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There is no doubt pc's are much more powerful than consoles. Why do Consoles always have the best looking games?


Speak out......to who? PC gaming has no single company behind it. And why would PC gamers be "mortified" about getting "console ports" when consoles are now essentially PCs? The only ports coming "months after" are the ones from Sony. Most multiplat games are on PC day one.
I don't know why there is some strange perception that all games that come out on consoles and PC are "console games" somehow.

Codes 208

Consoles can’t even get a proper port of crysis and that series still looks good enough to be modern. Not to mention cyberpunk on pc with maxed settings (plus RT) still looks amazing, considerably better than console (just not as good as what they previously shown)

at least for multi platforms. The better answer is that many of the high end devs work exclusively on consoles. Naughty dog, insomniac, blue point, etc.

comparatively pc still gets bangers, but mostly indies and left over ports made by smaller teams
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
It speaks to console developers skills they frequently release AAA graphical showcases and occasional you get a must play game on PC but that’s rare.


I don't know why there is some strange perception that all games that come out on consoles and PC are "console games" somehow.

In order to make a console release commercially viable, the gameplay has to be simplified for controller users.

A game tailored to PC can go all the way. Need a spreadsheet to memorize a hundred keyboard commands? No problem.
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I don't know why there is some strange perception that all games that come out on consoles and PC are "console games" somehow.
Because for nearly all big games that`s just how it is.
The consoles are the only standardized hardware devs can refer to and so everything is designed around them and then gets modified and or scaled up/down from there. There are very few big budget productions that forego this (like CP2077)
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Are you kidding? Ampere GPUs? Ryzen 5xxx CPUs?
we`re already at 2-3x the performance we have available on the consoles (probably a lot more than that for RT performance). When exactly does "outclassing" begin for you? :D

And much higher draw distance, object density, lightning accuracy, shadow accuracy etc etc etc there are dozens of scalable engine features besides res and fps.........An that is vanilla. The moment mods come into the comparison it gets really ridiculous.
None of these is immediately apparent when. You play one version after another. We are not talking rdr1 vs2 like your next level would suggest


Imagine you're making a game for PC. You have so many variables to account for, everything from graphics cards (with a WIDE range of capabilities) to hard drive speeds (regular HD or SSD?) to ram 8gb to 64 gb). With consoles, you narrow down variables to just a handful with no unknown unknowns. That means you can really dig into the hardware and exploit it.


In order to make a console release commercially viable, the gameplay has to be simplified for controller users.

A game tailored to PC can go all the way. Need a spreadsheet to memorize a hundred keyboard commands? No problem.
Well at this point there aren't many games that don't release on both, so calling something a console game or PC game just seems irrelevant in this landscape. To me a console game or a PC game means it literally didn't release on the other. WoW is a PC game.
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None of these is immediately apparent when. You play one version after another. We are not talking rdr1 vs2 like your next level would suggest
to you maybe.......just like some people claim that they can see no difference between 1080p and 2160p, or between SDR and HDR........
As always there is only one answer:

Go see your eye doctor.
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Fixed platform vs open platform, however, a lot of exclusives are now coming to PC. Not only this but the requirements for those games are much lower than anticipated and look better on PC when they do show up on the platform.
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None of these is immediately apparent when. You play one version after another. We are not talking rdr1 vs2 like your next level would suggest
The difference is night and day in some cases. But I tend to notice these things, you may not.

After all not until this generation could most console gamers seemingly tell the difference between 30 and 60+ fps. Now every console gamer is an expert on frame rate.


Gold Member
I don't know why there is some strange perception that all games that come out on consoles and PC are "console games" somehow.

I think it is a mindset from past generations where PC ports came much later due to dissimilar tech. Hasn't been that way since consoles moved to x86.

In order to make a console release commercially viable, the gameplay has to be simplified for controller users.

A game tailored to PC can go all the way. Need a spreadsheet to memorize a hundred keyboard commands? No problem.

A spreadsheet for keyboard commands? What? Keyboard input has been fairly standardized since WASD was adopted in the early Doom years. And you do know PCs can use controllers, right? You can't really be suggesting that input options is a significant factor here, right?

