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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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NJ Shlice

GhaleonEB said:
Even if no one ever plays on it, I've had a hoot the past few days doodling it up, creating it, and generally tooling around in Forge. It's a tool I wasn't really excited about until I tried it. My hat off to the Bungie guys that designed this baby - I've never done anything like this before, and I dig it. And I can't wait to start seeing what the rest of the community has come up with. Great Wall is at the top of my list.

Same here. I really enjoyed making my map. Drawing it out at work and thinking all day about it. I can't wait to start my next one.

It's a little annoying how the Man Cannon's throw you differently depending on what angle you hit them from. I guess it works good for your map, Ghaleon, so they can either land on top of, or on the other side of the wall.

But in my map, there is a sniper perch that I wanted the Man Cannon to shoot directly to, but I had to compensate and make the Perch substantially larger to accommodate the varying Man Cannon trajectories.


ToyMachine228 said:
I'd say Midship is probably the map that's #1 on the fan wanted list and since Halo 3 doesn't have an overwhelming number of very small maps I'd say a Midship remake is something we can count on.

That really, really surprises me. Normally you kind of get an inkling from friends that a map is popular, but nobody I know likes it so I just assumed that was universal. Personally I think it's awful; the colour scheme doesn't sit well with me and the fact that it's small and symmetrical is a massive turn off. I'm much more of a fan of the "green", spacious environments. Trees in a level make me happy.

Alas, judging by some of the posts on B.net and here, I guess it's not unthinkable that it will be present in the next map pack.


NJ x Falkor said:
Same here. I really enjoyed making my map. Drawing it out at work and thinking all day about it. I can't wait to start my next one.

It's a little annoying how the Man Cannon's throw you differently depending on what angle you hit them from. I guess it works good for your map, Ghaleon, so they can either land on top of, or on the other side of the wall.

But in my map, there is a sniper perch that I wanted the Man Cannon to shoot directly to, but I had to compensate and make the Perch substantially larger to accommodate the varying Man Cannon trajectories.
Yeah, it started as an accident. I originally had three cannons on each side, one to fire to end of the map, one to the base, and one right on top of the wall. But because you have so much control over the angle and can adjust your momentum in the air, the third one wasn't needed. I suppose one way to look at it is proper launching requires some skill to get down rather than just hopping in. (A fact I also accidentally took advantage of on the other cannon - do it right and you land on the summit, right in front of the base. Over shoot that, and you land on the pile of fusion cores. Utterly un-intentional, but I like the risk/reward. :lol )


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Nutter said:
I know this will be redundant, complaining about the level system in the game.

But I would just like to know who decided this exp/leveling method is good?
I played 11 Doubles games, with a friend who was level 39, i was a 46. by the time we stopped he was a 45 and i was a 47.
Where is the logic in that? ( At this rate he will get to 50 before i will )

He is improving faster than you are. If it were high school track, and he started approaching and then beating your times, you would say he was better than you, not that the way gravity and inertia worked was illogical.

It's not measuring you as you relate to him - it's measuring each of you as individuals against the entire population.

And you might NEVER reach 50. It's not RPG grinding. It's a relative measure of ability. Rank on the other hand, is a kind of grinding.
GhaleonEB said:
So, I made a map on Foundry. All the kids were doing it, so I figured, what the hell.

Before I embarrass myself with this, an epic caveat: I made this mostly for my own amusement. Forge is fun to tinker with, and I wanted to see if I could take a concept through to completion. I don't play tons of MP, and so don't have a good feel for what makes a good MP map. I deliberately didn't download any one else's creation yet, partly to have a go at it fresh, and partly because I know my effort would pale by comparison. I didn't want to lose motivation, as Itagaki would say. But I wanted to try making a CTF map that I would like to play on. I had a sloppier version that had a couple of the same ideas, but I nuked it and started mostly over last night.


The concept is simple: Foundry is split down the middle by a double-decker stack of cargo containers, and the only way across is via a pair of man cannons on either side. Launching from the built-in base lands you either on the opposite corner of the map, or on top of the wall, depending how you angle it.

You start inside the base, as might be expected. The closest man cannon is right outside the front door, up a ramp.


Looking towards the bases as I launch over -


And the reverse view, from the edge of the outcropping. Landing zone is the bottom of the ramp in the distance. *OR* - and this is crucial - the top end of the wall, if I slow momentum on the way down just right.


