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The skinny on Next gen....


mckmas8808 said:
:lol :lol

well wii is obviously excluded from the shit category ;)

but really i just see 360 right now as durr durrr GOOD GFX@!!!!!! and then for every 30 SHIT game on that system you have ONE good one and after that its just microsoft raping retards who give in easily to buying shit on the marketplace (5 bucks for a 50x50 image sign me up!!!) and then they introduce gamerpoints for people who actually give a shit about a number that shows up in the topleft of the screen when you turn your system on because they know some jackass kid will drop 85% of his paycheck on a few games so he can get 3,000 gamerpoints. and then you have the fact that its 400 dollars for ALL THAT PROCESSING POWER!!!11 and then theres that ****ing 'dash' menu with 'bladez' like hey let me pick a soundtrack, hey wow this shit is laggy, i could go take a shit before im able to see the play button. when it comes down to it at the end of the generation youll have 3 games worth remembering: gears of war, halo 3 (which will just be another 'halo 2' with bigger areas and bungie will do something just as stupid as introducing the arbiter, **** that lame dick) and probably gears 2 or something. oh wow LIVE ARCADE!!!! now i can play games from 10 years ago and pretend theyre the shit because i paid 400 dollars for a system with 1 good game)

and then theres ps3... pretty much you have the most overpriced console ever, blu ray isnt proven yet, the controller doesnt even have rumble, online is free which is kewl, but goddamn if i am paying 600 for a first-run manufacture turd. yeah kewl, kewl it has 1080p.

plagiarize said:
i mean a couple of things actually. first of all, you have to spend some time with the controller to get used to it. i saw people playing monkey ball who couldn't control it for shit. i took to it pretty much instantly, but then i come back from the show, and the people playing it on the videos are doing absolutely horribly. that was true for many games... i knew from my hands on experience that after an initial period of adjustment, most games played great (Downhill Jam did not play great at E3). so, on one hand, 'playing is believing' but on the other 'seeing videos of people all over the place is really going to make you have doubts about how well the controller works'.

the controller works perfectly. no question there. but there's two learning curves we need to be aware of. the developers learning curve of how they take the data the wiimote is sending and turn it into a control scheme, and the learning curve of the player.

i suspect hardcore gamers are going to have a longer learning curve because they'll have to fight their instincts and essentially go against their training. that's going to be frustrating for a lot of people and some won't have the patience to get through it. i know it took me a long long long time before i could comfortably play a FPS on a pad without getting really angry at it.

Very interesting.

It truly seems like a device that will, for some times at least, allow non-gamers or poorly-skilled gamers to remain competitive in games, especially those that are the most simple and intuitive. If that's what you're saying, then it seems Nintendo's aims are truly being realised and achieved.

Do you feel that the remote is a superior way of playing games? Or do you feel that it is just different, or maybe even worse?
fartblast said:
well wii is obviously excluded from the shit category ;)

but really i just see 360 right now as durr durrr GOOD GFX@!!!!!! and then for every 30 SHIT game on that system you have ONE good one and after that its just microsoft raping retards who give in easily to buying shit on the marketplace (5 bucks for a 50x50 image sign me up!!!) and then they introduce gamerpoints for people who actually give a shit about a number that shows up in the topleft of the screen when you turn your system on because they know some jackass kid will drop 85% of his paycheck on a few games so he can get 3,000 gamerpoints. and then you have the fact that its 400 dollars for ALL THAT PROCESSING POWER!!!11 and then theres that ****ing 'dash' menu with 'bladez' like hey let me pick a soundtrack, hey wow this shit is laggy, i could go take a shit before im able to see the play button. when it comes down to it at the end of the generation youll have 3 games worth remembering: gears of war, halo 3 (which will just be another 'halo 2' with bigger areas and bungie will do something just as stupid as introducing the arbiter, **** that lame dick) and probably gears 2 or something. oh wow LIVE ARCADE!!!! now i can play games from 10 years ago and pretend theyre the shit because i paid 400 dollars for a system with 1 good game)

and then theres ps3... pretty much you have the most overpriced console ever, blu ray isnt proven yet, the controller doesnt even have rumble, online is free which is kewl, but goddamn if i am paying 600 for a first-run manufacture turd. yeah kewl, kewl it has 1080p.