Because for nearly all big games that`s just how it is.
The consoles are the only standardized hardware devs can refer to and so everything is designed around them and then gets modified and or scaled up/down from there.

Standardized? You've got PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PS5. All using variations of PC AMD tech. So scaling up and down is already occurring in the console space. On PC, there is more variety as they have minimum CPU, GPU, and RAM targets, but console is no longer this concrete singular device that it used to be.


Gold Member
98% of games are multyplatforms and they always look better on pc, so....

But consoles have some of the best graphical showcases, yes.

The power of tailoring a game for a single hardware, telented devs, years in the oven and a big budget.


Standardized? You've got PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PS5. All using variations of PC AMD tech. So scaling up and down is already occurring in the console space. On PC, there is more variety as they have minimum CPU, GPU, and RAM targets, but console is no longer this concrete singular device that it used to be.
That is still highly standardized with dedicated fixed dev systems for each available platform. This is absolutely nothing compared to the near infinite permutations you have in the PC space.
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It's typical for the best and brightest games to be played or made on a console. Going back to the HD era of games this remains true with graphic king games. Gears of War, Uncharted 4, Read Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us 2, and Ratchet and Clank a rift apart wipes it's ass when any game out period. Despite these high end pc's having graphics cards that can cost as much as 3x as much as a Playstation 5 the math doesn't add up. Sure on pc you can play at 300fps with much higher resolutions but I can't really think of a pc game that was a real graphics king since Crysis. In short? Why aren't these pc's blowing console games out of the water while costing 4x or more as much?


RDR2 modded:


GTA 5 modded:


Star citizen, fling landing on planets, first person shooter, walking through huge space stations. game is on a scope no other game even come close towards.


Flight simulator which basically mops the floor with any competition really.



Anno 1800 a builder that absolutely whipes the floor with any other builder visually nothing gets close, the detail is insane.



Some upcoming stuff that will look visually great for PC.

Basically the new blizzard


They have more projects that have half life fibes like plan 8


Wukong black myth highly anticipated game probably release sooner rather then later.



Then about the cost of consoles.

80 euro games + 60 euro's subscription every year, rakes up big time. Consoles are more expensive then PC's are and that's just simple the reality at the end if we are not looking at scalper prices and that's when u consider having to buy everything from scratch from PC while at it.

And if you disagree.

Tell me how much this costs somebody that buys into the PS5:

Extra controller
2 new sony games
7 years of subscription for online gaming.

Have fun.

Most PCs are not more powerful than consoles. Look at steam surveys, the vast majority of PC gamers are playing on potatoes.

1 billlion people vs 10 million.

Now go try some math.

NVIDIA Has Sold 20 Million RTX GPUs Till Date: ( 20 january 2021 )​

And that gen was a complete dud sale wise LOL.

There are not only more pc's with more powerful hardware then PS5, but also more PC's with more powerful hardware then PS4's and its not even close. when u consider AMD also being part of the group and tons of PC gamers not even using steam.

Games are made for consoles, better pcs just have overhead power for resolution/fps etc.

Its very rare for an actual game to be developed for a "high end pc" in mind and have quality/polish, the last time i remember that being attempted was crysis

And as usual, just throwing money at it doesnt work, need quality devs putting the time and effort to make something special

Where is anno 1800 on consoles?
Was control made of the PS4? why the dips to single digit performance? or was it a PC title paid by nviida for RTX showcase? there you go.
how is cyberpunk doing on console? still waiting for that "next gen patch lol", even the devs confirmed multiple times we can't possible get it to run and they nuked the visuals already to the core because consoles are just to weak.
How is star citizen doing?
how is bdo doing
How is league of legends doing?
how is world of warcraft doing?
how is new world doing?
how is ashes of creation doing?

And those are just games i play, there are a lot more in genre's i don't even touch.

Pretending only console games are made is laughable.

RDR 2 sold 10 million copies in its first three days on consoles. It sold under a million in its first two months on PC. Including marketing costs, the game cost almost half a billion to make. You're not gonna get that kind of money out of a PC audience with a single player game, no matter how smartly you target the mid to low-end.

Yet ubisoft breaks records after records with there games on PC.

Maybe u know don't release a game in a shit tier state a year later with no advertisement when all the hype of the game is dead already because it was advertised to hell and back a year before on consoles?.

