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Things I Learned Working in a Residential Treatment Facility

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So in short, I used to work in a residential treatment facility not too long ago. I eventually parted ways there and was so upset over my experience that I practically wrote an essay about it.

Now while I encourage people to read it, I realize that not everyone will. So i'll just take a few excerpts from it.

However, even when staff are present you will wish at times that they weren't. Some staff even make things worse. There is one particularly staff who stands out to me of being insufferable to work with. I’ll call him “Captain” because there was a period of time where he would come into work wearing a captain’s sailor hat just like Chris in Resident Evil. I can’t accurately describe just how dumb he is without someone actually being in the field. In short he riles the kids up constantly. He will argue with nine year old children who are mentally impaired over the most idiotic things. This usually revolves around “you said, I said” types of ordeals that the children commonly argue over. This will result in the kid getting pissed off and him having to call someone from the other house, usually me, to deal with situation. The reason being is that he can’t restrain many of the kids anymore because he did so too much that the higher ups have taken notice.
Now what is the other staff member working at the same house doing at this time? Well she just sits on the computer all day. She’s in such poor shape that she weighs over 300 lbs and can barely walk. As a result she is always sitting on a chair where she puts blankets on the seat, because her ass is so fucking massive it hurts to sit on non-cushioned surfaces. During times of crisis she almost never gets up out of her seat and all she does is constantly complain about everything. What’s worse is that she too riles up the kids for no reason. But the worst thing about her is that she will always go behind staffs back trying to get them in trouble. An example of this is that when there are only three overnights present, one of us has to be the float. It is often me so I bounce between both houses, one containing teenagers and the other containing small children. I began to notice that the house for teenagers is usually chaotic at night while the house for small children is calm and quiet as the latter are fast asleep by the time I come in. During the morning things are reverse as the small children wake up much earlier than the teenagers. So I asked this “woman” if she would be okay if I stayed the night half of the shift at the teenager home and came back to the small child home when the morning began. She said that was all fine and dandy. I then told her to call me if she needed anything what so ever. It turned out that she told the supervisor that I was flat out refusing to work the house with her during the night shift, and thus I wasn't abiding by my responsibilities of being a float. She has done this multiple times with multiple people. Both of these staff are still hired by the company.

I recall a year ago I talked with some people about three kids from the facility who were going on a rampage in the community. Multiple times they left campus to do such things as steal gift cards and other products from various stores. They even went to Walmart and stole BB guns. Although not confirmed, I recall them talking about how they attempted to rob someone, though luckily it didn't turn out as planned. Despite all of this not a single thing happened to them. The closest thing they got to a “punishment” was that they couldn't go out for activities or clothing shopping, even though due to being so low staffed they were almost never taken out for these things begin with. Oh, they also had a thirty minute early bed time. That was it, that was their punishment. Everything else remained virtually unchanged.
All three of these boys are still at the house. So, this means that they must have changed their habits right? Not really. After that event the boys continued to do what they had been doing. They actually left the house to steal at least two more times or so. The took the BB guns they stole and hid them in their rooms. I also recall walking around outside and finding two metal baseball bats hidden under some debris. Could be coincidence…or not. But to really have one understand just how little accountability there is for the boys in the home I’ll begin to describe a few cases.

I’ll call this kid “Roy”. Roy never met his real parents as he was adopted at three weeks old. The only thing Roy knew about his original parents is that they were white. His family was all black and lived in an all black neighborhood. It was complete with a mother and siblings. Throughout most of Roy’s life his mother was very caring and his family treated him well, just like he was part of the family. Unfortunately for him the mother got sick and died. He was placed into care with his oldest sister. Suddenly he stopped being treated like one of the family, and instead like a leper. His family that he once knew and loved began abusing him as they ridiculed him, took food away from him, and out right physically abused him. Keep in mind despite Roy being a teenage boy he is very small and light. He tried to fight back but his much bigger female care taker overpowered him. The people who he thought was his family, for the first thirteen years or so of his life, really hated him all along and thought he was an outsider. Today you can see just how these experiences effect him. Whenever he eats he eats very quickly and has his hand over his bowl so no one can take his food. He always tries to befriend his bullies, because from his experience he is more safe when he is always by the side of the victimizer rather than being a lone victim. As a result he is constantly a goon, a partner in crime.

