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The skinny on Next gen....

I have been out of the loop with gaming as a whole for like....the past year and a half.

I mean....I have company of heroes...thats the only NEW game I bought since.....uh...

i think psychonauts?

anyways, so yea....I'm gonna be able to afford to buy a next gen system soon and Curious as to what is the scoop on next gen...just from browsing around I am getting that...

wii = wierd but hardcore gamers are hyped

360 = pretty good but i havent been able to gauge the real deal, and being that this is the only next gen system out, wish i could get more in depth opinions on 360 so far and its future

ps3 = this is the system i had planned on buying first for next gen like a year or two ago but after browsing around the other day im getting crazy information such as it being priced at 600, there is a 500 dollar version that doesnt come with any controllers (wtf!?!) and that if you buy a game for the system, you can only play that game on THAT system (what the gay?)

so if I could get some fellow gaffers opinions that i could trust (trust? lawl...mercenaries blew donkey chunks matlock, you owe me 50) it would be really appreciated.

i feel so uninformed.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Fixed2BeBroken said:
man i have heard so much shit from people...i dont know what to believe anymore


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
GAF has pretty much unanimously decided that Wii is the future and those other 2 systems are a bit shit.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
catfish said:
GAF has pretty much unanimously decided that Wii is the future and those other 2 systems are a bit shit.

That really depends on the goggles you wear when you read it.
What was your favourite system for games last gen? Get the new version of that!

Unless you picked last gen for the controller, online, or superficial crap like media functionality, then it's a bit tougher as that's all changed, but this means your a psuedo gamer anyway so don't worry pretend you have them all and post on GAF about it.
MS is deep in the red so it is likely that they will go out of business soon. Third parties are already having to pick up Sony's slack since the PS3 overheats all of the time. Only little old people and punk girls are going to play the Wii.

I hear raquette ball is nice.
Do not ask for opinions in forums and do not believe anything you hear from others if it includes phrases like "buy X system" "Y system is better than X" etc etc. You may hear (a few) honest opinions but most will just try to convince you to buy the system of their choice.

I say wait a few months, see what games you are interested in and if it is possible try the systems yourself.

I know my english is sh!t but you get the point
travisbickle said:
Unless you picked last gen for the controller, online, or superficial crap like media functionality, then it's a bit tougher as that's all changed, but this means your a psuedo gamer anyway so don't worry pretend you have them all and post on GAF about it.

i had all systems last gen...but like the past year and a havent really been gaming, and was out of the loop...well kinda was gaming, but thats another can of worms, lets just say i wasnt gaming.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TTP said:
That really depends on the goggles you wear when you read it.

Oh you don't need googles to see the future friend!

To actually answer the OP though

Wii - it's weird and the cheapest. Look at http://wii.nintendo.com/ to see demos of people using the controller etc. <- has massive amounts of info on the interface/games etc

X360 - the online console to have a real online system, if it's about the online for you it's X360. Is a joke in japan.

PS3 - Don't really keep up with it, as it's 600 bucks and doesn't launch in Europe until next year sometime (may?) apparently it's a supermegacomputer. but I think it's true that games will look "A bit better than X360" (developer dependant) The controller has the same functionality as the left side(nunchuck) wii controller.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
catfish said:
The controller has the same functionality as the left side(nunchuck) wii controller.

Are u trying to help him or confuse him with more bullshit?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TTP said:
Are u trying to help him or confuse him with more bullshit?
sorry angry internet guy, I thought that was actually the case? What is different about the motion sensing capabilities of the PS3 controller and the nunchuck?


I suggest looking at potential library of any of those three systems that you would like to play. At this point even I read GAF everyday still cant come up with a solution.

Some gems that dont even need to be pointed out, but I do anyway.

360: Gears of Wars, Lost Planet, HALO 3(Do I need to say this), Halo Wars, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssy (Sorry I'm not a big fan of fighting game so no DOA on my list)

Wii: Trauma Center, Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess, and much more (different game has different way to control so you might wanna see it yourself)

PS3: MGS4, DMC4, Motor Storm, Fatal Inertia, Heavenly Swords, ****ing White Night Story!!, Lair, Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden Zigma, FF XIII

I dont include multiplatform games but the most interesting one are: Rainbow SIx: Vegas, Assassins' Creed, EA & the rest of UBIsoft games.

There's gotta be a lot more missing but this should do for now.


I usually give a nice list of pros and cons for the three consoles and so forth but today I will say:

Buy a PlayStation 3. You liked #1 and #2? You will assuredly like #3 which is now even more high tech for it's day and age than the previous ones. Therefor higher entry cost but it's all gravy after that.


