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the most despicable inhuman thing you've done in a game (online included)


In Planetside 2, I hit an oncoming friendly Harasser with my Sunderer head-on. The Harasser exploded and I proceeded to lose my shit.


In Day Z: Origins, I empty out and waste the ammo on any guns I find, this way nobody can use them for defense.

When I find other survivors, I wait until they are cornered by zombies or looking at some loot and I empty my AK47 upon them, point blank. Then I hide their bodies without looking at it, this way they cant get their equipement back.

When people need a blood transfer or are wounded somewhere and need help, I race to them to put them out of their misery.


In Might and Magic 6, I didn't have enough money at the start of the game to buy the bows, armor, and skills I wanted before heading to the first few dungeons. To remedy this, I murdered every NPC in the town and looted their corpses. The game has a karma/reputation system, and I of course was at the worst rank possible following this event. Luckily the local priests were more than happy to bless me, wiping my sins away, for a few donations to their church.

In Might and Magic 7, armed guards prevented you from killing off the NPCs without being killed yourself. Instead, I would train aggro'd goblins and dragonflies through the town, allowing them to do my dirty work form me.


Neo Member
In Skyrim, sometimes when I have killed people I rearrange them I to...compromising ....positions.
In fact, generally in Skyrim I am a terrible human being. I feel like the game encourages you to behave like a dickhead 50% of the time.
When people need a blood transfer or are wounded somewhere and need help, I race to them to put them out of their misery.

I bait people like you all the time. Not on purpose but you always have that guy who can't wait to blast someone who claims they need help on side chat and it's almost always an awkward situation when the guy who 'needs help' is bullshitting and the guy who 'wants to help' is bullshitting too, lmao. Giving each other bullshit meetup locations that we can both see aren't currently housing any players, attempting to discredit one another in chat, etc. and it never ends well


In the original Half Life, I attached laser tripwire mines to the faces of scientists. Eventually, they'd get bored and look around, swinging the laser across the room. Then the mine would explode.

I'd reload my save game, because I couldn't bear to think I'd leave the world in a state where that actually happened. Though, there may be an interpretation of events you could make with parallel worlds representing the branching of saved/reloaded games. I like the idea that there's thousands of parallel worlds, and in many of them Gordon Freeman is a sadistic murderer.


Whenever I got bored in Red Dead Redemption I'd hogtie someone, chuck them on the back of my horse, abduct them, take them some place secluded and then murder them before burning their corpse. Yeah.

I always remember in the church there's a queue of people waiting to take confession - I stood at the back of the line and started pissing on the back of the guy's head in front of me. He turns around and gets a mouthful of piss and starts puking. People start screaming, I piss in their faces. Everyone has either run off or are puking or are getting pissed on, but there's still someone taking confession, so I went and pissed through the grate in the door until both the priest and confessor were puking, then I set the confessional on fire and made my character piss in his mouth while he watched it burned.

Yeahhh.....Postal 2 is a bad game


Neo Member
Oh there been many of these things in my gaming history.

E.g. :

Swtor: Rigging radios with explosives (knowing kids will probably pick them up) and shutting down a water pipeline (knowing kids need the water to survive)

Fallout 3: Wasting Megaton, just to get a nice Suite. Followed by wasting the tower and it's inhabitants to ghouls to cover my tracks.

Fallout New Vegas: Had some nice dinner with some masked people in a casino

Aion: I parked a level 30 assassin with full pvp gear in a low level zone, spending about 1h per day preventing the enemy side from leveling (then usually they got highlevels coming by and i just switched back to my main, before they could find me)
In GTA: San Andreas, gathered up a few "homies" and went to the airport where we all hopped in a prop plane. Flew over the city, then got out, so of course, they all did as well. I was the only one with a parachute.


In fable2 I lured a child (I think he was my son actually, we'll most of the children probably were mine) into a backally just to murder him, but the game wouldn't let me.
Was kind of dissapointed.


I don't know if they've since changed it but when I played WoW, for the larger raid instances once you defeated any of the bosses, anytime you entered that instance again the major bosses would still be dead to prevent farming for a week.

