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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2 |OT| Class Reunion


Trigger Warning: Duckroll is going to bitch about CS2 again!

So I finished Act 2-4, and hence all of Act 2 itself.
The good parts are finally going back to Trista and realizing that throughout the entire game, there's been no Trista for 47 hours. So that felt good. Retaking the academy does feel like an achievement. BUT. Everything else about taking it back was bullcrap. For all the build up the game had, the actual act of retaking it was some of the most unsatisfying blue balls shit ever. You only attack because the majority of the forces retreated. Not because you finally crafted a super sword. No because you have most of the school back on your side. Not because it's the mission you had all along. But because... the situation gifts it to you.

And actually setting foot on the campus and having to fight you schoolmates, knowing that the entire thing has to be a setup because there was a 70 hour game before this one which emphasized how they're all really good people deep down inside. And after going through the sham fights, they add insult to injury by having all the adults come out and clap, pat you on the back, and say "Congratulations on making it back, none of us were in any danger, you didn't save anyone, we were just watching you prove your resolves. Jolly good show, mate!"

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck off. It's so patronizing and stupid. I get that one of the messages is "you're still students, there's a long way to go, don't push yourselves too hard" or whatever. but playing 120 hours of shit like this with kid gloves on is really fucking annoying! Arghhhhhhhhhh


While we're moaning about CS2, For me it's the bizarre way that most fights throughout the game end up with
the losers kneeling, exhausted but unharmed, no matter how hard each side was trying to hurt the other. Then everyone has a jolly good laugh about how there's no need to be concerned, it's all a learning process, better luck next time. Some of these fights are over in three turns as Laura was inflicting 50,000hp damage on people with presumably enough strength to shatter magic knights and tear cryptid monsters apart, but against humans it's about as damaging as getting punched in the nuts by a toddler. It's as bad as some of the Tales games at this point, the whole game has refused to let a fight between anything from tanks to martial artists and demons and giant robots have any kind of consequences with one exception. One side concedes the field, but nobody actually gets hurt.

Just completed the finale:
Vanish status attacks, again? Boring. I saw it coming and had three of my main team immune to it, but sure enough the last one disappeared. Such a shame to repeat the same boss tactics when the other end fights are at least different by virtue of the mechs. Now I've got the Crossbell dungeon, with knock-off Leon Kennedy and JRPG dancer no#562, complete with moaning about crawling through vents in skimpy outfits. Can't say I'm particularly invested in their plight when I don't know who they are. I don't suppose I can skip this bit? I just want to see what happens to class VII after following them for 50 hours. I mean, the worldbuildibg is great but it seems a really odd place to stick a chapter with two previously unused characters, in between the final battle and the credits/epilogue. Presumably they are going to fight Rean at the end. Oh well, he's used to kneeling, I suppose!
Trigger Warning: Duckroll is going to bitch about CS2 again!

So I finished Act 2-4, and hence all of Act 2 itself.
The good parts are finally going back to Trista and realizing that throughout the entire game, there's been no Trista for 47 hours. So that felt good. Retaking the academy does feel like an achievement. BUT. Everything else about taking it back was bullcrap. For all the build up the game had, the actual act of retaking it was some of the most unsatisfying blue balls shit ever. You only attack because the majority of the forces retreated. Not because you finally crafted a super sword. No because you have most of the school back on your side. Not because it's the mission you had all along. But because... the situation gifts it to you.

And actually setting foot on the campus and having to fight you schoolmates, knowing that the entire thing has to be a setup because there was a 70 hour game before this one which emphasized how they're all really good people deep down inside. And after going through the sham fights, they add insult to injury by having all the adults come out and clap, pat you on the back, and say "Congratulations on making it back, none of us were in any danger, you didn't save anyone, we were just watching you prove your resolves. Jolly good show, mate!"