Just maybe.

The whole launch of RDR2 was a disaster and the fact that RDR2 online is dead something that's totally PC gamer orientated on PC already tells you something how badly they mismanaged there launch on PC. Hell its so trash they now even strip the online section out of the main game and still ask 5 bucks for it. Yay. dumbasses.

Well, watch it: I'm doing it! Fuck Windows X64, it slows all our games! And welcome to Windows ARM with no X64 inside. We'll be millions to prise how such a modern OS makes games running better.

The question should be: how much power is Windows taken off X hardware under X64 to run a game VS ARM VS consoles? And tell me, Windows X64 does not slow everything.

Nobody cares mate. If its not on windows it might as well not exist when it comes to gaming.

It's the same game. It's not like going from 360p to 1080p.
It's still 1080p with decent taa and stable 30fps on consoles.
It's not GAME CHANGING NEXT LEVEL visuals on pc. It's jus higher res and fps

Straight up clueless, watch my GTA 5 mod gif above. tell me how that's only just some resolution and more fps. Do you guys even know what modding or higher settings mean?

But todays consoles are made of PC parts :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Plot twist - Your console is a PC.

Its funny how they don't realize this themselves.
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You need to look more GDC data and you less be confident about your huge bias... You'll grow.

Average console spec will still be ps4 for 3 years . It's not sure atm there are less pc more or equally powerful than console. Most game will scale down and work on lesser than console hardware on pc. MOST hardware that sell and will be sold will play next gen games. This average talk is not going to go the way people want if applied to console too or if you try to estimate numbers not in % (pc hardware count over billion) .
Yet the console space, Sony/MS/Nintendo cut and all, is where the money is.
Guaranteed money, without piracy, denuvo BS and a lot less cheaters to deal with.

You know why devs prefer PS5 over Xbox Series? Multiple hardware configurations.
Time and time again people got on "it's just a slider that goes up and down".
This is after the development is over, to get to the "slider" part, a lot of work needs to be done.

The effort devs put on console games vs the PC ports show this.
Sorry, you're not the focus, never was and likely never will be.
This gap will increase with the SSD requirement and hardware decompression on consoles.

Just be glad that the "console peasants" exists or you would be back to playing RTS, CRPG and simulators.


Gold Member
That is still highly standardized with dedicated fixed dev systems for each available permutation. This is absolutely nothing compared to the near infinite permutations you have in the PC space.

That's overstating things heavily. A game does not need to account for every possible component in a PC. Most of the hardware variations in PC are handled by the operating system. The minimum requirements of the game is set with CPU, RAM and GPU. There are not anything close to "infinite permutations" there and much of it is abstracted away in DirectX.


The difference is night and day in some cases. But I tend to notice these things, you may not.

After all not until this generation could most console gamers seemingly tell the difference between 30 and 60+ fps. Now every console gamer is an expert on frame rate.
it is not. It is just not fucking night and day. you are all crazy.
And I am not talking about modding.

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Then about the cost of consoles.

80 euro games + 60 euro's subscription every year, rakes up big time. Consoles are more expensive then PC's are and that's just simple the reality at the end if we are not looking at scalper prices and that's when u consider having to buy everything from scratch from PC while at it.

And if you disagree.

Tell me how much this costs somebody that buys into the PS5:

Extra controller
2 new sony games
7 years of subscription for online gaming.

Have fun.

1 billlion people vs 10 million.

Now go try some math.

And that gen was a complete dud sale wise LOL.

There are not only more pc's with more powerful hardware then PS5, but also more PC's with more powerful hardware then PS4's and its not even close. when u consider AMD also being part of the group and tons of PC gamers not even using steam.

Where is anno 1800 on consoles?
Was control made of the PS4? why the dips to single digit performance? or was it a PC title paid by nviida for RTX showcase? there you go.
how is cyberpunk doing on console? still waiting for that "next gen patch lol", even the devs confirmed multiple times we can't possible get it to run and they nuked the visuals already to the core because consoles are just to weak.
How is star citizen doing?
how is bdo doing
How is league of legends doing?
how is world of warcraft doing?
how is new world doing?
how is ashes of creation doing?

