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The Mandalorian | Season 3 Official Trailer | Disney+


Great episode. They certainly threw some money at it. I know it has its haters but I’m enjoying it. This isn't Andor, but it’s not supposed to be.

I recognised Ahmed Best as soon as he appeared, made me laugh.

Not sure what they’re gonna do with those chicks, fly them maybe?


This season feels a bit directionless and has kind of a weird tone but I'm enjoying it enough to keep watching. I do kinda wish they'd focus a bit more on Mando but I get why they're fleshing out some of the other characters and mythos.


This season feels a bit directionless and has kind of a weird tone but I'm enjoying it enough to keep watching. I do kinda wish they'd focus a bit more on Mando but I get why they're fleshing out some of the other characters and mythos.
Yep. I've enjoyed every episode as a standalone but it really does feel like there's a lack of overarching plot.

Today's was great, just super disjointed from last week's.
WTF am I watching. A transgender licking glowin popsickles?!
Not a trans, however she is my pick for Abby in the Last of Us Season 2.

After watching the latest Ant-Man movie, I think there's a chance that Abby could be the person who played Jentorra in Quantumania. She has the height, the build, and can act well enough.




Read dug this last ep. They are doing something subtle with bo Katan and returning her to her roots.

I think the title of the show is referring to HER this season, as she's relearning the creed. Very cool


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I had to look up the Jedi in this one - it's really cool that they let the guy who did the kid's game show have such a cool cameo. "The Sabered Hand" is also one hell of a nick name for a Jedi, especially considering others like Obi-Wan and Mace Windu were around when he was.

I am liking the more decompressed storytelling this season. I can't yet say whether I prefer it to season one or two yet, as it's still too early and we don't know if all of this is going to come together for some grand payoff like it did in Andor. But it's enjoyable. It's certainly more Mandalorian.
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Gold Member
Geeze they really went all out on the budget for this episode. One thing especially the flying sequence was really well done, the way they fly with the jetpacks and recover when being knocked off course is actually conveyed in a realistic manner with the kind of momentum or inertia that makes sense.

One aspect of the Mandalorian show is that it is built to be mostly episodic, majority of the episodes does the setup and conclusion within the same episode and does it in 30 minutes. So essentially all episodes except the bookends are filler.

Also, Andor seems like a blueprint for this season, where Andor followed Cassian but the show heavily focused on other characters, Cassian was more a conduit to show how other characters were affected by him. Mando S3 so far is taking that approach where there's less focus on Din Djarin, we've seen alot more of Bo-Katan and Gro Gu and Coruscant inhabitants narratively.

Also Directed by
Carl Weathers
was a surprise


This episode gave me some rocketeer vibes. Awesome scene. The Grogu training scene was some good cheesy stuff. Not sure how grogu won that though…


So either training in an area beset by large, powerful predators is an integral part of The Way, or these Mandalorians are some dumb motherfuckers.
Very fair observation. On the other side of the coin, sure the predators are big. But are they even remotely dangerous? Somehow that kid survived way longer than a half way decent predator would have allowed.


Gold Member
“Why are you living at the shore with the giant crocodile!”
“This is the way”

Mandalorians don’t care. They are social Darwinists, only the strong who follow the codex survive.

Cinematography of this season is great, the shot of Bo following the beast at sunset really had it all. Dig her ship. Hope she trades it with Din.

Seeing Jar/Jar Abrahms redeemed was also nice. Although I felt he was quite .. stiff acting?
And I really expected him to fly through the electric field that stunned Anakin and Obi to throw of those clones.

But can we all agree that the genetic research will lead us to Snoke?


Perpetually Offended
She was also a cop, which would make those at the other place short circuit.

I noticed they’re creating the two stuntmen who wear the suit in the main cast credits now. Since Pedro is never really in it
Yep. I read that. I remember her from agents of SHIELD, too


Gold Member
And half the episode took place on the shoreline. The f'ing shoreline where a giant alligator lives.

I love the show, but some of the writing has been too convenient this season.
Yeah, if their goal is to show that the Mandalorians lost their planet due to their own arrogance, incompetence, and general tactical and strategic idiocy then they are WINNING on all counts. "Shoot the beast and it will eat the Foundling!" DON'T shoot it and it....eats the Foundling? Though since they could never seem to fly far enough to see it's lair, on the highest peak for klicks around, how do they really know it's not just rescuing Foundlings from the grips of a dangerous cult of zealots?????

I've NEVER seen a group set up so well get torn down so quickly. Even the Borg had a good run before they were neutered. But these Mandalorians...sheesh, just stay 4 feet back from their flamethrower and watch them exhaust themselves trying to fight you! Mando was so DAMNED COOL in the first season, with those firefly mini-missiles, swagger, etc, to see him so diminished and these other clowns.....ugh.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yea, pretty much everything related to the beast in ep3 felt overly contrived, even for a Star Wars vehicle not named Andor. I can't but help to think that the writers could have come up with a much more convincing dilemma given there's probably a whole legion of uncredited junior writers and the leads are making that sweet Disney money.


Yea, pretty much everything related to the beast in ep3 felt overly contrived, even for a Star Wars vehicle not named Andor. I can't but help to think that the writers could have come up with a much more convincing dilemma given there's probably a whole legion of uncredited junior writers and the leads are making that sweet Disney money.

