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The Last Story (US) |OT| One of Wii's epic last breaths.


Got this for Christmas and booted it up for the first time last night. I only played a little bit (chapter 3) but so far it seems pretty cool. Looking forward to putting some more time into it tonight and this weekend.


I just finished chapter 7 and have started spending some time in the battle arena to level up. This game is beautiful. In all ways. I adore the music, love the characters, am impressed by the dialogue and voice work, am awed by the main hub city, and I'm enjoying the story a fair bit. Everything feels like love has been poured into it. I'm really looking forward to just exploring more and being charmed by the story progression.

This is a wonderful and immersive game.
I just finished chapter 7 and have started spending some time in the battle arena to level up. This game is beautiful. In all ways. I adore the music, love the characters, am impressed by the dialogue and voice work, am awed by the main hub city, and I'm enjoying the story a fair bit. Everything feels like love has been poured into it. I'm really looking forward to just exploring more and being charmed by the story progression.

This is a wonderful and immersive game.

Yeah, there's nothing quite like it on the Wii.

It seems pretty different to other JRPG's in general as well.


I'm on chapter 13 now, and I'm enjoying the game tremendously. Honestly, the sections where you get to walk around Lazulis remind me of the laid back feeling of Shenmue. I like just walking and running around, exploring, talking to new people, and discovering powerups for my team. Also, the pacing up to this point has been wonderful with a heavy focus on forward progression. The only thing is, I don't think the battles have been all that challenging up to this point. As long as I've upgraded my weapons to the max and done some slight grinding in the arena or levels I've beaten before, battles usually consist of me walking behind guys and just watching Zael slash away. There's still a satisfying feeling to the whole thing, but I'm more entranced by the world, characters, dialogue, and story than I am with the actual gameplay right now. Regardless, I'm hooked. Just finished a 3-hour session. :)


Is everyone on GAF done with this game already? :(

I just finished chapter 19 and am finally back on Lazulis Island.
I loved how they swerved the player and didn't succeed in a prison break. All of the major players also seem to have been revealed, and I'm really enjoying the progression of the story even if I think I might know where it's headed. And OMG Jirall is such an annoying ponce.
Thankfully, the combat has become a little more challenging, and I'm still having tons of fun with this adventure. I think I'm probably going to spend the next one or two hours of gameplay just going around the city again and exploring to finish some side quests. :) I do wish the game had a quest log, though!
Is everyone on GAF done with this game already? :(

I just finished chapter 19 and am finally back on Lazulis Island.
I loved how they swerved the player and didn't succeed in a prison break. All of the major players also seem to have been revealed, and I'm really enjoying the progression of the story even if I think I might know where it's headed. And OMG Jirall is such an annoying ponce.
Thankfully, the combat has become a little more challenging, and I'm still having tons of fun with this adventure. I think I'm probably going to spend the next one or two hours of gameplay just going around the city again and exploring to finish some side quests. :) I do wish the game had a quest log, though!

I think most of GAF has already completed the game. You don't want to miss those side quests.

I'm not sure if calling them side quests is even appropriate, I'm used to side quests being relatively simple fetch quests and such, so seeing side quests in this game being full on dungeons or missions complete with a ton of voiced dialogue is very nice to see.

This is how side quests should be handled in singler player RPG's imo.


Well, I mostly mean the fetch stuff like catching frogs, saving a cat, and finding coins. :) There's also something about selling stuff in the market that I'm not sure of yet.


I'm on chapter 25 or so. It gets a little confusing when you can do the chapters out of order. I'm enjoying the game but not loving it.


I'm just really in love with the world. It's probably accounting for about 50% of my enjoyment of this game. Again, I really feel like walking around Lazulis Island is like exploring in Shenmue. If you can get your mind to go at the game's intended pace, it's a really nice bit of escapism.
Well, I mostly mean the fetch stuff like catching frogs, saving a cat, and finding coins. :) There's also something about selling stuff in the market that I'm not sure of yet.

Completely forgot about those. I think I only did the frog one. I mean sidequests like the
Haunted Mansion, Reptile People Underground Cave

Those were optional yet included fully voiced dialogue and were just a blast to play through. I wasn't expecting that much detail to be put into something that was completely optional.


