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The PS2 Dual Shock D-Pad is crap. Own up.

Im tired of you damned fanboys pretending its hot shit. Its nice if you only need single directions, it falls apart the instant you need access to flowing motions that exist between. Sorry I dont like my d-pad vanishing into the controller's face. I like definition in my gamepads.

I dunno where the dual shock got its Im Controller of the Century Award, but someone needs to take it the fuck back.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It works great. It's not like the D-Pad isn't connected underneath the plastic.
It's serious crap. You hafta press like a mofo to get any response, and there's no defined edges, making fighting games a real chore. Controller S owns, as does the Saturn D-pad. All other D-pads are garbage, 'cept maybe the SNES.

Lyte Edge, you think the GC D-pad is just fine, so you don't get to discuss this.


Yeh. I likes me some Saturn D-pad still. Xbox Controller S D-pad has something going for it, too, at least in comparison to the ultra-shit original Xbox D-pad.



Junior Member
WTF! I can pull of Ryu's upercut better on the DS2 pad than on any other controler. I can only guess you have narrow boney thumbs.


I give this thread two thumbs down. The PS2 d-pad (although somewhat unresponsive) is still miles in front of both Xbox d-pads (original's is complete shit, while the controller-S is better but still unresponsive). The PS2 d-pad is the best stock d-pad this generation. However, the Street Fighter Aniversary pad kicks all kinds of ass. As I said in another thread the d-pad is very responsive and it has 6 face buttons.


Drinky Crow said:
Controller S owns, as does the Saturn 6-button. All other D-pads are garbage, 'cept maybe the SNES..

I have to disagree. For example, I found Capcom vs Snk 2 to be unplayable on the controller S, but after plugging in a DS2 (using a PS2 - Xbox converter) I had no problems pulling off any moves. IMO the DS2 is the best current stock controller for fighters. The only stock controller i prefer more is the Genesis 6 button pad (and its Saturn counterpart).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Anyone try out that new SF2 controller yet? Been eyeing it for awhile, but want some hard opinions before slapping down $30.

I'd honestly place all three first party controllers as being tactile shit when it comes to capable fighter motions. Controller S has the right idea, but the rough edges can really scafe your thumb. I really have issues playing GGXX with it and had a much easier time back on the PS2 with a DS2 pad personnally.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Saturn D-Pad > Controller S D-Pad >>>>>>> Dual Shock D-Pad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any Nintendo D-pad.


its definitely more difficult to press diagonals with the PS2's D-pad... and playing something like Gradius V using Type 2 options (where you are rolling your thumb around the pad all the time) really wears out your thumb.

My favorite D-pad of all time is the Japanese Saturn one that Sega made...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Maybe your PS2 d-pad is just worn out and you need another one?

Drinky Crow said:
Lyte Edge, you think the GC D-pad is just fine, so you don't get to discuss this.

LOL, the d-pad is fine...it's the button layouts that need major rearranging on the GC controller.

Bottom line though, if you're that serious about playing a game that uses the d-pad (fighting games), you're going to have a better pad made for them (Ascii pad, six button SF pad), or better yet, a JOYSTICK.
GGXX requires insanely tight controls, and s-controller pulls that off just fine. S-Controller > PS2 Pad.



Jagernaut is correct. I can pull off everything on the DS2. After trying so hard through adapter lag to pull off more then 4-5 parries in a row on the DC, I am so happy to have SFAC on the PS2 where there is no lag and parries come out and connect like friggin butter. I don't get the hate. Works great for me.
Saturn still has the best dpad ever.

Hell they're still pads being made based off the Saturn controller and even marketed as "fighting pads"
I couldn't play GGX2 with the DS D-Pad, but I can nail the motions every time with Controllern S. Even in the PSOne days, I had to use a stick to play Alpha 2 -- the lack of sensitivity on the DS D-Pad ruined my game.


