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The wonders of dumpster diving

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No one takes carrots with mold on the outside (or any food of that kind), don't be stupid. We take stuff that still looks (& smells & feels) edible. Clearly rotten food is not that.

Just because food looks clean doesn't mean it IS clean. That includes in stores as well. But they at least try to keep tabs on it. I know several times there has been something wrong with a product line and we had to throw it all out. Looked fine but you sure wouldn't want to have eaten it.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I have more respect for someone that shuts up and does what it takes to survive than someone that constantly ponders how if what they're doing is respect worthy or not.

It's pretty clear people are not dumpster diving in here to survive. They claim they are doing it to save money or fight waste.


Did you even read the OP? No? Didnt think so.

i didn't see OP mention anything about moldy food

OP said:
A lot of you might first think it sounds dangerous and disgusting but the reality is a lot different. You can still find food still wrapped up in package undamaged without mold or tear. Certain food types have strong packaging, or peel (like banana, pineapple, carrots) which makes it easy to just peel away whats bad. So you don't just find unhealthy ecoli/mold infested junk in the dumpster.


Unconfirmed Member
I've been dumpster diving for almost a decade. I haven't done it so much in the past few years cause I've had more expendable income, but I still do it for fun, sometimes.

I mostly dumpster vegetables. It's easy to tell if their going bad, so it's pretty safe. I have friends who dumpster meat, and I've tried it, but I definitely don't make a habit out of it.

Me and my friends also have a tradition of going to the wealthier local colleges and dumpstering right after their academic year ends. You wouldn't believe what we find. Macbooks, PCs, TVs, monitors, iPods, furniture, art supplies, booze, marijuana -- even cash. It's fucking insane.
Have seen this thing before. It is shocking how much food the Western world dumps in the bin, much of it being still usable, often thrown out for odd reasons. This kind of stuff could easily be given to charities to feed the homeless and needy.

Getting meat out of the dumpsters though? That is fucking madness, could have been in there for hours. Not worth the health risk there.
This is ludicrous. Farmers institute quotas on agricultural harvests already to keep supply in check. Tons upon tons of agricultural yields are routinely destroyed year after year to artificially inflate prices in the food market because of the inelasticity of the demand for food (you learn this in your first econ class). A direct consequence of the advent of dumpster diving as a substantive social movement (incredibly unlikely, considering how it's complete lunacy) would be food prices being driven even higher, because most Americans still earn their keep and pay for their own food. The end game? More crop yields being destroyed as America generates more waste to compensate for a movement of entitled morons. The productive capacity of agriculture falls even shorter than before, and the honest Americans are hurt by the collective egocentrism of dumpster divers.

Dear lord.

Not sure if I follow what you are saying. Was I saying that this movement wants everyone to avoid buying food and contributing to the economy and make the prices inflate? Makes it sound like it.
I am not really distant to the false premise of demand and subsidies. Thats why commercials are needed to tell people why they need to buy stuff they don't need.
However I will not be naive and think that consumers don't have a power in things towards gigantic corporate practices.

Honest Americans are hurt by the collective egocentrism of dumpster divers? What a bunch of crap seriously. What makes an American honest? I know very well dumpster diving only works and is harmless when there is an abundant of waste which is our situation today. Then again I don't think I can take anyone serious who uses the word for this movement as lunacy.

No one takes carrots with mold on the outside (or any food of that kind), don't be stupid. We take stuff that still looks (& smells & feels) edible. Clearly rotten food is not that.

To be honest I have eaten all kinds of carrots. Just because it turns a bit brown and grey doesnt mean it is bad at all. You have to also judge due to the water level in it. Moisture damages vegetables easily, but often it could be just the peel thats suffering.
These carrots I got today mostly looked like travesty before I peeled them but they taste better than most carrots I buy every week that looks perfect. This doesnt apply to all vegetables though. Root vegetables are very tough and don't get as easily moldy opposed to other types.


What would be considered a bigger act of lacking self respect?

Going into a dumpster to get perfectly fine items that have been tossed out for petty reasons or smoking?

I ask since I'm pretty sure the latter is viewed as being more "socially acceptable" even though it's just as bad (if not worse) health wise as some are making the former out to be.
I've been dumpster diving for almost a decade. I haven't done it so much in the past few years cause I've had more expendable income, but I still do it for fun, sometimes.

I mostly dumpster vegetables. It's easy to tell if their going bad, so it's pretty safe. I have friends who dumpster meat, and I've tried it, but I definitely don't make a habit out of it.

Me and my friends also have a tradition of going to the wealthier local colleges and dumpstering right after their academic year ends. You wouldn't believe what we find. Macbooks, PCs, TVs, monitors, iPods, furniture, art supplies, booze, marijuana -- even cash. It's fucking insane.

