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The Last of Us is still freaking incredible


Love the game. It's easily in my top 5 GOAT and, depending on my mood, often takes top spot.

There's just so much to love about the game. From the superb story, well written characters and dynamic enemy encounters to the unbelievable soundtrack (second only to NieR IMHO). Between the original and remastered versions I think I've played through it 8 times now and I'm planning a 9th pretty soon.

TLOU2 is easily my most anticipated game in years. Knowing that Gustavo Santaolalla is involved again is just the icing on the cake for me.

Coincidentally I was listening to him on YouTube only yesterday.



Play on Grounded, get your mind blown by its true greatness.
Never was I more concentrated and tense while playing a game. Never was I more euphoric upon progress. It takes effort but it's so worth it since it really brings out how tightly designed every encounter is. Instead of jolly action scenes they become puzzles waiting for the perfect execution and this overcoming of impossible odds really fits well within the story, much more than Joel superhero bullet sponge.
One of the best video games ever made. I remember having fairly low expectations for it. I respect and admire the Uncharted games for what they are, but have never been over the top about them. At the same time, the whole hubbub over people cheering for brutal death animations and what was going on with Tomb Raider reveals around then had me ruing the Frank Miller-fication of gaming. But it absolutely blew my mind, on every level.


Joel and Ellie are probably the only 2 game characters that I can honestly say I care about.

Part 2 will be intense.


Play on Grounded, get your mind blown by its true greatness.
Never was I more concentrated and tense while playing a game. Never was I more euphoric upon progress. It takes effort but it's so worth it since it really brings out how tightly designed every encounter is. Instead of jolly action scenes they become puzzles waiting for the perfect execution and this overcoming of impossible odds really fits well within the story, much more than Joel superhero bullet sponge.

Playing on grounded+ is one of the most brutal experiences I've had with a game. Almost zero room for error.


Imagine how good it would be if Naughty Dog truly understood the AAA space.

Thankfully you exist, so I hope Naughty Dog sees your post and immediately calls you to set up a seminar or lecture. Clearly your knowledge of the AAA space is vast and infinite and Naughty Dog can learn a lot from you.

Edit: oh wait this is sarcasm bait and I fell for it. My bad lol. :)
Third-best Naughty Dog game after Uncharted 2+3 and one of the best games ever made.

Amazing story, characters, pacing and atmosphere. The ending is perfect and so intense.

Outstanding gameplay, too. Still the best stealth/melee/shooting-mix for me. So much weight and brutality in everything. It really feels like a struggle for survival.

And the multiplayer was amazing, too. Played that a lot.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I've played it across both PS3 and 4 easily over a dozen times, last weekend I played it with my wife watching for the story. We finished Left Behind afterward and then I showed her the Part 2 trailer, needless to say she's excited for whenever it comes out.


Love the story in the Last of Us, but I don't really like the actual game play that much.

Definitely one of the better games to come out in 2013, but not my favorite.


TLOU is one of those games that really pushed the envelope. One of the best I've ever played. Every aspect is near flawless and it's all put together so perfectly.


Unconfirmed Member
TLOU2 is easily my most anticipated game in years. Knowing that Gustavo Santaolalla is involved again is just the icing on the cake for me.

Didn't know this, and I'm glad to hear it! TLoU OST is still a regular on my iPod. The man can play a bit.


Game was good ride. Never liked Tess they tried too hard. And did not like how the older brother. Black guy was portrayed to be so weak after that incident.

Rest of game was awesome though.
I don't like something, so it must be overrated.

This is the one thing that I always hated on forums. It's like you're putting your opinion above others because yes. There are many games I don't like that many others praise so much, but I'll never say they are wrong, because that's what (generic)you are basically saying.

I should make a thread about it, but I'm lazy.
Best game I've ever played. Finished it about 10 times, and still thirsty for playing it again!

People are always praising TLOU soundtrack, I just don't get it. Compare to U4, TLOU music just doesn't hold for me.

TLoU soundtrack is from another universe.
In terms of cinematic games, it's top tier. One of the best of the best.

Cutscene heavy, cinematic-styled games aren't usually my thing, but even I loved this one to death.

I also think the gameplay is actually underrated. A lot of people say "TLOU is basically a movie" and I disagree. The gameplay here is totally crucial to the experience. It's functional, it can be very tense, and it helps bolster the game's themes of violence and survival.


I don't like something, so it must be overrated.

This is the one thing that I always hated on forums. It's like you're putting your opinion above others because yes. There are many games I don't like that many others praise so much, but I'll never say they are wrong, because that's what (generic)you are basically saying.

I should make a thread about it, but I'm lazy.