Just kidding. Though I will say, please, settle down just a tad. kthanx.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Crackerman16 said:
blah blah

the mods must be taking a coffee break or something. should i go ahead and put him on ignore, or just wait till he gets banned?
Alkaliine said:
Very interesting.

It truly seems like a device that will, for some times at least, allow non-gamers or poorly-skilled gamers to remain competitive in games, especially those that are the most simple and intuitive. If that's what you're saying, then it seems Nintendo's aims are truly being realised and achieved.

Do you feel that the remote is a superior way of playing games? Or do you feel that it is just different, or maybe even worse?

definately - superior.
Processing power, HD or not - come next next gen, the wiimote will pretty much be THE standard.


The bottom line is this: The majority of Playstation 2 sales are from people(casual gamers) who wouldn't touch the console until it was below $299. That very same massive(10's of millions) group of people are the ones Sony expects to buy a Playstation 3.

I think anyone can see that the period between all the hardcore gamers getting their PS3s and PS3 hitting a mass-marketable price(below $299 as history has shown), will be one where PS3's userbase will be slow growing; much like what Xbox360 and PSP are experiencing right now.

This poses three questions:

1)How long will it take Sony to get Playstation 3 below $299?

2)Will casual gamers be willing to wait that long or will they buy one of the other consoles?

3)Will devs wait for PS3's userbase to grow, or will they shift some of their efforts to other consoles?
darthbane2k said:
definately - superior.
Processing power, HD or not - come next next gen, the wiimote will pretty much be THE standard.

Wow, I'm impressed with your level of confidence in the system. Hopefully the rest of the gaming public agrees with you.
darthbane2k said:
When you use such a gross exaggeration to merely support your trolling, then yes - you are a fanboy.

Still namecalling, eh? That's all you got? Don't tell me you're not a Nintendo fanboy. And I KNOW you've been trolling around here a lot longer/more than I ever will. Again, you're just a hypocrite resorting to namecalling and putting words in other people's mouths to defend your flaming on others. You must be a hit with the ladies (or anyone, for that matter).

darthbane2k said:
No you dont.

I'm sure you're me, right? You know everything I'm thinking and believe in? You know, not everyone is a pessimistic fanboy such as yourself. People can root for more than 1 console at a time without buying them all, you know? But hey, you're a know-it-all that thinks I am against the Wii from succeeding, even though I clearly said I am for it? Too funny.

darthbane2k said:
You mean the WII cannot compete graphically with the PS3? Nintendo are far capable of producing a technologically superior console. N64 and Gamecube had 'better graphics' than PS1 and PS2 respectively. You can also argue that The Wii controller teechnology is far more superior than the dual shock(less) -redux offering from Sony.

HAHAHAHAHAHA... that's all I gotta say to this comment.

darthbane2k said:
Thats one heck of an assumption. How sophisticated was PS2's online features? You have no reason not to believe Sony?? I can give you a dozen. As far as telling the truth goes, Sony is as straight as a circle.

Where's your 12 reasons not to believe Sony? I sure don't see them listed here, even though you claim to have a dozen.

I can only think of a few and most are only from their production problems they seem to have with all their major launches. But hey, Microsoft has had the same issues too. Not too sure about Nintendo cuz I stopped paying attention to them since N64.

Again, YOU are ASSuming more than I am. But you're ASSuming based on your trust issues and hatred for Sony/love for Nintendo. I based my opinions off of Sony's online history. They may not have XBox Live's service, but they also didn't charge gamers $50/year to be able to play games online.

darthbane2k said:
The Xbox 360 is a GAMES CONSOLE, it is bought to play games first and foremost. The financial stability of Sony as a company is at risk due to 'Blu-Ray' - it is more important to them that the movie format succeed rather than the whole of SCE succeed (we all know what happened to Betamax and UMD). It is because of Blu Ray that the PS3 is so expensive and has been significantly delayed. How many home cinema enthusiasts or Techies use a console to play their movies anyway? With a half-assed playback functionality? If you like movies, you'll buy a dedicated player.

X360 is such focused gaming console, they're releasing a HD-DVD drive, right? Why would they feel the need to have something like that if they're such a "GAMES CONSOLE?" Hmm, maybe because they feel like their $400 console can't compete with PS3's Blu-ray technology without a similar product/add-on?

