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The Secret World (MMO) - GDC info, trailer, and media blowout

Truant said:
Age of Conan is great if you love exploration and scenery. I loved just walking around the world, taking in the music and the atmosphere.

I loved doing that as well. It would have made a great single player game.


Really liked these freaks in the trailer:

Mithos said:
1. Monthly fees.
2. Grinding for exp/level/gear or to be able to spec.
3. PvP when you're not up to it at the moment.
4. Forced grouping

Hehe. I know it's an MMO, but I still don't want to have to communicate/play with other people.

Truant said:
Age of Conan is great if you love exploration and scenery. I loved just walking around the world, taking in the music and the atmosphere.
It's pretty much all I did in Age of Conan. Solo exploration. I didn't level my characters very far because of this, so a lot of the time it made for great fun trying to survive to see what's around the next corner. But the game was also extremely shortlived for me because of this. Whenever I see random mobs in MMOs I just want to run past them, absolutely no interest in the shitty combat systems and punching my way through a million random enemies.
Oneiroscope said:
It's pretty much all I did in Age of Conan. Solo exploration. I didn't level my characters very far because of this, so a lot of the time it made for great fun trying to survive to see what's around the next corner. But the game was also extremely shortlived for me because of this. Whenever I see random mobs in MMOs I just want to run past them, absolutely no interest in the shitty combat systems and punching my way through a million random enemies.

I am the same way except I enjoy leveling through the world. I love MMOs mainly for the fact that there is this huge world that you can explore and have no idea what you are getting yourself into when you enter a building or cave for an example.

Watching the presentation video on the Ten Ton Hammer article they emphasis that the game isn't about leveling up and getting the best gear, it is about the world. I am really looking forward to hearing more about The Secert World.


Man said:
Yep, I love all monsters except the golems out of scrap and so on. Must resist gif-ing that trailer ;) The huuuge dinosaur is really my favourite part of the video.
Fourman said:
I am the same way except I enjoy leveling through the world. I love MMOs mainly for the fact that there is this huge world that you can explore and have no idea what you are getting yourself into when you enter a building or cave for an example.

Watching the presentation video on the Ten Ton Hammer article they emphasis that the game isn't about leveling up and getting the best gear, it is about the world. I am really looking forward to hearing more about The Secert World.
I love that missions have "tiers" like checkpoints - they force you through the world, like following these raven demons. So good.
The quests that take months even with ARG and all that, man, they are hitting all my nerves with this.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Man said:
Really liked these freaks in the trailer:

Those are so straight out of Bleach.


The problem is, the combat looks like MMO combat - uninteresting. Enemies barely flinch when hit. Where is the visceral feedback?

To get out of this rut it needs to do something different. Starting with enemies that aren't huge damage sponges, as that really highlights the MMO grind.


Why do the mobs look and animate so much better than the players? The players looked boring and stiff in that trailer.

Hopefully Ragnar Tornquist can break the Funcom MMO curse.

So pumped for this game. I've been a bit upset with it because it means Age of Conan is getting less development, but WOWOWEEWOW!!! This is so my type of game.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I'm growing increasingly bored of WOW so it's either going to be this or the Old Republic for my next MMO fix. This looks like a far more interesting prospect at the moment and I really like the what they showed of the world (and various mobs) in that trailer. The stuff about character progression sounds quite interesting and unique too.


For some reason when i entered this thread i was thinking "is this Ragnar Tornquists new game?"

It totally is! Amazing how the name and images somehow led me to think that.


I really hope they work on the player animations, everything else looks fantastic. I especially like the HUD that pups up around your character.


I can't wait for this game to be out*!

*Because Ragnar will FINALLY be able to start working on the Dreamfall Chapters.


derFeef said:
I really hope they work on the player animations, everything else looks fantastic. I especially like the HUD that pups up around your character.
That did surprise me quite a bit.
Glad to see some news on that front.


Aryan mech phallus gun
Brazil said:
Those are so straight out of Bleach.

... except good.

I kid, this was absolutely gratuitous. Carry on!

Yeah, I like where this game is going. Will this be the very first monthly fee based I'll play?


Now that's a realistic rendition of Egypt I can get behind. I can practically see myself using a laptop on a rooftop.


Hype up through the roof!
Investigation missions are where The Secret World really sets itself apart from the MMO competition in terms of PvE. In a nutshell, Funcom is aiming for an ARG-like experience, making use of external tools like Google and various meta-gaming opportunities as well as in-game mission arcs to create an immersive experience for players who long for something more than the get-there-as-quick-as-you-can level grind that typifies most MMORPGs. Bylos was quick to point out that players who lack the desire to do anything other than theorycraft build mathematics can still do so, but the options will be there for the folks who are looking for a deeper experience that takes full advantage of the game's conspiracy-laced supernatural aesthetic.

The experience will also be quite communal, due to the challenging nature of the puzzles and the inevitable fact of information sharing due to forums and the web.
While you might wonder why Funcom is spending considerable time and energy on mechanics that many players will no doubt try to bypass via The Secret World equivalent of WoWhead, Bylos says it's a matter of creating something new in the genre and offering players challenging content while keeping the game fresh in their minds. "These puzzles are hard; we want people to work together and think together, and we want to create a group dynamic and compel players to think about the game even when they're not playing it."

Though part of The Secret World's appeal (and certainly a large portion of its early marketing campaign) is focused on cryptic bulletin board discussions and lengthy, conspiracy-laden forum threads, the meta-game is only part of the package. Faction symbology and a laundry list of investigative mission clues appear throughout the game world itself, and Funcom is deliberately avoiding the time-honored technique of leading people around via waypoints, instead opting for a more immersive figure-out-the-clues-as-you-go experience.