Yeah, I'm going to try to activate the
haunted mansion
side quest in my next playing session tonight. The game is just very rich with tons of stuff to do. I think a lot of it is just "extra" stuff that you don't really have to bother with, but those extras make for a richer experience.


To be honest, I wish the game had a couple more of those optional quests. They even threw in a couple for the endgame, but for some reason it didn't feel like quite enough to me.

Still enjoyed the game quite a bit, though. My only real regret with the storyline is right at the beginning, it feels like things move a bit too quickly and without explanation for their own good when Zael first gains the gathering power. Once you get beyond that, solid stuff.


I just popped this game in and text is super hard to read in 480i. I tossed it on my Wii U and it's much better clarity wise but it looks like the game is running at a really low resolution (lower than 480p). WTF?


This game just got epic. Chapter 22-ish spoilers.

Just got through the Realm of Ascendency, kicked some ghoulish ass, and activated the moving fortress aka THE ISLAND. Man, what an incredible feeling. Mixed with the escape scene on the gigantic flying beasts, this game has started to feel truly broad in imagination and scope.

The whole cinematography and content of that scene reeeeaaaally reminded me of Final Fantasy. It just felt so grand and truly epic.

I also did a couple of the side quests:
The Mansion and the Reptids.
Both were a lot of fun. I've also spent a lot of time in the Battle Arena (x10 gnome copper for beating it 10 times!), and just running around the city doing errands. Still can't find that third frog, though...I did
the 6 coins, the master archer, the foot ointment for the castle guard, lunch delivery, the thief chase, and some other small things.
The game feels much more massive than a lot of reviews were making me believe.


I don't understand the reviewers who say this is a 20-hour game. Maybe if you choose to pass on every optional thing in the game and just don't explore at all? I'm 17-18 hours in and am only halfway through.

How long did it take you guys to get through it, or how many hours are you at now?


I'm on chapter 30 and the pace of this game is SO. GOOD. It just keeps propelling you forward, and the story keeps developing layer after layer. I'm so locked into the main story that I barely want to focus on any of the stuff on the side now. (I did finish the frog quest, though! Finally...learned to dive!) I'm just going to try to finish the main game because I'm incredibly curious to see how everything plays out.

The scene of the attack on Gurak civilians was so sad. Zael's flashbacks really made me connect with the guy.
The story deals with common issues, and poses models for living. It's always nice when a game can make you evaluate your own worldview and values.

Just...SO. GOOD.


Reading through some of the comments...

if you're playing in AUTO mode you're doing it so wrong. Would this game even be enjoyable for anyone in AUTO mode? I dunno, it's completely stupid. Manual should be the default for those playing this game. I feel bad for anyone who plays AUTO.

Anyways yeah one of my top favorite JRPGs, maybe like number 5 or something. I really enjoyed it.

I've been playing on auto mode since the start, and I've found it serviceable enough. I tried manual last night, but I've been playing on auto for over 20 hours, so it's hard to just switch over. When I play the game again, I'll try manual.

I really do love this game. The character relationships, the in-battle plot development, and the unique battle system all make for a fresh experience. I really think we'll look back at this game years from now and remember it as an innovator in more ways than one.


The scene where
Zael refuses being knighted
got a smile out of me. Really well done. Enjoying the tale. I'm now on chapter 37. The end is nigh. This game has 44 chapters, correct? Once I finish all of them, there are some extra quests I can undertake, right? Or is the 44th chapter one of the extras?


I'm sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread..

amazon has the game now at $30, but I would like to have the artbook of the game, will that version come with the artbook? if not, is there still one of those around?

now that pandora's tower has been announced I want to have all three


I'm sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread..

amazon has the game now at $30, but I would like to have the artbook of the game, will that version come with the artbook? if not, is there still one of those around?

now that pandora's tower has been announced I want to have all three

From what I understand, the $30 SKU is part of a second print-run. If it is a second-run, it won't have the artbook.

I managed to find a first-run copy, with the artbook ($40), at Gamestop the week after Xmas, so you may get lucky. But, I don't think the artbook is really worth all that much. Buy the game in whatever form you can. It is a lot of fun!