From there a couple of options present themselves: go high, or go low. The high route is a pair of bridges, with shield doors blocking direct fire between them. It is most vulnerable to direct fire from the opposing base, but has cover along the way which can be utilized. A man cannon is placed to fire back to the outside of the base you just came from.


The low road has a tunnel on one side formed by a series of three separated cargo containers, with lots of room to weave between them, the dividing wall and the open containers on the other side. It's open to direct fire from the base, but lots of cover just means they can just glimpse you weaving towards them unless you stand out in the middle. Each of the six cargo containers down below holds goodies, as seen here -


As you can see above, there's a Mongoose on each side. The lane alongside the dividing wall is plenty wide enough to accommodate it, but attackers need to make sure the coast is clear first. It's wide open down that stretch.

The high two halves of the top route split at the end, with one side going up to what I call the summit, and the other dropping off at the corner. The summit has a perfect view into the base, but an attacker is also very vulnerable. The Spartan Laser resides up there. Of course, the defending team should have it by then, as there's a grav lift at the bottom of the drop off. The idea was to make getting to the end of the bridges feel like a gauntlet, where an individual can get that far. Getting into the base, though, requires teamwork.


The low path is protected from direct fire up until the corner, but it's a very wide open corner. Oh, and there's stuff that blows up on the corner.


The defending base can has a lone turret with a view of the entire gauntlet, the top of the wall and the lower corner. The explosives just peek around the corner -


- so caution is advised when charging out into the open. How do you get past such a wide gulf?


With teamwork. Remember how the man cannons near the base are designed to land either on the opposite side of the wall or, if you slow down mid-flight, to land on top of it? Controlling the wall is crucial, as that will allow for suppressing fire onto the turret and into the base. It also has the side-effect of having man cannon from each base launching people to the same spot on top of the dividing wall. Anyone on the wall is a sitting duck, of course, but it's key to suppressing fire so the guys on the ground can get to the base. Attackers down below can use the built-in stairs or use an object to climb the end of the catwalk and enter the built-in tunnel to get into the base where the flag is. There front of the base is wide open, no windows.

Once a flag is grabbed, the player has a choice - take the man cannon to land on the far end of their side of the map, or run down to the far man cannon which will launch them directly to their own base. All the pros and cons of running the gauntlet from the other end apply.

I imagine a 6 vs 6 game where control of the wall is constantly see-sawing back and forth, and players are launching back and forth constantly. (Thus the name of the map.) There are NO sniper rifles on the map, so the top will be controlled with the two Spartan Lasers, or Carbines/BR. The lone rocket launcher is in the middle. The map seems to have a good flow to it as I move around, but probably plays like crap in reality.

I don't have it finished - needs spawn points and flags still. And as the first pic shows, a few tweaks to make it perfectly symmetrical. I'll toss it in my file share tomorrow on the off chance that someone wants to try it out.

Even if no one ever plays on it, I've had a hoot the past few days doodling it up, creating it, and generally tooling around in Forge. It's a tool I wasn't really excited about until I tried it. My hat off to the Bungie guys that designed this baby - I've never done anything like this before, and I dig it. And I can't wait to start seeing what the rest of the community has come up with. Great Wall is at the top of my list.
i can has link?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Stinkles said:
He is improving faster than you are. If it were high school track, and he started approaching and then beating your times, you would say he was better than you, not that the way gravity and inertia worked was illogical.

It's not measuring you as you relate to him - it's measuring each of you as individuals against the entire population.

And you might NEVER reach 50. It's not RPG grinding. It's a relative measure of ability. Rank on the other hand, is a kind of grinding.

lol @ stinkles

Nutter is probably one of the best GAF players... he's been stuck at level 49 FOREVER

The game has broken leveling, it always has. I've never seen a game where you decrease in rank in the middle of a 10 game winning streak like halo 3.
ToyMachine228 said:
I'd say Midship is probably the map that's #1 on the fan wanted list and since Halo 3 doesn't have an overwhelming number of very small maps I'd say a Midship remake is something we can count on.
Lockout and Sidewinder. I'm calling them now. Lockout's a given because that is the most demanded map and rightfully so, but Midship would be wholly welcomed by me. In fact, as symmetrical arena maps go, Midship and Sanctuary had the run of the place. I'd love to see either, both or new maps with the same concept.

Sidewinder is another 'obvious' one for the simple fact that it would play so well with Halo 3's current sandbox of weapons, vehicles and equipment. With the apparent news of tactical vehicle modifications, a Snowhog of some sort is a possibility for that map as well. Plus, that map has yet to be remade, so I fully expect it to make a return at some point.

