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Three in May - Watch Backlogs


Yoshi's New Island
Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Super Time Force

Wii U:
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails

Gunhound EX
Cave Story+
Kero Blaster

Just finished Super Time Force. Cool game. Had sort of a honeymoon phase with it though. The first two days or so I thought it was pretty exceptional. The further/more I played the more exhausted I became with the concept/mechanics. I thought the final boss/stage segments utilized the rewind/time idea the best. The side/collecting objectives are fun and everything, but I feel like the game needed a traditional scoring mode. I could have also done without all the internet/meme humor. Totally not my cup of tear. All in all though, it's an interesting take/hybrid on the traditional run n' gun shooter formula. I unlocked Super Hardcore Mode and I may try and run it/clear it by June 15th so I can get that one Challenge/Achievement.


The Stanley Parable
The Pandora Directive: Finished it. Not bad given I started it, ooh, just under twenty years ago or so. Back then the version I had was missing a CD so I couldn't get past Day Six or so; it was nice to finally revisit it and recall how little I could remember
Bravely Default: Chapter 8. The end's in sight!
NES Remix 2: Not counting Super Luigi Bros, I'll approach that as a game in its own right, but everything else is finished.
Super Mario Kart

Might revisit Transformers: War For Cybertron next, but there's a few other things that could grab my attention.


Unconfirmed Member
Shin Megami Tensei (iOS)
Yoshi's New Island (3DS)
Shantae (3DS VC/GBC)

I've already beaten three this month, so everything else is just extra. Another three I plan on going after before this month ends:

Breath of Fire goddammit I'm finishing this game this month
New Super Mario Bros. 2

Umm...I'll add Dragon Warrior/Quest to the list.

I beat those three too. Right now I'm focusing on Playfire money, mainly. I don't think I'll finish Dragon Warrior this month, so I'm pushing it back to next month.

I also ended up beating Vanguard Princess (well, I guess you could call finishing the story mode with all of the characters finishing the game) and Escape Goat. Fairly productive month for me, might be able to finish another game or two before June starts.


On saturday I finished Bioshock Infinite. End of the game has blown up of my mind. Awesome, brillant, unexpected and I want more. 10/10 for me.
So I started Burial at Sea p.1. Elisabeth looks much more attractive than Elisabeth in Bio: I. And Rapture. Rapture is so beautiful.

My list:


Bioshock Infinite
Burial at Sea p.1
Burial at Sea p.2

Currently playing:
Burial at Sea p.1


- The Shadow Sun (IOS)
- République, EP02 (IOS)
- Beyond Space (IOS)

The Shadow Sun was surprisingly good - somewhat janky, but a good WRPG all told.
Final Fantasy X HD
Final Fantasy XIV Main Quest
Fear Effect
Killer Instinct

Ended up abandoning Fear Effect after disc one, game just didn't do anything for me. I guess I'm done for this month. Watch Dogs comes out tomorrow, and I don't see myself finishing that before June, plus also have Mario Kart waiting on Friday. Next month should be really fun.


Ultra fast update.
Just finished Burial at Sea part 1. I didn't expected it is so short game or rather dlc. I've beaten BaS in 2:10 h.

My list:


Bioshock Infinite
Burial at Sea p.1
Burial at Sea p.2

Currently playing:
Burial at Sea p.2


Neo Member
Yay. I was patiently waiting for the May thread lol.

Already off to a good start

Sniper Elite V2 Got the Plat Trophy = )
Had a lot of fun with this game. Makes it even better with co op. Definitely cant wait for SE3!

Castle of Illusion(Remake)
After playing the original I jumped right into the remake and thought it was wonderful. Love how the stages looked especially The Library and the Candy Land. Definitely a game I will replay a few more times down the line.

Infamous Second Son Got the plat trophy
What can I say about this game? Nothing really good other than it looks amazing visually. I was really disappointed with the story, powers and characters. Nothing was memorable or exciting. Only reason I would recommend this game to anyone is for the easy platinum.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Game was okay but all the carrying those canisters around during the last few stages was annoying. Enjoyed chapter 9 and 10 though

Wolfenstein The New Order Got the plat trophy
Absolutely enjoyed the hell out of this game. Fun shooter with stealth elements done good. Though it has its flaws they can be overlooked because the game is just too damn fun.


I've made decent progress in May.

Dark Souls 2 (pc)
The Darkness 2 (360)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (360)
Doom 3: BFG Edition (pc)

Working on:
Prince of Persia (2008) (360)

For Dark Souls, I plan to do another playthrough in a few months, but for now I'm set on it after loving the first run through it. The Darkness 2 was a lot of fun, I played it directly after Darkness 1 so the improvements and changes were very noticeable. Force Unleashed 2 was decent but even shorter than I expected, still fun enough. Doom 3 was ok, but has way too many monster closets and bad level design for me to really like it, and lasted a few hours too long. Maybe 2/3 through Prince of Persia right now, I have all the abilities just need to close out the last two worlds, should be done Thursday night, then Friday for the epilogue.

For June, I'm looking at the Devil May Cry HD collection, Remember Me, and finally finishing up Ocarina of Time 3D as my goals, maybe finishing FFXHD but I've still got a long way to go for that. Also need to focus on finishing the last of my gfwl games; while the unofficial deadline seems to have been quietly pushed back, I'd rather keep ahead of it and finish them up early.


Already taken one down, and while its not your typical game you "beat", I hit level 50 and unlocked everything - I'm done.