I'm sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread..

amazon has the game now at $30, but I would like to have the artbook of the game, will that version come with the artbook? if not, is there still one of those around?

now that pandora's tower has been announced I want to have all three

Wait. Pandora's Tower is coming to North America?

I just checked IGN! It's true! Looking forward to more sexy XSeed packaging!


Finished the game tonight! What a trip. Thinking of making an unmarked spoilers thread for the game.

The story got a little crazy and typically JRPG-ish with the insane story developments, but I enjoyed the whoooole ride. And man! They give you an epilogue to play which has bonus chapters too! So cool.

I absolutely looooooved the ending to the game.

Started a new game+, but don't think I'm going to continue too far into it. I always found it sort of boring starting a new game with super powerful weapons and characters. I guess if you just want to go through the story again...

Anyway, solid game. Very solid. Beautiful, artistic, and fun. Couldn't have asked for more. :)


The last stretch of the game was definitely my favorite. Story ramped up, characters were great, boss fights were super fun and epic (including the last few being amazing), and music was great (I didn't think that much of the music until near the end, boss fights had some awesome music).


The last stretch of the game is incredible. I loved
when the characters were split up and had to fight in three separate forces, and then they met back up together. All the talk of friendship was really effective.
This game gets characterization RIGHT. Mm-mm.

And how cool did Lord Therius end up being? So cool.


What were some cool random things you guys found or liked in Lazulis City? Here's a list of mine:

-getting a job as a sales assistant in the market and watching Zael's excited animation
-knocking over baskets of fruit and tripping over them again and again
-z-targeting NPCs and having some of them give me loot!
-chase scenes with cats and criminals
-growing pumpkins

This game has a loooot of neat little touches that I really hope people take the time to discover.


Are there any physical strategy guides that were created for this game? I can't seem to find any for sale online. It's one of the few games I'd like to have one. I just looked at a side quests log on the Last Story wiki, and there is toooons of stuff that I still haven't done. Sure, they're little NPC fetch quests, but the completist in me wants to see and do everything one day.


The last stretch of the game is incredible. I loved
when the characters were split up and had to fight in three separate forces, and then they met back up together. All the talk of friendship was really effective.
This game gets characterization RIGHT. Mm-mm.

I'm currently there, and this part just plainly sucks.
On the second Lowell/Syrenne part I keep getting one-hitted by 10 enemies at once, while I'm told to escape but can't. And while the game saves at every opportunity (which is a good thing), nooo not here. You gonna repeat the 10 minutes before that over and over again.

I honestly don't get why this game gets so much praise. The difficulty is not balanced, the pacing between the chapters is messed up and optional yet important missables are usually a no-go for me. And in the last chapters the game just throws bosses at you without actually explaining who they are and why they are trying to kill the party.


The last stretch of the game is incredible. I loved
when the characters were split up and had to fight in three separate forces, and then they met back up together. All the talk of friendship was really effective.
This game gets characterization RIGHT. Mm-mm.

And how cool did Lord Therius end up being? So cool.

That fight was one of my favorites. It was super easy for me because I had Zael's best sword and was pretty high level, but it was still fun and the music was amazing.

I'm currently there, and this part just plainly sucks.
On the second Lowell/Syrenne part I keep getting one-hitted by 10 enemies at once, while I'm told to escape but can't. And while the game saves at every opportunity (which is a good thing), nooo not here. You gonna repeat the 10 minutes before that over and over again.

I honestly don't get why this game gets so much praise. The difficulty is not balanced, the pacing between the chapters is messed up and optional yet important missables are usually a no-go for me. And in the last chapters the game just throws bosses at you without actually explaining who they are and why they are trying to kill the party.

You have to fight for a bit before a new exit opens up. Try to kill the mages off first (iirc there are mages). Then you can probably just run around avoiding enemies, shouldn't be too long before the exit opens.


I didn't find the last section all that difficult because I had taken my time using summon circles, which level you up REALLY quickly for 4-5 levels before giving you limited experience. I had also really leveled up my weapons, so I only had to replay one of the final bosses once.

