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The Unofficial Toki Tori Appreciation Thread


Death Prophet
Toki Tori is so damn cute! :D
Love the pictures he sends to your message board. Two Tribes seems like they really know what they are doing.
Wired said:
Just keep in mind that Lost Winds is exceptionally short, like two hours at an unhurried pace. Toki Tori would last you a great deal longer, and I imagine the same goes for Echocrome (haven't played it myself).

very true


It's a great game, but there are two annoying oversights. These may bother no one else except me, but hey. It's the internets, and I shall bitch! :lol

1. No profile settings. I hate when puzzle games do this. If someone else wants to play through, he or she gets to replay the levels I cleared already. It's not as big a deal here as some games* (the only issue would be remembering where you left off last time you were playing) but still, I expect more these days.

2. Why why WHY can't I use the remote held sideways. I like the Classic controls way better than the pointing, yet despite the fact I only need two buttons to play, there's no option to use the remote held sideways. Boo! I play Dr. Mario and Super Mario Bros 3 more than anything else on the Wii, mainly because I don't have to fish out a nunchuck or classic controller, I just click and go. I would have loved to add Toki Tori to that list.

Howeve aside from these somewhat minor niggles, it's a great game. Well worth the tenner.

*I'm looking at you, PICROSS


needs to show more effort.
I love these kinds of games. What I don't like is feeling stupid though =(

I've beaten all of world 2, including hard levels, and I've beaten most of world 3, and yet a level in world 1 (with only 3 item uses and 2 eggs) has me completely stumped.

Screw you World 1 Hard 7.

Link Man

^^How can you prefer the classic controls? The pointing is so well-implemented, and the convenience of one-handed play is so awesome!

This says to me that you don't "get" the Wii yet.


LinkAMN said:
^^How can you prefer the classic controls? The pointing is so well-implemented!

This says to me that you don't "get" the Wii yet.
Are you that reviewer who docked Fire Emblem for not using teh waggle? I like crashing on the couch after a session in Wii Fit and don't feel like waving my arm around at the screen. It doesn't mean I don't "get" anything. It's a preference. They obviously thought someone out there likes it that way or they wouldn't have bothered offering the option. I just wish they would have offered it using the remote by itself.

Link Man

Slacker said:
Are you that reviewer who docked Fire Emblem for not using teh waggle? I like crashing on the couch after a session in Wii Fit and don't feel like waving my arm around at the screen. It doesn't mean I don't "get" anything. It's a preference. They obviously thought someone out there likes it that way or they wouldn't have bothered offering the option. I just wish they would have offered it using the remote by itself.
No, but I do enjoy playing Fire Emblem in the one-handed configuration. It's more relaxed.

And for your information, using the remote sideways would be less intuitive. The only way I can see it working at all is if you assigned the item cycle to either the 1 or 2 button, and then it could only cycle in one direction, like Super Metroid.


needs to show more effort.
What WOULD be intuitive is allowing use of the d-pad on the classic controller though. climbing ladders (or rather, not climbing them) is a bitch with the analog stick and yet still better than pointing.

Also I can't believe anyone uses the one handed method for fire emblem. That would drive me insane not having instant access to all the menus and buttons just for the sake of having my other hand have nothing to do. Who are you? Al Bundy?

Link Man

1) Fire Emblem is completely playable one-handed.

2) The guy I replied to said he wanted to relax. Generally, you don't do that by bunching your arms together.


LinkAMN said:
^^How can you prefer the classic controls? The pointing is so well-implemented, and the convenience of one-handed play is so awesome!
At least one of the levels I've played required accuracy and speed on the level of milliseconds due to enemies wandering around. And nearly every level has perfect obstacle placement that demands the kind of precision that I can't get from the pointer without taking longer than I'd like to. Even as it is I wish I could use the D-pad for still more control (which is more or less my singular complaint about this otherwise excellent game!).
LinkAMN said:
The grapics are fully 3-D, I believe.
No 3D at all, just pre-rendered sprites and what looks to be hand-drawn backgrounds.

