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"Tired of Taking Sh*t, Nickelback Fires Off Vengeful Tweets"

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Don't think I've laughed this much at one thread in a long time. Kind of feel bad for Nickleback (the people in it) because I'm sure they're decent guys, but musically... man, they just need to stop.

is there such thing as good canadian bands?

Look at the early-to-mid 90s.





I think a lot of the hate comes from Nickelback's radio singles, which tend to get overplayed to hell and back, and their cock rock lyrics. Their range of topics is pretty narrow. Personally, some of my favorite songs of theirs are usually buried at the end of the album and never once saw radio play:


I once walked into a room with a pretty cool instrumental metal bridge with wah solo blasting back when I was working for a couple of months. I listened it out. It turned into S.E.X. by Nickelback. It was not good outside of that part.

So yes, they do have the capacity to write decent instrumental music. I just have this crazy idea that whatever the singer is involved in turns into power chords and Creed voice.


Not yet mentioned:

Neverending White Lights
Drake (not my think but still)
Stars (though Broken Social Scene was mentioned)
Tom Wilson / Blackie and the Rodeo Kings
Blue Rodeo (though maybe only Canadians like them)
Barney Bentall
Delerium / Front Line Assembly
Jeff Healey
You Say Party!! We Say Die!!

and that's without getting into the great bands in the 80s and the hundreds of "folk" acts.
Funny that the article mentioned 30 Seconds to Mars... they're actually really, really good. Their 1st album is excellent progressive rock. I was very surprised to hear one of its songs as Hot Pursuit 2010 as it is a somewhat obscure album compared to their next two mainstreamed albums.


Funny that the article mentioned 30 Seconds to Mars... they're actually really, really good. Their 1st album is excellent progressive rock. I was very surprised to hear one of its songs as Hot Pursuit 2010 as it is a somewhat obscure album compared to their next two mainstreamed albums.

I like them a lot, too. Old and new stuff.
The Birthday Massacre
Skinny Puppy
The Tea Party were also pretty good from what I can remember

Anyway, Nickelback are pretty damn bland. Still, they're really not doing anything else than rehashing Creed songs that were already rehashed Live songs.

i mentioned 2 out of those three( skinny and Tea party) forgot about TBM.
and yes rush is always great. still need to see them live at a venue that inst 3 hours away...
Hating Nickelback is pretty much a running joke in pop culture now. One of my friends really likes Nickelback and I talk shit about them in front of him just to get a rise out of him. Truth be told, I can actually listen to a few of their songs before I get outright bored listening to them (because it all sounds the same) but there are plenty of other bands that are like that. Nickelback hate started out as genuine but then the internet ran with it and here we are, today.

Mob mentality is a motherfucker.

Not trying to defend their music though; it's not good and it gets old, fast. Much like the ongoing hate for them. ;)


I still don't 100% get why everyone in the world hates Nickleback. Its a common tie between all cultures, language barriers, even deaf people hate them.

I liked the few songs they had on the radio, fast forward 10 years.. haters galore. Was it a chain of events that happened? I heard something about a few of their songs sounding similar.. but people don't nearly hate the black eyed peas as much, if this is the standard.

Really good at the nickleback song on guitar hero too :\

Jedeye Sniv

I still don't 100% get why everyone in the world hates Nickleback. Its a common tie between all cultures, language barriers, even deaf people hate them.

I liked the few songs they had on the radio, fast forward 10 years.. haters galore. Was it a chain of events that happened? I heard something about a few of their songs sounding similar.. but people don't nearly hate the black eyed peas as much, if this is the standard.

Really good at the nickleback song on guitar hero too :\

I hate the Black Eyed Peas way more than Nickleback. At least I can ignore chunky boring MOR rock. BEP songs are always super annoying and jump out with their stupid fucking hooks. But really, I would be very happy if I never had to hear either of them again.

I hate Nickleback because they're so damn dull. That big-guitar production just turns everything into a mid-range boring sludge of sound. The guitar sound has no character, the bass is dull, the drums just hit the same 4/4 beat and then you've got this mealy mouthed over-earnest-but-saying-nothing-of-worth voice droning on and on, all smug and punchable. Ugh. Rock music is about passion and the blood running through your veins. Nickleback is music for corpses and people who don't know how to fuck properly.

Inspired by their cringe-inducing hit "Rock Star" I even made a mixtape railing against them. I called it "Why I love Rock Music, and why Nickleback are cunts and should go fuck themselves". I use it as an antidote whenever I have accidental exposure to their impotence inducing bullshit.
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