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The Official NeoGAF Best iOS Games of All Time

Jedeye Sniv

The results are in! Dozens, nay, scores of iOS gamers voted to bring you NeoGAF's Best iOS Games of All Time. New to iOS? Start at the top and work your way down. Grizzled veteran? Well there are probably some gems you've missed along the way.

It's authoritative, it's bullet-proof... nah, it's just a good place to start. So without further ado, here are your top 30 iOS games in ascending order:

30. Civilization Revolution (iPhone/iPad) - 102 Points

You played it on 360, you played it on DS. Now give Firaxis your money once again for gaming's premier turn based Civ sim.

GAF says:
"best strategy game on the platform"
" I'm a fan of Civilization. Revolution is over-simplified in my opinion, but it makes however for one of the best portable games out there, because the game becomes much shorter. You might wanna wait for a price drop on this one too."


29. King of Dragon Pass - 103 Points

A surprise entry for the retro PC RPG. No fancy graphics, no bells and whistles, just adventures for men with beards and body odor. Verily!

GAF says:
"one of the meatiest iOS games in existence. Even by PC game standards, it's an incredibly unique strategy game."


28. Doodle Jump - 107 Points

Self proclaimed King of Casual Games, this charming indie platformer has lost none of its appeal over the years.

GAF says:
"the king of iOS games"
"No introduction needed. Tilt your iPhone to get as high as you can."


27. Espgaluda 2 - 114 Points

Bullet hell SHMUP fun from kings of the genre, Cave. Dodge the bullets, shoot the flashing bits. Always near the top of the SHMUP lists, although faces stiff competition from other Cave stablemates.

GAF says:
"I've played this for 30+ hours, something I never thought I'd say about an iPhone game"


26. Words with Friends - 124 Points

It's like Scrabble but unbranded! Those in the know would say this is the better game.


25. Edge - 125 Points

No, not mirror's edge. No, not the highly regard British gaming mag. No, not that Tim Langdell game. Edge is a strange puzzle platform-y type of game and is apparently very good.

GAF says:
"The only "platformer" that I felt was made to be played on the iPhone rather than shoehorned onto it. Amazing soundtrack, great "look" that feels like an ultra modern Spectrum game."


24. Real Racing 2 (iPhone / iPad) - 126 Points

The Sim Racing game that everyone was waiting for! If you like Gran Tourismo, Forza and having your testicles stamped on then you too may enjoy Real Racing 2! Looks like God's own reflection on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S.

GAF says:
"I'm completely in awe of how amazing this game plays and looks. Its like having a PS3 in your pocket. The presentation is also way better than many full fledged console games. I picked up Real Racing 2 for $3 the other day, the quality is ridiculous."


23. Death Rally (Universal) - 129 Points

Proving once and for all that Arcade beats Sim, Remedy's fast and furious carnage racer beats out it's hardcore cousin. Now with multiplayer and IAP!

GAF says:
"Gorgeous 3D top-down racer with attitude and awesome old-skool vibes. Lots of fun, lots of stuff to unlock and since recently also has multiplayer."


22. Space Miner - 132 Points

I've never played this game myself, and so have no idea what it's about. From the description it says it's some kind of shooter/RPG hybrid set in Space and with a Mining bent. If that sounds your cup of tea then head this way my friends...

GAF says:
"has all the elements of games i love, most played iOS game to date"


21. Scribblenauts Remix (Universal) - 148 Points

A high entry for 5th Cell's iOS port of the GAF favourite. Type in NeoGAF for a chuckle. Type in Evilore and nothing happens. Don't take it personal buddy! With the promise of more content in updates (don't let me down Jackson!) this is a must-download!

GAF says:
"The game I'm currently playing and haven't finished yet. Takes a good concept that I always wanted to try on DS but never got the chance too and brings it over to IOS. The amount of items you can create is impressive"


20. Dodonpachi Resurrection - 152 Points

The second Cave entry on the list, more frantic pew pew pew action. Bullet heaven more like, amirite?? (ed note: I wrote this before seeing the Toucharcade quote on the pic below. Now I feel dirty)

GAF says:
"Best bullet-hell shmup on the app store, too bad it's not something you can play in short bursts and too bad it's a bit low-res but other than that, this is flat-out epic. I'm always surprised with how much fun I'm having when I get back into it."


