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The Next-Gen Jump was Art


Been thinking about this a bit lately. I understand that there are many people who feel like next gen hasn't really arrived, because we haven't had gameplay and that games are largely "the same experience, just prettier". And its sort of left at that, next gen has failed and being prettier is just seen as "not enough".

But jeezus h. christ games by and large are fucking works of art now and that is the biggest next gen jump I have ever seen.

Near the end of the PS3 cycles we began seeing a small number of games that started to look like carbon copies of their concept art, Journey quickly come to mind, but now just about every major (and tons of minor) releases look like they were built whole sale from someones mind. While Im sure compromises need to be made in development, its clear that far fewer compromises are being made in recent years.

Its easy to point to games like Uncharted 4 as "wow look at that", but games like The Witness showed a striking art style that mimics architectural sketches, Bloodborne monster designs are living breathing gothic horrors that could only be described in frozen-in-time 2D drawings and sculptures the past few hundred years, and hell Final Fantasy XV Duscae gave skin, muscle, and locomotion to ink drawing from decades ago.

So I don't know. I feel like there is this sentiment that art is and always will be secondary behind tech and gameplay, but to me its easily the thing that brings me the most joy when playing games. For the first time I feel like I am not just turning on a console, but accessing an ever growing art museum that people could only dream of years ago.

I'm just wondering if anyone else shares the sentiment that the art in games is being discounted into simple one off sentences of "it looks good", while all of the light is focused on the well tread topics of gameplay/graphics/tech.





I'm not going to deny that there are some amazing visual aspects to games now in an aesthetic sense, but I get the impression that people behind the games you cite (e.g. Witness) were and have been doing artistic style games for a long time.

I would suggest that games like SOTC and Rez and even 2D fighters like Third Strike had most of the elements you refer to. The monsters in SOTC for instance were dripping in organic details like moss and lichen and this was done with far less resources than Bloodborne.

I'd argue that the next gen leap you are missing is that now on consoles we seem to be rebuilding the B-tier (commercial sense, not quality sense) that was mostly absent last ten.


Art direction and style is where the emphasis in games' visuals needs to be going. Make something that looks great, costs less, and will actually hold up after more than a couple years worth of graphical improvements.

Many people just want more graphics, rather than better art direction, but the former stopped mattering for me around the end of the PS2/beginning of PS3 era.

Not that the two are mutually exclusive or anything.


I'd be in the dick
I think games have finally hit a point where they can accurately represent the concept images that go into making them. There's a lot more density to art assets and combined with better material rendering, it hits the proper mood much more closely. Tech and art aren't separate in this industry. They work together to create the final visual design.
Great thread bro, and agreed.

The sheer concentration of art assets on display in some of these games is frankly ridiculous. I love how the increased RAM in consoles is allowing devs to go wild. They can render any type of material now without spending most of development time trying to squeeze everything into 300 megs of RAM.

Even SFV I'm blown away by the characters and their animations. Its really immersive seeing Ryus eyes bulge as he goes nuts or the special effects landing an EX with Ken.

I'm very satisfied with this gen so far.


Sees Unravel pic, but Little Big Planet and Puppeteer on PS3 were no slouches either.

I would suggest that games like SOTC and Rez and even 2D fighters like Third Strike had most of the elements you refer to. The monsters in SOTC for instance were dripping in organic details like moss and lichen and this was done with far less resources than Bloodborne.
I dont disagree with either of these statements, but a lot of past gen "great art desgin" is relegated to a handful of games. And even those games clearly had some major compromises made to them (2D games to a less extent).

But all the examples are gameplay-heavy. They look gorgeous and play great

This is also kind of insane given we only had one or the other for a long time. I will say I enjoyed The Order 1886 a lot even though it arguably doesnt have great gameplay just because it is such a marvel to look at.


I dont disagree with either of these statements, but a lot of past gen "great art desgin" is relegated to a handful of games. And even those games clearly had some major compromises made to them (2D games to a less extent).