Quick summary

Wii = Remote control which senses motion (swiping, slashing, punching, aiming etc) and has a control-stick addon which let's you walk around in most cases (also detects motion on itself).
Next to that it has Mii's and Zelda. Upcoming: Mario/Metroid/Super Smash


360 = Live! Demo's! Arcade games! Has some good games, and much more coming up (Gears of War, Splinter Cell 5, Blue Dragon... )


PS3 = 1080 HD graphics, motion sensor in controller (no rumble), is online. Also has games coming up (GT: HD, Lair, Metal Gear... )


Most (awesome) multiplatform games (Assassin's Creed, GTA) are coming for both 360 and PS3.
Tried to be objective :+
Buy a Wii if you: like Nintendo's wackiness (Mario games X 20, "cartoonish" games, etc.), don't have loads of money to spend on "next-gen" video games/system, like excercising while playing video games, want to interact a lot with your games, are a Japanese gamer, and want a system that has slightly better graphics than a PS2.

Buy a X360 if you: don't have the money to afford a PS3, want to get a PS3 but don't have it pre-ordered, pay ridiculously inflated eBay prices, want to camp out for launch, or don't want to wait 3+ months for the PS3 buying craze to die down and Sony to finally ship enough systems to meet demand, like paying $50/year to play online, want to play Gears of War and eventually Halo 3 really bad, and like getting ditched by Microsoft in about 2-3 years when they release their 3rd version of XBox to compete with PS3.

Buy a PS3 if you: have a lot of money to spend on console video gaming, want the most powerful console system for the next 5+ years (or when MS decides to release another XBox), have a HDTV (especially a 1080p one) and want to watch HD movies/shows (BD), like playing top-notch mostly exclusive games such as the Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear series, Devil May Cry series, Grand Theft Auto series, Gran Turismo series, SOCOM series, God of War (possibly), etc., and want to play online for free.

Now these are just my honest opinions and predictions. Personally, I've been waiting for PS3 for years as I see how Microsoft treats their customers, ditching the original XBox so swiftly and Nintendo has gotten way too wacky for me ever since N64. Anyway, good luck with whatever system(s) you decide to go with for your "next-gen" gaming. Now, more than ever, console gaming is better than ever, but is also more expensive than ever, rivaling the quality and costs of PC gaming.


catfish said:
GAF has pretty much unanimously decided that Wii is the future and those other 2 systems are a bit shit.

You are wrong.
GAF has pretty much unanimously decided that next-gen is a bit shit.
Crackerman16 said:
Buy a Wii if you: like Nintendo's wackiness (Mario games X 20, "cartoonish" games, etc.), don't have loads of money to spend on "next-gen" video games/system, like excercising while playing video games, want to interact a lot with your games, are a Japanese gamer, and want a system that has slightly better graphics than a PS2.

Buy a X360 if you: don't have the money to afford a PS3, want to get a PS3 but don't have it pre-ordered, pay ridiculously inflated eBay prices, want to camp out for launch, or don't want to wait 3+ months for the PS3 buying craze to die down and Sony to finally ship enough systems to meet demand, like paying $50/year to play online, want to play Gears of War and eventually Halo 3 really bad, and like getting ditched by Microsoft in about 2-3 years when they release their 3rd version of XBox to compete with PS3.

Buy a PS3 if you: have a lot of money to spend on console video gaming, want the most powerful console system for the next 5+ years (or when MS decides to release another XBox), have a HDTV (especially a 1080p one) and want to watch HD movies/shows (BD), like playing top-notch mostly exclusive games such as the Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear series, Devil May Cry series, Grand Theft Auto series, Gran Turismo series, SOCOM series, God of War (possibly), etc., and want to play online for free.

Now these are just my honest opinions and predictions. Personally, I've been waiting for PS3 for years as I see how Microsoft treats their customers, ditching the original XBox so swiftly and Nintendo has gotten way too wacky for me ever since N64. Anyway, good luck with whatever system(s) you decide to go with for your "next-gen" gaming. Now, more than ever, console gaming is better than ever, but is also more expensive than ever, rivaling the quality and costs of PC gaming.

I got banned for MUCH LESS than this nonsense...
Crackerman16 said:
Buy a Wii if you want a system that has slightly better graphics than a PS2.

Far out, could be a little more biased?

Gamecube's graphics were quite substantially ahead of PS2, and Wii is significantly more powerful than Gamecube (though not close to the other two consoles).
Bearillusion said:
Apparently next gen is about Uno and Doom. Enjoy your stay.

