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The Switch really needs an addictive loot game


I'd play a good looking Monster Hunter if it was properly open world and had less arcane systems. The videos I've seen make the games seem very hard to get into.

Open World would go against the game's design. As for the arcane systems each entry usually adds much needed quality of life fixes, so a switch entry would most likely be the most accessible yet.


I'd play a good looking Monster Hunter if it was properly open world and had less arcane systems. The videos I've seen make the games seem very hard to get into.

And then you play them to find that getting into them wasn't the hard part. It was getting out...
The reason they gave about always being online is a bunk reason. If they don't want to port the game, that's fine, but saying it's because their game is always online is just a messed up reason when there is an always online game coming out on the system fairly soon. It would have been better if they just would have said they didn't want to do it, because that's probably the real reason.

I mean you have people killing cliffy b on why crossplay isn't available for lawbreakers (while he gave a legit reason) people can't handle the truth.

I could see them getting Borderlands 3. The Wii u got Aliens Colonial Marines, so Randy supporting it doesn't feel impossible.

I think randy said otherwise some time ago.


I love loot games and I agree. Monster Hunter is great, but not really a Loot game

Considering you spend the entire game crafting better loot to fight the harder monsters and you don't even level your character up, it's definitely a loot game. Not a loot game like Diablo, but definitely a loot game.
I've been wanting a good loot/RPG on portable systems for years. Games like Monster Hunter or the various hunting games that the Vita got don't quite cut it for me, although some are good games in their own right.

A portable offline-capable Path of Exile would be one of my dream games, but the chance of that happening is pretty much nil. Since that's so unlikely, my next biggest hope (short of a brand new game that is amazing) would be a Switch port of Grim Dawn.


I've never played a Disgaea game before. Didn't realize it was a loot type of game. I'm going to have to check it out.

It's not. There's some collectibles and you replay maps a lot to grind out xp/skills, but there's very little RNG factor. That said, it's a fucking awesome game on the Switch.


We need more great loot action rpg's period, and not online only ones either.
How I wish Path of Exile was playable offline.
Such a shame Runic Games never made a Torchlight 3, it could be amazing if they built upon Torchlight 2.
Apparently they were burnt out by the series after T2, maybe they'd reconsider now?


I'm absolutely in love with the Switch as a concept, but I miss a Diablo style game with loot, character building, addictive combat and some sort of addictive progression system.

The closest thing right now is Binding of Isaac, but it doesn't quite scratch that itch. I think this style of game would be perfect for a hybrid console.

It would indeed be awesome. This or phantasy star online 2! Dragon quest mmo might be nice too.


Torchlight runs on pretty much anything and I'd agree it would be a great fit. Especially if you could link to other Switch's for co-op
It just needs Monster Hunter

Crafting meaningful loot >>>>> picking up tons of worthless items. Not to mention the gameplay being a million times more engaging than your standard loot games like Diablo/Torchlight etc


If Blizzard wants to get richer they should get Diablo3 on the Switch asap. It would destroy my free time.

Of course a new Monster Hunter would be the dream.
Always buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games only. Anything else is a bonus.

This sentiment is worse than Nintendoomed tbh

It's not 1996 anymore. Nintendo can actually run the majority of big games today. In this age of information developers are more aware of what fans want than ever. Unlike the Wii U, Switch actually sells so there is no excuse to not try making a game for it. When the vocal minority of PC players who actually play console-style games on it with controllers got a bunch of niche-ish Japanese games on it with their constant port-begging, why wouldn't Nintendo fans get no-brainers on their system.
It would need to be a game that doesn't require internet connectivity so D3 or Marvel Heroes probably won't happen

A late port of Torchlight 2 would be super welcome, though


What happened to that Namco title that I can't really remember anything about except everyone got excited that it looked like Kos-Mos was in it?

I thought that might have been a loot game.