I can see the appeal of it. I used to live in a neighborhood that had bulk pick up twice a week.
People would put boxes of junk. I scored a router and a lan card. A friend of mines wife would go around and pick up old electronics and clothes and sell them at a swap meet.


Unconfirmed Member
What would be considered a bigger act of lacking self respect?

Going into a dumpster to get perfectly fine items that have been tossed out for petty reasons or smoking?

I ask since I'm pretty sure the latter is viewed as being more "socially acceptable" even though it's just as bad (if not worse) health wise as some are making the former out to be.
That's a dumb question based on a false premise. Out of the dozens and dozens of people I know who dumpster, there have been very few cases of food poisoning. Shit, you're more at risk eating at a sushi restaurant, probably.

Edit : Totally misinterpreted the post I quoted. My bad!


Me and my friends also have a tradition of going to the wealthier local colleges and dumpstering right after their academic year ends. You wouldn't believe what we find. Macbooks, PCs, TVs, monitors, iPods, furniture, art supplies, booze, marijuana -- even cash. It's fucking insane.

So...jealous. At some places I'm aware of, they would throw away expensive computers. The hard drives would be incinerated, but the sweet sweet electronics would literally be in a big railway dumpster. It hurt me so bad to see people tossing full computers into a big metal box, and hearing the *clunk*. I used to fantasize about sneaking in and making off with swag, but, yeah, not trying to go to prison.


I know a thing or two about legitimate dumpster diving. It's not a new thing. Movements have been born and died based on it. Hippies, Freegans, urban-reclamationists, have all dove into dumpsters to get food since the 60s. If you know where to go, you can make out ok. You don't go to some random dumpster by an apartment complex. You go to a restaurant or supermarket, at the right time, just as 'recently expired' goods are being tossed. Supermarkets do throw out hundreds of pounds of perfectly edible but past sell by date produce and packaged products. It's stuff that would legitimately be fair game in a restaurant, or something that a soup kitchen would be grateful for, but it gets tossed out because it isn't prime commercial commodity.

In a perfect world, stuff like this would be processed, and donated to needy people, but since this is all about commerce and making money, and fear of negative public image, or that someone might possibly get sick and sue, food businesses throw away tons of safe and edible good daily. It's a fact. There were some programs set up to allow stores to donate things like this, but many stores refuse to, over liability and insurance issues. So, you have savvy homeless and adventurous types who go to restaurants, grocery stores and the like to get free foods. Yes it's kind of gross, you may encounter some gamey and overripe smells, but lots of that stuff is salvageable and perfectly fine.

That said, having so extreme an aversion or advocacy for this that you come to insulting arguments is not worth it. People do it. It's a thing. Not your thing? Ok then. It's over.

Pretty much my thoughts and knowledge on all of it. I have the privileged of having meals and snacks daily while many don't. I don't see the point in going out and doing DD but the people that do are sending a pretty important message no matter how new age hippy they may be.

interesting essay I read on it once.


That's a dumb question based on a false premise. Out of the dozens and dozens of people I know who dumpster, there have been very few cases of food poisoning. Shit, you're more at risk eating at a sushi restaurant, probably.

Not sure if I understand what you are saying or why you quoted me...

...if anything I think we are on the same page.

Then again, my example wasn't the best.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
So...jealous. At some places I'm aware of, they would throw away expensive computers. The hard drives would be incinerated, but the sweet sweet electronics would literally be in a big railway dumpster. It hurt me so bad to see people tossing full computers into a big metal box, and hearing the *clunk*. I used to fantasize about sneaking in and making off with swag, but, yeah, not trying to go to prison.

You wait till the dumpsters are full and this always happened for me anyway. People then proceed to leave their crap laying right outside the bins themselves.

It actually got really intense one semester they had to call campus police in just to make sure people weren't standing around the bins. People would stake out bins waiting for people to drop shit off and then they'd go in like vultures for the thrown away textbooks, TVs, mini fridges and various other things.

I've never done the dumpster diving for food, but dorm diving is where its at. You can easily make out like a bandit.
Oh NeoGaf, your stupidity shines brightly yet again.

Dumpster diving is not inherently dangerous or unsanitary, most of the items people choose to eat are individually wrapped or recently expired. People understand what types of food to choose and what types to avoid (meats, cheeses). It is not inherently dirty you fucking tards. How dare people try to use a resource that is being wasted in a culture that doesn't understand sustainability?!

NeoGaf, keep making threads about celebrity gossip and culture, about gadgets and TV shows, about infotainment news articles. Bunch of corporate culture whores.

Username + Avatar + post = I would've enjoyed your stay here. You will be missed.

I don't see how someone can judge people that dumpster dive. Yeah socially it's fucking gross but it isn't like these people are eating bitten cheeseburgers outta there.


Super Sleuth
You wait till the dumpsters are full and this always happened for me anyway. People then proceed to leave their crap laying right outside the bins themselves.

