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the most despicable inhuman thing you've done in a game (online included)


[Multiplayer-Hardcore griefing in Dark Souls, killed a players boss without him knowing or wanting it to happen so he could no longer get invaded there. He was a ganking douchebag so I spent a ton of time setting up the counter-gank of all time. The guy obviously lost it and was super pissed that I "ruined" that area for him until next playthrough so he made a thread about it on GameFAQs.


I'm not gonna lie, this makes you sound like a total douche. You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?! There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them, and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you? Lame beyond belief.


I'm not gonna lie, this makes you sound like a total douche. You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?! There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them, and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you? Lame beyond belief.

Preventing a ganker from ganking ever again is as Dark Souls as it gets. The Real Dark Souls Starts Here.


Thinking on this more, back in the height of Wow, circa 2005/06, my friends and I got bored. So we casually walked to a ton of lowbie zones and murdered everyone. I followed people and killed the quest NPCs before they turned them in. My friend killed all the mobs running around, and my other friend killed anyone who he came by.

This went on for hours, they even brought a few high level people to try and beat us, but it didn't work. Camping in MMOs is such a dick move lol.


Shooting civilians in the "no russian" mission. I know I technicly killed civilians in GTA also, but that didnt feel as bad.
One thing I always do and never gets old is when playing on PC someone always ask how to see FPS on screen and I always tell them:

"Press Alt+F4" LMAO! It's funny to see them drop right away :D

Some more experienced PC gamers will right away tell me "I see what you doing there" :)


why does spec ops have many mentions? Never played the game but can someone explain. I'm curious.

you're forced to burn civilians alive with white phosphorous.

Which leads to the next natural evoultion. Pro-tip: If you are going to release a demo of MGS2 and you can stick up all the guards and they react realistically to me shooting them in both arms and legs before shooting them in the nuts - I'm probably going to do it. I spent more time doing this than playing ZOE. And I feel dirty now when I think back on it.

That's true.
Weirdly enough, despite all the ultra violent videogames i've played, that MGS2 demo is still probably one of the most gruesome things i can remember from a videogame.
Morbidly horrific
(and yet i couldn't stop experimenting with it :p).


Not that it is despeciable, but back in the WoW vanilla days I used to love going to Hillsbrad as a rogue and sneak up behind people until they heard the the unstealth whoosh and then back away and wait and watch them the freak out. I'd wait for Mages to waste their mana AoEing and then do it again as they sat and drank.

It was also fun to invade the undead burg as an overpowered SL1 in Dark Souls - I'd beat people until they had a sliver of health and then let them win. I just wanted to scare them.


I'm not gonna lie, this makes you sound like a total douche. You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?! There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them, and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you? Lame beyond belief.

lol, no, that's fucking incredible that he went through the level and took care of manus by himself. hilarious.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

When we hit HR 50 (myself and two other friends) we found a HR 250+ to help us beat Alatreon. He did really well and we killed it after about 40 minutes.

Then he felvine bombed us while we were trying to carve, we didn't get a single carve.
Wow, what a dick. Well at least you got the capture rewards, that's where the rarer parts are, I guess.

I'm not gonna lie, this makes you sound like a total douche. You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?! There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them, and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you? Lame beyond belief.
lol what? No, that's not what happened. You either completely misunderstood, or, you're probably that whiner Booshka griefed, in which case you deserve it. xD

The Guilty Pay the Price.


lol what? No, that's not what happened. You either completely misunderstood, or, you're probably that whiner Booshka griefed, in which case you deserve it. xD

The Guilty Pay the Price.

Booshka wrote: "Hardcore griefing in Dark Souls, killed a players boss without him knowing or wanting it to happen so he could no longer get invaded there. He was a ganking douchebag so I spent a ton of time setting up the counter-gank of all time. The guy obviously lost it and was super pissed that I "ruined" that area for him until next playthrough so he made a thread about it on GameFAQs."

