've started playing The Last of us several times. A couple of times on the PS3 and two times on PS4. I just get bored. Gameplay isn't fun imo, and the story isn't amazing or anything (good for being a game, but not good enough to lift an otherwise boring game into something enjoyable).
I absolutely love it and it's one of my Top 2 favourite games of the previous gen (the other being Super Mario Galaxy). As someone who considers Uncharted games an 8/10 at best, I was surprised how much it blew me away. It makes a strong case for how cinematic games could work, the characters are rich and nuanced, Joel and Ellie's growth and development absolutely works and the story has just enough moral ambiguity to really inspire discussion and be thought provoking. Gameplay wise it could be improved though, enemy encounters towards the end got a bit ridiculous, and in general human encounters were worse. Could have also used a bit more enemy variety and better encounter designs here and there but the groundwork laid is absolutely rock solid. It's one of the few games that I immediately went through a replay after completing the first time. A masterpiece.


Great game, my top 3 games of the last gen easily.

Now... take your time ND, bring me the goodness in Part II.

I understand the appeals of this game to many Non-Gamers out there, including my wife.


I played through this for the first time not too long ago. Amazing game. Loved it. The biggest issue I had was with some of the spawning areas of certain areas. Sometimes it felt they spawn right behind you.
Btw, I wonder how the Naughty Dog guys feel when people say "I hated the gameplay parts but the story was great" or "the gameplay sucked but I don't care because I play ND games for their story and not their gameplay"

For example Lin Manuel Miranda hates it when people say "I loved Hamilton even though I hate rap music"
I wonder if Neil Druckmann and co. Feel the same way

I guess nobody likes it when someone doesn't like something they have spent a long time making but at the same time, people who normally say they don't like TLoU's gameplay are the vocal minority, as the game was received incredibly well by critics and most gamers, so I'm sure they were still very happy overall.

Every game has it's faults and some people complain but it's not like the gameplay was terrible, far from it in fact, just not perfect and some people are just way more nitpicky than others.


I agree, its really overhyped here. The fact that there are so few enemy types and so little variety in combat should have mattered more to those that care about gameplay over all else. Bur i guess a lot of people were ok with looking past shallow mechanics because it offered a strong narrative.

It definitely gets a little tired and Left Behind did a better job of mixing up enemies - but TLoU 's encounter design is still fucking top notch. I've replayed certain fights from it tens of times just to play with the ai and emergence of it.


It has one of the best worlds and stories in gaming, period. I also grew to really like the stealth gameplay the more I played around with it.


Junior Member
You know this game is good, because its 3 years old and a LTTP discussion still gets a discussion of 5 pages. You only see that with Souls games and Witcher 3.
The love for Uncharted made me wary of falling prey to playing another mediocre but pretty Naughty Dog game, but I borrowed someone's copy, gave it a go, and to my surprise found it to be pretty damn good -- janky stealth sections with friendly AI walking directly in front of enemies that treat them as invisible aside. The multiplayer seemed unfortunate but the single player was definitely worth it.


One of the greatest games I've ever played. I doubt I'll play it a second time though as I found it a pretty intense experience.
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