Last night the ASC guys in my squad played against Christian Allen. Didn't know it at first (had to ask to make sure) but I now recognize his gamertag from the Ubisoft boards when he worked for Red Storm on GRAW. It was pretty cool to see the Recon armor and flaming head up close, but alas, the fates of matchmaking had put him on the wrong team for victory. There was a 'WTF' moment when I turned the corner and first saw the flaming head though...
Mr Vociferous said:
Lockout and Sidewinder. I'm calling them now. Lockout's a given because that is the most demanded map and rightfully so, but Midship would be wholly welcomed by me. In fact, as symmetrical arena maps go, Midship and Sanctuary had the run of the place. I'd love to see either, both or new maps with the same concept.

A redesigned Sidewinder would definitely be great. It would fit in a similiar way to Sandtrap and would offer a similiar greatness. Personally I think Sandtrap is one of the best maps in Halo 3. I could see some Choppers on a redesigned Sidewinder.

As for Lockout, I'm not sure if we'll see a straight Lockout remake. We may, and fans definitely loved Lockout in Halo 2, but Guardian is somewhat of a spiritual successor.

That said, I still think Bungie should look into adding more of the unique Halo 3 vehicles and weapons in their future maps. More Choppers, add Flame Grenades, Hornets, etc.


butthole fishhooking yes
Anybody got any tips to offer for Forge design? I'm having a really frustrating go of it. My main issue is in minor corrections. I have an idea for a map that requires near perfect 90 degree angles and placement of objects with little to no seam between. Whenever I set an object down, I find it near impossible to make any minor adjustments. And sometimes I have to set it down to see it from another angle. Flying around inevitable alters to position of the object. If I set it down and regrab it, as if fucking taunting me, the object decides to totally reposition itself instead of just letting me make a delicate adjustment.

It's like trying to cut my fingernails with a sledgehammer.

urk said:
Anybody got any tips to offer for Forge design? I'm having a really frustrating go of it. My main issue is in minor corrections. I have an idea for a map that requires near perfect 90 degree angles and placement of objects with little to no seam between. Whenever I set an object down, I find it near impossible to make any minor adjustments. And sometimes I have to set it down to see it from another angle. Flying around inevitable alters to position of the object. If I set it down and regrab it, as if fucking taunting me, the object decides to totally reposition itself instead of just letting me make a delicate adjustment.

It's like trying to cut my fingernails with a sledgehammer.


The Bungie WWUD had some great tips, at least to me.




I just got my Halo 3 Legendary Edition from Amazon (59.99 FTW) and watched all the EXTRAS. My god, Bungie put SOOOO much effort into this game. Gives me a new appreciation for developers.

Bows down to Bungie.


butthole fishhooking yes
GunFingers said:
The Bungie WWUD had some great tips, at least to me.


Yeah, I read that. I just can't grasp the really minute, after placement corrections. The only success I see to have is to turtle everything in before hitting the ground and then pray to the Forerunners that I've got the angle correct and that everything is lined up perfectly. If not, I delete the object and try again. And again. And again.

I am finding the aliasing kind of helps for setting things on right angles. As long as the patter on the floor is withouts jaggies, I can rely on the same for object edges to make certain they are straight. lolz


urk said:
Yeah, I read that. I just can't grasp the really minute, after placement corrections. The only success I see to have is to turtle everything in before hitting the ground and then pray to the Forerunners that I've got the angle correct and that everything is lined up perfectly. If not, I delete the object and try again. And again. And again.

I am finding the aliasing kind of helps for setting things on right angles. As long as the patter on the floor is withouts jaggies, I can rely on the same for object edges to make certain they are straight. lolz
Functional aliasing!


duk said:

I just got my Halo 3 Legendary Edition from Amazon (59.99 FTW) and watched all the EXTRAS. My god, Bungie put SOOOO much effort into this game. Gives me a new appreciation for developers.

Bows down to Bungie.
The best piece is the 7 steps to world domination doc. Very nice look on Bungie history and gives you a nice view on how the guys are really attached to their company and the people there.
Jenn Taylor's video about the community was also very nicely done and with lots of respect.


butthole fishhooking yes
Tieno said:
Functional aliasing!

It's probably why they left it in.

