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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is $59.99 at Amazon


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
not if you've already played it 3 times.
I get your frustration, wanting to play this new take of the game a 4th time, at a budget price. But this game sold so poorly compared to its quality. Nintendo spent time to improve it for a broader generation of gamers. They will lose sales from people like you. But the value of this game is intact. Increased actually. People buy Star Wars or LOTR editions in vhs/dvd/bluray/director cut/3D at full price each time. Classics make tons of people confortable with this.
People will buy, doesn't mean they're not arrogant for asking almost twice as the competition.
They are charging what they think people will pay for it. If other HD remakes could sell for $50 you can bet they would be. Or WW HD flops and you are right and they are just arrogant. That seems like the wrong word for pricing a game at what they think it will sell for though.


50 for an HD reskin?! What a bunch of ripoff artists. Seriously, that's taking the piss in a serious way if it's true.

I was actually thinking of buying it but they can fuck off if that's what they're charging.
They are charging what they think people will pay for it. If other HD remakes could sell for $50 you can bet they would be. Or WW HD flops and you are right and they are just arrogant. That seems like the wrong word for pricing a game at what they think it will sell for though.

Them being arrogant doesn't depend on whether it sells at 50 or not. Nintendo not giving a fuck what a HD remake should be priced at is what makes them look arrogant. The going rate price for a boxed HD remake is between 20 and 40, some include 3 games for that price.


I saw the title and was like "awesome they're not asking for 60" boy did I read this thread wrong. I won't try to justify it but anyone who didn't see this being a full price title must have been deluded.
OoT wasn't overpriced. New textures, 3D (or AA is you turn it off), plus Master Quest for everyone who didn't preorder WW 10 years ago. Seriously, go look at OG OoT screens and compare with the 3D version.

OoT 3D is up there with REmake, imo.
Nah, it was still over priced imo. The new textures while nice made other things seem more glaring like how poor all of the npc models were or how cheap the music sounded. Master Quest wasn't much of an addition since it already existed, was just consolidated into this version of the game and just repurposes all of the assets of the normal game, mirroring it didnt make it any different. Would have preferred if they added a new dungeon or story content to justify the price more. Comparing it to REmake which had all new visuals, puzzles, mansion layout, revamped enemies and difficulty and the new story content with The Trevor family makes it a pretty poor comparison.
Them being arrogant doesn't depend on whether it sells at 50 or not. Nintendo not giving a fuck what a HD remake should be priced at is what makes them look arrogant. The going rate price for a boxed HD remake is between 20 and 40, some include 3 games for that price.
So if they think it could sell for $50 they should sell it for $30 so they don't look arrogant? Isn't that just confidence? Saying "we have a product for people without broadband, it's called the 360" is arrogant. Saying "people will get a second job to pay for our $600 console" is arrogant. Where are the arrogant Nintendo quotes? "Please understand"?


Them being arrogant doesn't depend on whether it sells at 50 or not. Nintendo not giving a fuck what a HD remake should be priced at is what makes them look arrogant. The going rate price for a boxed HD remake is between 20 and 40, some include 3 games for that price.

there isn't really a going price for these things. they vary in price all over the place. some games are $20, others are $40. they aren't priced to please the consumer, they're priced to sell the most titles and rake in the most cash. they're all very blatant cash grabs - some of the most blatant cash grabs in all of gaming. arguing that one in particular is worse than another because they're being "arrogant" is ridiculous. they're all priced by demand and sales expectations. nintendo is just being slower and choosing the most efficient titles to remake. if this was an HD Pikmin 1 + 2 remaster, you can bet sure as fuck it isn't going to be $50 if they just do what everyone else is doing and just upres the game with a few touch ups. they'd have to gut the game up to Pikmin 3 standards to increase the value proposition enough to get away with $50.


Them being arrogant doesn't depend on whether it sells at 50 or not. Nintendo not giving a fuck what a HD remake should be priced at is what makes them look arrogant. The going rate price for a boxed HD remake is between 20 and 40, some include 3 games for that price.

Well, it seems the max going rate price for a HD remake just went up to 50!
Them being arrogant doesn't depend on whether it sells at 50 or not. Nintendo not giving a fuck what a HD remake should be priced at is what makes them look arrogant. The going rate price for a boxed HD remake is between 20 and 40, some include 3 games for that price.
According to who? Nintendo will price it whatever they want. There is no standard as you can see here. Apparently alot of people here is not buying it so hopefully the boycott work. I think 50$ is ok seeing how regular windwaker is 30$ used. I was expecting 60$.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Really glad people started mentioning dolphin because that's a great point.

Most HD remakes if you play on an emulator it will essentially look just as good. Those remakes I agree are worth $20 at most.

Wind Waker you can play on Dolphin and tweak the settings until the cows come home and it will never look anywhere near as good as Wind Waker HD. That's the part you guys are missing.


I would normally agree that Nintendo is just pricing to demand, with all their analysts and people they hire to price these things properly. Then I remember how they priced 3DS and the past year market performance of the Wii U and suddenly I'm not sure.


That's at least 10$ too much. Nintendo knows what their customers are willing to spend so can't really blame them for charging so much. They'd be silly to sell it for less when people think $50 is a "sweet deal".