19. Flight Control (iPhone / iPad) - 157 Points

The first iOS game that I was aware of. Guide planes to their runways, get confused, die, repeat. Lose hair optional. Classic!

GAF says:
"the original and best line drawer! I still show it to people to blow their minds."
"multitasking mayhem"


18. Flick Kick Football - 157 Points

Footie fun from GAF favourites Pik Pok. Flick that ball. More addictive than crack and breathing combined. GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAL!!!

GAF says:
"One of the best "Flick" games. Dig the art style."


17. Carcassonne (Universal) - 194 Points

GAF's favourite board game. I have no idea what it is like other than it looks complicated and everyone seems to love it. You can't go wrong with that!

GAF says:
"Maybe the most expensive iOS game I've purchased but considering how many games I've played with it, it's worth the money and more. It's polished, async gameplay works flawlessly (besides some minor annoyances with chatting and finishing games), and community is still going strong and welcoming newcomers."


16. Dungeon Raid - 194 Points

Match 3 meets RPG meets the end of any productivity you had planned for the evening. It might look boring but trust me, when you get a screen full of skulls, bricks will be shat.

GAF says:
"One of the deepest and most addictive portable games I have played, especially with the class unlock system. Very understated, great flavour text variety at the start, satisfying game-play and nails the "just one more go / must beat high score" thing."


15. Canabalt (Universal) - 222 Points

Run. Jump. Run some more. Die. Start again. The original and best endless runner.

GAF says:
"Best endless running game ever."


14. Jetpack Joyride (Universal) - 232 Points

A newie but a goodie. Fellow GAFfers Halfbrick bring you the latest in endless running technology. A machine gun jetpack strapped to your back. Aww yeah!

GAF says:
"So much fun, the small goals really made this one for me. I never even really cared about getting a high score."


13. World of Goo (iPhone / Universal) - 239 Points

Build horribly unstable structures to solve fiendish puzzles in this inventive PC port. Frustrating but fun. Sometimes.

GAF says:
"the definite version of a game I've quadrupledipped in"
"so polished, so clever"


12. Battleheart (Universal) - 242 Points

Party-based arcade style RPG with touch screen mechanics? It may sound like a mess but this is one of the most addictive games you will ever get your hands on. Charming style, fn gameplay.

GAF says:
"A great lite RPG with a real MMO team based combat feel, fantastic visuals and music."


11. Drop 7 (Universal) - 247 Points

The premier puzzle game on iOS, the Tetris to iPhone's Gameboy. Sudoku meets Connect 4. Confused? Play it, you won't be any longer.

GAF says:
"still have yet to play a puzzle game deeper than this"
"This game has has held my attention far longer than any other iOS game (and dare I say more than most games on the more traditional platforms). Incredibly simple, horrifyingly addictive and has that 'one more go' factor in spades. Everyone should own it."


10. Groove Coaster (Universal) - 258 Points

Inventive arcade rhythm game, beautiful graphics, killer soundtrack. Tap tap tap! From the creators of Space Invaders Infinity Gene.

GAF says:
"Only rhythm game I could stick with since Rez, stunning in every way."


09. Angry Birds (iPhone / iPad) - 276 Points

Set in a horrifying apocalytic future, you play as Red Bird, fighting to free his family from the corrupt hipster forces using the powers of popular appeal and marketing tie ins! Inexplicably popular! Physics puzzler! Birds birds birds!

GAF says:
"because millions can't be wrong (no, it really rocks)"
"The game that really started it all. Extremely addicting, and like Cut the Rope, gives you that "just one more level" thought in your head. Tons of content. Still hasn't been topped by its two sequels."


08. Fruit Ninja (iPhone / iPad) - 297 Points

Another Halfbrick game that's taken the world by storm. Slice dem fruits good brudda. Easy to pick up, impossible to put down. HiiiiiiYAH!

GAF says:
"Best arcade style game on iOS in my opinion. Leaderboards make it."
"brainless fun"


07. Peggle (iPhone / iPad) - 310 Points

No, not a dubious sexual act involving prosthesis (peg parties are debatable). Popcap's ridiculously addictive feedback machine Peggle has found it's rightful home on iOS.

GAF says:
"Thank you iPad version. One of the best games ever."