Additionally, many of the missions will take months to decipher (with more waiting in the wings), and the game's three factions will also be pitted against one another in the race to solve the mysteries first and earn the resulting bonuses. Bylos likens the mechanic to "an alternative form of raiding" and says that the investigative missions, when coupled with the action missions that occur in the game's open and persistent spaces, will create a play environment unique in the MMO space.
On top of the more standard MMO quests in the game, the developers have come up with investigation missions that ask the player to use knowledge and reasoning to continue forward. The example that we were given involved a plaque that had two names on it. Putting the names together sent you to the town hall. At the town hall, you must find a painting of a poet. Choosing the wrong painting will send you down a false trail, choosing the correct painting will point you further down the trail to the next clue, and so on and so on.

The goal here is to create a community mindset.
This is what I've been looking for in a MMO.
For those asking about Dreamfall Chapters, Here's a few Ragnar Forumspring posts from the past week:
Can you tell us an approximate time until Dreamfall chapters released? have you started working on it?

In reply to your second question: I'm actually working on the script right now. It's still in that precarious, precious state before thought takes proper form, but it's getting there. I know the general shape, colour and sound of the first three chapters.

First question? I don't really know. I wish I knew, but I don't. Ask me again in a year.
When can we expect any concrete news on the continuation of Dreamfall?

Hopefully by the end of 2011. Hopefully.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I really like the idea behind the game but there is no fucking way I'm buying a Funcom MMO at launch again. Fool me once (AO) shame on you, fool me twice (AOC) shame on me, fool me thrice... well then I'd have to hang myself or something.


Still Tagged Accordingly
the whole time when watching the trailer i was thinking, "this game doesn't know what it is."


Shanadeus said:
Hype up through the roof!

This is what I've been looking for in a MMO.
The problem is, once you have done it, it's not fun again and it will end up in the forums anyway. Not that I won't try to discover it on my own, but they would need to keep them fresh.


CurseoftheGods said:
Wikipedia says this is coming out for 360. Is that true?
Don't count on it, they took almost 2 years after launching AoC to announce the 360 version was cancelled. The spiel and hype theyre using sounds almost identical to the one they used for AoC... >_<


derFeef said:
The problem is, once you have done it, it's not fun again and it will end up in the forums anyway. Not that I won't try to discover it on my own, but they would need to keep them fresh.
It seems like they kinda expect people to try to solve them on the forums, which shows some foresight and understanding of the problems of content like this.
I kinda treat MMOs as never-ending RPGs anyway so as long as they keep enough new investigative content coming I'd be happy.


derFeef said:
there is a reason I put this in the title, btw.

Sorry, but he asked.

I like Ragnar Törnquist's previous games though, but sad that it's an MMO this time around.


jonnyp said:
Sorry, but he asked.

I like Ragnar Törnquist's previous games though, but sad that it's an MMO this time around.
Fair enough, I did not want to sound rude or anything and I can understand the TLJ fans. But this is what it is.


Agkel said:
I feel you guys. Deep down I could see myself playing the game, I like the lore, I still believe AoC is the best combat system among current MMOs(even after they have butchered it to hell and back), the graphics look appealing and Ragnar...

Have you played DC Universe Online yet? It has a far better implementation of a reactive and combo based attack system than AoC did imo. AoC was simply a hotkey MMO that had a few extra keys you had to push after you chose the skill you wanted to do. In DC universe you didn't have to push a key to do a combo, you should hit the combination for the combo you wanted and did it.

Anyway, back on topic, the gameplay footage i saw didn't really impress me as much as I thought it would, but i'm still interested in it simply to see how well they implement the real world quest reseach stuff.


After watching some of the game play videos from GDC 2011 I have to say that I feel more conflicted about the game than ever.

First of all the art direction: I really like it. The monsters feel right, the monster models looks real good. The characters and the environments are the opposite. The character models are once again horribly close to what they are in Conan or EQ2 - customizable, but ultimately very bland and therefore instantly forgettable. Did not matter in Anarchy Online because of the graphics limitations at that time plus the available faces were awesome. Same goes for the environments I have seen so far. They all look empty and hollow, very bland and not very characteristic.

Then the class-less character building. First of all it is going to be a nightmare keeping all 500+ skills balanced, fair and at the same time interesting and unique. Overlap is bound to happen and when it does, bam, not interested in comparing the percentages. They say that you can alter the class alignment on the fly, but at the same time there is talk about equipment affecting your attributes and contributing toward a specific class. Which makes little to no sense unless you are going to very consciously build up different gear sets. Might be interesting if it plays out right.

Cutscenes for quests? Linear progression through episodes and quest lines? All these have me scratching my head and not really clicking together.

It is good to see that they have worked out a three-faction system, but unless these factions stand apart with something beside their home base and color scheme, what's the point?

I understand that Funcom are trying to ride the zombie bandwagon, but is it not a little late for that now?


This game is the conspiracy theorist's wet dream and my guess is that they'll get a lot of their player base from those circles.

What does our resident conspiracy theorists think of the game?


Shanadeus said:
This game is the conspiracy theorist's wet dream and my guess is that they'll get a lot of their player base from those circles.

What does our resident conspiracy theorists think of the game?
There is no conspiracy. *puts on tinfoil hat*
Have you guys done the initiation test? I am a Templar and I like that :)
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