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The Outer Worlds was a critical and commercial success, sales exceeded expectations.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
granted im not that far in, but none of the character models look like this yet. is this just a case of being selective to try and make a point? or does every character turn into a female rugby player halfway through?
There are a few cute females in the game. None of them reaching Mass Effect or Witcher 3 female level sexy, but the game isn't completely devoid of them.


"But I would expect that behaviour from a child."

After throwing his toys out of his pram, having a little meltdown, and insulting the entire forum. The lack of self awareness is hilarious. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The entire forum? No just a few sad incel sacks of shit . There are plenty of normal folks here who don't dig up every women they dont find attractice to prove a shitty point.


But all the women look like men.

We already had this thread. In the end it wasn't about LOOKS but it was about POLITICS (from the users who were bitching about these types of women in the game, clearly they felt threatened or something)

Ryu Kaiba

Kiss my ass. Parvati was cute

As was her lover, Junlei

Interesting that the only decent one I've seen is a lesbian ...interesting.


Game is actually fun and is pretty much the game fallout 76 should of been

While I think its a better game (tow), I have to disagree. There is barely any meaningful exploration. Quests and characters arent that interesting. The feeling of scouring a wasteland searching for survivors isnt here at all.


Man I came here to talk about how I didn't like the game.(not games fault) I just don't fallout style games. Yet you guys rise the bar by talking about boyfriends dicks in someone's mouth. Ffs lol

Ryu Kaiba

The entire forum? No just a few sad incel sacks of shit . There are plenty of normal folks here who don't dig up every women they dont find attractice to prove a shitty point.

I'm saying you pathetic fucks are a bunch of neckbearded manchildren. Oh no, a game that doesnt feature women that adhere to my personal beauty standards! "SJW! LESBIAN LEFTIST RESETERA GARBAGE!"

That is what morons like you look like. You claim to be better than the morons at Reeeee, yet you are exactly the same, just on the other end of the retarded spectrum.

Fuck you and your "boyfriends cock" bullshit.

If you dont know a single thing about me, don't presume to judge me you clown.

You kids are pathetic with this shit. No wonder y'all can't get no pussy.

If this was a movie and these characters were real people I wouldn't be mocking them.
But this is clearly the work of ..certain people with an agenda, that they don't want a certain type of female represented in games anymore.
They don't bother the film industry with this shit, they don't bother the music industry.. But for some reason they're coming for video games.
This is their product they can do what they want, and I'll feel free to clown them for it.
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It's a flawed game in many ways, but they nailed the product concept and the technical part is good (mostly bug-free). In most other cases I would be looking forward to the sequel, but I don't think the issues I have with the game (political propaganda, lazy writing and quest design, and an art style I heavily dislike) are going to change. If anything, I suspect they will double-down in those aspects.


Listen Pal, If this was a movie and these characters were real people I wouldn't be mocking them.
But this is clearly the work of ..certain types of people.. carrying an agenda, that they don't want a certain type of female represented in games anymore.
They don't bother the film industry with this shit, they don't bother the music industry.. But for some reason they're coming for video games.
Now this is their product they can do what they want, and I'll feel free to clown them if I want.

Yes its all an agenda 😂

Take your conspiracy politics talk to the OT please
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Honestly, I was really disappointed in this game. I love these types of games, but it was about as shallow as you could get for an rpg, and the gunplay wasn't good. I don't want to see a sequel and I hope they switch to a new project.


Gold Member
I'm glad it did well. Although my impressions soured on the game the longer I played it, there's definitely enough of a skeleton to turn The Outer Worlds into a more robust series. I can only hope Obsidian reads both the praise and the criticism and adjusts elements going forward.


granted im not that far in, but none of the character models look like this yet. is this just a case of being selective to try and make a point? or does every character turn into a female rugby player halfway through?