06. Cut the Rope (iPhone / iPad) - 354 Points

Guide and dangling candy to the mouth of a cute monster thing. Sounds simple, devious in execution. Insanely popular.

GAF says:
"I feel like this game personifies everything a IOS game should be fun, addictive, tons of content and cheap. The game that really got me in to IOS gaming."


05. Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery (iPhone / Universal) - 392 Points

A victory for art over commerce! Superbrothers' and Capybara's sublime point and click adventure beats out the app store juggernauts to claim 5th place. Tweet that, bitches!

GAF says:
"A beautiful and artistically unique homage to adventure games, an audiovisual delight. Play it if you want something relaxing and intriguing but don't play it if you want to 'powerlevel' your way through something, just chill and play around with it without being too goal-oriented. The game is often unclear in how you have to progress but somehow I've never gotten stuck in it, this is probably because I just chill, explore and play around with it and then things seem to flow more smoothly than when you play it to finish it."


04. Infinity Blade (Universal) - 400 Points

Punch Out with RPG elements in shiny Unreal Engine armor. The definitive iOS graphics horse. At least, till the sequel arrives.

GAF says:
"It may look like an RPG but if you're going in for a lengthy story and epic character progression, you'll probably end up disappointed. Instead, it's a highly polished and fully realized fighting game, something of a Tekken with swords with some RPG-like character progression/loot and story progression added to it. If visceral, engaging and absolutely gorgeous sword-fighting action with controls similar to Fruit Ninja sounds like your thing, this is likely to become your absolute favorite iOS game. Easy to learn, but after what is now perhaps 40-50 hours of gameplay, I'm still nowhere near perfectly mastering the art of dodging/blocking/parrying like a pro. So unlike some of the disappointed would have you believe, the game has a LOT of depth, while at the same time it's still perfect to play in short bursts. The fact that you will keep unlocking new items for a long LONG time also adds to its longevity."


03. Tiny Wings - 427 Points

A one-man-job score attack 'runner' that took the world by storm, making Andreas Illger millions in the process. Give him more money, buy his game!

GAF says:
"I hated and loved it too much"
"Sunk more hours into this iOS game than I've spent on some physical media games."


02. Game Dev Story - 514 Points

Like all nerds, you've probably dreamed of making your own video games. Well now's the chance but with none of that pesky creativity or skill holding you back! Manage a team of game devs to win that all important GoTY award. But be warned, when you start you will need to say goodbye to your life!

GAF says:
"Holy crap this game is a time melter. So addicting that it should come with a government warning."
"I finished it in one sitting, 12 hours straight, I don't think I've ever done that for any other handheld game. Its a charming fun game, there's not so much replayability here but what is there the first time is super fun. I do like my business sims though."


So.... what's number one then? Have you guessed already?? Drumroll please...


1. Plants vs Zombies (iPhone / iPad) - 625 Points

Popcap taking the world by storm with this tower/garden defense game. Put down plants, shoot zombies. Rinse, repeat.

GAF says:
"The gateway drug for tower defense. If you've never played a tower defense game, this is a great one to start on. Highly polished, great presentation, hilarious sense of humor, and a solid amount of play time. The touchscreen controls are awesome. One of the best versions of this game to play. In many ways this game is perfect. The only downside is it is too easy, hence my suggestion for games 2 and 3, which are much more challenging once you have the TD bug."
"feels like it was designed for touch screen"
"Best tower defense game on iOS"
"A Perfect fit for the iPad."


So there we go. What do you think GAF? Is PvZ really the best game on iOS. Who got robbed? Let the bitching begin! Full list of results in the next post.