My Ranking of this gen controllers:

1) X-Box Controller S
2) Gamecube Controller
3) PS2 Dual Shock 2
4) Original X-Box Controller

None of which are terrible, but putting the analog sticks on the inside, as well as making them extremely crappy, is where the Dual Shock 2 fails.


hyperbolically metafictive
it's alright. it's a bit looser than the ps1 d-pads, which certainly helps. the one on the logitech wireless pad is much better.

i don't like the controller s d-pad. more the angle at which it's placed than the pad itself. can't use it at all. gamecube d-pad is an insult. when the gb player or a gamecube game calls for digital control, i prefer to use the analog stick. and i never do that.

overall i prefer the stick placement on the dual shock -- the left analog is perfectly usable in the secondary position, but a d-pad is not.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Drinky Crow said:
I couldn't play GGX2 with the DS D-Pad, but I can nail the motions every time with Controllern S. Even in the PSOne days, I had to use a stick to play Alpha 2 -- the lack of sensitivity on the DS D-Pad ruined my game.

It's just you and MAF with this problem. :p


MrAngryFace said:
GGXX requires insanely tight controls, and s-controller pulls that off just fine. S-Controller > PS2 Pad.


I have one of those wacky ASCII GGXX pads for PS2, which is basically a Saturn knockoff. Works pretty good. NCS still has 'em on closeout for 20 bucks, too, I think.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
No one else plays Gradius 5 with the analog stick? I know there is this sensational hubris surrounding 2D games that MUST be played with a D-pad, but with all the tearjerk reactions oozing from this thread, I must enforce an immediate change in your practices. Use the stick fuckos!


Drinky Crow said:
Yeah, I played through Ikaruga with the analog stick, which seemed like a crime against my tactile sensibilities.

Hey, Soukyugurentai rocked with the Saturn analog controls. Analog shooter control is an idea whose time has come.

#reload is for xbox, I sorta wish it included just the Isuka backgrounds tho. For variety. They look sorta KoF these days tho.

Id play gradius with an analog but I find its far too sloppy, I like to sqeeze through tight spots, analog ick for that.
I quite prefer the PlayStation D-pads to those of Xbox, GCN, or Dreamcast. But I'd take an SNES or Game Boy D-pad over any of them any day. But then I don't play fighters, and would tend to use the analog stick for anything else that would have motions like down, down-right, right.


MrAngryFace said:
#reload is for xbox, I sorta wish it included just the Isuka backgrounds tho. For variety. They look sorta KoF these days tho.

It's a goddamned crime that the Isuka stage backgrounds and the Isuka soundtrack didn't wind up in a game I want to play. God, they rule.



hyperbolically metafictive
souky did support analog controls, huh? i should try that again.

it's probably conditioned by years of play, but i can't stand playing shooters with an analog stick. especially manic shooters. the constant velocity on a digital pad (or preferably a digital stick) lets you do those precise little tap-tap motions. analog shmup control should in theory be great. but so should rock supergroups, marxism, and light beer.


Brandon F said:
No one else plays Gradius 5 with the analog stick? I know there is this sensational hubris surrounding 2D games that MUST be played with a D-pad, but with all the tearjerk reactions oozing from this thread, I must enforce an immediate change in your practices. Use the stick fuckos!

The analog stick for me is so bad performance-wise that given the option between the two, I would still prefer D-pad + red and sore thumb after an hour and a half.


I always use a piece of cloth (like my shirt) between my thumb and the D-pad. Works like a charm.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
WarPig said:
Hey, Soukyugurentai rocked with the Saturn analog controls. Analog shooter control is an idea whose time has come.


Damn straight. Been re-experiencing many old PSykio shooters over Mame quite a bit lately with one of those Logitech PS2 controllers, and the comfort zone of utilizing analog is a practice long overdue.

Granted, 1 credit wins are likely not possible on this setup, but fuck everyone that would preach THAT as being the only way to enjoy some good explosive thrills.


ManaByte said:
Saturn D-Pad > Controller S D-Pad >>>>>>> Dual Shock D-Pad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any Nintendo D-pad.
How about the SNES pad?

I'd have to say the Dramcast D-Pad is the absolute worst for consoles this gen. The DS2 d-pad might be superficially segmented and the GC d-pad might be microscopic but the DC d-pad was pure unresponsive shit. What a nightmare after Genesis/Saturn.