Jiggy37 said:
At least one of the levels I've played required accuracy and speed on the level of milliseconds due to enemies wandering around. And nearly every level has perfect obstacle placement that demands the kind of precision that I can't get from the pointer without taking longer than I'd like to. Even as it is I wish I could use the D-pad for still more control (which is more or less my singular complaint about this otherwise excellent game!).
I haven't encountered such a level. There are different ways to solving a level though (at least it seems that way since sometimes I'd have 1 or two items unused when solving a level).
Finished up with the 40 main levels. Took me about 9 hours total, but 3 of them were spent solving the last five levels alone. :lol I'm kind of scared to try the "hard" levels now, the regular levels did a good enough job kicking my ass.

And how the hell is moving with the joystick better than pointing. Jeez, its like some people are afraid to admit when Wiimote controls work well because they're afraid it will make them a "non-gamer" or something.
Wait a sec... FE:RD does, in fact, use the pointer? I thought it only used the CC.

Wiimote-only control is best for this because the pointer is more precise and more comfortable, not to mention quicker (at least for my fast pinpoint aim). It's like Z&W, comfortably pointing to a location. One-handed play is sexy like that.


Death Prophet
nincompoop said:
And how the hell is moving with the joystick better than pointing. Jeez, its like some people are afraid to admit when Wiimote controls work well because they're afraid it will make them a "non-gamer" or something.
Jesus, this is getting crazy.
Some people have opinions that conflict with yours. I'm a big Wii supporter but I enjoy moving Toki Tori with the nunchuck. I think it just feels better and I'm probably more used to it that way.


I've had 4 levels sitting there unfinished for 2 weeks now, so maybe some of you can finally figure them out. It's Bubble Barrage Hard 1, 2, 5 and 6.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
I just don't see what pointer controls offer to a game that's basically a 2D side-scroller, where the only directional movement is horizontal. Classic controls offer greater precision. I just wish I could use the Classic Controller's d-pad. The lack of d-pad support in a game like this seriously baffles me. What possible advantage could a joystick offer to a 2D game?
Capndrake said:
I've had 4 levels sitting there unfinished for 2 weeks now, so maybe some of you can finally figure them out. It's Bubble Barrage Hard 1, 2, 5 and 6.
Oh I think I finished BB Hard 1, 2 gives me the fits though :(. I will never reach that damn egg :lol .

I don't have the solution right now but I'll take a look at the level this evening and give you a few hints. Now work on BB Hard 2 *cracks whip*.

Link Man

TheGrayGhost said:
Wait a sec... FE:RD does, in fact, use the pointer? I thought it only used the CC.

Wiimote-only control is best for this because the pointer is more precise and more comfortable, not to mention quicker (at least for my fast pinpoint aim). It's like Z&W, comfortably pointing to a location. One-handed play is sexy like that.
It doesn't use the pointer. You can play it one-handed, though.


slayn said:
Screw you World 1 Hard 7.

Aaargh, I was stuck on that one for ages. Keep at it though, chances are whatever solutions you've tried have you on the right path, it's just a case of timing and order.

I personally use the pointer controls myself, but I plug a nunchuk in on enemy-heavy levels as I find being in direct control makes avoiding them a little easier. The great thing is though using the remote/nunchuk combo lets you use both pointer and analogue stick controls together.


Iam Canadian said:
I just don't see what pointer controls offer to a game that's basically a 2D side-scroller, where the only directional movement is horizontal. Classic controls offer greater precision. I just wish I could use the Classic Controller's d-pad. The lack of d-pad support in a game like this seriously baffles me. What possible advantage could a joystick offer to a 2D game?

When you use the pointer, you can just click on the destination and the little yellow guy will go there all by himself, as opposed to you who has to press left, right, up and down on your d-pad until he has reached destination. It's more laid back.
Jazzem said:
Aaargh, I was stuck on that one for ages. Keep at it though, chances are whatever solutions you've tried have you on the right path, it's just a case of timing and order.

I personally use the pointer controls myself, but I plug a nunchuk in on enemy-heavy levels as I find being in direct control makes avoiding them a little easier. The great thing is though using the remote/nunchuk combo lets you use both pointer and analogue stick controls together.
Yeah, I also use both methods. There's Level in Slimeworld, where you basically race a worm. Seems impossible to me to do it with the pointer the way I did it with the analog.

Ranger X

I played the first 10 levels or so yesterday evening and that was great!!

The game plays very good with Wii / Nunchuck


I've had an interview with Martijn Reuves from Two Tribes. Some pieces out of it:

“Toki Tori” was released a few days ago. Are there first sales numbers? Are you satisfied with the performance of the game in its first days?

