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The Official Game Room thread of Rewinding Time

Zachack said:
Ugh, I get that the 2600 games must be easy to port but talk about undermining your service.

Yeah seems pretty disappointing that the actual arcade games seem limited to ones from two companies. And not even their big guns for the most part so far.


Gamerbytes interview with Game Room's Lead Designer Dan Hooley and Emulation Genius Barry Jones:


What was the process that you took for getting those old arcade titles? Were you given official ROM files or did you extract the games from the original arcade boards?

Dan: A bit of both really, we’ve had official ROMs sent through to us from many of the licensees but the majority are pulled directly from the boards themselves. This is done by our large and very talented team of emulation programmers – who are getting their hands dirty probing chips and playing with logic gates to extract the data.

We’re very proud of retro authenticity in Game Room - no ports here just pure emulation of the original game code.

Barry: Mostly we read the ROMs right off the original game boards, although we have been given the ROM files for quite a few of the games. That’s the easy part. The hard part is that most of the arcade games ran on custom hardware, unique to that particular game. Reverse engineering each board, and writing software to emulate that board is the really fun and challenging part of the process.

Which companies are currently on board for Game Room? Who should we start hassling to bring their games to the Game Room?

Dan: Currently we have Atari, Konami, Intellivision and Activision with many more fantastic publishers on the horizon! Microsoft and Krome want to emulate the world so ultimately we’d like everyone on board.

More at the link...

Game Pack 3 (Basketball, Megamania, Night Stalker, Pitfall!, Rack 'Em Up, RealSports Volleyball, Super Breakout) goes up tonight, and Game Pack 4 (Battlezone, Keystone Kapers, Soccer, Canyon Bomber, Night Driver, Oink!, Mega Zone) is May 12.


listen to the mad man
why on earth would anyone bother to re-extract the data from the boards when there are databases of known good dumps out there, frankly?
Stumpokapow said:
why on earth would anyone bother to re-extract the data from the boards when there are databases of known good dumps out there, frankly?

Cause they're illegal databases of known good dumps?


listen to the mad man
HadesGigas said:
Cause they're illegal databases of known good dumps?

1) No, they aren't.

2) Setting aside that they're not, you are aware that the many of these compilation discs are made by companies licensing pre-existing emulators and having the company doing the port job downloading roms off the net, right?
Well at least there's Mega Zone.
It has no powerups but it does have some neat ways to score bonus points. I kind of hate the music. I know why it's there because it puts an emphasis on sound effects tied to enemy attacks but good lord is it grating.

Can Konami find more obscure games to port? I doubt it.


Bought PItfall, Rack 'em Up and Super Breakout 'cause I like to review Game Room titles.

Pitfall! is just as brutal as I remember it, but I'm getting better at it already.

Rack 'em Up has questionable physics and is over-simplified compared to modern billiards games, but I'm still having fun with it and the cool cut scenes and music make for a nice presentation.

Super Breakout. Randomly serving the ball towards your paddle adds some challenge to say the least after being weened on Arkanoid clones for the past 25 years. Another game that suffers greatly without a rotary paddle and, for me at least, the game has bugged out a few times and stopped recognizing my controller input :/
cjelly said:
What am I suppose to do in Pitfall? I just seem to be going round the same 4 screens over and over...

Collect the treasure.
There's a maximum possible score attainable and your goal is to collect it all in the fastest time.

The game only ends when you run out of time(or you lose those three lives)
Darkmakaimura said:
Somebody's pissed.
Damn straight. It might be completely forgotten later on, but the way MS/Krome are starting this thing off is just disappointing. The lack of other publishers (and their title catalogs) being discussed so far is extremely disappointing...as if the whole effort's previously announced plan for over a thousand games over a three-year period was a tenuous one to start...and that's something that doesn't instill very much confidence in the service now when there's a lack of communication about its immediate future and many of the early game offerings, so far, are quite arguably pretty lame given the cost per title and the availability of better versions and choices of titles already present on Arcade and across platforms and mediums on compilation discs. It's all so unimpressive, so far, given the potential in the idea. Early days, I suppose...

cjelly said:
What am I suppose to do in Pitfall? I just seem to be going round the same 4 screens over and over...
Go for 20,000 points, man. It's difficult as hell.