I know I've gotta be doing something wrong here. People are building crazy ass shit but I can't get two boxes to line up and my OCD won't let me leave it be! God, give me strength!
I just put a new video in my FileShare called "Suprise!". For those of you on my Friend's List check it out it's pretty funny. Didn't know that it could happen and it surprised me as well as the other guy.:lol

I also spent about 20 minutes trying to recreate Elongation through Foundry. I'm definitely not as talented as some of you guys with Forge that's for sure.


urk said:
Anybody got any tips to offer for Forge design? I'm having a really frustrating go of it. My main issue is in minor corrections. I have an idea for a map that requires near perfect 90 degree angles and placement of objects with little to no seam between. Whenever I set an object down, I find it near impossible to make any minor adjustments. And sometimes I have to set it down to see it from another angle. Flying around inevitable alters to position of the object. If I set it down and regrab it, as if fucking taunting me, the object decides to totally reposition itself instead of just letting me make a delicate adjustment.

It's like trying to cut my fingernails with a sledgehammer.

I totally agree. I've had the same problems. I've been trying to remake Derelict/Desolation, a map that I always liked, felt was underrated, and think would play very well in Halo 3.

But, making the map has been a struggle, to say the least.

However, I'm working hard, and I hope I have something to show at some point soon.


That's looking like a good map GhaleonEB.

I'm working on my own. I'll post a few pictures of mine tonight. It's fun to kick on some tunes and spending the evening playing around in forge. It's relaxing, minus the wanting to throw the controller out the window when trying to get things to align correctly. It would be nice if there was a snap to grid system.

It would be really cool if we could organize play test on all these custom maps people are creating.


the disgruntled gamer said:
I totally agree. I've had the same problems. I've been trying to remake Derelict/Desolation, a map that I always liked, felt was underrated, and think would play very well in Halo 3.

But, making the map has been a struggle, to say the least.

However, I'm working hard, and I hope I have something to show at some point soon.
For a second there I was gearing up to congratulate you on an awesome Foundry variant...
One thing I've found very usefull is the restart map option in the pause menu. If I bump things around or mess them up too much, instead of waiting for a respawn. The other things I've found handy are strafing using the left stick for delicate placement instead of the right stick, and also moving above the object before placing it tends to help. Finally, you could try lowering your look speed and see if that helps you tweak things more delicately.


Sir Fragula said:
For a second there I was gearing up to congratulate you on an awesome Foundry variant...
It's going to end up looking just like that! ...except with out all the stuff, and with more crates and boxes.

I'll have some real pics later this week possibly, I hope I can finish it before I go on vacation.


Here is the forge map I'm working on. I'm still working on the layout, and I'm going to start weapon placements next.

The map is inspired by a section of an old quake one map. The goal is to basically make a giant maze.




urk said:
Yeah, I read that. I just can't grasp the really minute, after placement corrections. The only success I see to have is to turtle everything in before hitting the ground and then pray to the Forerunners that I've got the angle correct and that everything is lined up perfectly. If not, I delete the object and try again. And again. And again.

I am finding the aliasing kind of helps for setting things on right angles. As long as the patter on the floor is withouts jaggies, I can rely on the same for object edges to make certain they are straight. lolz
I ran into this as well. I took to saving my progress after I placed each piece of scenery correctly. If I had to make minor changes and if I screwed it up to much, I'd end the session and start right back in. I probably did this 50 times last night.

Another issue I have in Forge is item selection logic. Often, I highlight an object in the foreground only to grab something behind it. I ran into this a lot on my map because I would be testing the direction of the man cannons and try to make small tweaks. I would place the cursor directly on the structure of the man cannon, and more often than not jerk the crate right out from under it. And when I did get the actual cannon, it would do what you described - move dramatically, not letting me make subtle tweaks. So it took a lot of trial and error last night to get them lined up correctly. (Until nearly 2am, to be precise.)

The worst incident occurred when I was holding an object - a weapon, I believe - and decided I wanted to place something different. I hit Y to delete the object - and again, I was holding it - and the cargo container in the background was deleted. Not the gun I was holding. Because the cargo container was one that was built over by other objects, I had to restart from my last save or delete a big chunk of scenery. I chose the former.

I've gotten a lot better since my first night. In general I now place objects from a great distance away. Create a crate, then push it a good 30 feet a way and place it very gently from there. I find I can make smaller corrections and have a better view that way.

Thug Larz

Neo Member
I know someone already said it, but lowering your look sensitivity definitely helps in Forge.