And those are just games i play, there are a lot more in genre's i don't even touch.

Pretending only console games are made is laughable.

Yet ubisoft breaks records after records with there games on PC.

Maybe u know don't release a game in a shit tier state a year later with no advertisement when all the hype of the game is dead already because it was advertised to hell and back a year before on consoles?.

Just maybe.

The whole launch of RDR2 was a disaster and the fact that RDR2 online is dead something PC gamers would be heavily successful if they didn't shit the brick so hard with there game.

Nobody cares mate. If its not on windows it might as well not exist when it comes to gaming.

Straight up clueless, watch my GTA 5 mod gif above. tell me how that's only just some resolution and more fps. Do you guys even know what modding or higher settings mean?

Its funny how they don't realize this themselves.

All types of tangents going on in this post but as someone who just built a firmly mid tier PC (3070, 11600, etc) it was far more expensive than the PS5 I bought at launch. Adding the cost of online + a completely unnecessary 2nd controller doesn't change that.

You're right about the modding scene though, lots of neckbeards sitting in basements doing the work devs can't be bothered to do.

Not sure about those new games you mentioned but appears they're being made by some chinese/SK devs so based on the track record of those countries I won't hold my breath. "The new blizzard" what's that even mean? Are we talking about 1995-2009 Blizzard or the shit tier dev we've seen since then?
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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the best-selling Ubisoft PC launch ever​

That doesn't mean anything, though. I could claim to have the best LazyParrotSoft PC launch ever if my last game sold 10 copies and my new one sold 15.

What really matters is whether or not they could make their money back if they went PC exclusive, and I'm pretty sure they couldn't. PS and Xbox make up two thirds of their sales.
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Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Most of the pc games people list were just console leftovers. They were already old by the time they released on pc. It's like they got the HD reboots.


Framerate and Image quality…
of course but that's not the point of the conversation.
But even that - 1440p vs 4k is touch blurrier, sure. Textures are tiny bit worse. Those things maybe I would notice during gameplay.
Draw distance and all other changes? eeeh.
Fps? sure. If You can run it at 60 or more. That said, I had no problem playing this at 30 on ps4. Seeing it at 60 is not EYE OPENING or NEXT LEVEL lol certainly not.

Again - I have 3080 and OF COURSE I will play death stranding 4k 120 dlss quality etc since I am crazy about Image Quality. With latest dlss, Death Stranding looks like straight up ground truth render at times.
But given that - ps4 version looks mostly about the same with again, the difference being in fps and resolution. And you have to spend big dough for that


In a certain sense you never get to see what your new PC card is really made of. You just end up playing the same games as everyone else with just higher resolutions and frame rates if that makes sense.

If you took a 3090 and put it in a closed box with all the bells and whistles and let a highly skilled dev create a game solely based on those specs - the outcome would be beyond anything anyone has seen.

Back in the old days there used to be games that were truly targeted for high end PC users. This time is obviously over as it makes no financial sense to do so
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Most gaming PCs actually in use today are less powerful than a Series X or PS5.

Developers know this and aren't going to go out of their way to customize their games around the highest tier rigs. So you end up with a similar situation as Xbox One and PS4 games running on newer hardware - resolution or framerate bumps, but nothing coming close to pushing the hardware to its limits


All types of tangents going on in this post but as someone who just built a firmly mid tier PC (3070, 11600, etc) it was far more expensive than the PS5 I bought at launch. Adding the cost of online + a completely unnecessary 2nd controller doesn't change that.

You're right about the modding scene though, lots of neckbeards sitting in basements doing the work devs can't be bothered to do.

Not sure about those new games you mentioned but appears they're being made by some chinese/SK devs so based on the track record of those countries I won't hold my breath. "The new blizzard" what's that even mean? Are we talking about 1995-2009 Blizzard or the shit tier dev we've seen since then?

And that's the issue with most of you. Looking at hardware that are far beyond what consoles can do as mid tier while considering a console with far lower hardware high tier.

Seems legit.

Go ask some PC people if they consider 600 euro's for a GPU mid tier. They will laugh you out of the room. and that's the problem a lot of those clowns have, complete warped reality to feed there bias.

And before u don't understand what i mean because u probably don't.

Here's a example.