Son of Godzilla said:
Next gen is about buying as many versions of Lumines and Guitar Hero as possible.

too right.

Crackerman... some of your 'opinions' are a bit... wonky. espescially that bit about the Wii having graphics 'slightly better than a PS2'.
Kabouter said:
You are wrong.
GAF has pretty much unanimously decided that next-gen is a bit shit.

"Next-gen" gaming will somewhat shitty until developers figure out PS3's architecture. Hopefully cutting edge companies such as Konami (Hideo Kojima & co.) and Square Enix can push "next-gen" boundaries sooner rather than later, like they did with previous Playstations.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This WHOLE thread started as a joke. It's somebody that's really stealth trolling. Just so happens that the Nintendo system no bad news, 360 "it's aight", but PS3 am ****ed.

Dude the first thing (if you were really new to this) would be to ask why Nintendo called the Wii "The Wii".

You should have been making jokes about that and/or the different controller. Stealth troll am confirmed.
darthbane2k said:
I got banned for MUCH LESS than this nonsense...

That's nice. Do I care? Nope, not really. Notice how I bolded opinions? I knew fanboys and bashers such as yourself would comment negatively on my post.
Crackerman16 said:
That's nice. Do I care? Nope, not really. Notice how I bolded opinions? I knew fanboys and bashers such as yourself would comment negatively on my post.

Wow you're on a roll. Also your opinion sucks so bad it doesn't deserve to be bolded


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Crackerman16 said:
That's nice. Do I care? Nope, not really. Notice how I bolded opinions? I knew fanboys and bashers such as yourself would comment negatively on my post.

Don't worry man your post wasn't worst than the tread starters.
plagiarize said:
Crackerman... some of your 'opinions' are a bit... wonky. espescially that bit about the Wii having graphics 'slightly better than a PS2'.

Well, that's YOUR opinion about my opinions, lol. We'll have to wait and see, but so far, Wii hasn't shown anything amazing that PS2 can't produce graphically.

mckmas8808 said:
This WHOLE thread started as a joke. It's somebody that's really stealth trolling. Just so happens that the Nintendo system no bad news, 360 "it's aight", but PS3 am ****ed.

Dude the first thing (if you were really new to this) would be to ask why Nintendo called the Wii "The Wii".

You should have been making jokes about that and/or the different controller. Stealth troll am confirmed.

Yeah, it probably is a troll trying to get a kick out of non-jaded GAFers like me, trying to give our opinions about "next-gen" gaming. Oh well, it's all in fun.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
As much time as fixed has spent on here over the years, I find it hard to believe he could be *this* out of the loop.
Crackerman16 said:
That's nice. Do I care? Nope, not really. Notice how I bolded opinions? I knew fanboys and bashers such as yourself would comment negatively on my post.

Just cause they are your opinions, doesn't mean you're not trolling.
Crackerman16 said:
Well, that's YOUR opinion about my opinions, lol. We'll have to wait and see, but so far, Wii hasn't shown anything amazing that PS2 can't produce graphically.

Yeah, it probably is a troll trying to get a kick out of non-jaded GAFers like me, trying to give our opinions about "next-gen" gaming. Oh well, it's all in fun.

PS2 could only wish to produce Mario Galaxy, Red Steel and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
Alkaliine said:
Just cause they are your opinions, doesn't mean you're not trolling.

I love how trolls call others trolls when they're trolling themselves, bashing others who are actually trying to give opinions. You don't like my post, fine. No need to be a jackass and call people trolls for sharing opinions on a friggin' message board. Some of you nerds need to get a life.


Gold Member
Basically, I myself think that the more you're willing to pay for your next gen system, the better experience you'll get. As a person who hasn't played a game for a year, or paid attention to the scene - you'd probably like Wii, it's cheap and will provide fun experiences in light doses.

If you're rich though, go all out and get a PS3. You can get that there too, but with a pricetag to match the quality you're getting.
Crackerman16 said:
That's nice. Do I care? Nope, not really. Notice how I bolded opinions? I knew fanboys and bashers such as yourself would comment negatively on my post.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion....when it is actually based around facts.
The rubbish you spewed like "Wii has graphics only slightly above PS2"
exposes you for the troll/sony fanboy that you are.

several other points

1) You keep on taking digs at 360 for not having a 'free' online service like PS3.But do any of us at this stage know how 'free' PS3 online will actually be? Judging by their constant lies and spin as of late, we cant trust a damn thing they say until we see the finished product.

2) The Xbox 360 also benefits HDTV owners.

3) GTA and Final Fantasy are no longer Sony exclusives. Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS respectively say "hello!"