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck off. It's so patronizing and stupid. I get that one of the messages is "you're still students, there's a long way to go, don't push yourselves too hard" or whatever. but playing 120 hours of shit like this with kid gloves on is really fucking annoying! Arghhhhhhhhhh

[Act 2 Part 4]
I feel that the whole thing could feel much more satisfying if there were actual bad bloods between Rean and Patrick (and Class VII / Class I as extensions) instead of a sad, one-sided rivalry.


[Act 2 Part 4]
I feel that the whole thing could feel much more satisfying if there were actual bad bloods between Rean and Patrick (and Class VII / Class I as extensions) instead of a sad, one-sided rivalry.

It's not even that! LOL!

The rivalry thing was already dealt with in the first game. They came to terms with each other. Patrick even earned some respect from me for being man enough to admit his own faults. He's clearly struggling with who he is and wanted to be a better person. So when they announced that he was leading the Order of the Lions or whatever my first thought was "ugh, he's just protecting the school in my absence and we'll just go back, fake-defeat him, and everyone will hug" and that is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Arggggggghhhhhhh. Lol.

I feel better letting it all out.


It's not even that! LOL!

The rivalry thing was already dealt with in the first game. They came to terms with each other. Patrick even earned some respect from me for being man enough to admit his own faults. He's clearly struggling with who he is and wanted to be a better person. So when they announced that he was leading the Order of the Lions or whatever my first thought was "ugh, he's just protecting the school in my absence and we'll just go back, fake-defeat him, and everyone will hug" and that is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Arggggggghhhhhhh. Lol.

I feel better letting it all out.
I thought it would have been nice if,
rather than the enemy retreat, the soldats fire on the Courageous, and then Patrick's crew and the remaining faculty decide they have to side with class VII and attack them from the rear. Needing Class vII to help them out, of course. As it stands, moments after the occupying force retreat, the principal, a retired general, decides to indulge the 'honour' of the noble students and their butlers and encourage a mock battle vs the battle-hardened class VII who have been fighting for two months. What kind of principal would do that? Surely, 'pull yourselves together, there's time for that later' would be a better response- there could have been any kind of counter-attack aimed at class VII on the way. As it stands, the battles seem like pointless, meaningless pride with yet again zero consequence at a time when the game is yet again leaning on severe violence, real danger and political unrest elsewhere to ramp up tension.

I said it upthread, but I think there's a real sense of discord within the game, as events in
Crossbell, Celdic
and elsewhere scream of the horrors of war yet everything around the main cast facing off against major antagonists is handled with all the consequence of a Saturday morning cartoon. I think most of my complaints pretty much centre around that. I have really enjoyed the game otherwise, although it's starting to drag a bit after the finale and feels like it should be over by now.

Wonderful moment in the finale with Sara though-
"I think I'm in love",
a perfect response to the arrival of someone who is just her type :D That battle scene actually did a lot to show why class VII are hopelessly outclassed against some people, credit where it's due, that was awesome.


They really should have
killed off patrick at the very least.

This is a game about a civil war with absolutely no stakes really. And everyone really is just too positive and friendly to each other lol. It's like I'm watching a 90's disney movie take on war or something.


What is it with teenagers in jrpgs and their obsession with not drinking alcohol. I can't imagine kids in real life going "I can't. I'm still not an adult!" when their teacher offers them some. Happens so often in games and anime.


I feel like I missed some background lore for something, but how many 'energies' are in this universe?

the normal 'battle aura' is just from martial arts training right? But there is mana too? And the red stuff is something else?
As much as we talk about the headpats in an amusing way, I think this time I want to mention how much they also feel like a product of the games budget, just like the lack of voice acting in so many scenes.

The animation in this game for anything non combat is never great, and the headpat just seems the default goto for any physical contact. There are a few hugs, but they are always one person initiated. Simple hand resting on shoulder, or shifting closer to someone to lean up against them. Simple things like that are never present. It feels like headpats became a part of Rean's personality due to the budget. Like animation budget came before the scene in CS1 where Rean tells Alisa that headpatting was just his thing. CS2 is overall better animated with more variety than CS1.