U know i am richy rich, and anything not 64 cores, 256 gb of memory, 10tb in raid 0 nvme drives with 2x 3090's is considered mid tier. Technically correct, complete ridicilous for anybody with 2 brain cells. And that's how you sound like atm by considering a 600 buck gpu mid tier.

Now about the console costs.

The reason i put it out there is to let people self reflect on the actual cost of that box. Instead of the illusion they tend to live in which isn't the reality.

Blizzard stands for last gen PC gaming, Pearl abyss stands for next gen PC gaming. The fact that u didn't even heard of them is already a indication u dont spend much time in PC games. Pretty much anybody in the mmo segment see's blizzard as a corpse and that's there last thing they shine at everything else they already got overtaken in by other company's and i think even wow is now by ff14r.

There is nothing on thei horizon from them or anything they did in between the last few years and now that seems to be a indication to move forwards. all we see is regressive behavior from them with there peak idiocy "don't u have a mobile" conference.

Meanwhile pearl abyss is slamming trailer after trailer out for games that are heavily inspiired by deserted legendary ip's that people want to see more content about and in a new fresh coat. The company has weight behind it because of BDO.

Thats why people call them the next blizzard.
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Not all PC's are more powerful than consoles, people need to stop talking about PC as if it's a fixed platform. Console devs can focus on a specific set of specs, they don't have to worry about making the game run on dozes if not hundreds of configurations.
This 1000% ... PC gets talked about like every PC owned is 2X as powerful as consoles or more....when the reality is the majority of PC's owned and used are probably equivalent or lesser to the consoles with the later probably being the most realistic scenario. Then factor in console devs have to focus on 2 or possibly 3 sku's of hardware and its far easier to maximize your output then if you have to account for all the PC variants.

Astral Dog

Money, PC are limited to the lowest spec, and thats in most cases a console. Thats why there are upgraded versions of games that look better than console but rarely a game made from ground up for a powerful PC

Though there are exceptions such as CRYSIS

Good games sell consoles, big game companies want to sell you a box every 5 years or so,cool graphics are part of the game, traditional consoles have games made from the ground up and thats why they look impressive today.


Gold Member
This 1000% ... PC gets talked about like every PC owned is 2X as powerful as consoles or more....when the reality is the majority of PC's owned and used are probably equivalent or lesser to the consoles with the later probably being the most realistic scenario.

The majority of consoles consist of base PS4 and Xbox One. Most PCs on Steam are more powerful than those according to hardware surveys.

Astral Dog

It’s makes me think of how heartbreaking it must be to have a vision, see these programmers and developers create something spectacular on their high end rigs, then having to optimize and degrade until they reach 30 fps. It must happen, cause it’s so often what we get compared to the first footage shown, is a lot of the time clearly downgraded.

Someone who knows more about game development correct me if I’m wrong. Some prime examples are the Witcher 3 and Final Fantasy 15.

Why not just release these versions 2 years later for super high end PC?
Square Enix sells millions of copies on consoles if it weren't for them they wouldn't be in this business or at least would be drastically different.

And not everybody plays or wants to bother with a high end PC,Square would still need to design FFXV to run on many configurations or else the game is not gonna get desired sales, cool graphics only get you so far without investment, thats why FFVIIR is only on PlayStation 😳


Someone who knows more about game development correct me if I’m wrong. Some prime examples are the Witcher 3 and Final Fantasy 15.

Why not just release these versions 2 years later for super high end PC?

Often those versions dont exist across the whole game. Part of the witcher 3's downgrade was that they had a ton of hand placed decals to blend materials better and very carefully placed lights. It was their vertical slice - and then when the producer worked with the art team to figure out how long it would take to manually add that level of detail across the entire game, it just didnt fit into a reasonable timeline and they had to develop a faster method of building assets. It's not always about performance.
Sometimes it's also about the engines ability to handle it on any hardware - maybe the witcher 3's lighting approach simply did not scale/blend across an open world and it wouldve taken too much work (if even possible) to make the engine support it. In cases like those, you make note of what needs to be done and make sure to work on that feature and find a solution for your next game. (not saying thats what happened - it's just one of a few possible reasons)

The dark souls 2 downgrade would have happened early enough that only the areas seen in that initial trailer were even set up to use that lighting. Maybe that was killed for performance reasons, but it would have happened early enough that it isnt something they can just pack up and re-enable.

