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the most despicable inhuman thing you've done in a game (online included)


Dammit you beat me to it.


When I used to have ugly chao, instead of abandoning it, I'd take it to Dark Chao Garden and abuse it for being ugly.

You know the ugly ones.... the one with the squiggly mouth. Looking depressed and dizzy all the damn time. Fuck those little shits. God don't like ugly.
When I played Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise with a friend, I would put dumb helmets on all of his pinatas while he wasn't looking.
Oh, and I used to park my horse so that it was facing away from the edge of a cliff in Red Dead Redemption, fire my gun to scare it, and watch as it tumbled down the cliff after it reared up and took a few steps back.


In RE5 i shot the test animals in the cages without hesitation. it felt so wrong after i realized how i just murdered these poor test animals. :'( I only did it because I thought they were going to burst out of the cages all virus-ed up but then i found out later that's not the case. felt so wrong and bad.

In the Sims, I killed the roommate because she was flirting successfully with the guy who was married. No affairs in my house!! Locked her in a room with no doors. She starved to death. I didn't feel as guilty for that one.


You definitely feel like shit when you kill people in Day Z. First person I ever killed was on accident. I was sneaking around and the guy was wearing some zombie like face camo. Naturally I shot right when I saw him and once I went up to the actual body I realized my mistake. He wasn't dead, just unconscious. I thought I might be able to explain the situation but there was no way he would listen. I only had a few second to decide so I just put a few more roads in his head. I felt terrible. Guy had so many great items. Must have taken him hours to gather.


I'm not sure what happens to me when I play Fallout games, I commit a lot of atrocities...
One of them I'll probably remember for sometime, is killing that lottery winner after I talked with him, it all came to me naturally, "that's mine!" then you see what the lottery is for really. The whole part was a quite powerful moment, I felt bad and good at the same time and laughing quite a bit.

Fun times, things like that are what I like to experience more in games, you feel somewhat involved with the events.


You definitely feel like shit when you kill people in Day Z. First person I ever killed was on accident. I was sneaking around and the guy was wearing some zombie like face camo. Naturally I shot right when I saw him and once I went up to the actual body I realized my mistake. He wasn't dead, just unconscious. I thought I might be able to explain the situation but there was no way he would listen. I only had a few second to decide so I just put a few more roads in his head. I felt terrible. Guy had so many great items. Must have taken him hours to gather.

Can't wait to play Day Z stand alone.
Seems like the perfect game for this lind of thing. especially when people talk about moments like this.


Let's see.

In Crusader Kings 2 I have killed my brothers, sisters, and nephews to secure the line of secession. I wanted a rival lords titles so I killed him, his two year old son, and has sixth month old infant son to get it. I have killed my wives when they weren't producing enough heirs and killed my daughter in laws for the same reason. I have executed rival kings for no real reason beyond I didn't like them and they couldn't pay the ransom. When I was playing as the Republic of Kent I killed my 7 year old mentally handicapped nephew who was my ward and the son of my dead brother to make sure he would never control the family. With the recent Old Gods expansion I have sacrificed countless people to the gods, took the queen of Denmark as my concubine just to spite her husband, and burned and looted Rome and countless other places.

To put it simply trying to hold on to or increase power does turn men into monsters.


In Baldur's Gate 2 there was a small kid looking for his mother. I casted Imprisonment on the poor fellow just for the hell of it.

When the imprisonment spell is cast and the victim is touched, the recipient is entombed in a state of suspended animation in a small sphere far beneath the surface of the earth. The victim will remain there as long as the earth exists.

Forever alone.
Whenever I got bored in Red Dead Redemption I'd hogtie someone, chuck them on the back of my horse, abduct them, take them some place secluded and then murder them before burning their corpse. Yeah.

I think killing and pissing on chopped off heads in Postal 2 went pretty far.

I always remember in the church there's a queue of people waiting to take confession - I stood at the back of the line and started pissing on the back of the guy's head in front of me. He turns around and gets a mouthful of piss and starts puking. People start screaming, I piss in their faces. Everyone has either run off or are puking or are getting pissed on, but there's still someone taking confession, so I went and pissed through the grate in the door until both the priest and confessor were puking, then I set the confessional on fire and made my character piss in his mouth while he watched it burned.


There was a task in Black & White where I had to search for a villager's ill husband who was lost in the forest. I found him but failed to arrive back in time to save him. The wife was obviously upset and angrily gave my my reward which was a large stone pillar. So I decided to smash apart her house with the pillar then picked her up and threw her into the sea. That was all me doing this, not my giant pet gorilla.

Ah Black and White!! I forgot about that one! I failed the quest where you have to save the children from the weirdo that was kidnapping them. I remember the lady said "I will let the whole village know of your failure." Because of that I grabbed the lady and threw her in the water. Then I threw anyone who was on the beach. No witnesses! Dead men tell no tales.

Also I destroyed this one mini village that stopped believing/worshiping me. That ended up biting me in the ass because expanding became a bit more difficult. Still no regrets!

I like to think I was a merciful, strict god.


Recently I betrayed the miller in Divinity 2 and fought with the assassin. I mean she made a really argument....

"Why should I let you kill this man and his daughter? "

" Because it is my job. You don't see me stopping you from killing dragons now do you? "

I mean really who could argue against the logic.


