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Times your mind was actually blown by a video game


Water is not wet!
The music in Final Fantasy 2. The graphics were nice but the quality of the music was really something.

Not so much 3D but the fact that free software downloads (driver updates) could make things run so much better.


Another one: The Phantom Hourglass "Close the DS" Puzzle.

I must have been stuck on this puzzle for an hour, how simple, but incredibly ingenious - using the hardware itself to press the crest onto the sea chart! Why didn't I think of that?


To my amazement, when I returned from the DS I closed in frustration in the night prior, the solution was staring at me in the face.
Witcher 2. The scale of the repercussions of your choices and actions. The realisation of the size of details and plot-lines you may never have encountered.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The music in Final Fantasy 2. The graphics were nice but the quality of the music was really something.

Not so much 3D but the fact that free software downloads (driver updates) could make things run so much better.

You talking about FFII or IV?


This right here! coming from SNES to Jumping Flash on the PS1 has to be the most mind blowing experience I had dealing with video games



Playing Rage Racer as the first PS1 game I ever played back in 1997. I was completely mindblown with its music and graphics since all I played were Genesis games back then.



This was stunning back in the day. Proper, full 3D, with solid walls. The amazing freedom of it, the beautiful hub world and the amazing music. Nintendo showed us what 3D really could do.


Back in '97, I had just gotten my first pc and I was playing games like Dark Forces 2 - Jedi Knight. Curse of Monkey Island was incredible to my friends and I at the time, like we were playing a cartoon right there on our computers. It didn't hurt that it was an amazing game.


Hey, this is nice, very cool intro to the... the... HOLY FUCK THIS IS REALTIME?!


InFamous' ending is being thrown around, but I experienced similar mind-blowingness by the opening too. Press Start and Boom!

Another thing InFamous did where I had to think "wait, videogames are allowed to do that?" was how the game automatically loads your latest save on booting the game, eliminating what ends up being a redundant menu most of the time for similar games.


Metal Gear Solid - After taking the elevator up to the snowy surface of Shadow Moses.
Shadow of the Colossus - Seeing first colossus
Demon's & Dark Souls - How awesomely subtle the story is and how great it is once you start peeling back the layers.


Water is not wet!
You talking about FFII or IV?
IV for the SNES. A friend and i pooled our money to rent the console. We got FF2, Mario World, and Pilotwings. The graphics were a nice upgrade but the music of FF2 was phenomenal. When the castle theme started i literally could not believe it. i remember putting me ear up to the tvs mono speaker going "is this in stereo?" lol
I have a rather long memory lol

1: Sonic 1, Blast Processing Man!
2: Warsong / Langrisser
3: Panzer Dragoon SAT (I only spent 15 minutes with it at a friends house)
4: Tomb Raider PS1 (Falling off those high ledges gave me vertigo)
5: FF7 (especially the intro)
6: WipEout
7: Playing HL1 (my first game on PC)
8 Eve Online (first thing I did when I got online)
9) Seeing a YT video of someone expertly playing doujin shmups (how the hell does he not get hit, I wanna do that!) And immediately (after watching vid about 20 times) downloading Blue Wish Resurrection
10) Bayonetta & Vanquish (after getting my first console in donkeys years, there wasn't anything like that on PC)
11) Dark Souls
12) Crimson Clover (Double Break)


Un Rama

After that CG opening the game just throws you into the shit. When I was 9 the graphics and atmosphere were mind-blowing and it scared the shit out of me. Now I can breeze through the game effortlessly but I still remember the days when the game was the most terrifying thing I'd ever seen and started my life long love of Survival Horror.


Sega Dreamcast. I was really blown away by Dead or Alive, Sonic, Shenmue, MvC 2, etc... I was playing PS1exclusively that time.

It just feels next gen.

Recently, Wonderful 101. Just like what Wonder Blue said, "Mind Blown."


MGS4 also blew me away because I bought it at launch with my PS3(first next gen console).
Just the small things like Octocamo blew me away.