In the end the headpats amuse me, and I better see a lot of them in 3 so maybe I can make a compilation.

The hug with machias was still pretty good


At least falcom is showing decent improvement each game.

Playing a bit of that ys 4 vita game and my god some of the rigging in cutscenes...

PK Gaming

Trigger Warning: Duckroll is going to bitch about CS2 again!

So I finished Act 2-4, and hence all of Act 2 itself.
The good parts are finally going back to Trista and realizing that throughout the entire game, there's been no Trista for 47 hours. So that felt good. Retaking the academy does feel like an achievement. BUT. Everything else about taking it back was bullcrap. For all the build up the game had, the actual act of retaking it was some of the most unsatisfying blue balls shit ever. You only attack because the majority of the forces retreated. Not because you finally crafted a super sword. No because you have most of the school back on your side. Not because it's the mission you had all along. But because... the situation gifts it to you.

And actually setting foot on the campus and having to fight you schoolmates, knowing that the entire thing has to be a setup because there was a 70 hour game before this one which emphasized how they're all really good people deep down inside. And after going through the sham fights, they add insult to injury by having all the adults come out and clap, pat you on the back, and say "Congratulations on making it back, none of us were in any danger, you didn't save anyone, we were just watching you prove your resolves. Jolly good show, mate!"

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck off. It's so patronizing and stupid. I get that one of the messages is "you're still students, there's a long way to go, don't push yourselves too hard" or whatever. but playing 120 hours of shit like this with kid gloves on is really fucking annoying! Arghhhhhhhhhh

There is so much heart-thumping build up for that operation.
The imperial army hands the mission over to Class VII, Sara and the adults sit this one out, there's that Blades game that Rean has with [your waifu/husbando], everyone on the courageous is pumped... hell, even the game is like "yo listen, you better hook up everyone good shit because you'll be using EVERYONE dawg. It really does feel like you're going to be engaged in some serious fightins. But then after that Divine Knight battle, the Noble Army just fucks off and you're left with... Patrick's gang? Like, your comment about fake defeating them is so on point it hurts. The biggest issue with taking on Patrick's crew is that I felt 0 animosity for them. I really wanted to unleash my pent up aggression towards the Noble Alliance, and I think placing a boss there as a genuine obstacle would have been ultra satisfying. A perfect showcase of "this is how far we've come" for Class VII. Hell, maybe make Patrick a temporary party member for that fight as well, idk.

Suffice it to say, "blue balls" is an accurate descriptor for it. At least playable Towa took somewhat of the sting away. I love how she's barely got experience in combat but has the potential to be one of the better characters. lol
What is it with teenagers in jrpgs and their obsession with not drinking alcohol. I can't imagine kids in real life going "I can't. I'm still not an adult!" when their teacher offers them some. Happens so often in games and anime.

It was all a sting operation! Rean was right to deny!


Okay so, having finished two Acts, here's my rating for them

Act 1: All garbage, who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Act 2-2 > Act 2-3 > Act 2-1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Act 2-4

Act 2-2 Roer is the highest point of the entire game so far. A smooth escalation from the already interesting 2-1, gives a great guest character in a cool bonus outfit, all sorts of exciting happenings,
a train infiltration rescue, Sharon reappearing, Angelica vs her dad in kung fu mechs, and an epic boss mech battle with actual consequences.

Then the game follows it up with 2-3 which isn't as interesting but still well done. Stakes feel real. Cool side quests. It finally feels like the game is picking up and delivering on everything that Act 1 failed to. Then... momentum completely dies. You have a bunch of really mundane quests for 2-4, you have to go through a bunch of shrines again, and then BAM, the BIGGEST MISSION in the game so far, everything is leading up to this, and it's like blue balls in your heart. Frankly, I'm apoplectic.

Not sure what to expect from the Finale really. What's wrong with Falcom?!


Overall I find Cold Steel 2 to be less engaging than the first installment, still good, but a departure from the first one.