In cases of a downgrade where the assets or approach changed, the studio would want that to happen at least 18months + out from release as that's when they ramp up outsourcing/scaling up for content creation. You do not want to end up hand placing more lights than your engine can handle and finding out it was wasted work, but often this is after the first vertical slice/trailer is made.
Obviously, I'm not commenting on ubisoft 'parity' downgrades here. there's a lot of nuance.
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Havent read through all the responses but Im sure folks have pointed out that console games target 30-60 fps. High end PC gamers target 120-244 framps per second and beyond. So it takes a lot more power to reach those targets. To me a FPS has to be around 120 fps to feel smooth enough on PC with a mouse. And then theres the fact that developers have to make a game capable of hitting a wide window of specs unlike consoles.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I'm surprised at how long it took for this to be answered.

It's mostly due to optimization.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I don't know of any 3rd party games that aren't better looking, or at least running, on a competent PC..

Then you have Sony exclusives; a combo of talent + a focus on graphics is really why they are so great looking.

But as we've seen.. it's not like these exclusives can't or wont' come to PC anymore. And they'll.. likely look and run better, on a competent PC.

PC "exclusives" are generally heavily gameplay focused.. they are exclusive because they are intense on CPUs, or have UX's that work best with a mouse/keyboard, etc.. Lot of RTS, strategy, that sort of thing.
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While subjective, I've never felt that way personally.

But performance and optimization can play a large part, of course. Sometimes third parties doing ports aren't they great too. There's a few different variables.

Consoles are very much plug and play compared to PCs across the board. It's easier, and much more straightforward for some.

PCs are FULL of a PLETHORA of different hardware combinations, etc. All that can equate very different performance.

Hell, even in my experience, as one can imagine, QAing for consoles was a LOT easier than PCs, lol.
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In a certain sense you never get to see what your new PC card is really made of. You just end up playing the same games as everyone else with just higher resolutions and frame rates if that makes sense.

If you took a 3090 and put it in a closed box with all the bells and whistles and let a highly skilled dev create a game solely based on those specs - the outcome would be beyond anything anyone has seen.

Back in the old days there used to be games that were truly targeted for high end PC users. This time is obviously over as it makes no financial sense to do so
At the risk of sounding old but I remember playing Homeworld in 1999. No console could run that.

But then PC didn't get Final Fantasy 10.


i will be honest

i played rdr 2 on both base ps4 and on rtx 3070 with maxed out visuals at 1440p-1620p

let me tell you... difference is not that huge. having a higher resolution input made the visuals more sharp and higher frame rate was a welcome (not needed when it takes literal 3 seconds for arthur to get down from his horse. its such a slow paced game)

i had some observations. i'm not blind. but these maxed out settings didn't strike me as "superior" alternative

- lighting in saint dennis. this one is the biggest takeaway on PC version. practically, saint dennis and other various towns is lit much, much better. visually noticeable. this is driven by lighting setting and can tank framerates up to %50 wheren even a 3070 fails to hit a locked 60 at 1440p render. but again, yes, this one really makes a difference. but let me be honest, its a bit niche. its still not ground breaking

- foliage distance in general. you can max this out and the visible amount of grass/foliage will be greatly increased. this one is also a plus for pc version

- improved AF. this is the bane of consoles, and i always notice low AF since im playing with a monitor upclose

in the end of the day, i can say pc experience of rdr 2 in terms of performance/smoothness/graphics was vastly better than ps4, but it wasn't a "generational" transformation. in %70 of the gameplay, i would say, outside of the framerate, the experience was quite similar.

i played the game originally on ps4 first, and spent a good 120 hours there. really enjoyed the story a lot.

later on, its released for PC and i pre-ordered, because like many others, I also fell in love with this game.