4) The 360 and the Wii also have their own "top-notch exclusive games"

5) $600!!!! - sorry couldn’t resist - only joking. You keep on saying how 360 owners are basicly poor people who cannot afford PS3s. Gaming is NOT a class system.
Crackerman16 said:
I love how trolls call others trolls when they're trolling themselves, bashing others who are actually trying to give opinions. You don't like my post, fine. No need to be a jackass and call people trolls for sharing opinions on a friggin' message board. Some of you nerds need to get a life.

Wait, aren't you on a gaming message board?

Yoboman said:
Basically, I myself think that the more you're willing to pay for your next gen system, the better experience you'll get. As a person who hasn't played a game for a year, or paid attention to the scene - you'd probably like Wii, it's cheap and will provide fun experiences in light doses.

If you're rich though, go all out and get a PS3. You can get that there too, but with a pricetag to match the quality you're getting.

Be careful with that statement. PSP costs more than DS, but DS is the most popular and loved system of the two.

PS3 will provide better aural and visual experiences, but in terms of gameplay, that is yet to be seen.

Oni Jazar

Fixed2BeBroken said:
ps3 = this is the system i had planned on buying first for next gen like a year or two ago but after browsing around the other day im getting crazy information such as it being priced at 600, there is a 500 dollar version that doesnt come with any controllers (wtf!?!) and that if you buy a game for the system, you can only play that game on THAT system (what the gay?)

Let's clear up the misinformation and start with the basics. The difference between the $500 & $600 PS3 packs are only:

* Wifi
* Card Readers (Mem Stick, Compact Flash, etc)
* 20 Gig on core vs 60 Gig premium.

All of which can be upgraded on the cheaper version if you so wish.

Both versions include standard:

* HDMI 1.3 output
* Blu-ray movie player
* Wireless Bluetooth controller
* PS1 & PS2 backwards compatability
* Web Browser
* Media Player/Photo viewer/linux homebrew support.

If you compare the $500 PS3 pack (which has almost everything the 360 premium pack has + blu-ray movie player + HDMI out) with a $400 360 premium + $50 Xbox Live subscription the difference is about fifty bucks.
Alkaliine said:
Be careful with that statement. PSP costs more than DS, but DS is the most popular and loved system of the two.

PS3 will provide better aural and visual experiences, but in terms of gameplay, that is yet to be seen.
You could argue that the Wii will provide a better, more immersive interactive experience.
Oni Jazar said:
Let's clear up the misinformation and start with the basics. The difference between the $500 & $600 PS3 packs are only:

If you compare the $500 PS3 pack (which has almost everything the 360 premium pack has + blu-ray movie player + HDMI out) with a $400 360 premium + $50 Xbox Live subscription the difference is about fifty bucks.

Again - no one knows to what extent PS3's online network will be 'free'.

Secondly blu-ray. Who really would (out of choice) pay extra for an unproven movie format.

UMD anyone?
darthbane2k said:
You could argue that the Wii will provide a better, more immersive interactive experience.

It depends which way you look at it.

Wii will probably be more immersive in a hands-on way. Like you feel you are truly in the game.

PS3/360 will be immersive in the context of providing a level of realism and atmosphere never achieved before.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DaCocoBrova said:
As much time as fixed has spent on here over the years, I find it hard to believe he could be *this* out of the loop.

Exactly my point. He could go straight to the three websites of Nintendo, Sony, and MS and get better information that what he was told.

Oni Jazar

darthbane2k said:
Again - no one knows to what extent PS3's online network will be 'free'.

We know that the online network will provide:

*Unified Login System
*Friends list with chatting and messaging
*Stat Tracking
*Online Play

What isn't free:
*Other subscription services

Secondly blu-ray. Who really would (out of choice) pay extra for an unproven movie format.

UMD anyone?

Right now there are two Blu-ray players in the market (Samsung & Panasonic). By next month there will be 5 (Samsung, Panasonic, Pinoeer, Sony, PS3). UMD only has the PSP. Also for a $50 difference explained earlier you get not only a HD movie player but there is some benefit to having a 50GB medium for games.
mckmas8808 said:
Exactly my point. He could go straight to the three websites of Nintendo, Sony, and MS and get better information that what he was told.

Or he could simply start a shitty thread and have more fun in the process.


darthbane2k said:
You could argue that the Wii will provide a better, more immersive interactive experience.
You could argue that better graphics and audio also improve immersion and that elaborate control schemes involving much movement could detract from it.
However, one thing is certain, nobody knows for sure. We'll only know once the Wii is released and the initial novelty of it has worn off.
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