We'll have to see how prevalent the trend becomes. Its early times still so we may see these kinds of artistic examples proliferate with positive reception (Firewatch, Witness, Ori, Bloodborne - though these might also be general trends in gaming as a whole, not exclusive to a console generation context) which would support your argument. Perhaps we won't truly know til we see what the landscape looks like in 2020?
I kinda hate the focus on art insteaed of gameplay and fun.

I love gameplay.

I want more gameplay.

Are you insinuating the games posted in the OP do not have good gameplay? Just because there is focus on making a game artistically pleasing, doesn't mean the gameplay is being shortchanged. You also forget how bad art direction can make a fun game a visual chore to parse through.


Interesting thread, but I think I agree OP. There has been a lot of unique and beautiful titles this gen that aren't necessarily "graphical powerhouses."

Disturbing lack of Ori and the Blind Forest though, c'mon!

It still weirds me out that this looks it would fit just fine techwise on a PS4 or X1.
Ehh.. it's a beautifully pleasing game to look at, but it doesn't hold a candle to the IQ and texture quality of a PS4 gen game. Not that it needs it, but you can tell it's last gen tech that is being utilized amazingly well.
I agree.

I just finished playing the first hour or so of Soma and it's incredible what an indie developer can do these days. That game is easily just as cohesive and beautiful than anything last gen.

Hell, even last gen ports like The Last of Us or Tomb Raider have some stunning art. I'm staggered by both when I play them.

It just doesn't feel like there's that many limitations to graphical art styles anymore.
I'm confused, isn't OP simply arguing that this gen has seen an appreciable leap in graphical capabilities? Modern hardware allows developers to better realize their intended visions and the resulting games are striking for it. Seems like a "jump" to me, whatever that means.

That said, it does feel like we're in the midst of an artistic sea change... The mainstream market seems more open to stylized games whereas last gen felt dominated by a pursuit of of unadorned realism. I think the rise of indie and mobile games has a lot to do with it. Personally, I think it's great.


I'm confused, isn't OP simply arguing that this gen has seen an appreciable leap in graphical capabilities? Modern hardware allows developers to better realize their intended visions and the resulting games are striking for it. Seems like a "jump" to me, whatever that means..

Im saying that we've seen a leap in artistic vision due to increased graphical capabilities. Like others have said the leap in graphics hasnt just directly resulted in just simply more realistic looking games. Games have sort of spread out as a whole across the spectrum of art history, picking and pulling inspiration from all over the place instead of being stuck in the cycle of making a game just "look better".


Are you insinuating the games posted in the OP do not have good gameplay? Just because there is focus on making a game artistically pleasing, doesn't mean the gameplay is being shortchanged. You also forget how bad art direction can make a fun game a visual chore to parse through.

I am not insinuating anything about the games on the OP. If I did I would mention it.
- Witcher 3, all of it
- Killzone Shadow Fall on launch day burnt some unforgettable landscape and sceneries, in about every levels.
- Driveclub, still amazed with wet reflection or sun setting over water or gods ray through cherry blossom tunnels when racing. It amazed me how dull the game can look at one second and how pretty and eye candy the next.
- The Order 1886 was just pure art porn for all it lasted
I wholeheartedly agree, especially now that we've gotten over that edgy EVERYTHING IS SEPIA BROWN phase in AAA development. Next up, A.I. and physics! (again)
Absolutely OP, and I think if we continue this way it will result in a generation remembered fondly when it's all said and done.


Going to disagree. There were many, many hundreds of fantastically designed, beautifully artistic games last-generation. Nothing has changed.
I kinda hate the focus on art insteaed of gameplay and fun.

I love gameplay.

I want more gameplay.
All the games cited in the OP are fun and have great gameplay.
With the exception of Duscae which plays like a truckload of butts

Neither of those are mutually exclusive to looking beautiful.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Going to disagree. There were many, many hundreds of fantastically designed, beautifully artistic games last-generation. Nothing has changed.

This is how I feel as well, it wasn't like a switch went off whenever next gen started. These types of titles have been here for a while now.