On that note, in Act 2-4 did any notice:

When reporting for the concert in Celdic, the characters do a little throwback to Final Fantasy Tactics job reports? I think it was along the lines of "It was really difficult but"...etc etc then Elliot throws in "But I had a good feeling!"

Or was I going nuts and imagining things?

Nyoro SF

Overall I find Cold Steel 2 to be less engaging than the first installment, still good, but a departure from the first one.

On that note, in Act 2-4 did any notice:

When reporting for the concert in Celdic, the characters do a little throwback to Final Fantasy Tactics job reports? I think it was along the lines of "It was really difficult but"...etc etc then Elliot throws in "But I had a good feeling!"

Or was I going nuts and imagining things?

XSEED is a fan of old school RPGs just like us so that is likely not a coincidence. Maybe hit one of them up on Twitter and ask. :p


What is it with teenagers in jrpgs and their obsession with not drinking alcohol. I can't imagine kids in real life going "I can't. I'm still not an adult!" when their teacher offers them some. Happens so often in games and anime.

It's a Japan thing. They don't want to encourage underage people to drink. Sorta like how they removed smoking from US movies after a certain point. Although it's a bit silly because Japanese people drink a ton once they're past 20 and see drinking as a good thing.


I feel like I missed some background lore for something, but how many 'energies' are in this universe?

the normal 'battle aura' is just from martial arts training right? But there is mana too? And the red stuff is something else?
Red stuff is mana, IIRC.
Finally the game and started my second playthrough.

Overall I loved it, but felt the intermission really killed the pacing. The game felt like it really missed a villian to carry the whole thing through, Vita was so disarming that when she showed her evil side, it was jarring, almost like she had split personalities. Though she certainly turned up the heat in the Finale.

Shame Patrick wasn't voiced. Given that Class VII was set up for three purposes: to test the ARCUS units, to have a mix of commoners and nobles, and to see the state of Erebonia for themselves
Patrick's speech before the Courageous made it seem like the Class VII experiment had run its course, and the principles were going to be adopted by the whole academy


It's a Japan thing. They don't want to encourage underage people to drink. Sorta like how they removed smoking from US movies after a certain point. Although it's a bit silly because Japanese people drink a ton once they're past 20 and see drinking as a good thing.

I realize they don't want to encourage it, but it's always the adults offering the kids drinks and the kids saying they can't. Not the other way around.


The main characters are the role models, the adults are the ones kids don't trust.

Makes me wonder about Rean's thought process sometimes.
Given the best Airship ever made by the prince himself? Awesome. Told to save the whole country with it? No problem. Seeing people eaten, stabbed, sliced and what not? Doesn't bother him at all. Alcohol? Too much responsibility.



Seriously, after the first(?) G fight, there's literally a monster eating one of the fight's oppponents right in front of everyone and the only ones to get scared are the highly trained professional jaegers...
Okay, so I just got to the end of the Roer section and apparently now Rean is very upset, cause another jaeger died in front of him. Admittedly he did kind of kill him himself but that whole scene was dumb as shit.

PK Gaming

damn...Overwatch won game of the year at TGA over trails of cold steel 2.

What ToCS2 wasnt even nominated!?

TGAs are super duper mega basic, so of course they were going to snub JRPGs.

That said, Overwatch was probably the best possible choice for GOTY, so i'm not too plussed. Seriously, it's a damn good game that runs counter to so many of the bog standard triple A titles that were nominated.


a witcher dlc won best rpg, so yeah.

anyways award shows have always been popularity contests. How many major sites even reviewed cold steel? Are any of those reviewers judges for this?
not actually taking me seriously are you? Like my opinion is legit there but it was just throwing shade

I wouldve picked uncharted 4 over overwatch. I've played about 100 hours of overwatch, but the games dearth of content until the arcade update was ridiculous.