The official US Monster Hunter social media accounts have started posting regularly again, mainly just fan creations, likely to ramp up visibility and mindshare in the zeitgeist and all that jazz in the lead up to E3. I'm expecting something.

And does Musou count? We know at least Fire Emblem is coming up, and I want to say they have hinted at more.


PokéKong;237962967 said:
The official US Monster Hunter social media accounts have started posting regularly again, mainly just fan creations, likely to ramp up visibility and mindshare in the zeitgeist and all that jazz in the lead up to E3. I'm expecting something.

And does Musou count? We know at least Fire Emblem is coming up, and I want to say they have hinted at more.

MH Stories is releasing on 3DS later this year.

Also if a Monster Hunter game gets announced at E3 its not a Switch game.
MH Stories is releasing on 3DS later this year.

Also if a Monster Hunter game gets announced at E3 its not a Switch game.

Look at this guy, ruining everyone's day.

If they announce Monster Hunter for 3DS only it would be the most Capcom move ever. Not talking about that lame MH Stories crap either, real Monster Hunter. 3DS can have that stories jargon for itself.
I recall Randy saying there was no plans to bring anything borderlands to the switch.

I think randy said otherwise some time ago.


Apparently he did say that because Nintendo dropped negotiations :p Hopefully Nintendo gets back to them on that then. Clearly Gearbox is interested. I don't know why Nintendo doesn't work harder to get games like Borderlands 3. I think it would do very well on Switch and definitely has a market.

I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I doubt it would release at the same time given this now. Nintendo is probably always talking with 2K, so it will be brought back on the negotiating table.

Sometimes, I just don't understand them.

The Hermit

Ahh the early days of a Nintendo console when you think "oh wow, x game/genre would be perfect on this" and then slowly realise it's never going to happen. :(

I've been so burned before by both the Wii and WiiU.

I am actually surprised that the Switch is getting support from devs that I didn't even knew I wanted, like Thumper and Rime, so I don't even have time for wishful thinking.


Look at this guy, ruining everyone's day.

If they announce Monster Hunter for 3DS only it would be the most Capcom move ever. Not talking about that lame MH Stories crap either, real Monster Hunter. 3DS can have that stories jargon for itself.

Who said anything about 3DS? Hehe
I've been so burned before by both the Wii and WiiU.

I am actually surprised that the Switch is getting support from devs that I didn't even knew I wanted, like Thumper and Rime, so I don't even have time for wishful thinking.

Thumper happened because Nintendo specifically sought it out.
I could see them getting Borderlands 3. The Wii u got Aliens Colonial Marines, so Randy supporting it doesn't feel impossible.

The Wii U quite famously didn't get Aliens: Colonial Marines, which spawned endless jokes about it getting the best version of that game.

I'd play a good looking Monster Hunter if it was properly open world and had less arcane systems. The videos I've seen make the games seem very hard to get into.

While anything can change in the future, particularly with Capcpom hoping to expand Monster Hunter's audience in the West, an open world isn't currently something which would benefit Monster Hunter in its current form. The smaller areas aren't a limitation in technology, they're arenas for you to battle in. They may look like the sort of place you'd like to explore but that's just not what the game is about. Having more space to run around would just mean you'd do more running rather than shooting, chopping and dodging. I'm sure the concept of an open world could work with Monster Hunter with significant reworking of what makes a Monster Hunter game, but would it still be Monster Hunter? Or would it be closer to something like Dragon's Dogma?

To put it into context for those of you who haven't played one of the games in the series, imagine adding sprawling platforming stages into the next Street Fighter. Cool, now you can do platforming, but why? The game's about fighting each other.
They shouldn't make it open world, but they should definitely not have loading inbetween zones anymore. That doesn't add anything to the gameplay.
Every system needs every type of game. Do we see these threads for PS4 and Xbox One? I'm not a Nintendo man myself so I think I only ever see these for Nintendo Consoles. Why? Just curious. Every console needs all the games.
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