This wasn't even my favourite Zelda back in the day But visually it looks so incredible that I'm willing to buy a Wii U and and pay full price for a game I've already played. This game feels like an exhilarating fresh breeze with glass of cool lemonade and someone playing the bongos by the side . What's wrong with me.


Really glad people started mentioning dolphin because that's a great point.

Most HD remakes if you play on an emulator it will essentially look just as good. Those remakes I agree are worth $20 at most.

Wind Waker you can play on Dolphin and tweak the settings until the cows come home and it will never look anywhere near as good as Wind Waker HD. That's the part you guys are missing.

It'll have way better IQ though.


This wasn't even my favourite Zelda back in the day But visually it looks so incredible that I'm willing to buy a Wii U and and pay full price for a game I've already played. This game feels like an exhilarating fresh breeze with glass of cool lemonade and someone playing the bongos by the side . What's wrong with me.

With a Wii U price drop it might be a decent purchase.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
50 for an HD reskin?! What a bunch of ripoff artists. Seriously, that's taking the piss in a serious way if it's true.

I was actually thinking of buying it but they can fuck off if that's what they're charging.
If you are a smart online shopper you will get it cheaper. I got Pikmin 3 for 39€, peordered Rayman for 34€, Sonic Lost World for 25€. I'm sure I'll find Zelda far below its list price as well. I very rarely buy games at list price, why would I when it's so easy to find promotions?


Australians rejoice! It's ONLY $78 at EB Games. (For comparison the standard edition of Final Fantasy X|X-2 is $48)
lol people surprised at this after full priced Ocarina of Time 3D.
But then again, Ocarina of Time is Ocarina of Time, while Wind Waker is mostly shit... (I still even waited until this year on a deal on OoT instead of going full price)
lol people surprised at this after full priced Ocarina of Time 3D.
But then again, Ocarina of Time is Ocarina of Time, while Wind Waker is mostly shit... (I still even waited until this year on a deal on OoT instead of going full price)

Ocarina 3D actually bothered to include additional content, and was only $40. Wind Waker HD... includes an ability to sail faster. Woohoo? I'll pay $50 for it when it changes the entire Triforce quest and ending and has a Master Quest on the side.
I will only pay this price for a full remake that has all of the intended dungeons, makes the sea less boring, actually adds challenge to the combat, etc. Not for HD graphics and a frameskip option when you're on the boat.
With the remaining Wii U lineup for the year, it's definitely not sent to die. In fact, it's going to be one of the Wii U highlights.
Considering the Wii U software/hardware sales, I don't think being the only game to buy is going to help it much.

Especially considering most early adopters are Nintendo fans and have probably already played it.


Considering the Wii U software/hardware sales, I don't think being the only game to buy is going to help it much.

That's also true. Yet the game will surely be high up in the Wii U software charts. Zelda games aren't selling as well as during the N64 days anyway. The games are just too much of the same and held back by strange design decisions.


With the remaining Wii U lineup for the year, it's definitely not sent to die. In fact, it's going to be one of the Wii U highlights.

Yeah. Basically none of my friends ever played Wind Waker (none of them were Gamecube owners), but a few of them are getting a Wii U this fall and Wind Waker HD is definitely one of the reasons.


Insulting pricing.

I can see no good reason why it wouldn't be ten bucks cheaper and also include Twilight Princess HD.

Then again, considering Nintendo were charging full retail for Ocarina of Time on 3DS, this is hardly a surprising move from them.


Meh it's a goddamn zelda remake. Nintendo games have their own price levels. It costs premium and will retain its value. Also a lot more work done to it than your regular HD port.

Now do the same for F-Zero nintendo and I'll pay anything.
Ocarina 3D actually bothered to include additional content, and was only $40. Wind Waker HD... includes an ability to sail faster. Woohoo? I'll pay $50 for it when it changes the entire Triforce quest and ending and has a Master Quest on the side.

Masterquest wasn't new in OoT and some boss rush mode is equally unexciting. And 40$ is the standard price for any new 3DS game.

I'd buy this game if it came with a demo of Zelda U though...
tww hd isn't the only game this holiday for the system.
One of the only games worth buying though. Only other exclusive game up until then is Wonderful 101 the month before, and then Mario doesn't release till December.

If it was priced reasonably then it might help sales. I just don't think there's many people who've already played it that will pay full price for it again.

Maybe I'm wrong though, because Nintendo seems to be making a habit of trying to resell their previous games at full price and I've been guilty of buying them myself.
One of the only games worth buying though. Only other exclusive game up until then is Wonderful 101 the month before, and then Mario doesn't release till December.

If it was priced reasonably then it might help sales. I just don't think there's many people who've already played it that will pay full price for it again.

Maybe I'm wrong though, because Nintendo seems to be making a habit of trying to resell their previous games at full price and I've been guilty of buying them myself.
There is also sonic and DK. Those should sell pretty well.


One of the only games worth buying though. Only other exclusive game up until then is Wonderful 101 the month before, and then Mario doesn't release till December.

donkey kong, sonic, and scribblenauts are all also happening. wii fit and wii party are also on the way.
donkey kong, sonic, and scribblenauts are all also happening. wii fit and wii party are also on the way.
I forgot about Sonic; I stand by my original statement though.

Wind Waker HD is going to be one of the only games worth buying up until it's release, but I don't think that's going to help it because of its high price.
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