You should call it the 'Why is everyone's opinion on opinions wrong?' thread. ;)


Neo Member
Indeed the best game from ND. Story & character progression was great(even though cliched) , with an awesome ending. Shout out to that "David" character as well.


Overall the game is very good, I didn't care about the gunplay or controls at all, it felt very slow and muddy. Maybe that's what they were going for. I am sure they will make some great improvements in the next part.


The mp section of the game is heavily underrated. Its one of the best mp experiences out there but it doesnt get any recognition whatsoever. Sad


Amazing visuals. Great story, characters and voice acting. Utterly mediocre gameplay.

It's a good game, but wildly undeserving of "best game ever made" praise
I'm replaying the game for the first time since I beat it way back on release.

Currently going through it on the PS4 Pro on Grounded difficulty and enjoying the experience all over again. I freaking love how versatile the gameplay is. I've completely bypassed several combat encounters by using stealth and sneaking by the enemies. To me that feels just as rewarding as taking out several enemies cleverly with bricks and bottles and pipes.

The visuals are still fantastic (HDR looks particularly awesome), the soundtrack is god-tier, and the story and voice acting are still powerful and gut-wrenching. I've just cleared the flooded hotel basement in Pittsburgh. Can't wait to see what else is in store. It's been a while so I've forgotten a fair amount.

Anyone else replay this recently? What'd you think?

i got all the way up to the first bloater in Grounded mode and had to stop, that mode was simply too much for me, I was beginning to lose my sanity
It's not the best game I've ever played, but it's probably one of the most important, right up there with Spec Ops: The Line as a showcase of what games can be.
Yeah it's great, grounded mode was one of the most tense things I've ever done.

My only wish is that they would improve enemy variety since you see everything by the half way point. Hopefully the sequel will rectify this, but my hopes aren't too high considering A Thief's End actually went backwards in terms of enemy variety compared to past Uncharted's. Really good encounter/level design can help mitigate this of course, and they're usually pretty good at that.
The core mechanics and gameplay loop are such a huge upgrade over Uncharted. Great game.

Still wish ND would put out a Mario competing platformer though.
I think it is cool that you like, and I see the appeal. Game just didn't grab me at all. I'm more of a pick up and play guy these days though.


Absolutely one of the finest games in the last 20 years. Its up there as one of my all time favourites; the themes just call to me, they're so emotive and well done. Its familiar narrative ground in many ways but done with such restraint and maturity and emotion that it just elevates the whole game. And mechanically, graphically etc its just a spectacular game.

I'm working from home right now listening to the OST on Spotify, just incredible. Glad to hear the same bloke is doing part 2.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
i got all the way up to the first bloater in Grounded mode and had to stop, that mode was simply too much for me, I was beginning to lose my sanity

That first bloater was indeed annoying. When I faced him I had NOTHING but two revolver bullets and two pistols rounds. That's it. I was also definitely low on health with no healing items to do anything.

Yet I managed to squeeze on by, which felt good. Fuck, that took a while.


This is contender for my favourite game of all time; like a cheesy film (like Jurassic Park) it doesn't need to get everything right, but when it gets stuff right it really smashes the criticisms into the corner. So far it's the only game that made me cry. As a gaffer said earlier, Joel and Ellie are the two of the only VG characters I really care about. Most you don't want to, or don't need to.

And it still has one of the best MP modes I've played in a long time. Slow, methodical, true to the SP. I plugged over a hundred hours into that on PS4 alone.

I can't wait for TLoU2.


I played it the first time a little over a year ago and it was one of the best stories I've ever witnessed in a game. In terms of gameplay, it does a great job of making you feel like you're really scrounging around for survival and that every arrow or bandage could be the difference between life and death.


So Hard mode, listener mode off is the way to go, right? Gonna give that a try the next time I get around to playing TLoU.

It should be good if you aren't expert level at these types of games. Challenging without feeling cheap.

Also, use headphones if you can.
So Hard mode, listener mode off is the way to go, right? Gonna give that a try the next time I get around to playing TLoU.
Survivor + no listening mode is best.

That's the only way I've ever played it and I can't imagine the game with listening mode on. I think it would take a lot of the tension and sense of accomplishment out of the game. There are definitely a few difficulty spikes in the campaign but there's no section I ever felt was cheap or unbalanced.


for me the story and setting were really appeling but it's a no no for a second playthrougth because of the gameplay. (unlike for example and same studio uncharted 1 and 2)
It really isn't. Easily the lost overrated game in GAF history.

I hugely disagree here, you don't find someone to bring tlou in every possible positive topic about games unlike Bloodborne.
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