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Thoughts on Destiny 2 PvP?


It´s Osiris without any rewards so basically effort for nothing which obviously is lame.

A god tier game like Overwatch needed 1,5 years to be near "e-sports-ready" so i don´t understand why they would leave out the fun 6v6 mode. so sad.

"god tier," haha that game is awful.


Havent touched it yet since I'm waiting for my PC version pre-order to arrive but I hope it's good enough to pry me away from PUBG


beyond having a more cohesive experience (to the detriment of pvp, evidently), what other good reasons would there be?
That is the only and great reason... change between 30 and 60 fps each minute is atrocious.

If switching between different games is already bad imagine switching activities on the same game lol



Teleporting players. Bad hit registration. 4v4. No, thanks. It's the same shit as D1, except 4v4 and different supers. I'm not touching PvP, once I get more exotics and level up, I'm taking a break.

I went to the Lighthouse 25+ in D1, with a lot of time suffering through PvP. Never again.


Absolute shit. Especially the matchmaking. Constantly get paired against groups of pre-mades.

Oh and you will only ever see people using Mida-Multi tool. Because they decided to bring it back for this game and make it the most viable weapon in PVP.

The lag is still there. The warping is still there. Hit registration is delayed. A lot of times you feel like you are 2 shot because the game doesn't accurately show how many times you are being shot before it 'catches up' with the damage.

Game feels like an unbalanced mess.

And competitive is a huge waste of time. It's like i'm playing for an hour to end one match. Teammates are going AFK. It's obnoxious.


Removing 6v6 and private matches are a problem for me but I like the switch off focus away from snipers and shotguns.
I haven't played PVP yet simply because it looks really dull and the last one was awful. After a week I'm already sick of the boring, repetitive PVE that I might as well give it a try before I write it off


My favourite pvp mode on d1 was 6v6 mayhem. It was great. Sounds as though I wouldn't like pvp in destiny 2.


Mayhem should be permanent in the game. So much fun an all out war lol

Yeah it was a lot of fun. I wish I knew about it sooner. I took a break and came back to the game and found out about this mode. I felt like I missed out lol.
Way worse, and I have no idea what people see in it. Auto Rifles/specific Scouts are the only weapons that are used. Lag is really bad, as well as hit detection even through my console is hardwired. Premades are everywhere, and looks like Activision is willing to drag this game down chasing the MLG scene. Every match goes the full length, and there isn't a mercy rule like there was in D1, so that's why you see people leaving matches early. 8 minutes of constantly getting stomped is enough for anyone to have a bad taste in their mouths.

No wonder why Japan dropped this game like a bad habit. It's a shame because you can see real effort put into the environment, the story, and the characters. The PVE is pretty fun and more intuitive as well.

The game is negatively affected as a whole because of the PVP, which makes it worse than just a bad mode.
I just want the ttk lowered across the board to launch D1 levels; the supers and power weapons can stay in D1(even though I would prefer more of each) I just want quicker, less tedious encounters.
This is about as diversive as I would have expected. Destiny 1 pvp was as well. There was never a consensus or even a majority who loved or hated it. Always seemed like a clusterfuck with a lot of cheap deaths from what I read. Which I suppose could be fun for a side mode to a game where pve was the big draw. D2's pvp seems like an effort to balance it and make it more competitive. 4v4 tends to be the format for that in arena type games. I could see what they were aiming for and plenty of people prefer it but it's no surprise to me that many people don't. They really should just make a pub gametype for those who don't want to play white knuckle the entire time and enjoy bigger teams and maps in a more casual setting.
That is the only and great reason... change between 30 and 60 fps each minute is atrocious.

If switching between different games is already bad imagine switching activities on the same game lol

Works fine in Rainbow Six. It is certainly jarring, but I would take it. Though I have no issue with Bungie games being 30 fps.

Both Destiny games seem to have the most divisive MP I've witnessed in a long time.
Bit of a disclaimer: I am shit at almost any type of PvP that wasn't Uncharted 2 back in the day.

That said, the little bit I have played is leaps and bounds ahead of Destiny 1, which was basically getting lit up with Arc powers, or blown to shit with power weapons every 45 seconds. It feels tight and I can't spray and pray the opponents like you can in other shooters (which I've learned the hard way),

The only problem I'm really having right now is that swords can basically turn the tide of a match. I've seen dudes go on a 5-10 streak in a round just because they got their sword.

Back to the positives though: The loot system after a match has been fixed, which is great. I also am REALLY appreciative that there aren't trophies tied to multiplayer in Destiny 2. (This has stopped me from getting platinum trophies for a bunch of games, including TLoU). Finally, I actually enjoy the scrapping of 6v6, 4v4 feels really compact. It also allows for a sense of dread in some modes. In whatever that bomb diffuse mode is called, if you or one of your teammates die in a round? It SUUUUUUUCKS.