In terms of sales it does pretty okay. But it’s been out too short in order to draw any conclusions from it.

What do you think of “Toki Tori 2” with features like a level editor and WiiConnect 24 support (to exchange the selfmade levels with friends)?

We’d love to do another Toki Tori version. Once with new weapons items, level creation, sharing you name it ;-) We got tons of ideas on the shelves here, but it all comes down to the sales. If the title sells well, I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen the last of our little yellow feathered chick.

So buy this game. BUY IT! Buying for a sequel, u know.

Full interview here, if you're interested! :D

I actualy love the game and want Toki Tori 2 =)


I was trying to add my support to this thread earlier but GAF died. It really is well put together, and amazing value too. Buy this game.
Toki Tori sequel headed to the DS? http://www.inside-games.jp/game/115/11551.html

(Courtesy of GameFAQs)
EDIT: NVM about that, just saw that it says release date 2005. GameFAQs fails again!

P.S. somebody give me a hint for Hard Sewer level 6, it seems like I've exhausted every possibility but nothing works. In particular I seem to be having trouble finding a place to use the teleporters.


later said:
"pretty okay"

that doesn't sound too good :(
Hopefully it has long legs based on positive word-of-mouth and the nature of digital distribution, but Nintendo's lack of promotion for either of their downloadable services probably isn't helping. :(
I have only the nintendo channel, sonic 3, zelda 1, mario 1, ftt, dyc, star soilder, and alien crush now. Toki tori bought it down to 300 blocks and I had to delete everything else including saves out of fear. Now I have a meager 600ish blocks. This is really going to hurt gems like this if consumers wont buy games due to such an obvious oversight such as lack of storage space.

Great game btw.


Death Prophet
Jiggy37 said:
Hopefully it has long legs based on positive word-of-mouth and the nature of digital distribution, but Nintendo's lack of promotion for either of their downloadable services probably isn't helping. :(
I'm really wondering how many people are actually accessing the channel. They need to get the word out more...
Hero said:
I demand screenshots.







Hero said:
Thanks. Looks very...strange.

Bah! It looks if not great then at least good.

I've managed to beat all the normal puzzles and are now working my way through the hard ones, some of which are kicking my ass.

You know, I'd REALLY like to see new versions of Lemmings 1&2 released in Wii Ware. Really loved those games back in the good old Amiga days, still play them now and then...
Wired said:
Bah! It looks if not great then at least good.

I've managed to beat all the normal puzzles and are now working my way through the hard ones, some of which are kicking my ass.

You know, I'd REALLY like to see new versions of Lemmings 1&2 released in Wii Ware. Really loved those games back in the good old Amiga days, still play them now and then...
Not gonna happen, Lemmings is a Sony IP.
I have 6 levels left, Toxic Hard 6 + 9 and Bubble Hard 1,2,5,6. Toxic 6 is killing me, its a really small level so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but nothing seems to work and I really don't think there are any possible solutions left that I haven't already attempted.
Great game and it's really fun. At the first few levels I thought the game was too easy but the game keeps getting interesting.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
if you don't buy this game you're ugly and your mom is fat.

there, i said it.


nincompoop said:
Not gonna happen, Lemmings is a Sony IP.
I have 6 levels left, Toxic Hard 6 + 9 and Bubble Hard 1,2,5,6. Toxic 6 is killing me, its a really small level so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but nothing seems to work and I really don't think there are any possible solutions left that I haven't already attempted.
Slimy Sewer Hard 6:

Drop a block in the bottom-right corner, hop up for the egg, build a bridge off that ledge, drop a block on the edge of it, teleport left of it, then stand under it and teleport up.
Holy shit, the solution for Bubble World Hard 5 was like the most ridiculous thing ever :lol

Capndrake said:
Slimy Sewer Hard 6:

Drop a block in the bottom-right corner, hop up for the egg, build a bridge off that ledge, drop a block on the edge of it, teleport left of it, then stand under it and teleport up.
Wow... I feel dumb.

4 levels left! I'm kind of confused on what the hell you're supposed to do on Sewer Hard 9.
Chiming in to say YES, BUY THIS GAME. Very fun, plus it looks and sounds amazing. And like others have mentioned my only complaint is no D-pad use. I'm still early on so I'll have to wait and see if I get stuck on a hard level and change my opinion. :D
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