I started a brand new game of this today as well. (I have a new game+ going, and a regular new game) I'm now playing with the manual controls, which makes this a brand new game. Also, now that I know the flow of the game and how the AI works, I've been enjoying the battles a lot more. The run and gun style is fun, but battles are richer when you take your time to think about your party's placement and how the enemies move.

Depending on how this second playthrough goes, this may end up being one of my favourite RPGs ever. I really feel it's very forward-thinking.

Btw, I finished my first playthrough in 29 hours.


Finally beat it (23 hours). I tried one of the Epilouge chapters but gave up at another frustrating boss battle. Really disappointing after seeing how polished a RPG can be with Xenoblade. And I don't even mean the linearity, TLS is an ARPG and I'm fine with that. The battle system is ok, but has way too few abilities to select from. The AI is mediocre and keeps standing behind pillars and shooting magic against them, and the music, while from Uematsu, is basically non-existent apart from the constantly remixed title theme and a few good battle themes.
Hope you guys did some of the epilogue chapters like
Duel with Therius
Zael and Calista's Wedding

Thought it was pretty nice that there was still stuff to do even after the big bad was defeated. In a way it was relaxing since the character's major struggles were over.


Finally beat it (23 hours). I tried one of the Epilouge chapters but gave up at another frustrating boss battle. Really disappointing after seeing how polished a RPG can be with Xenoblade. And I don't even mean the linearity, TLS is an ARPG and I'm fine with that. The battle system is ok, but has way too few abilities to select from. The AI is mediocre and keeps standing behind pillars and shooting magic against them, and the music, while from Uematsu, is basically non-existent apart from the constantly remixed title theme and a few good battle themes.

Did you take time to level up your characters when summon circles showed up or explore Lazulis City to do one of its many side quests? 23 hours sounds pretty quick. It sounds like you were frustrated with boss battles, which deterred from your enjoyment of the game. I agree that the enemy AI is not often the brightest, but I thought they worked within the context of this battle system. If the AI was any smarter, then I'd be complaining that I was getting my ass handed to me because I had no time to think of a strategy going into a battle.


Hope you guys did some of the epilogue chapters like
Duel with Therius
Zael and Calista's Wedding

Thought it was pretty nice that there was still stuff to do even after the big bad was defeated. In a way it was relaxing since the character's major struggles were over.

It was a really nice victory lap.
The wedding scene was beautiful. Did you also do the bonus Arena fight?

I found the ending in general to be incredibly satisfying.


I just did the Stargazers' Tower chapter again. It really was beautifully done. Something like this could never have been done during the 16-bit or even the 32-bit era. (minus FMV)

Playing the game again is really gratifying.
There is definite foreshadowing with Dagran. When they watch the knights come in led by General Asthar, the camera zooms in on Dagran's face and there's a 1 or 2 second bit of unsettling music as he looks on. Well done.

I've been spending more time in the Arena early on in the game, as well as doing the various side quests in Lazulis City. Can we talk about how great quick map travel is? Really smart choice by the developers. Many games would benefit from this.


I've been spending more time in the Arena early on in the game, as well as doing the various side quests in Lazulis City. Can we talk about how great quick map travel is? Really smart choice by the developers. Many games would benefit from this.

but can we really call it quick travel? it's not like you could run to whereever you want to go anyway... In that regard we'd have to call every stage in a mario game also quicktravel and so on...

It certainly is nice to have but TLS is a compact game overall, if it wasn't in there, I wouldn't miss it as much as say in larger rpgs like XB where it really is essential. In TLS it's just nice to have.


but can we really call it quick travel? it's not like you could run to whereever you want to go anyway... In that regard we'd have to call every stage in a mario game also quicktravel and so on...

It certainly is nice to have but TLS is a compact game overall, if it wasn't in there, I wouldn't miss it as much as say in larger rpgs like XB where it really is essential. In TLS it's just nice to have.

I still get lost in some of the narrower sections of the city, so I'm grateful for map travel.

Just beat chapters 14 and 15 again.
Now making the first assault on the Gurak base.

I'm having tons of fun with manual battles the second time around and with taking advantage of every summon circle I can. Currently at level 20, although it's weird that my teammates are asking to be ordered around when I haven't acquired the command skill yet.