So to sum up: I like it. It feels like there were a lot of improvements overall and the positives really outweigh the negatives.

Fuck swords, though.
Way worse, and I have no idea what people see in it. Auto Rifles/specific Scouts are the only weapons that are used. Lag is really bad, as well as hit detection even through my console is hardwired. Premades are everywhere, and looks like Activision is willing to drag this game down chasing the MLG scene. Every match goes the full length, and there isn't a mercy rule like there was in D1, so that's why you see people leaving matches early. 8 minutes of constantly getting stomped is enough for anyone to have a bad taste in their mouths.

No wonder why Japan dropped this game like a bad habit. It's a shame because you can see real effort put into the environment, the story, and the characters. The PVE is pretty fun and more intuitive as well.

The game is negatively affected as a whole because of the PVP, which makes it worse than just a bad mode.

Your aim to correlate Japanese sales of the game to your personal complaints are interesting.

If it were as big of a mess as you say, wouldn't we have some kind of major backlash seen at least somewhere in the media?

Seems as though your view contains quite a bit of exaggeration and ignorance.
I liked D1 crucible way more. This one feels like who can turn the corner first, the game. The maps are pretty cool though. But so what? Gameplay is boring.


Way worse, and I have no idea what people see in it. Auto Rifles/specific Scouts are the only weapons that are used. Lag is really bad, as well as hit detection even through my console is hardwired. Premades are everywhere, and looks like Activision is willing to drag this game down chasing the MLG scene. Every match goes the full length, and there isn't a mercy rule like there was in D1, so that's why you see people leaving matches early. 8 minutes of constantly getting stomped is enough for anyone to have a bad taste in their mouths.

No wonder why Japan dropped this game like a bad habit. It's a shame because you can see real effort put into the environment, the story, and the characters. The PVE is pretty fun and more intuitive as well.

The game is negatively affected as a whole because of the PVP, which makes it worse than just a bad mode.

Maybe git gud?

Teleporting players. Bad hit registration. 4v4. No, thanks. It's the same shit as D1, except 4v4 and different supers. I'm not touching PvP, once I get more exotics and level up, I'm taking a break.

I went to the Lighthouse 25+ in D1, with a lot of time suffering through PvP. Never again.

you went to the lighthouse 25 times in destiny 1, even though destiny 1 had all those same issues you mentioned?

* higher focus on teamplay and positioning (due to higher focus on mid and long range combat)
* less super spam
* less shotgun sliding
* less fusion rifle one-shotting


* Challenges that require power weapon usage - people just get super selfish and rather wait 20 seconds at the power ammo spawn than do actual PvP
* the mode where you need to pick up the enemy's "token" to score. there's always randoms that are selfish and run into enemy fire. i prefer regular Clash over that mode.

I feel like 4-people parties (fireteams) shouldn't be mathched against teams of 4 solo-queuers. Like, why not queue them straight into competitive.

whaa? those are the people that AREN'T being selfish. that's how you win. if you're afraid of dying and just leave them there, you're the selfish one.
Maybe git gud?

"Getting gud" has little to do with this game honestly. If you're playing solo, go play PVE. This is pointless right now as a solo player.

I looked up the mercy rule apparently the activation is for one team to reach 45 before the other team reaches 15, which explains why I saw a 93 to 28 game.

How do you 'get gud' around crappy hit detection and game lag? That weapons are unbalanced? When's the last time you saw someone use a hand cannon, seriously.

Right now, people are waiting for changes from Bungie on PVP. The game changed drastically over its lifespan.


It feels stale.

Even though D1 crucible was wacky at times, I still had fun with it.

D2 pvp just feels boring. Feels like they over corrected the issues from D1. The rest of the game is awesome, though


Too much shooty shooty bang bang, less space magic.
It sucks, lower the cool downs dammit.
And 4v4 feels barren and boring.


What I played of the PC beta version I enjoyed PVP. I thought PVP's a neat component for Destiny. No idea why people diss it.

In before: Cuz they suck at it.
Just fuck off.


What I played of the PC beta version I enjoyed PVP. No idea why people diss it.

In before: Cuz they suck at it.
Just fuck off.
Because in D1 alot of people depended on supers, grenades, titan skating, shotgun/sniper spamming instead of primary gunplay. Imo it turned D1 into CoD with space magic.

Now in D2, primary gunplay is emphasised more therefore alot of people who are carrying their habits from D1 into D2 are getting frustated or bored.

The Dude

I loved 6v6, and it wasn't about using supers more it was a better flow overall. But yea, this isn't Battlefield or call or duty, it was Fucking destiny and supers are what made the PvP simply fun and different.