I'm surprised you haven't noticed them yet. You can find at least half of these female facial models just wandering around Edgewater or the Botanical Lab. The female facial/hairstyle models are really limited with most of them being somewhere between tomboyish and straight up butch. It becomes jarring later on, especially on Groundbreaker and Monarch, when you can often run into two NPC women who look nearly identical.
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This is silly. There is no agenda - the game doesn't glorify that look or condemn classic femininity. Let's ignore the fact that fashion tends to change and hairstyles with it, but imagine a dangerous world where humanity is constantly struggling for survival. It's a shitty world where nobody has time to look "good". So, cutting your hair short is actually a pretty damn realistic thing to do.
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In a world where every woman is a Virtuous LGBTQIA Warrior-Scientist-Doctor-Engineer and every man is a toxic incompetent buffoon...

Sounds like a nightmare because even most women don't like to work together with just women, me included.


Seriously fuck The Outer Worlds. Bethesda's TES games still have the best looking women in a video game, I mean would you look at this beauty:


An Ass so nice you could pinch that twice

The Lusty Argonian Maid
written by Crassius Curio
Volume 1

Act IV, Scene III, continued
Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers.
Crantius Colto
Is that all you have come here for, little one? My chambers?
I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor Argonian maid.
Crantius Colto
So you are, my dumpling. And a good one at that. Such strong legs and shapely tail.
You embarrass me, sir!
Crantius Colto
Fear not. You are safe here with me.
I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not!
Crantius Colto
Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear.
But it is huge! It could take me all night!
Crantius Colto
Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.


"Now you silly boys know what us girls have felt for all these years!'

That's always the mentality. Because as of 5 years ago every female character in a show, movie, or game was a complete moron. Every male character was displayed as perfect. That's what some of these people actually believe.


This is silly. There is no agenda - the game doesn't glorify that look or condemn classic femininity. Let's ignore the fact that fashion tends to change and hairstyles with it, but imagine a dangerous world where humanity is constantly struggling for survival. It's a shitty world where nobody has time to look "good". So, cutting your hair short is actually a pretty damn realistic thing to do.

I don't get this one guys. It's seriously reaching, like you're finding this political stuff in your cornflakes.

Again the game isn't perfect and it could use with different models now and then. It's just a lower budget game.
what a shame welcome to the future and more of this

In the end I liked the game as a whole, though I found the game to be heavy handed with some of the writing/directing, and most of the characters were about as complex as a brick.

granted im not that far in, but none of the character models look like this yet. is this just a case of being selective to try and make a point? or does every character turn into a female rugby player halfway through?

Ryu Kaiba Ryu Kaiba didn't even pick the worst offenders. That's pretty indicative of the average women in the game. The more you play the more you'll see it, though even in the first area you run into some of the most Bobby Hill looking women in the game. The chief security woman comes to mind.

A lot of the game's characters suffer from major potato-head. It's like the artist started the head with a single basic shape and just stuck face parts on it to make the cast. Both males and females suffer from deja-vu issues, but the women in a lot of cases (even fairly important characters with a lot of dialogue), look near identical to each other. I also found several non-named male NPCs that could replace the main female NPCs with a simple hair swap. At least with the male characters you have some pretty distinct faces like Max, Welles, Felix, Sanjar, Rockwell, Graham, etc...

These are some of the names NPCs from the game I found on my captures folder. There are a few important ones missing like Chairman Rockwell, but it's got a good number of the main NPCs in the game.


On the women's side of things, there are only a couple distinct and recognizable faces. Most have fairly bland or almost featureless faces. Many of the game's female characters have only minor differences separating them which combined with the blank expressions makes them all kind of forgettable. Most of the cast having short/danger hair hurts things even more. I kind of understand why there are no long hair options, the same reason Fallout games don't have any real long hair options out of the box. Obsidian couldn't get the hair physics working properly so they stuck to shorter static hairstyles. I was surprised to even see a woman with shoulder length hair on Monarch, though it's just as static as the rest.