Jedeye Sniv

Place Game Points

1 Plants vs Zombies 625
2 Game Dev Story 514
3 Tiny Wings 427
4 Infinity Blade 400
5 Superbrothers Swords & Sworcery 392
6 Cut the Rope 354
7 Peggle 310
8 Fruit Ninga 297
9 Angry Birds 276
10 Groove Coaster 258
11 Drop 7 247
12 Battleheart 242
13 World of Goo 239
14 Jetpack Joyride 232
15 Canabalt 222
16 Dungeon Raid 194
17 Carcassonne 194
18 Flick Kick Football 170
19 Flight Control 157
20 DoDonPachi Ressurection 152
21 Scribblenauts Remix 148
22 Space Miner 132
23 Death Rally 129
24 Real Racing 2 126
25 Edge 125
26 Words With Friends 124
27 Espgaluda 2 114
28 Doodle Jump 107
29 King of Dragon Pass 103
30 Civilization Revolution 102
31 Ascension Chronicle of the Godslayer 092
32 Army of Darkness 090
33 League of Evil 087
34 Tilt to Live 086
35 Hook Champ 085
36 Bike Baron 085
37 Trainyard 084
38 Eliss 084
39 The Creeps! 083
40 Space Invaders Infinity Gene 083
41 Tiny Tower 083
42 Temple Run 078
43 Super Stickman Golf 076
44 Osmos 070
45 1000 Heroz 066
46 Orbital 066
47 Hellsing's Fire 066
48 Grand Prix Story 061
49 Super Quick Hook 061
50 Mirror's Edge 061
51 Fieldrunners 060
52 NBA Jam 056
53 Bejeweled 2 052
54 Hypership Out of Control 050
55 Sword & Poker 049
56 Final Fantasy Tactics 049
57 Radballs 049
58 Monster Dash 049
59 Spider 048
60 Monsters Ate my condo 047
61 Scrabble 047
62 FIFA '12 046
63 Zombie Gunship 044
64 Mr Ninja 044
65 The Secret of Monkey Island 043
66 Deathsmiles 042
67 Age of Zombies 042
68 Whale Trail 041
69 Where's my Water? 041
70 Pix 'n Love Rush 040
71 Galaxy on Fire 2 039
72 Monkey Island 2 SE 039
73 Shibuya 038
74 Tower madness 038
75 Sword & Poker 2. 037
76 Goat Up 037
77 Puzzle Agent 037
78 Phoenix Wright 036
79 Robot Unicorn Attack 036
80 Tower Defense 035
81 Mushihimesama Bug Panic 035
82 Labyrinth 2 035
83 Geodefense 035
84 Soosiz 035
85 MiniSquadron 035
86 Mos Speedrun 034
87 Feed Me Oil 033
88 Mad Skills Motocross 033
89 Bumpy Road 032
90 Another World 032
91 Spacechem 032
92 Crystal War 032
93 Avadon 031
94 Jet Car Stunts 031
95 The Quest 031
96 Samurai Bloodshow 031
97 Machinarium 030
98 Street Fighter IV Volt 030
99 Evolution Tennis 030
100 Coin Drop! 029
101 Shadowgun 029
102 Minotaur Rescue 029
103 Super Crossfire 029
104 Colorbind 028
105 Dungeon Hunter 2 028
106 Cat Physics 027
107 Angry Birds Rio 026
108 Mission Europa 026
109 Edge EX 026
110 Contre Jour 026
111 Rogue Touch 025
112 Zombie Farm 025
113 Sentinel 3 025
114 Tiny Heroes 024
115 Flick Golf 024
116 Azkend 024
117 Magnetic Billiards Blueprint Edition 024
118 Swords & Soldiers 023
119 Glowfish 023
120 1 Bit Ninja 023
121 Anomaly Warzone Earth HD 023
122 Word Ace 023
123 Majesty 022
124 Real Racing 022
125 The Last Rocket 021
126 Pathpix Pro 021
127 Bookworm 021
128 Broken Sword 021
129 Ticket to Ride 020
130 Defender Chronicles 020
131 Great Little War Game 020
132 Asphalt 6 020
133 Solomon's Keep 020
134 Frog Minutes 020
135 Phoenix HD 020
136 Dark Meadow 019
137 Bring Me Sandwiches!!! 019
138 Jelly Defence. 019
139 Dungeon Defenders 019
140 Small World 019
141 Heavy Mach 2 019
142 Cordy 019
143 Pinball Fantasies 019
144 CHUZZLE 019
145 CityVille Hometown 019
146 Forget me Not 019
147 Draw Race 019
148 First Touch Soccer 019
149 com2us Tower Defense 019
150 Bird Strike 019
151 Magic Piano 018
152 Crosslogic Unlimited 018
153 Cubed Rally Racer 018
154 Jungle Gems 018
155 Piczle Lines 018
156 Pinball Dreams 018
157 Blockoban 018
158 Companions 018
159 N.O.V.A. 018
160 Draw Race 2 018
161 Saucelifter 018
162 Family Feud & Friends 018
163 Tintin 018
164 Defender of Diosa 018
165 Solipskier 018
166 Dead Space 018
167 Zoo Keeper 017
168 100 Rogues 017
169 Time Geeks Find All! 017
170 Angry Birds Seasons 017
171 Modern Conflict 017
172 Crimson Gem Saga 017
173 ReRave 017
174 DropZap 017
175 Aralon 017
176 Cut the Rope Experiments 017
177 Dark Nebula 017
178 The Impossible Game 017
179 SimCity Deluxe 017
180 ombie Gunship 017
181 Solomon's Boneyard 017
182 Gyro 13 016
183 Galcon 016
184 Wooooords 016
185 Street Fighter IV 016
186 iBomber Defense 016