In the end, I finished it again on PC. It crashed like 20 times in the entirety of a 70 hour playthrough. later i gave rd online a chance, spending another 140 hours there. i crashed 30-40 times. everyday it would randomly crash. there are even DEDICATED subreddits to specific crash codes.

in the end, the PC experience became worse due to crashes. some people are lucky, all right, they don't get much of crashes. before saying anything, its not my system. the other games play just fine. i even tried different drivers, different configs. in the end it didn't matter, because the game is clearly not ported properly for PC.

this is a bit mixed writeup. i just had to chime in my thoughts. consoles do not "prevent" anything. the whole witcher 3 debate is a hyperbole. it was simply CDPR being incompetent at that time. if rdr 2 levels of visuals are possible on ps4, then the E3 witcher 3 levels of visuals should also be possible on ps4. i don't care if CDPR is not talented enough to extract that performance out of it.

i both like consoles and pcs, and i think there's a perfect harmony between them. you can get higher frames, res and higher fidelity options on PC, nothing grounbreaking, but the improvements are still there. you simply can't have groundbreaking stuff on PC because the power levels are not there, okay? rtx 3090 is barely 2 times faster than a series x. what do you expect? even if games were designed solely for 3090, that would be lowest denominator and all gpus below it would suffer. be remind yourself that ps5/sx can easily rival 6700xt/3070 in terms of performance, early in the generation. you can imagine both will be surpassed by consoles in the middle of the generation. in the end of the generation, i'm pretty sure 3080/3090 will be forgotten and sx/ps5 will move on, continue to play games at a satisfactory level. this is not a jab at pc hardware, you people simply undermine consoles a lot. when used right, that weak ps4 hardware can push games like god of war, tlou 2 that are hardly matched on PC space due to exclusivity. flight simulator, cyberpunk rt is there but as a person that played all the games i've mentioned above, none of them can't still touch TLOU 2.
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And that's the issue with most of you. Looking at hardware that are far beyond what consoles can do as mid tier while considering a console with far lower hardware high tier.

Seems legit.

Go ask some PC people if they consider 600 euro's for a GPU mid tier. They will laugh you out of the room. and that's the problem a lot of those clowns have, complete warped reality to feed there bias.

And before u don't understand what i mean because u probably don't.

Here's a example.

U know i am richy rich, and anything not 64 cores, 256 gb of memory, 10tb in raid 0 nvme drives with 2x 3090's is considered mid tier. Technically correct, complete ridicilous for anybody with 2 brain cells. And that's how you sound like atm by considering a 600 buck gpu mid tier.

Now about the console costs.

The reason i put it out there is to let people self reflect on the actual cost of that box. Instead of the illusion they tend to live in which isn't the reality.

Blizzard stands for last gen PC gaming, Pearl abyss stands for next gen PC gaming. The fact that u didn't even heard of them is already a indication u dont spend much time in PC games. Pretty much anybody in the mmo segment see's blizzard as a corpse and that's there last thing they shine at everything else they already got overtaken in by other company's and i think even wow is now by ff14r.

There is nothing on thei horizon from them or anything they did in between the last few years and now that seems to be a indication to move forwards. all we see is regressive behavior from them with there peak idiocy "don't u have a mobile" conference.

Meanwhile pearl abyss is slamming trailer after trailer out for games that are heavily inspiired by deserted legendary ip's that people want to see more content about and in a new fresh coat. The company has weight behind it because of BDO.

Thats why people call them the next blizzard.

I don't know what you're on about. But you'll never build a PC that outperforms a PS5 for the same or less cost. Even with all your weird arbitrary requirements like 5 years of online and a second controller. You can barely get a comparable GPU for the cost.

I spend plenty of time playing games on PC, almost exclusively even. You know how many times over the last decade there's been some SK or Chinese company that's supposedly going to make the next big MMO? You know how many times the game has turned out good? Never. Both those games you posted look awful. I agree that Blizzard is a corpse of itself, doesn't mean I'm going to get myself hyped for a game from Pearl Abyss. BDO was a subpar game at best by all accounts, I don't know why that would give the company weight. If anything they've proven to not be a very good developer so I couldn't care less about some shiny trailers. Not sure who these people are that call them the next Blizzard but they seem like idiots.


A spreadsheet for keyboard commands? What? Keyboard input has been fairly standardized since WASD was adopted in the early Doom years. And you do know PCs can use controllers, right? You can't really be suggesting that input options is a significant factor here, right?

