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The Mega-Cave Shooter Post, because they're totally awesome and sweet

Good news. I've never played the original, but do people generally like it over Futari?

I really like Mushihimesama. It might make my top 5 favorite Cave games list.

Futari takes everything that Mushihimesama does and does it a little better. I'd say that going from Mushihimesama to Futari has a similar quality (and difficulty) jump like DonPachi to DoDonPachi.

Yes Boss!

Goddamn shame. Ibara is the last hold out for me. I got the Mushi, Pink Sweets, and Ibara were the big three I wanted.

Mine too. I've got the two Ibara PCBs but want them on disc uprezzed, TV play, and to use all my fun sticks with.

Also, just bought another Cave PCB kit from shmups! Mushihime-tama puzzle game. Kinda a funky one, to be sure, but pretty cheap and a cool theme and now that Mushihime-sama HD was announced it will go nice with my Mushi 360 titles.
I really like Mushihimesama. It might make my top 5 favorite Cave games list.

Futari takes everything that Mushihimesama does and does it a little better. I'd say that going from Mushihimesama to Futari has a similar quality (and difficulty) jump like DonPachi to DoDonPachi.

Oof. If that's the case I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to Mushihimesama.
(I played the PS2 port but that was many years ago)


Mine too. I've got the two Ibara PCBs but want them on disc uprezzed, TV play, and to use all my fun sticks with.

Also, just bought another Cave PCB kit from shmups! Mushihime-tama puzzle game. Kinda a funky one, to be sure, but pretty cheap and a cool theme and now that Mushihime-sama HD was announced it will go nice with my Mushi 360 titles.

I'm actually hoping Cave includes Mushihime-tama on the disc for Mushihime HD as a bonus, since they want to go out on 360 with a bang.


BOTEC when's the last time you tried to DL STG Love 200X?
because I don't want to spread false rumors or anything but it seems like the IP lock has been removed some time ago, but no the region lock obviously.

try to go and buy the GoD version, hit X to switch from JPY to MSP and buy it, if you don't have enough MSP it will say so instead of the older IP error.


Eh? The last time I tried was the weak of release, two years ago or some shit? I'll give it a shot, thanks for the tip.


Thank god Saidai-Oujou is an arcade game. If all that was coming was the Mushi port and some iOS stuff it'd be pretty depressing. And seeing as Daifukkatsu is probably my favorite Cave game, I'm pretty hyped.

On location test in a few days!!!! Somebody get some vids!


Info about Cave Games on Demand rush: http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39958

I honestly don't know if they will be released on anything but Jpn marketplace though

(This week) 1st Deathsmiles
(Feb) 2nd Mushihime-sama Futari
(March) 3rd ????? (I know what it is but I can't say ;P)
The only sad thing about the Games on Demand rush is that Ketsui/DDP DOJ was not a Cave release, so the set will never be complete, unless they work out a deal with 5pb. March is either Esp2 or DDPDFK, surely?


Maybe mmp/ps. I know that would be exciting for those who can't find it for under 100 dollars. If that's the case I should try selling my copy and try to make some money on it! It's too bad I used my DLC code already


I have ESP II on my shelf because it is one of the region free ones......

Hope the Ketsui 5pb stuff makes it too, as far as I can tell the Games on Demand thing has some clogged up release pipe just like xbla does so they need to fight to get it on
Some Saidaioujou info, pics, and videos are out:


EOJ said:
-Feels like a mix of Daioujou and Daifukkatsu Black Label. No Reddo gauge, though.
-Dress system is linked with the shot selection (it changes the clothes of your pilot). Shot=military garb, Laser=everyday cloths, Expert=Swimsuit/bikini
-Combo gauge appears to be like Daifukkatsu BL – it doesn’t cut, just slowly reduces when you break your chain.
-Three button system (shot, bomb, laser).
-Autobomb on/off. With it off, it’s like Daioujou’s system. With it on, one autobomb takes all your bomb stock, and bombs don’t replenish.
-No shot power up items, you start full charged up like in Daifukkatsu.
-Daioujou-type hyper rank
-Expert mode is much harder (like Strong style in Daifukkatsu BL).

Video: http://bambuser.com/channel/cpsteve/broadcast/2336652

Seems pretty awesome. I really like the art style for the stages in particular. Although, I don't really understand the point in having a chaining system if you don't have to actually chain in order to keep it going. Whatever though.


Seems pretty awesome. I really like the art style for the stages in particular. Although, I don't really understand the point in having a chaining system if you don't have to actually chain in order to keep it going. Whatever though.

Your score still takes a hit if you fail to chain properly, it's just less punishing than their old tgames. Thanks god it's 2D, but I noticed that the game is running on an LCD monitor... is it in HD?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Your score still takes a hit if you fail to chain properly, it's just less punishing than their old tgames. Thanks god it's 2D, but I noticed that the game is running on an LCD monitor... is it in HD?

Wouldn't it be a little bizzare if it were not in HD?

(edit: of course, now that I think about it, only their home ports have been...?)


