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TLOU PRO Patch 1.08 - Supersampling removed from all modes [Up: New DF video]

I personally can't agree. If my choice is between the 1800p downsampling with a fluctuating framerate and 1080p with a solid, consistent framerate I will choose the latter.

For me games need to be free of screen tearing and have a solid framerate before they even think about improving the graphics.

However, if they could manage to give us a solid framerate with improved shadows and some downsampling from 1440p or just some better old fashioned anti-aliasing (MSAA or temporal anti-aliasing) then obviously that would be even better.

I said 1800p as sarcasm because we were getting 1800p downsampled to 1080.

The OG PS4 version isnt even a locked 60 solid. Check out DF's pro comparison. You're going to get drops regardless. It's not ever 100% 60 solid through and through even on OG PS4. I think the 1800p solution was fine. 55 fps vs 51 with action on screen isnt bad at all considering you get no jaggies.

1440p with higher quality shadows would be a nice compromise tho
Ugh, I was looking forward to playing the game again downsampled when I got my pro. Hopefully it'll be available in the 30fps version. I don't care for 60fps in this game. I preferred the better shadows when playing the remaster.


Gold Member
Vocal framerate whores ruining things for everyone as usual. I'm not surprised.

If other devs follow suit then theres no reason for me to get a pro to be honest so I'm kind of ok with this.


Vocal framerate whores ruining things for everyone as usual. I'm not surprised.

If other devs follow suit then theres no reason for me to get a pro to be honest so I'm kind of ok with this.

"As usual". What else do they "usually" ruin?

You're complaining about people with different preferences when you should be complaining about devs treating you like an idiot by witholding graphical options.

That's really the fundamental issue with all these pro patches. Not enough options to satisfy everyone.


People fucking bitching over a framedrop here and there ffs, this is dumb as fuck is there a way to play it unpatched to the version which has downsampling?. All this for the sake of a frame here and there seems like over kill but moaners be moaning over what was a minute drop anyway well done guys.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Seems like a good choice. Perhaps the game is now running a locked 60 throughout?

Best solution would have been an option in the menu, though. Let people decide.


Wasn't this game a bitch to even get running on the ps4 due to how much it made use of the ps3. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have the time to optimise it for the pro. You would think they would just leave the old options in but I can see how it could be confusing for people if they was so many options.


Ugh bummer. Wanted to replay it with amazing downsampling on Pro and now some idiots ruined it because of all the stupid complaints over some frame dips. Fuck that


Seems like a good choice. Perhaps the game is now running a locked 60 throughout?

Best solution would have been an option in the menu, though. Let people decide.
Is it, I'd give up the odd frame here and there for the massive improvement in iq, going back to standard 1080 on my tv now looks worse, even games prior I thought looked clean don't anymore when they are native 1080p games. Supersampling has made my pro purchase worth it alone on my full hd TV set.
Because some very loud dumbasses wouldnt stop shouting from the rooftops that PS4 Pro makes performance worse for most games.

Heres your better performance and thats the end of that.
Fucking militant 60-fps drama queens. Thanks a fucking lot. Hey but now it wont drop to 58 fps for a half-second that one time.
Just loaded the game up quickly and took a couple of Share button screenshots on my Pro without moving the camera (Sarah moved on her own, and the lighting is slightly different from the TV in the background, but it's close enough):



It definitely looks like supersampling is gone from both modes. They seem identical to me; the option in the menu is just a 60FPS on/off switch now. I have no idea why they'd do that. Making the 60FPS mode properly 60FPS is something I'm fine with, but why mess around with the 4K 30FPS mode?

I only have a 1080p, non-HDR TV, so I don't know if that makes any difference. Maybe they lock away 4K unless you're actually using a 4K TV? Someone else will have to check.
Your loss. Native resolution @ a solid 60FPS is something to be celebrated. It looks sharp, and feels good enough (so far) for a replay.

How is it his loss? I would do the exact same thing, but it's too late for me. I would 100 times rather play it with the higher image quality that the previous update introduced. The new update totally fucked up my desire to re-play the game on my Pro.


Gold Member
"As usual". What else do they "usually" ruin?

You're complaining about people with different preferences when you should be complaining about devs treating you like an idiot by witholding graphical options.

That's really the fundamental issue with all these pro patches. Not enough options to satisfy everyone.

It usually results in visual downgrades, that's why. Look at dying light pre and post patch as another example. All because of people shout from the rooftops over a couple of frame drops here and there. So what the devs tend to do is just dial back a few visual options and then serve it up via a "here you go, here's your perfectly smooth framerate, fuck off and stop complaining now" kind of patch.

I dread to think what SE's "solution" to all the FF XV frametime bitching will be.

Fucking militant 60-fps drama queens. Thanks a fucking lot. Hey but now it wont drop to 58 fps for a half-second that one time.

Tell 'em.


It usually results in visual downgrades, that's why. Look at dying light pre and post patch as another example. All because of people shout from the rooftops over a couple of frame drops here and there. So what the devs tend to do is just dial back a few visual options and then serve it up via a "here you go, here's your perfectly smooth framerate, fuck off and stop complaining now" kind of patch.

I dread to think what SE's "solution" to all the FF XV frametime bitching will be.

Tell 'em.
why would they downgrade for frame pacing?


Huh, don't get why they'd bump the resolution all the way down to 1080p.

If there were only minor drops at 1800p, wouldn't something like 1440p be a good way to prevent drops while retaining supersampling for 1080 TVs?