I really think they should have spent a little more time with the characters and tried to distinguish them a bit more from each other in terms of both appearance and personality. I felt some of the characters were a bit forced, and after meeting yet another woman who was "brave, strong and in charge of things" I started wondering if there was more than just a single writer for the game. A little subtlety wouldn't have hurt things.


Gold Member
I like the way Parvati and Ellie look. Even Junlei wasn't terrible. She was dirty and found out Parvati and Junlei were lesbians , but still, they were attractive to me.

Ryu Kaiba

This is silly. There is no agenda - the game doesn't glorify that look or condemn classic femininity. Let's ignore the fact that fashion tends to change and hairstyles with it, but imagine a dangerous world where humanity is constantly struggling for survival. It's a shitty world where nobody has time to look "good". So, cutting your hair short is actually a pretty damn realistic thing to do.

I don't get this one guys. It's seriously reaching, like you're finding this political stuff in your cornflakes.

Again the game isn't perfect and it could use with different models now and then. It's just a lower budget game.

You guy's might be right, I may be off base. I haven't even played this game :messenger_tears_of_joy: I'm mostly in here for the LULZ
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In the end I liked the game as a whole, though I found the game to be heavy handed with some of the writing/directing, and most of the characters were about as complex as a brick.

Ryu Kaiba Ryu Kaiba didn't even pick the worst offenders. That's pretty indicative of the average women in the game. The more you play the more you'll see it, though even in the first area you run into some of the most Bobby Hill looking women in the game. The chief security woman comes to mind.

A lot of the game's characters suffer from major potato-head. It's like the artist started the head with a single basic shape and just stuck face parts on it to make the cast. Both males and females suffer from deja-vu issues, but the women in a lot of cases (even fairly important characters with a lot of dialogue), look near identical to each other. I also found several non-named male NPCs that could replace the main female NPCs with a simple hair swap. At least with the male characters you have some pretty distinct faces like Max, Welles, Felix, Sanjar, Rockwell, Graham, etc...

These are some of the names NPCs from the game I found on my captures folder. There are a few important ones missing like Chairman Rockwell, but it's got a good number of the main NPCs in the game.


On the women's side of things, there are only a couple distinct and recognizable faces. Most have fairly bland or almost featureless faces. Many of the game's female characters have only minor differences separating them which combined with the blank expressions makes them all kind of forgettable. Most of the cast having short/danger hair hurts things even more. I kind of understand why there are no long hair options, the same reason Fallout games don't have any real long hair options out of the box. Obsidian couldn't get the hair physics working properly so they stuck to shorter static hairstyles. I was surprised to even see a woman with shoulder length hair on Monarch, though it's just as static as the rest.


I really think they should have spent a little more time with the characters and tried to distinguish them a bit more from each other in terms of both appearance and personality. I felt some of the characters were a bit forced, and after meeting yet another woman who was "brave, strong and in charge of things" I started wondering if there was more than just a single writer for the game. A little subtlety wouldn't have hurt things.

thanks for pointing that out, now i wont be able to look past it lol

what you are saying sounds like a pretty fair criticism
None of you get it. The game is a scorching satire on Woke Capital. Break up and destruction of family by corporation is key to Parvati’s story. There aren’t any intact families in the game. Junlei is ending her family line by working hard to hold off the board and being a lesbian. Women are all put in positions of power but ultimately rebel against the Patriarchal Board by becoming even more effective ‘rebel’ corporations, and even more brutal and cold. In Edgewater Adelaide is a green fanatic who uses dead bodies to make the settlement more productive, a gruesome reversal of the family instinct. On the Groundbreaker Lilya Hagen runs Sublight Salvage as CEO of aggressive operations. In rejecting Board (patriarchy) control, she has created an even more aggressive and unlawful organisation.

The main problem I think is that this is too well disguised so it appears as an endorsement, probably partly for protection from the Woke Police. Satire in clown world is hard to pull off, if not impossible. I feel satire is actually a pretty irresponsible avenue to go down these days tbh.
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