I really wonder
when Dagran betrayed the crew. He WAS the first person Zael saw when he woke up from his first encounter with Zangurak in the castle.

There are a few story points that slightly irk me. Namely, what's up with that white tiger?!


Finished Chapter 19 and can explore the city again. I'm looking at a chapter guide to do the optional stuff in order.
Got out of the Gurak base, did the prison break attempt, and was cleared of all charges now that Arganan knows Zael has the power of the Outsider. I love the Gurak escape scene when Asthar and Therius come swooping in on massive birds. So epic.

I'm enjoying the game as much the second time around, although the blind sides in the story are slightly more prevalent now that I know where it all heads. However, I think there's a lot left open for a possible sequel. For instance, Lazulis Island is only one corner of the empire. They could make the next chapter take place in another outpost or in the heart of the empire itself. At this point, we know nothing about who rules this empire.
What were some cool random things you guys found or liked in Lazulis City? Here's a list of mine:

-getting a job as a sales assistant in the market and watching Zael's excited animation
-knocking over baskets of fruit and tripping over them again and again
-z-targeting NPCs and having some of them give me loot!
-chase scenes with cats and criminals
-growing pumpkins

This game has a loooot of neat little touches that I really hope people take the time to discover.

- Zael and the fortune teller's animations after having his fortune told
- Harem

I'm currently there, and this part just plainly sucks.
On the second Lowell/Syrenne part I keep getting one-hitted by 10 enemies at once, while I'm told to escape but can't. And while the game saves at every opportunity (which is a good thing), nooo not here. You gonna repeat the 10 minutes before that over and over again.

Did you realize you can
reactivate the golems after you kill them and make them fight for you?
I didn't!


Oh fuck me. Out of Xenoblade hype (getting it this weekend finally) I tried to play this again and I did the "Trials" but after I fought the
monster after you are poisoned
, Zael sits in a chair, and you're supposed to press A. Or at least that's what it was last time. The same thing happened right before I
activated the island or whatever
and he'd just sit. I can't press home, and I can't get up. I put it down for like a month last time and came back and pressed A and it worked there. Now I have the same problem. Greeaaaat.
Where does he sit in a chair, in that dungeon or back at home?

Have you tried moving the control stick and/or mashing whatever buttons you can find?


I still get lost in some of the narrower sections of the city, so I'm grateful for map travel.

Just beat chapters 14 and 15 again.
Now making the first assault on the Gurak base.

I'm having tons of fun with manual battles the second time around and with taking advantage of every summon circle I can. Currently at level 20, although it's weird that my teammates are asking to be ordered around when I haven't acquired the command skill yet.

I really wonder
when Dagran betrayed the crew. He WAS the first person Zael saw when he woke up from his first encounter with Zangurak in the castle.

There are a few story points that slightly irk me. Namely, what's up with that white tiger?!

Pretty sure it was
the guardian of the island or something. Its role in the story is painfully small and easy to miss. Especially considering it is on the boxart.


Pretty sure it was
the guardian of the island or something. Its role in the story is painfully small and easy to miss. Especially considering it is on the boxart.

Oh yeah, he is totally a guardian, but you literally only see him 3-4 times in the game. I wish he had more of a role. The first time I saw him, I was psyched to see his payoff later in the game. Sure, he guides you a bit later, but it wasn't very significant.


Oh fuck me. Out of Xenoblade hype (getting it this weekend finally) I tried to play this again and I did the "Trials" but after I fought the
monster after you are poisoned
, Zael sits in a chair, and you're supposed to press A. Or at least that's what it was last time. The same thing happened right before I
activated the island or whatever
and he'd just sit. I can't press home, and I can't get up. I put it down for like a month last time and came back and pressed A and it worked there. Now I have the same problem. Greeaaaat.

Are you talking about just having to push up on the control stick to get Zael to stand up?


Are you talking about just having to push up on the control stick to get Zael to stand up?

Well last time I contacted XSeed customer support the lady said it was mapped to A on the classic controller, and I tried that. Maybe I was just mashing buttons and it was pressing up? I'm not sure, but that's what I'm talking about.

EDIT: here's the email:
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