You're just hating on Blu-ray before it's even given a chance. You're wishing for BD to fail, but the fact is, it's only begun. I won't try and predict the future like you, but I believe BD will do just fine, even with haters/bashers like you. And if/when BD becomes the new accepted "next-gen" format, you'll have no choice but to give in or get left behind with DVDs. Either way, I could care less.

darthbane2k said:
Whether they are for you or not, you have to show titles as iconic as these a little more 'respect'.

Yeah, I 'respect' "iconic" titles that Nintendo rehashes a million times because they can't come up with new "icons" and "killer apps." Seriously, I do 'respect' them but that doesn't mean I have to like or play them. And most non-Nintendo fanboys feel the same way.


Alkaliine said:
Wow, I'm impressed with your level of confidence in the system. Hopefully the rest of the gaming public agrees with you.
So long as Japan does, the rest of the world will eventually fall in line. See: Famicom, Game Boy, PlayStation, DS.
Vieo said:
The bottom line is this: The majority of Playstation 2 sales are from people(casual gamers) who wouldn't touch the console until it was below $299. That very same massive(10's of millions) group of people are the ones Sony expects to buy a Playstation 3.

I think anyone can see that the period between all the hardcore gamers getting their PS3s and PS3 hitting a mass-marketable price(below $299 as history has shown), will be one where PS3's userbase will be slow growing; much like what Xbox360 and PSP are experiencing right now.

This poses three questions:

1)How long will it take Sony to get Playstation 3 below $299?

2)Will casual gamers be willing to wait that long or will they buy one of the other consoles?

3)Will devs wait for PS3's userbase to grow, or will they shift some of their efforts to other consoles?

This is a key issue that I was discussing with friend's recently.

PS2 did indeed have plenty of hardcore fans, but it's true that the hardcores are the minority group in the gaming market.

PS3 is so expensive than many casuals will refuse to buy the console, no matter how good it is. Casuals have little brand loyalty.
Alkaliine said:
Wow, I'm impressed with your level of confidence in the system. Hopefully the rest of the gaming public agrees with you.

Well look at the response already from Sony and Microsoft regarding motion control (yes I know the tech is NOT new).
One tacked on a six-degrees of tilt- function a mere week before E3, the other rumoured to be creating a new motion controlled controller for Halo3.
I think the remote/wand/one handed thing WILL be duplicated in the ps4, xbox 3 generation - although in an evolved form.
Alkaliine said:
Very interesting.

It truly seems like a device that will, for some times at least, allow non-gamers or poorly-skilled gamers to remain competitive in games, especially those that are the most simple and intuitive. If that's what you're saying, then it seems Nintendo's aims are truly being realised and achieved.

Do you feel that the remote is a superior way of playing games? Or do you feel that it is just different, or maybe even worse?
it's not going to totally replace the traditional controller i don't think. there's going to be some genres where what we have now works better, but for a lot of the genres i like, i think it's better. for racing games, turning the whole controller itself with both hands feels better (and it's something you'll see a lot on ps3 as well) and i think with practice will actually allow for better driving than a thumbstick. FPS there's a lot of debate about, but i'm confident that even if the first batch don't do it, that the Wii controls for them well at least surpass dual analogue FPS controls. RTS games haven't ever really been nailed on a console before, and obviously the Wii will works really nicely with those. any game where you play with a cursor basically.

for the stuff like Wii Sports... 'better' is subjective... but i'm personally looking forwards to having something that's more physically immersive and much easier to put into the hands of my friends and family that don't game.

it's going to be a while before everything shakes out. i'm a little worried about how the camera is going to work in Zelda, for instance as i used the c-stick in windwaker almost constantly while on the move, but here's what i definately think. the Wii is guaranteed to be a great compliment to a ps3 or a 360. it's going to be a very different experience. it may or may not be rewarding enough to just own a wii, but it's definately not going to gather dust next to one of the more powerful next gen systems.
darthbane2k said:

LOL! Thats a good one - GENIUS!
Must let my 3 year old Son know about that one!