Loves Robotech S1
any word on what hardware it's running on?

edit: wait...those character designs... is that nagi ryou?? no wonder i was getting a huge ar tonelico vibe from the art :eek:


Well it appears to be 9:16 at least, if they're designing for that aspect ratio I imagine it'd be in HD too.

Nope, I just asked the guy who shot the video and it's just a monitor outside the venue linked to the actual cabinet. No words about the hardware but looks like the same used for DFK.


Nope, I just asked the guy who shot the video and it's just a monitor outside the venue linked to the actual cabinet. No words about the hardware but looks like the same used for DFK.
Yeah just saw that over on the cave-stg thread. Well at least ports won't be ridiculously thin looking on non rotated TVs.


Looks great and it is nice to hear about this not being that focused on buller cancelling. I just hope Cave doesn't get themselves into an Akai Katana situation and being forced to release a 1.5 version too soon.


So before I spend $60 on Japanese XBL points to buy Deathsmiles and Mushihimesama Futari, can I confirm that I can make a Silver Jpn account on my US Xbox and download games from Japan marketplace, then play them with my US account? I really should know the answer to this by now but the thing that always blocked me from trying before was the IP check stuff, but conveniently I'm living in Japan so that's not a problem. Really might be path of least resistance to just chuck my current console and get a Japanese one instead...
I'm pretty sure that everything on GoD still has region protection, so if you download them to a US console they won't run. Futari might work since that game is region free, but the JP version of Death Smiles was region locked, so I think you'll need a JP console for that.
I'm pretty sure that everything on GoD still has region protection, so if you download them to a US console they won't run. Futari might work since that game is region free, but the JP version of Death Smiles was region locked, so I think you'll need a JP console for that.

Yeah, definitely region protected


Booo, yeah I already have physical copies of Esp II and Mushihimesama Futari

Guess I have to pin my hopes on Rising Star Games, the DDPs are the ones I want the most...


I'm pretty sure this has been asked before but, are the iOS ports worth it? I do plan to get an iCade in a couple of months.

Yes Boss!

I'm pretty sure this has been asked before but, are the iOS ports worth it? I do plan to get an iCade in a couple of months.

Holy shit, worth it!

Most have entirely new touch modes, exclusive to the format. All run fabulous. A lot have new scores/remixes. Deathsmiles has a sweet RPG-like mode. They are a it easier since you can fly across the screen in a second, which is a plus for the non-high-scorers. They all have fun leaderboards and achievments. Collectively, they are just about better than any of the 360 ports, save Futari, and they all cost less than the price of one retail release.


I'm pretty sure this has been asked before but, are the iOS ports worth it? I do plan to get an iCade in a couple of months.

I don´t think they´re iCade compatible yet, but they are great ports with fun original modes for the platform. Definitely worth it.


Eh? The last time I tried was the weak of release, two years ago or some shit? I'll give it a shot, thanks for the tip.

"This item isn't available from your current location."

Still IP locked. :(

Now I have 3000MSP that I have to spend on Onechanbara Z DLC. :(

As a test, I clicked on Senko no Ronde Duo, another region locked game, and it's downloading as I type. I guess it's a case by case basis.

Now I only have 1000MSP to spend on Onechanbara Z. :(


DDP Maximum page updated with...another placeholder:


Checked if they hid anything in the source, I guess the keywords are a vague hint but nothing new if you saw the achievement list before:

But hey there's ASCII art!
            ___   _________     _________     ________   ___  ==
  __ __ __ |  _| |  _   _  |   |  _____  |   |  ______| |_  | __ __ __  
 / // // / | |   | | | | | |   | |_____| |   | |______    | | \ \\ \\ \ 
{ {{ {{ {  | |   | | | | | |   |  _____  |   |______  |   | |  } }} }} }
 \_\\_\\_\ | |_  | | | | | | _ | |_____| | _  ______| |  _| | /_//_//_/ 
           |___| |_| |_| |_||_||_________||_||________| |___|
        ==         AXIMUM         ULLET       IMULATOR    		 
           _ _ _  _____  _      _____  _____  _ _ _  _____  _
          | | | || ____|| |    |  ___||  _  ||     || ____|| |
          | | | || ____|| |___ | |___ | |_| || | | || ____||_|

              DODONPACHI MAXIMUM for Windows(R) Phone 7
                      Developed by EVAC INDUSTRY
Is BD $4.99 forever or is that just the introductory price? I already own the PS2 port by Arika, dunno if I should pull the trigger.

I just got it last night. No issues that I could see with the port. Lots of options. I also own the ps2 version, but it's nice having one on the go.


Wait, what? Blissful Death is out? But I just bought Ghost Trick, and Darius Burst hits tomorrow. This iOS thing is milking me dry.
I'm in. Full Cave fleet of games now. Sorry to those who can't get around the device restriction, Apple and Cave are EoLing a bit too early, I think.


Sweet... glad I checked the thread. Will be downloading DOJ tonight! No iPad 1 compatibility, though? :( We have an iPod Touch 4, but... tiny screen. :p
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