I really enjoyed U4's narrative, but I wish Emily Rose would've gotten best performance over Nolan North. She REALLY stole the show every time Elena was on screen. Of course my real choice remains Cerrie Keranen for Sara


UGH. I'm fucking stuck. Totally lost. Don't know what to do at all. Need help desperately. Stuck in the Finale. :(

So I leisurely talked to everyone on December 30 and saw all the events. Enjoyed most of it. Caught the fishes I needed. Finished reading Gambler Jack II. And then.... I'm left with the Final Bonding Event. I have Laura, Emma, Fie, and Towa available. I figure I would watch one, save after that, load the previous save, watch another one, until I finish off with Towa and keep that as my play save. But... honestly.... Laura and Emma's events were so much better, I'm really tempted to stick with the Laura one instead. Towa just.... pulled a reverse Rean on me and gave me a head pat. Emma and Laura actually love Rean! What do I do?! Aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. Help!

P.S. So glad I bought the Fie DLC costume because otherwise Rean would be hugging a half naked underage girl and it would be VERY dodgy!
not that awkward when they are 17 and 15. However you havent seen Sara's scene??? you are missing out.

These scenes though were all amazing to me, much better than I ever expected and offered a lot of variety. My save finishes with

Laura because I liked the way her and Rean fit with their constant work together on their similar paths to get stronger. Also though her scene was great because of how she beats Rean to the "I love you" punch


I'd just watch every scene, seems probably unlikely that you can transfer the save to cold steel 3 on ps4... unless they do some technical trickery which im not sure falcom is capable of, especially for ps3 saves.

I'd choose the option that helps you the most in combat. Like a maxed link nets you overdrive 2 which boosts your stats even more during OD.
I'd just watch every scene, seems probably unlikely that you can transfer the save to cold steel 3 on ps4... unless they do some technical trickery which im not sure falcom is capable of, especially for ps3 saves.

I'd choose the option that helps you the most in combat. Like a maxed link nets you overdrive 2 which boosts your stats even more during OD.
It shouldnt be that hard to utilize the cloud save system to load a save into a new PS console. Wouldnt work with CS1's godawful handling of cloud saves, but CS2s should work

I'd be incredibly disappointed if they dont carry in some way, as I ended up appreciating the final bonding event far more than I couldve expected to. Especially with how simplistic CS1s were


Why wouldn't they just handle it like how they handled every other thing ever? You can copy the save to a USB drive or whatever, and put it on the PS4, and the game just reads it? Why wouldn't that work? Plus, it's not like CS3 won't be on Vita... :p

PK Gaming

I'd just watch every scene, seems probably unlikely that you can transfer the save to cold steel 3 on ps4... unless they do some technical trickery which im not sure falcom is capable of, especially for ps3 saves.

I'd choose the option that helps you the most in combat. Like a maxed link nets you overdrive 2 which boosts your stats even more during OD.

They could just have you fill out a questionnaire at the beginning of CS3 like in Mass Effect 2.

-Waifu or Husbando of choice
-Are you a super awesome fisherman
-Did you reach AO (answer honestly...)

...I guess that doesn't really work passed the first choice

UGH. I'm fucking stuck. Totally lost. Don't know what to do at all. Need help desperately. Stuck in the Finale. :(

So I leisurely talked to everyone on December 30 and saw all the events. Enjoyed most of it. Caught the fishes I needed. Finished reading Gambler Jack II. And then.... I'm left with the Final Bonding Event. I have Laura, Emma, Fie, and Towa available. I figure I would watch one, save after that, load the previous save, watch another one, until I finish off with Towa and keep that as my play save. But... honestly.... Laura and Emma's events were so much better, I'm really tempted to stick with the Laura one instead. Towa just.... pulled a reverse Rean on me and gave me a head pat. Emma and Laura actually love Rean! What do I do?! Aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. Help!

P.S. So glad I bought the Fie DLC costume because otherwise Rean would be hugging a half naked underage girl and it would be VERY dodgy!