187 Monkey Labour 016
188 King Cash 016
189 Reckless Getaway 016
190 Star Trigon 016
191 Hard Lines 016
192 Mage Gauntlet 016
193 Tumbledrop 016
194 Meteor Blitz 016
195 Rolando 2 016
196 Trainer Drop 015
197 Pizza Boy 015
198 High Noon 015
199 Fruit Ninja Puss in Boots 015
200 Linkoidz 015
201 Secret of Mana 015
202 Wolfenstein RPG 015
203 Slay 015
204 helicopter 015
205 Denki Blocks 015
206 Word Fu 015
207 Jumbline 2 015
208 Frotz 015
209 Death Worm 015
210 iBlast Moki 2 015
211 Order & Chaos 015
212 Airport Mania. 014
213 Treasures of Montezuma 014
214 Monopoly 014
215 Amazing Breaker 014
216 Pacman Champion Edition 014
217 Little Things 014
218 Baseball Superstars 014
219 Aqueduct 014
220 Continuity 2 014
221 Shadow Cities 014
222 Stardunk Gold 014
223 MotionX Poker 014
224 War Pinball 014
225 Quarrel Deluxe 014
226 Bit Trip Beat 014
227 Lets Golf 2 014
228 Doom 2 RPG 014
229 Quest Runner 014
230 Mega Mall Story 013
231 Colorbind 013
232 GTA Chinatown Wars 013
233 Dark Nebula 2 013
234 Hanging with Friends 013
235 Nyan Cat Lost in Space 013
236 Arkanoid 013
237 Movie Cat 013
238 Jubeat Plus 013
239 Coin Falls Ninja 013
240 AR Monster 013
241 Slam Dunk Kings 013
242 Zenonia 2 013
243 Jaggy Race 013
244 HangmanRSS 013
245 Shift 2 013
246 Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing 012
247 Mini Squadron 012
248 Lumines 012
249 Match Panic 012
250 Snake '97 012
251 Must Eat Birds 012
252 Solar Minotaur Rescue Frenzy 012
253 Warpgate 012
254 Papa Sangre 012
255 Multibong 012
256 Helium Boy 011
257 King Cashing 011
258 Reckless Racing 011
259 Zombie Highway 011
260 Goatup 011
261 Mr. AaahH!! 011
262 Slingo Supreme 011
263 QuBIT 011
264 Call of Duty Nazi Zombies 011
265 The Secret of Chateau de Moreau 011
266 Rolando 011
267 iAssociate 2 011
268 Squids 011
269 Marblenauts 011
270 Medieval HD 011
271 Anodia 010
272 Shining Force 010
273 King of Fighters 010
274 Scramble 2 010
275 7 Cities 010
276 Tony Tower 010
277 Siege Hero 010
278 Chess With Friends 010
279 Flick Football Super Save 010
280 Quell 010
281 Abca 010
282 Save Toshi DX 010
283 Nyx Quest 010
284 Minotron 2112 010
285 Skee 009
286 Flick Kick Golf! 009
287 Backbreaker 009
288 Mach Panic 009
289 Zen Bound 009
290 Kard Combat 009
291 The Simpsons Arcade Game 009
292 Strategery 009
293 Switch Frenzy 008
294 Max and the Magic Marker 008
295 Sid Meier's Pirates! 008
296 WordJong 008
297 Gesundheit! 008
298 Knights Onrush 008
299 Pocket RpG 008
300 Incredible Machine 008
301 Alphabetic 008
302 Flick Champs 007
303 Beneath a Steel Sky 007
304 Picross HD 007
305 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 007
307 Sword of Fargoal 007
308 Isotope 007
309 Bloons TD 4 007
310 rRootage Online 007
311 Fastar 007
312 Roboto 006
313 Doodle God 006
314 Call of Atlantis 006
315 Puzzle Quest 006
316 Bit Pilot 006
317 Unify 006
318 Minigame Paradise 006
319 Flying Hamster 006
320 Hunters Ep1 006
321 Pirates! 006
322 Chaos Rings 006
323 circuit_strike.one 006
324 Shadow Era 005
325 Modern Combat 3 005
326 Gravity Hook HD 005
327 Sigma 005
328 Fruit Juice Tycoon 2 005
329 Touchgrind 005
330 Cross Fingers 005
331 Riptide GP 005
332 Doodle Fit 005
333 Puzzle Quest 2 004
334 Audiogroove 004
335 Quick Hook 004
336 TNA Wrestling 004
337 The Incident 004
338 UNO 004
339 Storm in a Teacup 004
340 Nova 2 004
341 Neuroshima Hex 004
342 Moviecat 004
343 Train Conductor 2 003
344 Planet Work 003
345 Puffle Launch 003
346 Supersonic 003
347 Cover Orange 003
348 Legendary Wars 003
349 Zen Puzzle Garden 003
350 Space Station 002
351 Castle of Magic 002
352 Metal Gear Solid Touch 002
353 Critter Crunch 002
354 PathPix 002
355 HungryMaster 002
356 Forever Drive 002
357 Mach Defense 002
358 A Monster Ate My Homework 002
359 Depict 002
360 Kosmo Spin 001
361 Cause of Death 001
362 Birzzle Pandora 001
363 Homerun Battle 3D 001
364 Totemo 001
365 iAssociate 001
366 Collision Effect 001
367 KENKEN Train Your Brain 001
368 Harbor Master 001
369 Let’s Golf 001
370 Rage HD 001
371 Faerie Solitaire 001
372 Parachute Panic 001