Guess you ran out of trash to spew and words to put in my mouth, huh? Can't blame ya. All trolls eventually die out when they get proven wrong time and time again. I just hope you learned your lesson. Maybe you can teach that to your "3 year old son." :D
plagiarize said:
it's not going to totally replace the traditional controller i don't think. there's going to be some genres where what we have now works better, but for a lot of the genres i like, i think it's better. for racing games, turning the whole controller itself with both hands feels better (and it's something you'll see a lot on ps3 as well) and i think with practice will actually allow for better driving than a thumbstick. FPS there's a lot of debate about, but i'm confident that even if the first batch don't do it, that the Wii controls for them well at least surpass dual analogue FPS controls. RTS games haven't ever really been nailed on a console before, and obviously the Wii will works really nicely with those. any game where you play with a cursor basically.

for the stuff like Wii Sports... 'better' is subjective... but i'm personally looking forwards to having something that's more physically immersive and much easier to put into the hands of my friends and family that don't game.

it's going to be a while before everything shakes out. i'm a little worried about how the camera is going to work in Zelda, for instance as i used the c-stick in windwaker almost constantly while on the move, but here's what i definately think. the Wii is guaranteed to be a great compliment to a ps3 or a 360. it's going to be a very different experience. it may or may not be rewarding enough to just own a wii, but it's definately not going to gather dust next to one of the more powerful next gen systems.

Cheers mate. Thanks for the impressions. I really appreciate it.
Crackerman16 said:
You're just hating on Blu-ray before it's even given a chance. You're wishing for BD to fail, but the fact is, it's only begun. I won't try and predict the future like you, but I believe BD will do just fine, even with haters/bashers like you. And if/when BD becomes the new accepted "next-gen" format, you'll have no choice but to give in or get left behind with DVDs. .



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
speculawyer said:

Wii= Cool controller thingy, the usual great Nintendo 1st party games, not that high-power, NO HIGH-DEFINITION!

x360= good processing power, nice HD, great online service, good library of games

PS3= most processing power of the 3 consoles, very expensive, meager launch line-up, unavailable for a while unless you are willing to camp out to get one

Yep 3rd party games that are great, suck at launch.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
plagiarize said:
laser disc was doing fine until DVD basically made it redundant. blu-ray and hd-dvd don't need to outsell DVDs, and due to the fact that there's still a lot of none high def content out there. in all honesty, would you pay extra money to get a film like Happy Gilmore in high definition? yeah the picture will be better but it won't be funnier. now, big sci fi spectales, epics, horror movies and the type, are going to be worth the difference... but then it's no coincidence that these genres were over represented on Laserdisc and early DVD releases.

You are basically agreeing with me. All I'm asking for is at least 50% HD movies marketshare by 2010.
mckmas8808 said:
Yep 3rd party games that are great, suck at launch.
Great according to who? Again this is merely a matter of opinion. All I have really heard about those 3rd party games is about how great they LOOK rather than how great they play.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
darthbane2k said:
Great according to who? Again this is merely a matter of opinion. All I have really heard about those 3rd party games is about how great they LOOK rather than how great they play.

NBA 2K7 is the best playing basketball game in the history of videogames.



I will try to be objetive, so 3 pros and cons for each system

+ Way better first party lineup (white knight, resitance, etc)
+ A little bit more powerful. That is, better looking games than the 360 in the hand of good developers
+ Every model comes with a hardrive, as it must be, damn it
- Way less exclusive third party titles than the PS2
- Insanely high price which will be exagerated due to the very limited amount of units avaible for launch.
- we really don´t know too much about its online system and some suppousedly exclusives

Add another negative point if you are European since it is going to be delayed 6 moths.

+ Very solid online system
+ Way more variety on its cathalog than the original xbox
+ Outstanding upcoming lineup, this second gen of xbox games shows that in the hands of good developers the graphical differene with the ps3 is minimal
- No hardrive in every system
- Even if it is cheaper than the PS3, 400$ is a still a high price tag
- its utter failure in Japan might risk the good relations with Japanese developers

+ Wacky controller (this could be a negative point, depending of how you look at it. I recommend it try it first, and judge it latter)
+ Nintendo first party seems to be back in shape, and it has a a very good quantity and variety of games. Lot of the hands on impressions on its first games confirms it to have at least funny launch titles
+ Probably the most extensive retro cathalog
- Gamecube 1.5 graphics
- While cheaper than their competitors, 250$ is still a high for its technology
- bundled with wiisports (it migt be a good point if you like said title).
darthbane2k said:

Not the best movie format in the world, but when I'm playing GTA Vice City stories on my PSP with a massive sandbox to play in and a quality soundtrack, I'll be glad they invested in UMD.