1. Lumines Electronic Symphony Vita
2. Catherine PS3
3. Uncharted 3 PS3

I may sub in Whistleblower DLC for Outlast, or Arkham City, or finally Tomb Raider DE. I'm sure with it launching on the 27th I won't be finishing Watch Dogs, that'll be next month. Maybe Transistor though.

Finally got around to playing Uncharted 3. I really enjoyed it, much more than 2. I wonder how much of the love for 2 comes from its timing. Playing them within a month or so of each other as opposed to a couple years later.

Anyway, another month complete, I believe that's now four straight for me.
Missed this but I guess I can still participate?

South Park: The Stick of Truth (Xbox 360) - 10th May - Great game, missed 4 achievements though >.<
Thief (Xbox One) - 20th May
Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
Super Time Force (Xbox One)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox One)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Xbox One)

Wont finish them all, Halo 4 is the one I'm closest to by far, I will step up my game in the coming days!

Halo 4 is done, Wolfenstein isn't far away!

Edit: Wolfy is done

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
  1. Dark Souls: Prepare to die (PC)
  2. Dark Souls: Prepare to die (PC)
  3. Dark Souls: Prepare to die (PC)

Well, I've probably put in around ~70 hours, but couldn't completet entirely. And now its MK8 time so yeah


Beaten the four kings, and been having the time of my life with the game. Sort of feel O&S was the peak though. Mayyybe the game could've ended with that, idk.


I liked Ryse so much I beat it a second time on the hardest difficulty, so I'll just consider that my 3rd game beat this month


- The Shadow Sun (IOS)
- République, EP02 (IOS)
- Beyond Space (IOS)

Done with Beyond space also, nice space shooter - controls work surprisingly well using touch comtrols.


Completed 4 games this month, as it turns out:

Waking Mars
You Have to Win the Game
They Breathe

Haven't come up with my plans for June yet, although I'll likely end up falling short by spending too much time with Mario Kart 8.


The Stanley Parable
The Pandora Directive
Bravely Default: Chapter 8. All bar one sidequest done for that chapter. I might actually finish the thing next month
NES Remix 2
Transformers: War For Cybertron: I'd only stuck with it through two chapters before - I liked it but it failed to hold my attention. No problem with the revisit, though; blasted right through in very little time.

Next month? I'll play Mario Kart but that's not really a 'completion' sort of a game. I feel I should feed the hankering to play a Lego game that I've had over the last few months but next in line was Lego Harry Potter, and I didn't want to play those until I'd settled down to read/reread the books (Read five ages ago, haven't read the final two), so I think I'll skip ahead - just a little - to Lego Star Wars III. Full Bore is somewhat tempting, too, as is a hankering for a CRPG of some description after having spent so long on Bravely Default.


I dropped the ball this month.

Played lots of games but between work and a weekend away I never got anything completed!


Yoshi's New Island
Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
Drakengard 3

Super Time Force

Wii U:
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails

Gunhound EX
Cave Story+
Kero Blaster

Finished Drakengard 3 as my last game for the month. Saw 3/4 endings. I'm at the 4th ending now, but it's sooooo brutally difficult. I'll consider it "beaten", for now, ha! On to June.
Finished 3, almost 4 games.

1. Far Cry 3 (360)

Pretty good game, finished it 100%. I'm surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did, considering it is comprised of a lot of "been there, done that" open-world tropes (specifically Ubisoft open-world tropes) that I have gotten burned out on over the past few years. The exploration of the islands was something that felt really satisfying to me, and while some side missions were predictably shallow, others were a lot more rewarding. (8.5/10)

2. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (360)

I played Blood Money last year and loved it, and now I'm doing the HD Collection. There's more of what I really liked from Blood Money, although obviously I can see where that game has improved greatly over Silent Assassin, as 47 is a lot more limited here. There are some really great missions, although the game definitely has some "dud" levels that are mostly straight-forward, linear sneaking missions that don't allow for much creativity and improvisation. The AI can also be frustrating at times, where occasionally they'll have X-ray vision or see me behind them (and 47 sneaks so damn slow in this game, making some encounters really test your patience). It's a good game, it's Hitman and I really liked it, but I can see how far they've come. (8/10)

3. Jak and Daxter (PS3)

And I can also see how far Naughty Dog has come. This game was...okay, I suppose, but I just don't see what made this game considered to be great (now, I'm a little worried about moving into the next two games, seeing as this was considered to be the "best" one...). It's a mostly unremarkable, by-numbers platformer that is both predictable and repetitive in its ambitions. Not to mention, it's a collect-a-thon that would make even Rare blush. The actual platforming never really feels great, and Daxter doesn't have much of a purpose gameplay-wise, though I did have fun with the game overall and it was nice to return to this style of open-ended platforming. It's just not one of the better examples of that style. (7/10)

I'm a good ways into Hitman Contracts. So far, it bridges the gap between Silent Assassin and Blood Money well, as I'd expect. Missions have been more consistently strong ala Blood Money, and there have definitely been some great ones so far. Also, noticeable improvements in gameplay and visuals. I probably would have finished it by now, but replaying the missions over and over is so much fun.


Transformer WFC: Really loved this game, sure it was ugly as sin but it was really fun to re-live my childhood
Transistor- probably my favorite game that's come out this year
Wolfenstein- pretty good single player FPS
Resogun- great game dunno why it took me so long to beat
Dead Nation Apocalypse edition: I can't believe I had this on my Ps3 for years but never beat it
Hadn't planned to take part in this, but I did manage to finish:

The Witcher 2 - May 4th
Mafia II - May 19th
Stick It to The Man! - May 25th
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