Jedeye Sniv

Note: most of the store links in the OP are for the UK store because I am in the UK. If there are any problems with the OP then let me know and I'll get onto fixing them.
Whoa, Groove Coaster looks boss. Gonna go buy it right now.

Edit: Actually there's about seven games I haven't seen before and they all look cool!

Jedeye Sniv

Franklinator said:
Whoa, Groove Coaster looks boss. Gonna go buy it right now.

Edit: Actually there's about seven games I haven't seen before and they all look cool!

Well I'm glad it's of some use then! Groove Coaster is indeed the shit, such a beautiful and fun little game.


Has problems recognising girls
Nice to see at least one Kairosoft game get on there, even though it was predictably Game Dev Story. I think the most enjoyable one I've played so far has been Mega Mall Story.

Will definitely check out Battleheart and Groove Coaster.


Nice with a NeoGAF list.
If there's a next time, I'll vote on UFO On Tape, disappointed not to see it on the list. =)


This list is definitely right on the money.
I was getting super worried about no PvZ and then I saw it won.

I've put in so much time into the iOS version over the PC version because it really is easier to play with a touchscreen, and it looks great after they finally did the retina update.


This really is a great list. I bought Edge and never played it, I guess it is time for me to finally do that.

Jedeye Sniv

Gowans007 said:
Can't argue with that list at all, great mix of awesome stuff there.

Yeah, having gone through it all with a fine tooth comb, I think it's a really solid list. There's some nice niche stuff in there, the big crowd pleasers don't overwhelm too much and every great genre is represented. When I first posted the top ten I was a bit let down by it, but the top 30 is really pretty good.

Does anyone disagree with PvZ at no 1? Out of everything that's my biggest WTF. The game is OK I guess but I've never really rated it that high. Seems way too easy and takes up so much time that I never really carried on much after the second world.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Lots of average games in this top, Tilt to Live should be in the top 5. I guess few have played it.

Jedeye Sniv

marc^o^ said:
Lots of average games in this top, Tilt to Live should be in the top 5. I guess few have played it.