Good Art™
There is clearly something happening this gen for videogame, art wise. It's like suddenly, assets are faithful enough so that games can bring a strong artistic vision (it was already possible with some art style of course).

I'd say that's the first generation you can look at some games and think.. This is a production value worthy of a movie. And in some cases it shows how much videogames can be more creative in that regard.
Going to disagree. There were many, many hundreds of fantastically designed, beautifully artistic games last-generation. Nothing has changed.

This is how I feel as well, it wasn't like a switch went off whenever next gen started. These types of titles have been here for a while now.

At the very least I'd say there has been a dramatic increase in aesthetic in AAA titles. Even Fallout 4 had a colorful art style that really helped the game considering its average graphics otherwise.
Yes I agree it is much more of a constant thing now. Including the games you used other games like Halo 5, The Order 1886, SWBF, Ori, the latest Assassin's Creed games, and a few others have great visuals and /or art.

Although, I wish game mechanics and AI were made more interesting and focused on. It seems to a lot of games still or increasingly focused on production values.


Gold Member
I wish I could say it was 1080p60 as standard, but...

What's that got to do with anything?

A game can still be artistically brilliant without that being the case. If you care so much, most of the games in the OP are abailable on the PC at 1080p60 if you have the hardware.


At the very least I'd say there has been a dramatic increase in aesthetic in AAA titles. Even Fallout 4 had a colorful art style that really helped the game considering its average graphics otherwise.

Not really. I'd say AAA games have had consistently great aesthetics on average for the better part of a decade, and reflect well the efforts of the hundreds of people working to make them shine. Some people have trouble handing out recognition on artistic methods to something thats seen as trite as Assassins Creed or GTA, for instance. Or have an anti-boner against anything thats not stylized.


Going to disagree. There were many, many hundreds of fantastically designed, beautifully artistic games last-generation. Nothing has changed.


Art is no hardware thing. You can make anything look like concept art with the right talent.


Yeah the art style's are getting better.

I wish 1080p/60 with emphasis on art style's instead of photorealistic graphics were the standard. More Mario's, Metal Gear Solid V's and Wolfenstein's, less Fallout's and Witcher's.

And I really expected AI to get much better this gen but it seems to have flatlined.
I wish I could say it was 1080p60 as standard, but...

It's never going to be a standard. No one can care less unless and the games that are 60 are games that need to be 60 (fighters, shooters, racers, etc.)

On the whole art in games has gotten way better since this generation started. More colorful, unique and detailed that I can probably say that a game like Bloodborne will probably age better in five years than how Dark Souls has aged in five years. I will also say lighting is probably the biggest improvement this gen. Even Wii U games have better lighting than Xbox 360 or PS3 games.


Said in another thread but for me it's animation, today's Uncharted 4 trailer when Drake goes through that window. Just amazing
I kinda hate the focus on art insteaed of gameplay and fun.

I love gameplay.

I want more gameplay.

I agree entirely with you and with the notion that this generation we haven't played something that we can say "wow that wasn't possible on last gen hardware"

I think the lone exception being the nemesis system in Shadows of Mordor and to a degree the vastness and atmosphere of the Witcher 3's world. It felt lived in and that nothing was throwaway (although I feel that more CD Projekt Red than the current hardware)

Having said all that I'm gonna say something super crazy: Spoilers...games are a visual medium and boy are they pretty this gen.

For those PC gamers out there who will undoubtedly tell me that games look better on PC and have well before PS4 and Xbox One you are correct.

I am a console gamer

Personally I think the next-gen jump is doing everything last gen did but better. PS4's UI and semi-frictionless interaction with updates and patches is night and day compared to PS3.


What's that got to do with anything?

A game can still be artistically brilliant without that being the case. If you care so much, most of the games in the OP are abailable on the PC at 1080p60 if you have the hardware.

I think you missed his Point.


This generation was made for me. Seriously... tons of open world games and amazingly detailed and artistic environments. Not only that but a TON of AMAZING Japanese games on the way as well.

My personal favorite scene from this gen (from Xenoblade Chronicles X, at night... not my image).

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