Keyboards have many times more buttons than a controller. PC games that don't care about being feasible to release on console, can have substantially deeper gameplay.


i will be honest

i played rdr 2 on both base ps4 and on rtx 3070 with maxed out visuals at 1440p-1620p

let me tell you... difference is not that huge. having a higher resolution input made the visuals more sharp and higher frame rate was a welcome (not needed when it takes literal 3 seconds for arthur to get down from his horse. its such a slow paced game)

i had some observations. i'm not blind. but these maxed out settings didn't strike me as "superior" alternative

- lighting in saint dennis. this one is the biggest takeaway on PC version. practically, saint dennis and other various towns is lit much, much better. visually noticeable. this is driven by lighting setting and can tank framerates up to %50 wheren even a 3070 fails to hit a locked 60 at 1440p render. but again, yes, this one really makes a difference. but let me be honest, its a bit niche. its still not ground breaking

- foliage distance in general. you can max this out and the visible amount of grass/foliage will be greatly increased. this one is also a plus for pc version

- improved AF. this is the bane of consoles, and i always notice low AF since im playing with a monitor upclose

in the end of the day, i can say pc experience of rdr 2 in terms of performance/smoothness/graphics was vastly better than ps4, but it wasn't a "generational" transformation. in %70 of the gameplay, i would say, outside of the framerate, the experience was quite similar.

i played the game originally on ps4 first, and spent a good 120 hours there. really enjoyed the story a lot.

later on, its released for PC and i pre-ordered, because like many others, I also fell in love with this game.

In the end, I finished it again on PC. It crashed like 20 times in the entirety of a 70 hour playthrough. later i gave rd online a chance, spending another 140 hours there. i crashed 30-40 times. everyday it would randomly crash. there are even DEDICATED subreddits to specific crash codes.

in the end, the PC experience became worse due to crashes. some people are lucky, all right, they don't get much of crashes. before saying anything, its not my system. the other games play just fine. i even tried different drivers, different configs. in the end it didn't matter, because the game is clearly not ported properly for PC.

this is a bit mixed writeup. i just had to chime in my thoughts. consoles do not "prevent" anything. the whole witcher 3 debate is a hyperbole. it was simply CDPR being incompetent at that time. if rdr 2 levels of visuals are possible on ps4, then the E3 witcher 3 levels of visuals should also be possible on ps4. i don't care if CDPR is not talented enough to extract that performance out of it.

i both like consoles and pcs, and i think there's a perfect harmony between them. you can get higher frames, res and higher fidelity options on PC, nothing grounbreaking, but the improvements are still there. you simply can't have groundbreaking stuff on PC because the power levels are not there, okay? rtx 3090 is barely 2 times faster than a series x. what do you expect? even if games were designed solely for 3090, that would be lowest denominator and all gpus below it would suffer. be remind yourself that ps5/sx can easily rival 6700xt/3070 in terms of performance, early in the generation. you can imagine both will be surpassed by consoles in the middle of the generation. in the end of the generation, i'm pretty sure 3080/3090 will be forgotten and sx/ps5 will move on, continue to play games at a satisfactory level. this is not a jab at pc hardware, you people simply undermine consoles a lot. when used right, that weak ps4 hardware can push games like god of war, tlou 2 that are hardly matched on PC space due to exclusivity. flight simulator, cyberpunk rt is there but as a person that played all the games i've mentioned above, none of them can't still touch TLOU 2.
Thank you.
As You say, of course pc gaming CAN look better and run better. These are given depending on the amount of money spent. Same with modding. But generally whenever I play on console, the experience is more care free and focused.
I would love for DLSS to make it to consoles which will not happen because it is my fav improvement over last few years on pc. I honestly think it looks better than native 4k taa in most games with quality dlss preset. even balanced sometimes.
I've got 3080 last year and ps5 in january. This march I got my first LG oled for a monitor (48" lg c1) and My best looking/most amazing experiences are:
Uncharted 4 on ps5.... jaw dropping. Still I think best looking game ever in total. Or new Demons Souls.
Death Stranding on pc. 120hz, 4k, dlss... breath taking.
But then Ratchet, tlou2 and gow 60fps patches.
And that's just graphics. Then there is extremely fast non loading, 3d audio and generally console wins in user experience category
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