So on my server, my guild were the only ones had Molten Core down at that point and would clear it in about 1 to 2 days. This was before Blackwing Lair so the only major piece of end game content was Molten Core (and killing Onyxia and open world stuff but that is relatively minor), so we had little to do for the remaining 5 days until the timer reset.

The thing is that the timer is tied to the instance, not the character. So if someone from another group had killed the first boss in MC six days ago and then primed the instance for a second group that wasn't locked to an instance at the time, the second group would be locked to a Molten Core that would reset in a day. This way you could sneak in another Molten Core run instead of waiting seven days. Mind you, this also means that the first group would not be able to complete that Molten Core run since the instance would cleared by the second group.

Our guild wasn't big enough or hardcore enough to have an alt raid group so instead the guild leader had infiltrated next biggest guild's raiding group who was still struggling through Molten Core with an alt character. Then as the other group got locked into an instance, that alt character would carry that instance ID, so we could steal it later. Again, Molten Core was the only real piece of end game content so by clearing out their Molten Core instance, we had robbed them both the experience of attempting the bosses as well as the possible loot from beating them.

There is other stuff like griefing another guild attempts at open world bosses for hours on end until more people from our guild were online so we could actually steal and kill it for ourselves but I thought the instance stealing was even worse since they had no idea it was happening.
once, on a match in Civ V, I won a war against Japan and end up anexing their whole territory. Its population almost twiced mine so we had a terrible happiness problem, my army was weak due to the war an my production almost on the floor (only 2 of my 8 cities produced something at all). In the meantime Rome was preparing their army to declared war on me. My situation was critical
My solution was a ethnic cleanse. I sabotage the food production in my japanese cities, so nearly half of their population died of starvation. The survivors were easier to manipulate with a happiness program being developed at my original territory. At the end, the bet worked, by the time Rome declared war my army was ready to hold the invasion and my production to support it. Despite I lost one japanese city (which I will eventually recover) my plan was sucessful.
I killed the Princess of Olacile in Dark Souls. I felt very bad afterwards.

You monster. Her voice is so beautiful.

Anyway, haha...


In the Elder Scrolls games I typicaly play as one of the beast races, either Argonian or Khajiit. I play deep in-character, so when my Argonian Nightblade encountered the racist, xenophobic Countess of Leyawiin in Oblivion, he felt compelled to do something about her.

As anyone who played Oblivion knows, the game contains certain NPCs who, for a variety of reasons, are immortal and unkillable. You can deal lethal damage to them and they'll be knocked out for a few minutes before waking up and going about their day.

So I can't kill her or harm her in any meaningful way, so I decide to make her every waking moment consumed by pain and torment. I do this by enchanting a pair of weightless shackles with an enchantment that deals 1 point of fire damage per second to whoever equips them, so I reverse pick-pocket them onto her person while she's sleeping, wait a few hours, and watch the show.

She auto equips her shackles (which I renamed the "Shackles of Eternal Torment") when she wakes up, and she immediately bursts into flames. She's not being actively attacked so she goes about her normal schedule while on fire. She takes a few steps towards her throne, passes out, wakes up, takes a few more steps, passes out, so on and so forth. She is condemned to do that until the end of her days. There is no point in her life when her skin won't be seared off by righteous fire.
Whilst playing Deus Ex 2 on the Xbox I fired the alternative flamethrower shot at the children in a classroom and burnt them all to death. All of them said "GOTCHA!" like when playing hide and seek or something, before they started screaming in agony.


The original Army of Two demo. I remember gouging someone's eyeballs out with my thumbs. Most gruesome thing I've seen in a video game.
A friend of mine introduced me to the idea of blocking the entrance to a Cluckin' Bell in GTA IV and just murdering everyone inside without allowing escape. There may have been worse things in my gaming career, but this popped into mind first.
Putting fake item boxes on jumps [with pits beneath them] or the top of loops [the DS one might be the only one in this regard, though] in mario kart is probably it. Most dickish thing you can do in the game aside from multiple blue shells.


Going by the way the games reacted I'd say getting ending C (the hardest one, maybe it was a different letter tho) in Armored Core For Answer. Higher bodycount than I got in a match of DefCon.