I can hang 4v4, but I find it just lame having to run holding onto each other's dicks... I feel like a sissy.

6v6 was destiny, I don't care if they have 4v4 but it should not be the default crucible setting, give me options
Because in D1 alot of people depended on supers, grenades, titan skating, shotgun/sniper spamming instead of primary gunplay. Imo it turned D1 into CoD with space magic.

Now in D2, primary gunplay is emphasised more therefore alot of people who are carrying their habits from D1 into D2 are getting frustated or bored.

That's kind of what made Destiny 1 unique. Yeah it was infuriating at times but at least it was different and had some variety.

Now it's basically Call of Duty lite. Everyone's running the same stuff in the same few maps and adopting zerg mentality.
Well i waded into it to get gear above 265. The diminished grenade/shotgun spam is about the only positive, and I guess the focus on primaries is cute because you can pub stomp people who can't shoot. But the game is otherwise a Mida - OP Auto Rifle fest, and if you match a full team you're just getting cycled on while people sit behind walls. And then there's the ridiculously flat level design.

Can't believe this rubbish was made by Bungie.

The Dude

Every shooter has its identity.. Those who disliked supers and all that shit then go play another game.

It's like me playing Battlefield 1 and asking for super powers or wall running because it's in other games.

Every game needs its identity, original crucible was Fucking fun as hell. I spent 800 hours in crucible alone, and I could have spent more but just didn't want to keep passing on games

If you like 4v4 that's fine but 6v6 needs to be in this game, period.
It needs some of the fun arcadey stuff from Destiny 1 like Mayhem Rumble. It's fun chaos that breaks things up. The overall feel of the games are okay though. Not too bothered by 4v4 though I'd love for them to allow for 6v6 later on.


I was never big on the PVP in Destiny but I think I like it even less in Destiny 2. I mean, I'll play it for the rewards but it's rare that I'll play it over the PVE content outside of that. But with that said, the 4v4 in Destiny 2 just feels too slow to me. In some modes like control, it's not so bad. But in the new elimination style game mode it is just plain torture to play. Matches seem to go on forever and they're slow paced. It's hard to find enemies at times in a lot of game modes. I've had so many games that come nowhere close to the score limit and they just go to the time limit... which is just awful. Especially in a game like Destiny where you want matches to end relatively quickly so you can get your potential reward and move on to the next match to rinse and repeat. I'm all for people playing as a team but the 4v4 style also promotes team play a little too much. You're basically forced to group together and if you don't, you're likely going to get wrecked by the team who is rolling together. You could freelance a little more in 6v6 because it was just more chaotic by nature. You're practically holding hands with your teammates in Destiny 2 which also isn't very fun.

It's not all bad. I do like some changes in D2 like being able to see who has their super and what classes each team has. I love that shotguns/snipers aren't based on special ammo anymore even though the power ammo is handed out a little too early on in the match in D2. I adore being able to use both an auto rifle and a scout rifle at the same time. Things like that. But the slow, drawn out pace just absolutely kills any enjoyment I'd have playing this for fun. The fact that you can't just choose a game type you want to play also hurts. I'm sure they'll fix that down the road but that doesn't help right now.

I always played iron banner in D1 but I will not touch it in D2 if it's 4v4 with that elimination mode. Hell no.

The Dude

I actually miss snipers, and I'm not a sniper but what I mean is when you had snipers it typically meant you're in a more broad match

The original destiny I know some hated, but I absolutely loved it beyond words... Crucible that is, the other stuff was just ok... But the matches felt perfect to me. I could hang using ARs, shotties, you name it. And I felt that every map could be played in different ways.

It was great, some of my favorite recent gaming memories.


Mrs. Harvey
Weapons feel worse.
Maps are super convoluted. Makes crossroads look like a straight line. For certain modes, teams just camp heavies because of the way the map is.
It doesn't allow as much freedom because the best strategy is to stick to your team at all times.
Some maps are really big for 4 on 4. Too big.
You are fighting the environment more so than your enemies at times.
Getting a kill but then immediately getting killed by their team mate happens all the time because of the ttk.
Some matches are way too long. Had a few survival matches lasting 20+ minutes. That's an entire episode of DB Super.

The Dude

Weapons feel worse.
Maps are super convoluted. Makes crossroads look like a straight line. For certain modes, teams just camp heavies because of the way the map is.
It doesn't allow as much freedom because the best strategy is to stick to your team at all times.
Some maps are really big for 4 on 4. Too big.
You are fighting the environment more so than your enemies at times.
Getting a kill but then immediately getting killed by their team mate happens all the time because of the ttk.
Some matches are way too long. Had a few survival matches lasting 20+ minutes. That's an entire episode of DB Super.