Dave Long

When they talk about emulation and how awesome they are, it just shows how awesome they aren't, because the emulation is all f-ed up on these things.


formerly cjelly
I bought Pitfall and I'm really getting the hang of it. Sunk an hour in to it, my top score is a respectable 37,000 which was enough to get the gold medal.

Once it clicks, it's a pretty easy game. Just need to work out when is a good time to take the underground sections, as I just stick to the top at the moment.


Unconfirmed Member
Just set the 15th place score in pitfall, it was around 85,000. I remember being terrible at it when I was a kid.


bryehn said:
Bought Pitfall, Rack 'em Up and Super Breakout 'cause I like to review Game Room titles.

Bought the same three and have similar impressions. Super Breakout is super broken, Pitfall is fun but loses its charm quickly, and Rack Em Up is janky but neat with a cool presentation.

For Rack 'Em Up, I won a game (120 points) but only was awarded 60 points, what do I need to get higher? Less faults or hitting them in the right order? Not sure.

Basketball is probably fun with two people. No idea.


bryehn said:
Super Breakout. Randomly serving the ball towards your paddle adds some challenge to say the least after being weened on Arkanoid clones for the past 25 years. Another game that suffers greatly without a rotary paddle and, for me at least, the game has bugged out a few times and stopped recognizing my controller input :/
Yup, the broken controls for Super Breakout bum me out. Tried it with d-pad, analog stick and arcade stick - none are ideal. Had the same problem with it not recognising the controller, leaving me watching the ball sail past my paddle.

It is just grand to be playing Pitfall again though.


Are MS still giving away their game mascots within 24 hours? I bought Pitfall! & Super Breakout in time but didn't get them.


Challenges are delicious.

I set a respectable 130,000 score on Shao Lin's road in my second attempt. My friend has one week with as many attempts as he likes to try and best it. He's put in fourteen attempts, but can only muster 71,000.

Just the thought of him absolutely doing his head in, trying to beat my score over and over, is guiltily satisfying.

Keep trying dude!

If he beats it, I am going to cry man tears.


SCHUEY F1 said:
Just set the 15th place score in pitfall, it was around 85,000. I remember being terrible at it when I was a kid.

The first time I played this in Game Room I just went left, survived all 20 minutes and ended up with a score of 80+k. My current score is 109+k. I don't remember ever doing that well as a kid. I wonder if my skills are just that much better now or if the 2600 joystick was that bad (or a combination of the two).

I would recommend this game to those who have never played it. However, I would suggest looking online to find the ideal path through the game. I can see how the game would quickly wear thin if you were just running in one direction and randomly taking underground shortcuts. Of course, some people will enjoy the exploration aspect and would prefer to map out the game themselves, but I don't if the game world is interesting enough to keep many modern gamers interested in those tasks.

What I find most interesting about this game is that even if you take the ideal route, you will have very little excess time to complete the game. It is this tight time limit that will probably be most enjoyable to modern gamers. You have to make very quick risk/reward decisions about the timing of your running and jumping. In a way, Pitfall! seems as if it was designed to be a 'speed run' game.


legbone said:
maybe battlezone if it is the arcade version.

It is.

twinturbo2 said:
Is Super Breakout the arcade version?

It is, but as noted the controls are all fucked up. I passed.

Grabbed Battlezone, Keystone Kapers and Mega Zone from today's lot, along with Pitfall! and Megamania from the last one. So far so good.
Okay, one new one to look forward to in Space Duel. Mega Zone is a game whose name I'd forgotten or never really knew the name of that I played as a kid in the arcade. Really fucking great old shooter...where's Vanguard, the other shoot 'em up I played regularly alongside it? Hopefully, the regular flood of 2600 and Intellivision titles will lead to running out of them sooner than later and put more focus on modern consoles and computers as well as much-needed arcade releases to swell the numbers in the library. Anyone experiencing emulation speed inconsistencies (even with default settings) with Mega Zone and others?