Probably the same feeling I'll get when I play Resistance.
travisbickle said:
Not the best movie format in the world, but when I'm playing GTA Vice City stories on my PSP with a massive sandbox to play in and a quality soundtrack, I'll be glad they invested in UMD.

Probably the same feeling I'll get when I play Resistance.

The arguement I made was following a comment that assumed Bluray is certain to be THE standard next gen home video format, simply because it is implemented as part of PS3.

Plus - im sure you're not too glad they invested in UMD when your battery craps out on you during a game of GTA. Fact it, UMD is NOT a practical format for a handheld games machine, and is one of the reasons (battery life, slow load times)why the PSP remains aqward for gaming on the go. Not to mention how damn flimsy and un-durable those 'caddys' are.
TheJollyCorner said:
darthbane confirmed to be one of the three campers in this pic:


Shouldn't you be tired after camping for 13 hours for a Wii?

shouldn't you be "working harder" to save up for your PS3?
Well if you like console RTS games, the 360 has a good one already (Lord of the Rings) and that Halo RTS should turn out fine given the talent behind it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
'Tarded flamewars aren't tolerated. The annoyed folks here are right, this isnt' gamefaqs (at least I hope so!). Stay civil even if you think the other person is wrong, and if they're trolling the mods will deal with it sooner or later.
I still think that last gen stereotypes will hold true for this gen with one exception:

Xbox 360: Mostly Western content, FPS, 3rd person shooters, Western RPGs

PS3: Mostly Eastern content, 3rd person action games, JRPGs

Wii: This one is going to be completely different
Fixed2BeBroken said:
I have been out of the loop with gaming as a whole for like....the past year and a half.

I mean....I have company of heroes...thats the only NEW game I bought since.....uh...

i think psychonauts?

anyways, so yea....I'm gonna be able to afford to buy a next gen system soon and Curious as to what is the scoop on next gen...just from browsing around I am getting that...

wii = wierd but hardcore gamers are hyped

360 = pretty good but i havent been able to gauge the real deal, and being that this is the only next gen system out, wish i could get more in depth opinions on 360 so far and its future

ps3 = this is the system i had planned on buying first for next gen like a year or two ago but after browsing around the other day im getting crazy information such as it being priced at 600, there is a 500 dollar version that doesnt come with any controllers (wtf!?!) and that if you buy a game for the system, you can only play that game on THAT system (what the gay?)

so if I could get some fellow gaffers opinions that i could trust (trust? lawl...mercenaries blew donkey chunks matlock, you owe me 50) it would be really appreciated.

i feel so uninformed.

Seriously how can anyone be so misinformed? Where do you get your news from teamxbox or directly from Deadmeat? Seriously now where have you heard all this?
mckmas8808 said:
This WHOLE thread started as a joke. It's somebody that's really stealth trolling. Just so happens that the Nintendo system no bad news, 360 "it's aight", but PS3 am ****ed.

Dude the first thing (if you were really new to this) would be to ask why Nintendo called the Wii "The Wii".

You should have been making jokes about that and/or the different controller. Stealth troll am confirmed.

/rolleyes yea....im stealth trolling...uh huh...anyways...thanks for the replies, been reading, got some good info, some interesting opinions whether biased or not, and some funny replies as well...thanks, keep em coming.

fortified_concept said:
Seriously how can anyone be so misinformed? Where do you get your news from teamxbox or directly from Deadmeat? Seriously now where have you heard all this?

mostly talking with random people offline....and if you so "OMG YOU DIDNT KNOW THE TRUTH?!?! well, i made this post to find out perhaps?

DaCocoBrova said:
As much time as fixed has spent on here over the years, I find it hard to believe he could be *this* out of the loop.

DACOCO! get that new lupe?

anyways, check my post history man, its been pretty much a post here and there randomly like every 2 months...seriously have been out of the loop....

for someone who has been here since this board started and been with gaf since the days of the OLD OLD OLD OLD gaf boards and all the that was just this one crappy forum that would move fast as crap and all the revisions/moves...I feel pretty good to have a 2.36 posts per day rating...:lol


I have a little question about the Wii, will we be able to download demo's somehow? (or buy a magazine which will contain a disc with Wii demo's?)
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