Agreed. What garbage.

leng jai

The fact that 30fps seems to run at 1080p as well suggests that there might be some sort of bug going on which unintentionally disables downsampling.


Are people hesitant to have graphical settings on PS4 Pro? I see that as the best solution to this situation, allowing players to decide themselves what experience they want.


Fucking militant 60-fps drama queens. Thanks a fucking lot. Hey but now it wont drop to 58 fps for a half-second that one time.

My thoughts exactly. Basically, fucking extremists ruining the fun for the rest of us.

Instead of getting angry at people who like gameplay over graphics (Seriously, you guys sound like Intellivision owners or something) maybe get angry at the devs who took out the options because they think you're too stupid to decide for yourself?

Naaaaah makes too much sense.


People blaming DF or other people that complained about framerate are hilarious.

This is only ND's fault, they should give options between 1080p 60fps and downsampled 60fps, its not like they had both modes already running on Pro.


Gold Member
why would they downgrade for frame pacing?

Frame pacing issues are indicative of there being discrepancies in the amount of time it takes to render each individual frame. In order to have smooth frame pacing each frame needs to be rendered and displayed at a consistent rate.

A quick fix for this on the PC at least is to turn down some graphics options that might be causing frametime hitches. There are other solutions but they tend to increase input lag and that would just open up another tin of worms for a lot of people (see Rise of Tomb Raider).

In summary, people just love to complain.


Vocal framerate whores ruining things for everyone as usual. I'm not surprised.

If other devs follow suit then theres no reason for me to get a pro to be honest so I'm kind of ok with this.

It's the developers being lazy that's the problem. They could've done this game at a locked 60fps with downsampling at 1440p, I'm sure. No one thought they'd drop it this much.


Unconfirmed Member
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do we think these militants could also be gamergaters guys?

Yes and of course these guys had power enough to force ND to downgrade resolution.

Its like when GGers said DoAx3 didn't get released because those damn SJWs complaining about the girls.

Crazy stuff but devs are never at fault (unless you are Ubi, EA or HG).


Your loss. Native resolution @ a solid 60FPS is something to be celebrated. It looks sharp, and feels good enough (so far) for a replay.

An occasional variable fps between 50-60 is well worth the IQ boost on my 1080p display. I'm not playing Street Fighter, I'll barely notice the drops if at all.
"As usual". What else do they "usually" ruin?

You're complaining about people with different preferences when you should be complaining about devs treating you like an idiot by witholding graphical options.

That's really the fundamental issue with all these pro patches. Not enough options to satisfy everyone.
Halo 5 Split Screen


Frankly, the Pro situation is farcical. There is little consistency across games about the approach to 4k and 1080p, in some cases performance is worse, in most cases there is no true 4k, and then you get this situation where a really nice (in my view) 30fps 1080p downsample option is taken away, for little reason.

I have always thought that the whole point of Pro is a trojan horse to sell more 4k sets that nobody really needs, and having seen TLoU at 30k on my 1080p projector, I had no desire to upgrade. But by taking it away, it kind of serves Sony's purpose in encouraging upgrading to 4k for "the true experience".

I can't blame the Devs, but I am starting to get fed up with Sony. There whole approach to Pro and VR has been piecemeal, devoid of strategy, other than selling hardware, and non-uniform across the board. On the one hand they are selling 4k screens (the Pro) and on the other hand they are saying screens aren't needed (VR).

So, if Sony hasn't got its shit together, no wonder the Devs aren't really taking a coherent approach either.

Ludicrous. Perhaps that's what they've been saying in your head.


Unconfirmed Member
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Neo Member
This is unbelievable. It would be so easy for them to just give us a choice. I play on a 1080p screen and the supersampling made this game look incredible. Please just give us a choice. I was so happy with the IQ and with each passing day I'm regretting more and more my decision of buying a PS4 Pro.
Vocal minority Going on about minor drops most wouldn't notice or care about.

Developer not putting in the work finding a lower resolution that would allow them to get the same performance as base PS4 while still super sampling.

This thread is embarrassing.


As someone who's currently playing through the last of us on ps4pro this sucks. Game looked so clean before now it's muddy and jaggies galore. It ran great before what the hell were ND thinking?
What the heck is going on with Naughty Dog?

I was expecting a downgrade of some sort, but I wasn't expecting them to fall all the way back to 1080p. I'm not an expert at all, but I'm sure 1440p would have the compromise needed to get the game running at consistent 60 FPS.


Performance is now performance, which means those obsessed with framerate got what they wanted. It is difficult for them to say 'oh but can't we also get supersampling' without sounding like they want their cake and eat it.

My guess is this was a quick patch to ensure a locked framerate, so they just dropped the res straight down to 1080p. Maybe they'll look to find a middle ground but that may take more time to avoid any framerate drops. If 30fps mode is also 1080p then I would think that was a mistake which will be addressed quickly


Sustained drops to the low 50s and constant fluctuation at the best of times. It was damaging the experience; wobbly 50-ish framerates on a 60Hz screen appear very stuttery. Dropping all the way down to 1080p seems like going from one extreme to the other, but who's to say whether they tried 1440p and couldn't make it work. People in the last thread were reporting that Left Behind was running even worse than the base game in 1800p mode.
Yeah the frame drops were annoying as hell and definitely immersion breaking. A stable framerate is more important than resolution, but I am baffled why they didn't go for 1440p as a compromise.

The frame drops might not be as obvious on a LCD but when you're playing on a OLED with near instant display response, or even a plasma, it's as obvious as hell when 60fps drops even slightly. The stutter really stands out.
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