Most recently, Beyond Two Souls. Even though the game itself was not too special, the graphics are definitely the best in any last gen console. I don't game on PC so seeing stuff like that was amazing, and I couldn't believe I was actually playing during some moments that looked like CGI cutscenes.

Dat forest level. I literally had open my eyes wide and realize I was actually playing.
Mario 64 absolutely. It was the first 3D game that amazed me with its graphics, atmosphere and sense of scale. Plus, you could fucking fly.


Unconfirmed Member
I remember back when I was like 14 and playing the video game version of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" and realizing how screwed up games can actually get. Not only are Ellen's and Nimdok's sections especially fucked up already, but then I learned about some of the deleted scenes, which include eating a live baby. A recent LP reminded me of this specific scene and it still blows my mind how disturbing some games can get.


Sonic Adventure 2.

Sonic was on Nintendo. And in 3D. And speaking. I don't know if people nowadays really understand how amazing that was back in the day. Criticize the game all you want, but you're a fool if you don't think the game was beloved.

You were a bit late to the party. But I guess a lot of people were... my understanding is that the SA games performed quite well on GC.

Speaking of Dreamcast... the fact that the games on that platform didn't look jagged and blurry was mind blowing to me. PS1 and N64 blew me away with their 3D graphics as well, but I definitely saw flaws with them. As far as I was concerned, DC was basically perfect.

A few things somewhat more recently:
  • The collapsing building in Uncharted 2.
  • "Would you kindly?" reveal in BioShock
  • The abundance of content (not just items, but text and stuff to do) in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • The first main quest I completed in Dragon Age: Origins. The series has continued on the same bent, but I was honestly surprised when I was presented with a twist that gave me two story choices that could both be considered moral from one perspective and amoral from another. My expectation of BioWare at that point was "obviously good" and "obviously evil".

And to be a bit more non-specific, whenever a game has pure mechanical game design or balance or controls or level design that just work I get chills. That shit is why I play games. Fuck graphics, fuck story, fuck everything. If I can pick up the controller (or whatever) and it's just fun and I just want to play for the sheer joy of it... that's why I video games.

A recent example is obviously Super Mario 3D World, but another less-obvious example I played recently is ZombiU. I'm not that far into it so it might fall apart eventually, but it has such a clear rule set and the mechanics are balanced so well that it almost feels like a board game. That might break immersion for some people, but to me it just clicks and feels nice. The game has other flaws, but the whole "go out and do as well as you can until you die" loop and risk/reward aspect of what items you want to keep with you (and therefore lose eventually, either temporarily or permanently) is brilliant. The scarcity of resources and focus on survival is brilliant. I look forward to digging into it a bit more, warts and all, and seeing where it goes.
- Mario 64
- Swiming in the fiery water at the begining of Bioshock
- Riding skyrails in Bioshock Infinite
- Blowing up my first gas canisters in Red Faction: Guerrilla
- Feeling of dread in Zelda: Majora's Mask
- The insane powertrip that comes with the tether in Bulletstorm
- Successful dodge + killing shadow enemies when surrounded in Alan Wake
- Music and scale of Body Harvest
- The entire concept and execution of Mirror's Edge
- Everything past the first few hours in The Last Of Us
- Atmosphere in Metroid Prime
Nothing for me will top the opening to ALTTP: (It's pouring outside; thunder and lightning) You're asleep, you somehow hear the pleas of a princess being held captive in the castle to the north.. You wake up to find your uncle battle ready and leaving telling you he'll be back by morning. What do you do? Well, you can wait, or you can take your lantern and follow after him. By that point I was hooked, and the rest of the intro, with that combined, blew me away. I'd never been on a digital adventure like that before... and for me the intro was perfect... the mystique, the sense of adventure, the foreboding; it coalesced like no other at the time.

Still one of, if not, my favourite game(s), and intro(s) of all time.

Sports Champions accuracy in Disc Golf challenge round 1st time I played it I just got lost in it playing for hours amazed that it was tracking my throws so well.

Oh yes... So underrated. My family loves the game.


The first time I flipped one of those Marionette enemies up in the air and held him there with my two pistols in Devil May Cry.