The younger clients certainly aren't without their own histories as well. One child, that I will call “Piff”, is very young. He was born to a mother who smoked crack regularly. She did a lot of things to fund her addiction. During this time it was suspected that Piff was regularly physically abused. She eventually was put in jail and Piff went to her boyfriend’s or brother’s house, I can’t remember the specifics of this exactly. It turns out that Piff’s new caretaker was even worse than his mother. They regularly sat home and did drugs while Piff was left to fend for himself. Eventually the caretaker disappeared all together and for a full month Piff was a child only a couple years old roaming the streets all by himself. I’m still not sure just what he had to do to survive, but I’d imagine it involved regularly stealing and eating garbage. Eventually he was spotted by police and then put into social services.
Seeing Piff today, even after two years or so of “treatment”, it is obvious he has severe problems. The best way to describe him is that he is an infant in a child’s body. He can’t focus on anything for more than two seconds at a time. He will invoke tantrums over the simplest things, such as him not getting the right kind of cereal. He frequently wets the bed and sees no problem walking around the house and interacting with his peers while being soaked in pee. He’ll become hysterical when he is told “no” by the simplest things. To be fair he has improved since he got to the placement, but I can’t chalk that up whether that is due to him no longer being in a place where he gets beat up and having to fend for himself, or that he is simply getting older. Probably both.

Much more at the link. And really this isn't even any of the more interesting stuff.


So in short, I used to work in a residential treatment facility not too long ago. I eventually parted ways there and was so upset over my experience that I practically wrote an essay about it.

Now while I encourage people to read it, I realize that not everyone will. So i'll just take a few excerpts from it.

Much more at the link. And really this isn't even any of the more interesting stuff.

Instead of posting this, why not start with the interesting stuff to hook people? Would seem like a way smarter approach.


Instead of posting this, why not start with the interesting stuff to hook people? Would seem like a way smarter approach.
I really tried most of the "good stuff" tends to be tends to be built up from reading article in huge chunks.

Either way I think that it was a mistake posting this on here. It is just way too long for most people to read.


I would actually be down to read this, bold some parts to hook me in.

I'll try but here you go:

Jim’s mom frequently sexually abused Jim and his brothers. She would often have Jim masturbate in front of her while she was watching porn. If this didn't satisfy her “thirst” she would then have Jim and his siblings perform sexual acts on each other. At times she would even have Jim have sex with her, legitimately making him a “motherfucker”. Jim’s mother was also very addicted to drugs. She would often take him with to parties as she would tell him to wait in the car while she would get shit faced on a night out.
Eventually Jim had enough. He called his mother over from I believe his dad’s house, which it is suspected that the father knew what was going on between Jim and his mother, that he wanted to make amends with her. In reality he was planning on killing her.

The kid was just chilling in his room. The staff however was hysterical and crying, she was on the phone with main office demanding that they send someone, anyone to come watch the kids for us. She had just finished up her eight hour shift an hour and a half ago, while I had clocked in 19 hours. A short time later staff from the main office came outside. They finally relieved me. Just as they did that 5:30 pm struck and at long last another 2nd shift staff member along with the program manager pulled into the parking lot. This is what took to finally have other staff come and help me.

It seemed that most of the clients, especially once they become teenagers, attempt to get into sexual behavior with one another. I’m not talking about them merely staring at each other, but more so sneaking into each others rooms, showing one another’s genitals, and at times being discovered in “compromising positions”.


I read the whole OP. Sad and interesting stories. I don't know how I would have fared against the woman who throws all under the bus. Kudos to you for putting up with that environment. I'm sure the kids benefited from your presence.

edit: Jesus, Jim's story is sickening. Holy hell. :(


I read the whole OP. Sad and interesting stories. I don't know how I would have fared against the woman who throws all under the bus. Kudos to you for putting up with that environment. I'm sure the kids benefited from your presence.

I still have kids from there trying to contact me to this day.

edit: Jesus, Jim's story is sickening. Holy hell. :(

Keep in mind, this article is the censored version of the stories.
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