You tip of the thumb using people suck!

Anyway, DS2 d-pad isn't that great because the analog stick is intruding on its space. However, the original PLaystation controller and the D-pad there is the shizzy.


Neogeo Pocket Color's D-Pad is only D-Pad in existance I consider great

GC's and DC's D-Pads are the only 'popular' systems where I think the D-Pad is bad

everything else is mediocre

edit: Shouta reminded me, the non-analog PSX D-Pad isn't half bad

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The original large-size Xbox controller has the worst D-Pad out of all the current systems, IMO. Only pad I had a problem doing moves on.

MrAngryFace said:
#reload is for xbox, I sorta wish it included just the Isuka backgrounds tho. For variety. They look sorta KoF these days tho.

That would be cool, but I would have liked an option to simply play Isuka in the Reload style; no turn around button, mainly.


Rage Bait Youtuber
jarrod said:
How about the SNES pad?

NES D-pad = SNES D-pad = GB/GBC/GBA/GBASP/DS D-pad = N64 D-pad = GameCube D-pad

Nintendo has used the same D-Pad since the NES as they own a patent on the design.

Dave Long

MAF and Drinky get horns up from me! \m/ ^_^ \m/ The PS2 Dual Shock is the most overrated controller in the history of the world. The fucking analogs are at the completely wrong place for practical use (just try finding straight up, down, left, right CONSISTENTLY with that stupid positioning. It shouldn't require conscious thought to know the four major points of a compass!), the D-Pad is all kinds of broken because of the four separate arrows approach to design and I don't know who thought squares and triangles were easier than ABCD, but they also ought to be shot. The Dual Shock is quite literally the most unintuitive design for a controller ever.

That said, I love the Gamecube analog and it's unique button shapes. I never have to look down or think consciously about what button is where and does what because they are all shaped differently and feel different under my thumb. The D-Pad leaves something to be desired though as do the triggers even if I like the "click" they do. Z-button is just kinda there.

I like Controller S because the analog stick is decent and the D-pad is at least workable. It's not ideal though, even for GGX2#R which I played for an hour and a half straight online last night and felt like my thumb was going to fall off afterward. It requires too much pressure just like the PS2 one and isn't always responsive. Saturn D-Pad was good. The one on the 6-button controller from Sega for Genesis was PERFECT. Someone ought to bring that controller back. I still think that was the best ever for fighters. Six buttons placed three to a row right above one another and an awesome D-pad. I have never used a better D-Pad for fighters, ever.

One last thing about Controller S, the jewel buttons gots ta go. They aren't responsive enough, often with the A button needing a very hard push to make it register. Once again, placement and no tactile difference to their size/shape make it hard to know where you are without having to make a conscious thought once in awhile. But the response thing is the main problem. I won't even touch the white/black button travesty of design stupidity.


The dual shock d-pad is the best I've ever touched. :)

The segments make it easier to pull off multi-directional combos in fighting games. :)
Though I realize that the factoid is rather perpendicular to this discussion, the fact that the DS2 has a pressure sensitive pad make it quite special, even though we never use it outside of MGS2.


I never had a problem with the playstation controller design since the ps1. The worse controller design IMO is the gamecube controller. Mainly due to the retarded button layout and d-pad it stole off the gameboy advance. The x-box controller s is pretty decent, although the shape of it's buttons make my thumbs hurt after a while.


needs to show more effort.
I have always hated the ds2... in just about everything that it does. D-pad especially. But I don't think I have liked a d-pad since the snes and even then I'm not sure if its "good" so much as "not as a crappy"

never held a saturn controller so dunno about that.


I also don't care for the DualShock D-pad. The SNES D-pad is the shit. Best D-pad EVAR. I wish the HORI controller's D-pad was more like it. The Saturn D-pad was pretty nice, too.
ManaByte said:
NES D-pad = SNES D-pad = GB/GBC/GBA/GBASP/DS D-pad = N64 D-pad = GameCube D-pad

Nintendo has used the same D-Pad since the NES as they own a patent on the design.
Different sizes and different feels make a big difference. N64 D-pad lost the slick feel, and GCN D-pad lost the size.
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