Unless I'm mistaken, he's saying he was getting ganked by some guy. To get back at him, he went into his game and killed the boss of that level so that they guy could no longer PVP in that area.

Please explain to me if that is incorrect.
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. I killed everything that moved, including the unarmed civilians and droids, which put you towards the Dark Side. Besides, it allowed me to get all the cutscenes.
A friend and I used to play Warcraft 3 (and Frozen Throne) waaaaay too much.

At some point - when we hit the extremely high ranks (Top 10 2v2's and stuff), the game became tedious. Obviously at that level you need to practice, focus on your APM, get build orders down to an Art etc. We just didn't have the time/skill for that so the game became weird. We either got into a match against just regular 'good' players and smashed them... or got into a match against high level players and struggled - often having to read smug messages and general douche bagginess during/after a match.

To make the game fun again - we just started doing crazy strategies - most people who played the game would probably recognise them. Tower rushes, 2v1 pooling resources, turtling and rushing wyverns/chimera... stuff like that. I'm reasonably certain that we (my friend and I) either invented, or played a large part in popularising 'Mass Moon wells'. Probably one of the more 'scummy' tactics.

You both choose Night Elf - get your Hero out asap (depending largely on what they chose - but either Demon Hunter or KOTG were great choices)... and then you just built tons of moonwells in formation. You effectively forced them to tunnel or break formation to enter your base, and your hero, along with more than enough healing and mana at his disposal could wipe an entire army over time. It was frustrating - often enough to get messages from the beginning. Then you would just spread across the map and try to expand etc. Meanwhile, you make a creative whole somewhere and get your air units pumping. At some point your hero wasn't going to be enough - and most good/great players would rush siege units to destroy moonwells from afar. Realistically, if you were good at it (and we were) you could get an air unit up before they could get a siege unit over to you. Then you just played decoy with your hero. Give them a run around, distract them, while your air units just go and wipe them out easily. We saw massive rage because of it.

However the worst thing we started doing was uprooting our Tree of Life (first building you have, and they have to destroy it to win the game). Walking it carefully somewhere, and eating trees - planting it as steathily as possible in the woods. The best case scenario (for the enemy) was they had to spend ages (sometimes an hour or longer) combing the map looking for your Tree (we often had multiple if we could sneak some resources away) while they abused us. Worst case - they'd just give up and we'd get a free win. There were matches where we should just start with... "umm, got a glitch guys?" "we have no units, can't build or do anything please help". They'd practically be begging us to just quit and stop wasting time until we'd change our tune to "no englais" and the like. It was griefing - and while I don't necessarily regret (we laughed alot) - it was a douche baggery.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This must have been Pre-de-pop days. I remember it being so much worse in Yhoator Jungle and that garbage shit hole zone.

Garliage Citadel was bad, but Crawler's Nest was the worst by far.
Of course, you could still cause massacres by holding NMs until they raged. Like making Simurgh full rage and then training him on all the afk players bazaaring outside Jeuno.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Oh man I played Fable 2 recently and I would do some messed up shit lol.

At least once some NPC guy was rude to me so I systematically seduced his wife and did everything else I could possibly do to ruin his life, I forget the specifics, and only then did I kill him lol.

I also took (one of) my old wife into the forest so she would get killed and I wouldn't get in trouble for killing her myself

The art style and tone of those games makes it really fun to be a dick without actually feeling bad :p


Acted as a deed shopkeeper next to the real deed shopkeeper in Ultima Online for about 3 hours..
I had many people click on me to bring up the menu to buy deeds, then soon realize I was a thief. But I had one dude who ran in, bought a deed, and while he was buying, I had my thief already in his bag... and I stole his deed. It probably took him 3 weeks to get enough gold to buy a house... and I stole it and ran in the woods and threw the house on the ground... and it was mine.. =)

good lord, the things people figured out how to do in this game.
Shooting civilians in the "no russian" mission. I know I technicly killed civilians in GTA also, but that didnt feel as bad.