How Sega managed to cram so much incredible detail into just a single boss scene (not pictured is when you exit the level, with a gorgeous 16bit backdrop) was mindblowing.

The entire game hit on all cylinders, and the music is really something else.

Speaking of music, that opening music on Stage Two in Battle Garegga was sublime...
F-Zero GX + big screen + surround sound = holy goddamn is this life?

Probably the only gameplay experience that came close to SM64 in explosiveness. Everything else is either plot-related or scale-related.


A few games come to mind, in no order really...

- Doom / Wolfenstein 3D - They were my first games that really got me into PC gaming.

- First time I played Command & Conquer multiplayer

- Playing Counterstrike mod at a friends office on local lan. Never knew at the time it would evolve into a full game and gain unreal popularity.

- All the amazing shots and awesome gameplay of Quake 3, especially CTF

- BF2...

- Loading up Skyrim for the first time on release day. I was so hyped and it lived up to it for me.

- Almost forgot Goldeneye64. Holy crap, I remember playing it everyday over the summer break from school with my friends. So many amazing memories.

Lady Gaia

Mario 64 is certainly up there, but the earliest moment in gaming I remember clearly for catching me completely off guard was playing the original Castle Wolfenstein. Not the 3D remake, but the original 2D title for the Apple ][. The first time I heard the shout of "Halt, SS!" I couldn't believe comprehensible voice had emerged from that tinny little speaker. It was late at night and it both freaked me out and intrigued me.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
The OP...and:


It was all a dream. Mind. Blown.
I was 8.


I think my thoughts went something like "WHAT THE HELL, THAT'S A COLOSSUS? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THAT?"

Fucking Kessler


I guess Mario 64 'blew my mind' but back then I was just getting into gaming so learning to play in a 3D world kind of just felt as natural as learning to play in 2D worlds. Was certainly far more captivating though. I don't think I've ever spent so much time just dicking around with a game idly

Same here. I just fired it up for my kids...and they do the exact same thing as us....just run around, flip, swim, etc....lol.

Mind was also blown by MGS1, Resident Evil 1, OoT, GTA San Andreas, GTA V...just the living world...I like watching other ppl play GTA V more than playing it. I get to sight see more.

San Andreas....was so big I thought parts of the game were another game.

KOTOR...I think thats the first game I played where you could choose your path of good or evil.

Fable for the same reasons as KOTOR and the aging character.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Metal Gear Solid. I had never experienced a game so driven by its narrative nor as cinematic before. The gameplay, music, voice acting and of course the boss fights blew my young mind.

I still replay it from time to time and experience it all over again. I never skip a cutscene or any of the codec transmissions.


In No Particular Order:

The Last of Us
Arc the Lad 1 + 2
Jak & Daxter 1 + 2 + 3
EverQuest 1
World of Warcraft (Level 1-60)
Shadow of the Colossus
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid 1 + 3
The Legend of Dragoon
God of War 2
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Zelda: Link's Awakening
Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden (Game Boy)
Wonder Boy in Monster World
I was a little young to be blown away early 3D games on the N64 since they were my first games, but every gen since has had a game blow me away with the new tech's possibilities. Jak and Daxter, the intro to FFX, Super Mario Galaxy, Halo 3. All still good looking games with great audio.

Besides that, I remember finding the colored gems in Crash Bandicoot being totally mind blowing. It opened me up to the whole idea of secrets in video games. I searched every nook and cranny of those games after.

The ending of Galaxy was mind blowingly beautiful, largely just because it wasn't somewhere I expected Nintendo to go at that time.

Bioshock was probably my biggest mind blow though. The beginning is perfection. The ending of Infinite isn't far behind.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Oh yea....cant forget:

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

A, B, B, A

Mind = Blown
Maybe I'm just old, but...

seeing Dragon's Lair in the arcades for the first time. So many kids would flock just to watch people playing it...no other game could compare graphically. Yes, one can understand now that it was basically linking video clips on a laserdisc based on correctly timed inputs, but in the 1980s it was unheard-of and smart design besides.
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