It actually got really intense one semester they had to call campus police in just to make sure people weren't standing around the bins. People would stake out bins waiting for people to drop shit off and then they'd go in like vultures for the thrown away textbooks, TVs, mini fridges and various other things.

I've never done the dumpster diving for food, but dorm diving is where its at. You can easily make out like a bandit.

That pathetic struggle for the droppings of others is more sad to me than someone just having a particular dumpster they like to go investiagte.


Ugh, no idea so many unhygienic people posted on GAF , I guess its a good time as any to update my ignore list.
I didn't realise people here did that and I'm not going to judge them for it. There does seem to be a perfectly rational reasoning behind it, however. More power to people like Sonki
You should try going to a local food bank. There they collect day old breads, overstocked fruits, canned items that don't sell and sell them back to the community for incredibly reduced prices. In Boulder they often get great stuff from the trendy food boutiques. A better option if you don't want to debase yourself rummaging though other peoples trash.


I came into this thread expecting this as the first post.


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if I understand what you are saying or why you quoted me...

...if anything I think we are on the same page.

Then again, my example wasn't the best.
Ahh, my bad. I didn't read your last sentence closely enough, and totally misinterpreted your post.


Yeah, this seems very naive. Just because it looks good doesn't mean its safe to eat.
Yeah, maybe saying there are no problems with it is a bit wrong. Still, if you keep your wits about, there's hardly any danger in it (if there was a significant probability to get something, you'd imagine me and all my friends who do this would've gotten something during the years we've been doing it). Like someone said earlier in this thread, "if you aren't sure, then don't take it." There have been times when I haven't been sure if I should take something with me and I've left it in the dumpster.


y'all should be ashamed
Our local schools pour bleach all over the foods they throw out in the dumpster to prevent theft by other workers.

I thought that was a more common practice.


Our local schools pour bleach all over the foods they throw out in the dumpster to prevent theft by other workers.

I thought that was a more common practice.

Seems super wasteful. How is it theft if it being thrown out lol?

But this thread is classic.


Seems super wasteful. How is it theft if it being thrown out lol?

But this thread is classic.

Exactly so. Fucking perverse world. We've got people fucking starving, but we pour bleach on excess food so that when we THROW IT AWAY, it's not "stolen."
Fucking commodification.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I'd eat food from the trash. Fuck, I drop food on the floor alot of the time and eat it like nothing happened. You people sicken me.


In high school I used to go to the Hostess Bakery in our city and dumpster dive. They would throw away fully sealed desserts just because they were a day over the "Best By" date! Some wasteful shit, but we rectified that by eating way too many boxes of those delicious Hostess donuts.


If you don't understand the topic, then why get into it? This is nothing of the sorts.

If you were homeless, and your options were to starve, and last longer to find real food, or eat out of the dumpster, get a disease and die, which would be the logical choice?


If you were homeless, and your options were to starve, and last longer to find real food, or eat out of the dumpster, get a disease and die, which would be the logical choice?
So you don't understand the topic.

Good luck not getting diseased eating that.
I've been doing this closer to 5 years now and I've never gotten sick. I guess I have some seriously good luck, maybe I should try the lottery...
"Looks totally legit" is not enough.

I am sorry I did not have time to take pictures of where I actually got it from. You may believe whatever you may believe, but I am not going to stop what I am doing currently as I have it hard to believe what I picked is dangerous. It is impossible to take a lab test right now to verify to test it, but it would be interesting to compare this food against something from inside the grocery store. Ecoli comes from shit which yes could be in the same dumpster but it is more unlikely that grocery stores throw in shit with their food waste. To be honest it is more risky to get an E.coli contamination from eating meat, as most of the stories I have heard has come from that source (I know there has been cases with vegetables at times). I mean the livestocks are providing the manure as the vegetables don't take a dump themselves.
The risk is there already from the food that arrived at the store shelves, but of course you could be in bad luck if the store found out about e.coli contamination and picked from the same trash where they threw away the contaminated food.

To be honest I question already how clean the grocery stores are. Do you think they clean absolute everything they use the food with. What about the ones working there when they touch the food we later eat? Of course dumpster diving is never entirely 100% safe, but it isn't 100% unsafe either. It would actually be a bit different if they actually just threw actually food that has turned bad. I don't even eat animal products so I have have less problems with food thats exposure to heat and beyond its expiration date and so on.
Yeah, maybe saying there are no problems with it is a bit wrong. Still, if you keep your wits about, there's hardly any danger in it (if there was a significant probability to get something, you'd imagine me and all my friends who do this would've gotten something during the years we've been doing it). Like someone said earlier in this thread, "if you aren't sure, then don't take it." There have been times when I haven't been sure if I should take something with me and I've left it in the dumpster.
You should really look into studying a bit of bacteriology before you start making claims about the safeness of the food you're getting from there.
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