Yeah, I'm still liking it but S3 seems to be falling into the greater SW trap of contrived setups and cheap cop outs. I'm still liking it, but Mandalorian used to be REALLY REALLY good, it's becoming more like the rest of Star Wars now. I could watch season 1 and 2 over and over again, but 3 has a lot of stuff you really don't want to see more than once, or that doesn't make any sense, like the Obi-Wan show. At least Mando still has budget and production values to cover some of the tarnish though...it was hard for me to make it through Obi-Wan even once.


Effects-wise, this is fantastic stuff, it looks so good and has more great shots than pretty much anything I can remember from any TV show.

But am I crazy, or did Luke Skywalker take Baby Yoda in season 2?


He did but grogu left in boba feet’s book in order to save mando. So that is why they are together again. The yoda kid rejected luke.
This happened on the spin-off show?

Does that mean that the Boba Fett show is in some way a prequel to the Mandalorian season 3, and I have to watch that to be updated? because that is ridicules.


Gold Member
This happened on the spin-off show?

Does that mean that the Boba Fett show is in some way a prequel to the Mandalorian season 3, and I have to watch that to be updated? because that is ridicules.
Yeah, I think eps 6 and 7 of fett are basically Mando 2.5, one deals a lot either the dark Saber and the other is a grogu ep. Also shows where he got his naboo starfigjter, IIRC.

Absolutely BIZARRE decision to embedded what are clearly Mando eps in the middle of Fett just to explain wjy Mando pops up to help fett in the final ep.


Yeah, I think eps 6 and 7 of fett are basically Mando 2.5, one deals a lot either the dark Saber and the other is a grogu ep. Also shows where he got his naboo starfigjter, IIRC.

Absolutely BIZARRE decision to embedded what are clearly Mando eps in the middle of Fett just to explain wjy Mando pops up to help fett in the final ep.
Jesus, what a cheap way to get people to watch Boba Fett.


This happened on the spin-off show?

Does that mean that the Boba Fett show is in some way a prequel to the Mandalorian season 3, and I have to watch that to be updated? because that is ridicules.

Yeah, it is ridiculous. At the end of Season 2, they had the perfect setup. Something we have not had in Star Wars since days long past, and which for Disney should be a triumphiant achievement. They fucked it up in five minutes!!!


I just finished the latest episode and like....this is kinda cringe. Also everything is looking way too clean. It also all feels like episodes of Rebels/Clone Wars in live action. That would be fine but I'm not liking mando feeling like a side character in his own show.


Gold Member
Nice to see Mandos in action, like all they do is train, you'd think being mercenaries is a natural fit. Thought they'd get a sweet tiger stripe cruiser out of the deal though. Thought ship boarding was a bo-kataan specialty?


I somehow can't warm up to this season. The effects look great. The air fights too. Unfortunately, the Mandolorians often look like a group of cosplayers. It worked as long as they were in shadows or darkness, but in daylight most of them look stupid.

And that they lose children every day to the monsters seemed very unbelievable to me. We still don't have an opponent for this season? The series is almost over and most of it has felt like filler so far, unfortunately.
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not tag worthy
I somehow can't warm up to this season. The effects look great. The air fights too. Unfortunately, the Mandolorians often look like a group of cosplayers. It worked as long as they were in shadows or darkness, but in daylight most of them look stupid.

And that they lose children every day to the monsters seemed very unbelievable to me. We still don't have an opponent for this season? The series is almost over and most of it has felt like filler so far, unfortunately.
Gonna be Moff Gideon


Gold Member
I somehow can't warm up to this season. The effects look great. The air fights too. Unfortunately, the Mandolorians often look like a group of cosplayers. It worked as long as they were in shadows or darkness, but in daylight most of them look stupid.

And that they lose children every day to the monsters seemed very unbelievable to me. We still don't have an opponent for this season? The series is almost over and most of it has felt like filler so far, unfortunately.
Totally agree. Even the OG Boba Fett, when the actor was standing around on set, looked INCREDIBLY CHEAP. That outfit is like 50% cotton overalls :p And the total lack of fucks given for how these folks are supposed to wear a helmet for 95% of the day is ridiculous. All I can think about is that gatling laser Pax guy knocking boots with some Mando chick, both butt naked aside from their helmets :p Plus Bo Kataan always has fabulous hair when she pulls it off.

I get that the desert planet is supposed to be some sort of brutal hellhole that only Mandos are tough enough to survive in, but all you really see is them getting their asses kicked by native wildlife over and over, so it has the opposite effect than intended, I think. We needed more of them dominating the planet or being tougher for being there. At this point I don't know why they aren't just heading back to Mandalore since Mando and Bo proved it was habitable.
Yeah, it is ridiculous. At the end of Season 2, they had the perfect setup. Something we have not had in Star Wars since days long past, and which for Disney should be a triumphiant achievement. They fucked it up in five minutes!!!
It literally killed Star Wars for me - the final straw I had left for Disney's Star Wars.

I don't consider Andor to be Disney Star Wars; in my mind, somehow that show made its way to us from a parallel universe where Star Wars is actually good and thank god it's ending after two seasons before Disney ruins it.


Gold Member
This season has been so boring.....oh boy Moff Gideon is back!!! Worst kept secret when the actor dropped hints a year or so ago that he was coming back for season 3.
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