Unconfirmed Member
Dunno about ever but the most recent was in Dead Space 3.
Once Norton died
I took my saw blade and hacked off all his limbs then used telekinesis to throw each one off the cliff. I hated that guy.
Griefing in online games: mostly warcraft 3 and counter-strike 1.6. Funnily enough in dota my friends and I were pretty well behaved. Also once I was in the library and saw somebody putting in their neopet password, it was easy to see because it was like 123qwe or something. Got to my friends house and we tried to take all the neopoints (or whatever it was called) but my friend withdrew the money before changing the password and as we were about to trade it all away the owner changed the password. We got owned. :lol


Oh god, what was that one side quest in Skyrim. Wasn't there a woman running an orphanage who was evil, or someone put a hit out on her or something? Anyway, I went into the place and tried to be stealthy. That didn't go to plan. I ended up killing this woman in front of the kids. And the most disturbing thing is that the kids were delighted about it. Who knows what monsters I created.
I would suggest letting fuzzles die in Munch's Odyssey.

Also, I'm all for giving your characters a backstory, but when people make up their own twisted vices beyond what is offered by the actual game mechanics and then try to act them out... That's just messed up.
I purposefully D/Ced when playing Pokemon Black online a few times. That's probably the worst, unless you count the massive amounts of forced incest I committed when breeding the Pokemon I used.

...I'm too innocent.
In the original Quake multiplayer demo you could stack armor to basically infinite degree. I memorized the respawn time for the armor points, found a path through the level to where you'd pick the armor up RIGHT when it respawned and had quad damage lie 85% of the time. Then I'd use that armor to grief the shit out of people.

I still feel kinda bad about it to this day. Sorta.


Kill everything that tried to keep me from what I thought would save my daughter's life
in NieR. :/

Not to forget that in the end, even in the most positive ending,
your daughter dies nontheless, as she still has the plague. Reading the book "Grimoire Nier", it goes even further than that - the Shadowlord is the only one who keeps the other Gestalts (Shades) from relapsing and dying, and given that Replicants are made anew from Gestalts each generation as they can't procreate, it means that humanity is wiped out within a generation.
So yeah, if you think that it can't get worse, it will get worse - much worse.


Red Dead Redemption

I would hogtie all the civilians of a town then, one by one, light them on fire with Molotov cocktails.
Ah yes, the hospital was nasty. Poor people trying to rob away when I shoot them :/

I went around punching people out of nowhere and baseball batting the heads of people sitting down. Euphoria is a glorious thing.

Also, shooting the legs of enemies and forcing them to crawl in Red Dead. Then hogtieing them and taking them for a ride behind my horse.


I've not done much, but I do recall...

giving 100s of copper pieces to begging noobs in Greater Fay just to watch them become encumbered and unable to move.

Hey, they wanted money!
As other people have said, Spec Ops: The Line >.<

Also, Little Inferno: (I guess spoilers, they aren't related to the "story" though, just items)
Burning the bus, "Rocket of Learning" and the factory that makes little mini people. The screams made me feel like a monster.

Also, I threw chao around in the Chao garden in Sonic Adventure.

Edit: Omg and I just read some other posts which reminded me of Black and White. Yeah I'm pretty sure I ruined some virtual lives in that game xD

Hey, I'm not the one that made throwing innocent villagers/slapping baby giant cows so damn entertaining...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If I would reload my final save in Fallout 3, EVERY single NPC that is possible to kill will be dead. I went around to every area and shot up everyone before stopping.

Also have a ton of these for the Sims. Spent so much time torturing them, having a kid and using cheats to blockade them as I starved them out and would delete the child services lady as she drove in so I could continue neglecting my children. This eventually stopped working but I forget what game changed it.

I rarely drove around in sleeping dogs without having the original driver shoved in the trunk.


One of the few things in a game I felt bad about doing afterwards was in the final mission of Red Dead where I
killed Ross's family members in the worst ways I could think of
. I was not please about what happened to
Maybe Ultima VII, rocking the cradles in the nursery so hard that the babies would be ejected onto the floor.

I might've picked a few up and stowed them in dresser drawers, fire pits, etc. too.

Edit: Oh god, someone mentioned The Sims and I remembered a far worse one: I made basically a slave plantation, run by the Colonel from KFC. I apologize if that offends anyone, I was a kid and being dumb.


Junior Member
Cussing every mfer in my cod team with 3 kills and 14 deaths. Screwing our win and screwing my win ratio because that mfer decided to eat popcorn and masterbate while playing.

Damn pisses me off -_-


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
When I played Dark Arisen, I found joy in throwing people off of cliffs.
In Fallout 3, I got to Tenpenny Tower and spoke with Tenpenny himself, who asked me to go kill a Ghoul and get a key from him and said he'd pay me for it, and I agreed to do it. Then when I went to the Ghoul, I let him convince me to let him live and he gave me the key, which I took to Tenpenny, and I told him I killed the Ghoul like I was told to do.

Then instead of just handing the key over, I demanded more money than was originally agreed upon, and when he handed over the payment, I went into V.A.T.S while standing right in front of him, and disintegrated his head with a point blank rifle shot, looted his corpse for the key and more money, and threw the body off the balcony outside the tower.

It means I basically lied to an old man and extorted money out of him, then double crossed and killed the guy, looted his corpse and disposed of the body, and nobody even knows I did it.

Got to admit though, I feel kind of good about it, because it came off really quite smooth, and the old guy was kind of bad, to be honest. What I do feel bad about is completing a mission for the Slavers, where I had to capture someone and capture and put one of the collars on them, and this was after I helped fight against the Slavers at some point.


Dunno about ever but the most recent was in Dead Space 3.
Once Norton died
I took my saw blade and hacked off all his limbs then used telekinesis to throw each one off the cliff. I hated that guy.

lol. I did the same thing
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