Getting to know where the "attach" points are for weapons and crates helps too. Especially when you have weapons placed inside or on top of boxes. I always check my item properties first before I pick it up or move something (highlight and press X). I'm usually changing the weapon respawn times and if I see something has the default 30 second respawn, it's probably a wall/crate.

These are just little things I do that work for me, but I'm sure everyone has their own.

Again it's about just getting in and using it a ton. Moving and placement will come naturally the more time you spend in there.


GhaleonEB said:
I ran into this as well. I took to saving my progress after I placed each piece of scenery correctly. If I had to make minor changes and if I screwed it up to much, I'd end the session and start right back in. I probably did this 50 times last night.
Yeah, I really wished there was an undo function, something like photoshops history.

GhaleonEB said:
The worst incident occurred when I was holding an object - a weapon, I believe - and decided I wanted to place something different. I hit Y to delete the object - and again, I was holding it - and the cargo container in the background was deleted. Not the gun I was holding. Because the cargo container was one that was built over by other objects, I had to restart from my last save or delete a big chunk of scenery. I chose the former.
I've invited a lot of new swearwords from this effect.

I have started to grow used to the bugs, and I'm starting to find cleaver little ways around them. For example, to align things I've noticed it helps to slowly drag the objects into place. Also, it helps to have objects surrounding it to guide it into alignment.


3 Point Foundry

1 flag attack and defend map. There are multiple paths to the base, and various methods of defending, only 1 power weapon, which is a pain to get and on a high respawn (I love my golden tripod of joy thingy).

Few neat paths and bottle necks which would prove interesting in 4v4, love to know your thoughts :)

Attacking team spawn at point 1:


Take the flag from point 2:


Then Deliver it to point 3:

Few other random shots:


First Item on my file share HERE

:D Enjoy!


c2morg said:
3 Point Foundry

1 flag attack and defend map. There are multiple paths to the base, and various methods of defending, only 1 power weapon, which is a pain to get and on a high respawn (I love my golden tripod of joy thingy).

Few neat paths and bottle necks which would prove interesting in 4v4, love to know your thoughts :)

Attacking team spawn at point 1:

:D Enjoy!
Nice! You have a lot more patience then I do. My stack of barrels will forever be the pile of barrels.


Wow, I earned two achievements today only a few hours apart. @_@

Killing Frenzy

The last achievement I earned was on 11/4. Now I have 47 of 49. I'm still missing Two for one (laser) and We're in for some chomp (i.e. destroy a vehicle with equipment in campaign or ranked). I can't believe it has taken me so long to get this close. :p Although, my gaming time in November was somewhat the lightest since September I think.

I still need to get the new maps btw... :x


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MaX_PL said:

I know you're a huge Halo troll. And you don't like it. You've stated as much in about 30 posts. So now we all know, you've made your point. Go troll something else. You're becoming pathetic.


MaX_PL said:
youre wrong Stinkles. i like Halo the series, i just dont like the third game.
Don't you have anything better to do?
Its like you have to repeat your self in every halo thread, as if you or what you say matters.


Ajemsuhgao said:
The same friend that helped me with "Mage"(ONE download away from 1000), is helping me with our Longest remake. Hopefully we'll have it done by tomorrow night. :lol

Well strangely enough I started out wanting to make a map like it and really I dont think it turned out too much like it.

Thats a cool remake btw. The platforms are cool but the areas where the flags would be leave something to be desired.
alexh said:
Well strangely enough I started out wanting to make a map like it and really I dont think it turned out too much like it.

Thats a cool remake btw. The platforms are cool but the areas where the flags would be leave something to be desired.

Yeah, our budget ran out. My original idea was to put dumpsters there, instead of the shield doors, but they caused some problems(being able to get out REALLY easily) that we just couldn't fix with the budget being so low.


Hey just a quick note from a conversation Sketch and I had with Tyson yesterday, when possible, double your spawn point counts. It will help the spawns behave better and aid with team spawning. Where you have a single spawn point, if you can fit a second one, place a second one. It will help greatly with the way the game respawns players.

AZ Greg

MaX_PL said:
youre wrong Stinkles. i like Halo the series, i just dont like the third game.

Wow, it's Halo 2 all over again! I remember when all the "hardcore pro" type players were running around forums claiming to be Halo fans just not fans of Halo 2. They even went and created halo2sucks.com. Eventually Halo 2 became the MLG game and now it's loved. I look forward to the inevitable "i like Halo the series, i just dont like the fourth game."
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