Well...it kinda loses its effect when many of the civilians are clones of one another.

Speaking of. Purposefully shooting an old lady in the head in Kane & Lynch 2 made me disgusted with myself.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Unless I'm mistaken, he's saying he was getting ganked by some guy. To get back at him, he went into his game and killed the boss of that level so that they guy could no longer PVP in that area.

Please explain to me if that is incorrect.
Yes, that is correct, but this wasn't:

You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?!
Ganking red signs is lame and is considered griefing. I don't think many people genuinely get mad over it, but I can understand being annoyed and wanting to get back at gankers.

There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them,
This makes no sense (and was why I thought you had misunderstood). He wasn't being invaded. He was (presumably) dropping red signs in a PvP area and got ganked by that guy. Or, the ganker might not even have ganked Booshka himself (it's possible Booshka dropped a white coop sign and saw the host simply stick around the bonfire, not progressing into the level and just summoning reds and jumping them and decided it was lame).

Preventing invasions has nothing to do with what he's talking about.

and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you?
This is also incorrect. Gankers don't kill other players because they're better*, they only ever successfully kill other players because, duh, they gank.

I don't understand your logic anyway. If you think ganking and griefing is fine because hey, "it's Dark Souls", then surely you should be totally okay with Booshka's own version of griefing. After all... "it's Dark Souls".

*I'd argue, as broken as the PvP was in that game, you don't really need to be "better" to win even in a fair duel anyway... just have the better gear and build. xD


When I first played MGS3, there was some part where there was a trenchlike perimeter around some building. I would keep hiding under there and kill soldiers over and over since more kept coming. I would run away into the trees and blow them up from afar too. This made a certain boss fight really long in the end. I've never killed so many people in a game before.

I also used to team up with people in my guild in RO (pserver) and kill random people in PvP and then wars that last an hour would start out. I never even had fun with those, lol.


I am always evil in games. Whenever there is the opportunity to back stab someone I do it. Showing no empathy, and manipulating the situation for my own benefit. No matter the cost.

I love MMO and open world PVP. Yes, I am a wanker who quite happily ganks low level players. Of course I am kind enough to wait until the lower level player pulls a mob before I attack. Obviously to give them a fighting chance against my DOTs. ;p


I was playing Goldeneye (back in its day) and my mom comes in the room. So i wanted to show her some cool things you can do with this game. There was this scientist nearby so i went to him with my weapon stuck in his face. He puts his hands in the air to surrender and my mom was like "no, don't kill him!" But i did and then she was genuinely upset.


In Crusader Kings II, in some of my earlier games where assassinations were a bit easier/cheaper, I would kill my younger sons when inheritance was still governed by Gavelkind.

I think most people would consider that pretty bad...

Of course, you have to be careful that your surviving son doesn't die...
It's sort of lame that the game forces you to take the path, so in a way the only one doing it is not you, but the game.
I think you kind of missed the point of the ending.

If you found it so objectionable, then just put the controller down and walk away. No one puts a gun to our heads and forces us to commit these despicable acts, real or virtual.

"None of this would have happened if you just stopped, but on you marched, and for what?"


When I was younger there was a mission on Rainbow Six I just wasn't able to complete. After several tries I did pass it with my whole team alive and well, however we still needed to go back to the extraction point to complete the mission. Just right there I noticed I didn't traced the route back to the extraction point! (Back in the day on RS you had to trace a route for your team to follow before the mission started) After some desperates tries to make them move without success and not willing to take the risk of going back and failing the mission over again I took the few bullets left, headshoted every single member of my team, went to the extraction point alone, finished the mission and never talked about that again...until this very day.


Blowing up a small township with a nuclear bomb for the enjoyment of an eccentric rich guy.

Also killing my team mates in the spawn zone with the flamethrower in Return to Castle Wolfenstein for lols.


Used to play CS 1.6 a lot. After about a year and a half into it one of my friends who was really good at the game told me to try out wallhacking (ESP) because it helps with learning player behavior.