Tilt to Live did OK at number 34. I guess it suffers from being an older game, but it's also (IMO) one of those games that you play for a little but is then easily forgotten. It doesn't make the same impression that a lot of the bigger games do.

Mista Koo

Thanks, the timing couldn't have been any better. Just received my first iPhone/iOS device today!

What's the difference between apps having iPhone and universal versions on iPhone? Also can I play them on a device that's not mine?

I didn't like PvZ Steam demo, may give it another shot anyway.

Fox Mulder

the good thing about this list is that there's a shitload of games on sale this weekend.

I might have to try King of Dragon Pass..
Mista Koo said:
Thanks, the timing couldn't have been any better. Just received my first iPhone/iOS device today!

What's the difference between apps having iPhone and universal versions on iPhone? Also can I play them on a device that's not mine?

I didn't like PvZ Steam demo, may give it another shot anyway.
Universal just means built for both iPhone and iPad within the same app.


Neo Member
Thanks for doing this, I know a lot of time went into doing this, and I appreciate it, I'll start choosing some of the top 100 games tonight


Thanks for all the great work. It is nice to have a list like this.

Sorry I never got back to the voting thread to add comments and finalize my list order.


I new it was going to be Plants vs Zombies , but I was hoping it would be angry birds just to see everyone get angry. lol


Great list, although Game Dev Story should have been number 1. :) King of Dragon Pass looks interesting, will try.
That's a very good list, if a bit too port heavy for my liking (hell, the top ranking game is a port!)

Death Rally over Reckless Racing is bullshit though. DR's controls suck!


Too bad they haven't updated Civilization Revolution in a year. If they did, I would buy it. I don't like buying abandonware.

Jedeye Sniv

heringer said:
Happy to see King of Dragon Pass making through the list.

Surprised with Galaxy on Fire 2 position though.

Yeah GoF2 was really overlooked, I think it only had 4 people vote for it in total. And that's with allowing 20 slots for voting. I think with fewer slots this would be a very different list. I might (not today) go through and so some stats with the figures. I wonder what game got the most number one votes, our what the highest ranking game with the most amout of low votes was? Could be interesting.


awesome thread Sniv! as an iOS veteran, still a ton of stuff I need to look at. definitely one of the best platforms we've had in the past decade. great work.


Mobile gaming has come a long way and still has a long way to go.

Not sure why we haven't just done an Android/iOS thread for this, though.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's awesome to see a platform where Cave shooters are essential titles :)


f0rk said:
Would someone mind listing which of these are available on Android?
From the Top 10, it's #1, #2, #6, #7, #8 #9. I also recognise #12 #18 and #19 from the Android store.

That's just off the top of my head.
Haunted said:
Not sure why we haven't just done an Android/iOS thread for this, though.
Because that would be massively annoying. "Check out this game on your phone OH NO WAIT YOU HAVE THE WRONG PHONE" etc. This list can now be given out to people in the iOS thread every twenty minutes when someone gets an iPhone and assumes that nobody could possibly have listed their recommendations before and so asks for and is given the same list that the last person got. Twenty minutes ago. Ad infinitum.

Pretty solid list mostly, though for one, WWF is really only there by default. It's a pretty shit Scrabble game and is only regarded as "good" because nothing else on iOS offers what it offers.

Jedeye Sniv

Haunted said:
Mobile gaming has come a long way and still has a long way to go.

Not sure why we haven't just done an Android/iOS thread for this, though.

Because it would be like mixing oil and water... Or oil and fire. In my experience those two communities are so antagonistic to each other that they should be separated by a very wide margn as often as possible.


Good list. I don't agree with most of the super casual games being so high (Angry Birds, Tiny Wings, etc). But I guess I can see why people enjoy them. 11-30 are definitely more interesting games. Also, I need to get Groove Coaster and Sworcery.


Nice list and game explanations were cool. Thanks for your effort.
I didn't get to vote but I like the outcome.


Well done Jedeye Sniv...i think this is a pretty accurate list of the games you'd recommend to a new iOS user.

am embarrased u chose some of my quotes cause they're not very good ones! :p


A go to thread for anyone just getting a iOS device!!
Tonnes of great games I've tried and now want to try.



Cannot believe Jetpack Joyride rated so highly amongst people that like games. The most blatant example of soulless modern game design I have ever seen.
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