MightyHedgehog said:
Anyone experiencing emulation speed inconsistencies (even with default settings) with Mega Zone and others?

Yes! I never noticed this with the initial batch of titles... it didn't kick in for me until a software update and the 2nd batch of games hit. I'm digging Mega Zone regardless.. but it has also reared it's ugly head in during plays of Pitfall and Megamania.

Dave Long

I would imagine a large percentage of you have never played Demons To Diamonds. It's a superb game, and something of a lost gem that people have probably forgotten.

As for speed problems, the emulation is all f-ed up on most of these games. Do not consider any of these games "perfect". They are far from it.
Are we talking the arcade or 2600 version of Asteroids?

Also - looks like with Time Pilot we have our first case of a game that's been previously released on XBLA hitting GR.


RadarScope1 said:
Are we talking the arcade or 2600 version of Asteroids?

Also - looks like with Time Pilot we have our first case of a game that's been previously released on XBLA hitting GR.

It's not the first...

  • Asteroids
  • Asteroids Deluxe
  • BattleZone
  • Centipede
  • Millipede
  • Scramble
  • Tempest
  • Time Pilot


If you watch the video inside the game room lobby you can usually pick up on a few of the upcoming titles. I snagged Time Pilot and Stampede this week. Only thing I'm interested in out of next weeks batch is Spider Fighter.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Fucking River Raid, FINALLY!!

Also I hate all of you on my friend's list that play games in the Game Room. Thanks for the negative reinforcement, assholes! :lol I love playing all these games dearly, but lordy do I SUCK at setting high scores. Nothing but red banners over my arcade games (well, except for one, Demons to Diamonds, which no one on my friend's list bought apparently).
The sound emulation in Asteroids is SO borked. When you talk about iconic arcade sounds, that game is right near the top of the list. Totally ruins the charm. Deluxe wasn't perfect either but the sounds were different to begin with and not as iconic.


So i have a question. I have Timepilot already, you know with acheivements and stuff. Is there no way i can use this in Game Room? I have tried but cant work it out. Please tell me they dont expect you to pay it twice?


Aspiring said:
So i have a question. I have Timepilot already, you know with acheivements and stuff. Is there no way i can use this in Game Room? I have tried but cant work it out. Please tell me they dont expect you to pay it twice?

You'll be paying twice. I understand that the two services are different, but really, it IS ridiculous. At least offer a discount for those of us who own the same game via XBLA or something.
eh, I like the GR Time Pilot. That will be the one and only time I'll rebuy something I already had in XBLA though.

Is there anyone on PC willing to post screenshots of their arcade?


From Xbox forums

Quick update from the team on what’s up with Game Pack 005:

Game Pack 005 is coming soon, there's just been a slight delay. You can expect it shortly, so please look to our forums, Facebook or Twitter as the absolute first places you'll get the all-clear from the team. Thank you for your patience, we're working hard to get this out ASAP!

And without further ado…
The titles you can look forward to:

* Frog Bog – Intellivision
* Missile Command – Arcade
* Mr. Kabuki – Arcade
* Skiing – Atari 2600
* Video Pinball – Atari 2600"


Sketchbook Picasso
Only think I can say I'm remotely interested in from THAT list is Mr. Kabuki, also known as Mr. Goemon! ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jxj0JH5KRg )

Who knew everyones favorite Mystical Ninja existed all the way back in the mid 80s?

That's a plesant suprise. YAY for old Konami arcade games! They've been the most worthwhile thing on the GR service by leaps and bounds... I'm actually finding new, cool games that I'd like to play.
From majornelson:

Hey Game Room Fans: Game Pack 005 is on it's way to your console over the next few hours.

Game Pack 005 is: Frog Bog – Intellivision, Missile Command – Arcade, Mr. Kabuki – Arcade, Skiing – Atari 2600, Video Pinball – Atari 2600
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