This post was incredibly misleading, haha

The Laura event just comes out of nowhere, huh? Like it's unexpected in how good it is.

I think you should stick with with her. You get more out of romancing someone from Class VII than Towa, and you could always youtube the rest of those events later.


Unconfirmed Member
UGH. I'm fucking stuck. Totally lost. Don't know what to do at all. Need help desperately. Stuck in the Finale. :(

So I leisurely talked to everyone on December 30 and saw all the events. Enjoyed most of it. Caught the fishes I needed. Finished reading Gambler Jack II. And then.... I'm left with the Final Bonding Event. I have Laura, Emma, Fie, and Towa available. I figure I would watch one, save after that, load the previous save, watch another one, until I finish off with Towa and keep that as my play save. But... honestly.... Laura and Emma's events were so much better, I'm really tempted to stick with the Laura one instead. Towa just.... pulled a reverse Rean on me and gave me a head pat. Emma and Laura actually love Rean! What do I do?! Aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. Help!

P.S. So glad I bought the Fie DLC costume because otherwise Rean would be hugging a half naked underage girl and it would be VERY dodgy!

Go with Gladeo... I mean Gaius.


UGH. I'm fucking stuck. Totally lost. Don't know what to do at all. Need help desperately. Stuck in the Finale. :(

So I leisurely talked to everyone on December 30 and saw all the events. Enjoyed most of it. Caught the fishes I needed. Finished reading Gambler Jack II. And then.... I'm left with the Final Bonding Event. I have Laura, Emma, Fie, and Towa available. I figure I would watch one, save after that, load the previous save, watch another one, until I finish off with Towa and keep that as my play save. But... honestly.... Laura and Emma's events were so much better, I'm really tempted to stick with the Laura one instead. Towa just.... pulled a reverse Rean on me and gave me a head pat. Emma and Laura actually love Rean! What do I do?! Aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. Help!

P.S. So glad I bought the Fie DLC costume because otherwise Rean would be hugging a half naked underage girl and it would be VERY dodgy!
Of your options (the one I would've said otherwise not being there), I would say Laura.


Ugh this divertissement part should be an amazing little but of fan service but since
I haven't played the Crossbell arc
it's just an ugly dungeon and a tedious list of names I don't know and don't want to know just in case the miracle happens. Can't end soon enough.

Edit: And now the epilogue is bogged down by school crap. The disappointment just won't stop coming. As someone who loves Persona 3 and 4 despite the school setting, I'm really amazed by how much a don't give a fuck about this one. Only plus is it's actually making me want it to end.


Ugh this divertissement part should be an amazing little but of fan service but since
I haven't played the Crossbell arc
it's just an ugly dungeon and a tedious list of names I don't know and don't want to know just in case the miracle happens. Can't end soon enough.

Edit: And now the epilogue is bogged down by school crap. The disappointment just won't stop coming. As someone who loves Persona 3 and 4 despite the school setting, I'm really amazed by how much a don't give a fuck about this one. Only plus is it's actually making me want it to end.
This is pretty much what I thought. By the time it actually ended, I felt like it should have ended about ten hours previously.

The Crossbell part needing to mention a dozen character names within one dungeon seemed pointless- was it just a nod to the entire cast of those games or something? It felt really forced, if you haven't played the games it means nothing, which is a shame as otherwise ToCS doesn't assume you've played previous games aside from the odd reference.


Fuck fuck FUCK this bit where I can "admire" the girls in their swimsuits. Didn't choose the Millium option in case it resulted in a knock on the door from my local constabulary.

Edit for clarity: Having once been a 17 year old male I'm well aware that Rean would be keen to see the girls in swimwear. However, making it a player choice is creepy as fuck (particularly in the case of the 15 and 13 year olds). Where also is the option admire the boys? Jusis was looking pretty fine in those nice modest shorts (can't fathom why they aren't as close-fitting add the girls outfits though, surely that would've improved their speeds??).


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Wow at the negativity that resurrected this thread. Necromancy!
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