I haven't found match length to bad, but that's because I sort of like a slightly longer match. But I agree with just about everything else you said.

I just find no satisfaction in zerging people to death, it's so lame. When I land kills and I can average 15 to 30 a match, knowing that in so many instances my team was shooting them with me is just the lamest feeling ever.

In original I was a one man wrecking crew, but I could also run with a partner and be a team and it allowed for so many more variants of play.

6v6 had stand offs, had many battles that took place around the map maybe 2 on 1 here, a 3 on 4 there, a 5 on 5 standoff, a 1 on 3 battle over there...

It was endlessly fun and was different every match

The funniest thing to me is wrapping around a corner and seeing all 4 guys just standing there holding each other's dick just ready to team shot, such a sissy way to play


Because in D1 alot of people depended on supers, grenades, titan skating, shotgun/sniper spamming instead of primary gunplay. Imo it turned D1 into CoD with space magic.

Now in D2, primary gunplay is emphasised more therefore alot of people who are carrying their habits from D1 into D2 are getting frustated or bored.

Maybe that's why. I enjoyed PVP in Destiny 2 (PC beta) cuz of the emphasized primary gunplay like u said. Never played the first Destiny game.
The quick play mode is an unmitigated disaster. A clusterfuck without reason.

The competitive mode is actually really fun and reminds me a lot of the old gears of war multiayer with it's limited respawns and teams actually work together.

But wow, that quick play is a fucking mess and I will never play it again.


Iffy on PvP. Sightlines are pretty bad due to how convoluted the maps are, hit detection and general lag is prevalent in most games (this is with using a hardline with fiber).

Half the map typically feels pretty barren due to 4v4 and the need to always run with your teammate makes gameplay boring. If you run against a partied team you most likely will get rolled. Most games I've played become pretty stagnant near the midway point where teams end up grouping and taking pot shots from a distance at each other.

Not a big fan of the changes and will just hit quickplay if I feel the need to play PvP. PvE it is going forward.


Iffy on PvP. Sightlines are pretty bad due to how convoluted the maps are, hit detection and general lag is prevalent in most games (this is with using a hardline with fiber).

Half the map typically feels pretty barren due to 4v4 and the need to always run with your teammate makes gameplay boring. If you run against a partied team you most likely will get rolled. Most games I've played become pretty stagnant near the midway point where teams end up grouping and taking pot shots from a distance at each other.

Not a big fan of the changes and will just hit quickplay if I feel the need to play PvP. PvE it is going forward.
The hit detection was pretty bad in the first game also, must be something with their servers/latency. Also going up against a partied team and getting rolled happens in pretty much every game including D1, if you're a solo player. There should be a solo only playlist where parties can't enter.


4v4 is alright but it just doesn't feel like the Crucible. Whoever thought it was a good idea to reduce the frequency of specials should be fired. Specials are what makes the game fun the craziness and highjinx that ensues. I feel like they decided to chase the "E-Sport" crown and didn't realize why people liked the crucible. People liked the crucible because it was a giant cluster of explosions and fun.

Now it's just a lame ass tactial shooter where if you aren't surrounded by your team mates you will most likely die because you know that's what everyone wanted. Hope they are taking all this and give us back the 6v6 crucible in the future. It also sucks that you can't do anything with your raid group except the raid. It was fun grabbing 6 of us and just playing crucible or iron banner for hours. Now we have to split the group up in 3s just isn't the same fun as D1 crucible.


Mrs. Harvey
Also in D1 if you are down a member you still have a chance to win. In D1, being down a member is a huge disadvantage. And just like in D1, the amount of people idling and leaving is through the roof. Playing with a fireteam is really the only way.

One plus is that I like countdown.

The Dude

Also in D1 if you are down a member you still have a chance to win. In D1, being down a member is a huge disadvantage. And just like in D1, the amount of people idling and leaving is through the roof. Playing with a fireteam is really the only way.

One plus is that I like countdown.

That's true also about someone quitting in 6v6, still had a chance since people were spread out.

The other whammy to it is if 4v4 isn't bad enough we can't even choose particular match types we like.


Completely ruined, painfully unfun. The weapon changes suck. I feel like I get Supremacy 90% of the time for some reason which is whatever I guess. The maps are way too big for 4v4 and the games last too long. 4v4 just isn't as fun, and why the fuck is control even a mode? Just get rid of it, it makes no sense with this player count. That, or add more players. Shotguns and Fusion Rifles being heavy weapons is just dumb, I can't fathom it. Besides the maps being too big, they just suck in general. Just really boring and uninspired. Destiny didn't have amazing PvP or anything, but it was fun enough and not that serious. They tried to hard with 2 and it fucking blows. I dread doing Crucible for any quest or milestone.
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