It also helped with finding other hackers on the server via 'trailing'. Me being the a jerk and all, would report them to an admin and get them banned.

'ii think cool_guy526 is hax0rz'

'let me spec him'
Nothing special.

In World of Warcraft (vanilla) I was a Rogue and my friend was a Druid, and we'd stealth around and gank lower level players whenever we found them. Sometimes we'd keep killing them until they called in high level friends or quit. Dick move, but that's just part of playing on a PvP server.

In Smite the same friend and I made smurf accounts after we reached the max level on our first accounts. For the first ~15 levels we absolutely demolished most of the teams we went up against. Both of us wold pick carries and end up with scores like 17-0, 28-1. Definitely a dick move but I'll admit it was fun basically winning games 2 v 5 while our teammates watched from the backseat. Hi-Rez can take some pointers from Valve on this one, as Dota 2 is much better at detecting smurfs and moving them into a higher mmr.

Edit: The above post reminded me — hacking in CounterStrike 1.6. The friend in my two stories above found some hacks that were not VAC banned yet, so we tried them out. It was hilarious using wallhacks and aimbot, but it got old pretty fast. Still, it belongs in here because we pissed a lot of people off and got banned from a lot of servers.


Gold Member
I remember playing WoW back in the day and I'd wait for players to specifically /LFG SM. I was a priest so I'd have no probs getting in a group.

We'd get all the way to Scarlet Monastery and battle our way through the patrolling mobs to get to the main entrance. As my team entered I'd aggro a bunch of mobs, watch the team run forward, and then run out the door locking it again so I was safe.

I'd open the door a few minutes later to see corpses on the floor and the mobs back where they were. Used to make me chuckle.


Junior Member
I'm not gonna lie, this makes you sound like a total douche. You got mad because you got ganked ...in Dark Souls?! There are a myriad ways to prevent being invaded, you chose not to use them, and then got made because you got killed by someone better than you? Lame beyond belief.

Well, many invasions types invade upwards in level, so they're inherently better than you, anyway. Added with the fact that you're ironically going with a double standard here. If you're not a douche for ganking someone in Dark Souls as you put it, surely there's nothing douchey about this guy ganking a ganker. So, coming from someone that knows Dark Souls, it's completely to expect that you get fucked over if you ask for it in Dark Souls, so I'm all for it.
A girl friended me on Steam so we could play Magical Drop V. We did, and after a while she said she was really emotional or something equally dramatic because I kept beating her and getting S-ranks. After a while she stopped messaging me (during the course of our matches).

I was secretly laughing. Hard. It's just a game, gurl.


Just got my account approved, so seems like a good place for a first post.

It was in one of the KoToR games, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. A lady explained that her husband had been killed and she was skint - would I see clear to buy her precious family heirloom so she could feed herself and her little boy?

Me - 'Why yes, that heirloom does look precious. Can I have it please?'
Lady - 'Brilliant! That'll be 50 credits please!'
Me - 'I don't think you understand. What I meant was 'give it to me now'..
Lady - 'Wha...?'
Me - 'Give it to me now or suffer!'
Lady - 'OK' *sobs*
Me - 'Also, give me all your money.'
Lady - :'(
Me - 'Great, now just hold still while I chop you into bits, there's a good lass'
*Lightsaber noises*
Halo reach, got 80-5 just spawn killing with a tank
Felt pretty bad, but I wanted that achievement for 12 kills within a short time.


The physics in GTA IV are a thing of beauty. I couldn't believe the first time I hit someone and they rolled around like that, I actually felt bad for the first time doing it and almost felt the pain of it.

Then I realised how hilarious they looked and did it over and over lol

GTA IV was the first game to make me wince like that too. The very first time I walked up to some guy walking along drinking a coffee in a quiet area of the town, on a nicely-rendered-for-2008 sunny day in the city, and senselessly beat him to death, I had a genuine physical reaction of nervousness and guilt. I felt like Patrick bloody Bateman.
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