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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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"Politically correct environmental monitoring" ...Now I've heard everything.

Donald Trump is poised to eliminate all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a crackdown on “politicized science”, his senior adviser on issues relating to the space agency has said.

Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.

This would mean the elimination of Nasa’s world-renowned research into temperature, ice, clouds and other climate phenomena. Nasa’s network of satellites provide a wealth of information on climate change, with the Earth science division’s budget set to grow to $2bn next year. By comparison, space exploration has been scaled back somewhat, with a proposed budget of $2.8bn in 2017.

Bob Walker, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said there was no need for Nasa to do what he has previously described as “politically correct environmental monitoring”.

“We see Nasa in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Walker told the Guardian. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.

“My guess is that it would be difficult to stop all ongoing Nasa programs but future programs should definitely be placed with other agencies. I believe that climate research is necessary but it has been heavily politicized, which has undermined a lot of the work that researchers have been doing. Mr Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.”

Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”

Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Penn State University, said Nasa has a “critical and unique role” in observing Earth and climate change.

“Without the support of Nasa, not only the US but the entire world would be taking a hard hit when it comes to understanding the behavior of our climate and the threats posed by human-caused climate change,” he said.

“It would be a blatantly political move, and would indicate the president-elect’s willingness to pander to the very same lobbyists and corporate interest groups he derided throughout the campaign

Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.

S-silver lining... right???


( ≖‿≖)
Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century

Wait so we can just find a new Earth instead?

Based Trump.


I really hope with Trump in power, it leads to other countries to take on bigger role in global change.


Wait so we can just find a new Earth instead?

Based Trump.

I know that this is a joke, but since I have seen a lot of people make similar statements without any sarcasim/irony, it's worth pointing out that whatever problems Earth has going forward would be immensely cheaper/more feasible to fix than terraforming some alien planet.


hope you assholes feel good about your economic situation as your children live shortened lives on a dying planet


S-silver lining... right???

As someone who works for NASA's Earth Science Division; absolutely not. An absolutely shit ton of research and thousands of scientists outputs if not jobs. There's a possibility I may not be able to get paid/layed off if these cuts take place.

NASA does a ton of good work outside of space travel/exploration. Trump wants to take that away. Fuck him, he's a shitstain.


Nah I hope they find nothing as a replacement for Earth.

Screw ruining this planet for millennia before it can recover and skipping off to another one to do the same thing. Especially since most of the people who'd go first are the same leeches that are ruining this planet for profit to begin with.


( ≖‿≖)
I know that this is a joke, but since I have seen a lot of people make similar statements without any sarcasim/irony, it's worth pointing out that whatever problems Earth has going forward would be immensely cheaper/more feasible to fix than terraforming some alien planet.

You've seen people unironically suggest we just get a new planet to live on as the better of the two options? lol / sad


You've seen people unironically suggest we just get a new planet to live on as the better of the two options? lol / sad

Yes, all of the time here. Any time we get a new thread about an earth-like planet, or updates on that EM-drive.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm fine with Hilary losing because they're both the same.


The rest of the world gave United States way too much influence and power.

Heck, it's probably the loner here against everyone on climate affairs.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
hope you assholes feel good about your economic situation as your children live shortened lives on a dying planet
Planet isn't dying, fam. The planet is going to chug right along, as it had for millions of years.

We're just going to aid in making it uninhabitable for ourselves.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm sorry, I'm very distracted by The Guardian's refusal to properly capitalize NASA.

Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”
Let's get good science by collecting less data!


I actually cannot believe that a bunch of people wanting factory jobs in rural America is going to be the thing that brings down humanity as a species.

If Trump follows through on his anti-earth agenda it's kind of a world ending scenario really.


Planet isn't dying, fam. The planet is going to chug right along, as it had for millions of years.

We're just going to aid in making it uninhabitable for ourselves.
Ourselves and much of the life as we know it on the planet.

This is fucking sickening. Go fuck yourself, Trump.


So that's how he plans to drain the swamp! Dry up all the water!

God this is horrifying.

As someone who works for NASA's Earth Science Division; absolutely not. An absolutely shit ton of research and thousands of scientists outputs if not jobs. There's a possibility I may not be able to get paid/layed off if these cuts take place.

NASA does a ton of good work outside of space travel/exploration. Trump wants to take that away. Fuck him, he's a shitstain.

That is terrible to hear man. I'm so sorry.


NeoGAF's smiling token!

gj america


At what point does the rest of the world see the USA as a threat to the planet that has to be dealt with? God forbid Trump gets a second term that's 8 years of this shit, at what point are we going to hit the tipping point?


We're fucked. (We were always fucked)

Science is politicised (has been for decades), facts are now a trivial opinion. (Has been for decades.)
Trump gonna set the Earth on fire and charge millions of dollars for tickets to Mars that only the rich can afford.

RIP White Working Class


This should be being covered by the media nonstop and frighten the shit out of people, but alas, no one seems to care about the single biggest threat facing the human species.

I'll never understand why people are so willfully ignorant and dismissive about climate change.


At what point does the rest of the world see the USA as a threat to the planet that has to be dealt with? God forbid Trump gets a second term that's 8 years of this shit, at what point are we going to hit the tipping point?

Hopefully immediately.

They need to put the screws to him now.

Putin's stupid ass helped get Trump elected and now Trump is going to melt all that Siberian permafrost and turn us into Venus. Well done.
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