Ganking low-levels in WoW. Much better than the daily quest grind, what's funnier is they would make level 1 and throw abuse at me.


I can think of another player doing something despicable to me, online.

I was playing MGO, and I headed towards the enemy spawn. A player tried to fend me off, firing at me, but I managed to get them in a CQC grip. I disarmed him of his weapons, and choked him out. I saluted him, and told him something to the effect of "Good work"; he had tried valiantly to fight me. I could have executed him as he lay knocked out, but I decided to drop his weapon back, wake him up, salute him and run off.

It took all of 3 seconds before he shot me in the back of the head.


Neo Member
FFXI->Beastmaster->Jug Pet->Valkurm Dunes->Gob Train->Zone

Welcome to grouping in FFXI bitches!

Anyone who plays FFXI will know, that normally means that you wiped or ruined a few groups day...

This must have been Pre-de-pop days. I remember it being so much worse in Yhoator Jungle and that garbage shit hole zone.
Back in [I think] 2005, I played a really crappy free MMO called Tibia. A friend got me into it so I figured I'd give it a shot.

This shit:

You could only move up, down, left, and right (and diagonally in special situations). So I'd use this as a means to grief people in game (other people did it, too but my offenses were pretty egregious). Sometimes, I would stand in peoples' way while they were trying to run from a monster. They'd die and I'd loot their bodies then run away, myself.

I was also shown a room in the starting zone that had locked door (and was shown the NPC that sold keys for it). I'd lead people down there and lock them in. I'd make a deal with them that if they dropped their stuff and walked away, I would let them out.

The friend that got me into it wondered why I hadn't leveled up enough to get out of the starting zone and came to visit me one day. He figured out why.

tl;dr: I was a dickhead to people in a crappy MMO that I played when I was a teenager.
In World of Tanks I'd occasionally push a tank on our team into a nearby lake or ocean, if it was perched precariously on the cliff overlooking said body of water.

Usually artillery, since they're basically in their own world and don't even notice they've been pushed around until they're at the bottom of the sea.

Oh and in Skyrim I tried to see if I could kill all the Khajit and Argonians in the game. Apparently you can, I got all of the ones in towns, was just taking out Khajit caravans and such after that.


Whilst playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I've threw out med kits, jumped around them in circles and teabagged them when they were dead. I've revived people knowing full well they were going to get shot again just for me to revive them. Again. I like points. While I was playing rush defence I shot at random places, when there was someone else in the room, and ran out when I knew an enemy solider was nearby, just so they know someone was in the room and kill them. I would run behind them and stab them while they were arming. I've gotten on quad bikes and bailed out at the last minute in front of cliffs and mines.

Thought I'd add that except the shooting just to appear on the minimap, most of these were done only because people were annoying me.


don't ask me for codes
I tricked new players in Chivalry to press F10.

Suicide button - explode into gibs
In fallout 3, some npc somehow got stuck in my suite at Tenpenny Tower--think it was one of the female shopkeepers.

So I killed her, undressed her, dismembered her, and put her various body parts on my shelves as trophies.


Marrying and subsequently sacrificing about 10 different wives to the Temple of Shadows in Fable II. Then later killing everyone in Oakfield.
Acted as a deed shopkeeper next to the real deed shopkeeper in Ultima Online for about 3 hours..
I had many people click on me to bring up the menu to buy deeds, then soon realize I was a thief. But I had one dude who ran in, bought a deed, and while he was buying, I had my thief already in his bag... and I stole his deed. It probably took him 3 weeks to get enough gold to buy a house... and I stole it and ran in the woods and threw the house on the ground... and it was mine.. =)
Willfully mowing down dozens of people in GTA IV just to watch how they bounced off my car. That or shooting women on the street dead in the face


I once killed a woman in ES Oblivion. Took off her clothes (nude mod), put her body over the table. Decorated it with fruits. Took many screenshots.


In the original Just Cause on Xbox, I would grab a sniper rifle, go to a city, go up on top of a building, and just shoot people for a while. All headshots. No survivors.
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